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1 The Problems of Temporality in Narrativity


3 Narratinity sign process narrative Gérard Genette symbolic nature Rolamd Barthes the weave of signifiers 1



6 Narratolgie Narratology Structuralism Tzvetan Todorov 1969 Ferdinand de Saussure 1857~1913 semiotics 1

7 schéma schema Formalism Vladimir Propp Claude Bremond Tzvetan Todorov 1 A. J. Greimas Tzvetan Todorov A.J.Greimas

8 3 A B B A actants actants Bremond Tzvetan Todorov A. J. Greimas 3 A.J.Greimas

9 sequence 1966 Tzvetan Todorov 4 histoire 5 discours 1969 Gérard Genette 6 7 narration 1983 Shlomith Rimmon Kenan story text narration Mieke Bal 4 Tzvetan Todorov histoire 6 7 Figures Kenan Narrative Fiction Contemporary Poetics London and Now York 4

10 fabula story text 9 story narrative discourse narration temps mode voix 10 temps de l énonciation 11 ordre order durée duration fréquence frequency focalization vision point of view Methuen 1994 p.3 9 Mieke Bal Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative Tzvetan Todorov Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures

11 12 non focalisé focalization zéro focalization interne focalization externe 13 situation narrator implied author 14 Mieke Bal Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures Mieke Bal Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative 6

12 Narrative récit narrative histoire récit narration 15 événements events sequence discours discourse l énoncé narratif acte narrativity 15 Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures ~77 7

13 narrative texture John Crowe Ransom structure texture local textured 17 Steven Cohan Linda M. Shires Telling Stories a theoretical analysis of narrative fiction

14 9 Jean-Claude Coquet J. Courtes trans-linguistics structure Ferdinand de Saussure

15 langue parole dichotomy 18 language langue sign 19 signifier signified Roland Barthes 1915~1980 relatum 18 Ferdinand de Saussure 1857~1913 Charles Bally Albert Sechehaye Ferdinand de Saussure 1857~1913 Charles Bally Albert Sechehaye ~92 10

16 20 signification Roman Jakobson 1896~1982 sign process 21 context message addresser addresee contact code 20 Roland Barthes Eléments de Sémiologie The nature of sifgnifier suggests roughly the same remarks as that of the signified: it is purely a relatum, whose definition cannot be separated from from that of the signified. The only difference is that the signifier is a mediator: some matter is necessary to it. the substance of the signifier is always meterail(sound, object, images). Roland Barthes Elements of Semology translated by p Roman Jakobson

17 22 signified signifier sender receiver medium code 23 referential poetic emotive conative phatic meta-lingual Roman Jakobson

18 selfflexity 13

19 14

20 15 poetic poeticity

21 16 (telling story) events sequence semiotics 24 sender sign receiver sign signifier signified code medium 24 Seymour Chatman Wallace Martin

22 sign process 25 signified signifier sender receiver medium code story discourse sender receiver medium narrative mode narrator narratee Seymour Chatman, Story and Discourse Structure in Fiction and Film Narrative, Ithaca Cornell 17

23 Real Implied Narrator Narratee Implied Real author author reader reader Roland Barthes 1915~ narrator narratee 29 University p Roland Barthes 1915~ ~38 53~

24 30 Shlomith Rimmon Kenan 31 Roland Barthes 1915~1980 From Work to Text text work process of demonstration 30 Wayne C. Booth 1912~ Seymour Chatman Wallace Martin Shlomith Rimmon Kenan ~104 19

25 32 consumption symbolic nature 33 the play on word 32 Roland Barthes From Work to Text in Translated by Stephen Heath, New York Noonday, p Roland Barthes From Work to Text in Translated by Stephen Heath, New York Noonday, p

26 presentation 34 Plato BC 427~347 Aristotle BC384~322 re-presentation re expressionism 内 imitation theory trans-presentation Jacques Derrida 1930~ Metaphysics of presence 35 representation expression present presentation W. J. T. Mitchell Representation Frank Lentricchia Thomas McLaughlin

27 1956 Roman Jakobson Ferdinand de Saussure 1857~1913 syntagme syntagmatic paradigme paradigmatic axis of combination axis of selection contiguity association similarity 36 Ferdinand de Saussure 1857~1913 Charles Bally Albert Sechehaye Course in General Linguistics ~

28 38 39 synchonic diachronic ~53 40 Robert Scholes Structuralism in literature an introduction

29 42 narrator narratee Robert Scholes Structuralism in literature an introduction

30 25

31 interart project Comparative Art

32 present

33 28

34 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770~

35 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770~

36 48 melody rhythm tone Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770~

37 32

38 49 the flow speech 50 Roland Barthes Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith Elements of Semiology New York Hill and Wang Roland Barthes (Le Degre Zero de I Ecriture Elements de Semiologie)

39 harmony polyphony 51 seme 52 Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin 1895~

40 similarity 53 Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin 1895~

41 Bremond portée ~116 é Figures


43 58 亘

44 61 structures achroniques anachronies 62 Gabriel García Márquez 61 Figures

45 On Hundred Years of Solitude

46 41

47 Roland Barthes 1915~1980 Le Plaisir du texte 64 Le Degré Zéro de L Écriture 65 represent medium refer signifier correspond signified 64 Art seems compromised, historically, socially. Roland Barthes, The Pleasure of the Text, Translated by Richard Miller, Oxford Blackwell, 1975.p Roland Barthes

48 Michel Foucault 1926~1984 Je parle. 66 Georgia O Keeffe 66 Michel Foucault 1926~1984 La pensée du dehors I speak. Michel Foucault, La pensée du dehors, translated by Jeffrey Mehlman, New York Zone Book, p

