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The Study of Physical Activity and Manifestation of Climacteric Symptoms for Perimenopausal Women of Outpatients of Gynecology & Obstetrics Department Chang Wei-Chie Lin Chun-Feng National Ping-Tung University of Education ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to understand the current situation of physical activity and manifestation of climacteric symptoms for perimenopausal women of outpatients of gynecology and obstetrics department. In additional, this study also analyzed the relationship between the variables due to the different background factors. By surveying with questionnaire containing short-administration short version of international physical activity questionnaire provided by the bureau of health promotion and adaptation of the Greene s climacteric scale, the questionnaire entitled Physical activity and manifestation of climacteric symptom was distributed to the 134 perimenopausal women who were selected from the gynecology and obstetrics department of Pingtung Armed-force Hospital and Kaohsiung Veteran General Hospital. There were 120 effective questionnaires received and analyzed. We collected the required data and obtained the valid samples. With statistical method and analysis of descriptive statistics, t- test, one-way ANOVA, the major findings are summarized as follows:there was no significant association between levels of physical activity and climacteric symptom. But higher BMI and women with gynecological cancer who had received chemotherapy related to women s experience of symptoms during the natural menopause transition. Key words: physical activity, climateric symptoms 47