49 44 fiction (BuKTop opucob IIIKJIOBCK 1893~1984)

50 67 68 (OCTpaHHeH e) (abtomat 3a )


52 72 Roland Barthes 1915~1980 Le Plaisir du texte dilatory

53 dilatory 74 Roland Barthes, The Pleasure of the Text, Translated by Richard Miller, Oxford Blackwell, p

54 Roland Barthes 1915~ Pleasure s force of suspension can never be overstated: it is a veritable époché, a stoppage which 49

55 Tzvetan Todrov 80 congeals all recognized values recognized by oneself. Pleasure is a neuter the most perverse form of the demoniac. Roland Barthes, The Pleasure of the Text, Translated by Richard Miller, Oxford Blackwell, p

56 poetic poeticity Tzvetan Todrov 81 autotelic Roman Jakobson 82 signification

57 Roman Jakobson 1956 Closing Statement Linguietics and Poetics selfreflexity 83 Tzvetan Todrov

58 84 Roland Barthes the grain of the voice 85 substance 86 What is poetry? Roland Barthes, 86 Roland Barthes, 87 Jakobson, What is poetry? in Language in literature, edited by Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy, Cambridge, Mass. Belknap Press, 1987, p369~

59 88 terrible ~178 54

60 Roland Barthes Roland Barthes (Le Degré Zéro de L Écriture) 55

61 Roland Barthes 92 Jakobson axis of combination axis of selection equivalence similarity dissimilarity synonymity antonymity 93 contiguity Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, Writing Degree Zero, New York Hill and Wang, P Roland Barthes (Le Degré Zéro de L Écriture) 93 56

62 Jakobson 94 Roland Barthes Roland Barthes content The selection is produced on the base of equivalence. similarity dissimilarity, synonymity antonymity, while the combination, the build up the sequence, is based on contiguity. Roman Jakobson, in Style in Language, Eds. By Thomas A. Sebeok. Cambridge, Mass:MIT Press,1960 p The poetic function projects the principle of equivalence from the axis of selection into the axis of combination Roman Jakobson, in Style in Language, Eds. By Thomas A. Sebeok. Cambridge, Mass:MIT Press,1960 p

63 95 Roland Barthes objects words Roland Barthes (Le Degré Zéro de L Écriture) Fixed connections being abolished, the word is left only with a vertical project, it is like a monolith, or a pillar which plunges into a totality of meanings, reflexes and recollections: it is a sign which stands. Thus under each Word in modern poetry there lies a sort of existential geology, in which is gathered the total content of the Name, instead of a chosen content as in classical prose and poetry. Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, Writing Degree Zero, New York Hill and Wang, P Roland Barthes (Le Degré Zéro de L Écriture) Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, Writing Degree Zero, New York Hill and Wang,


65 98 Roland Barthes the weave of signifiers 99 From Text to Work Roland Barthes, From Work to Text in Translated by Stephen Heath, New York Noonday, p

66 Roland Barthes an overcrossing 102 Roland Barthes a serial movement of disconnection, overlapping, variation

67 / narrative discourse / story Gunther Müller Erzählte Zeit Erzählzeit 105 temps du signifiant Gunther Müller Erzählzeit und erzählte Festschrift für Kluchorn Morphologische Poetik Tubingen Gérard Genette Figures

68 temps du signifié Gérard Genette ordre order durée duration fréquence frequency anachronies analepses prolepses le point de référence degré zéro isochronie tempo andante allegro presto pause scéne sommaire Christian Metz Essais sur la signification au cin ma Gérard Genette Figures Figures

69 ellipse féquence narrative What happened What is going to happen Roland Barthes 64

70 109 Ferdinand de Saussure 1857~1913 synchronie Translated by Richard Miller Oxford: Blackwell, p Ferdinand de Saussure Charles Bally Albert Sechehaye Course in General Linguistics

71 power 66

72 67

73 durée duration tempo 111 amplitude portée isochronie constance de vitesse mouvement

74 ellipse pause scéne sommaire un segment nul de récit Mieke Bal 112 slow down Mieke Bal slow-down 113 Mieke Bal Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

75 (Marcel Proust) la Recherche du temps perdu 114 le tissu conjonctif sommaire 115 scéne Mieke Bal Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative 70

76 117 Aristotle Poetics 118 succession d étates 119 緜 117 Figures Aristotle, Poetics in Aristotle s Poetics, translated by S. H. Butcher, 65~ Gérard Genette Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures

77 Jorge Luis Borges 1899~ Le jeu avec le Temps 121 faire jouer en faire jeu Jorge Luis Borges ~ Gérard Genette Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures Gérard Genette Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures

78 Jorge Luis Borges

79 124 Roland Barthes objects words Jorge Luis Borges Roland Barthes (Le Degré Zéro de L Écriture) Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, Writing Degree Zero, New York Hill and Wang,

80 succession d étates 126 Niveaux narratifs 126 Gérard Genette Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures

81 76 bande de Moebius


83 Topology 78

84 Jorge Luis Borges 1899~ Jorge Luis Borges

85 voice Wayne C. Booth The Rhetoric of Fiction showing telling 133 Telling Stories A Theoretical Analysis of Narrative Fiction 134 narrator narratee Wayne C. Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction, Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1983, p Steven Cohan Linda M. Shires Telling Stories a theoretical analysis of narrative fiction

86 Roland Barthes

87 Mieke Bal 142 Italo Calvino Se una notte d inverno un viqggiatore Mieke Bal Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

88 ~119

89 84

90 perspective 144 qui voit qui parle mode voix l indicatif representation subjectivité dans le langage énonciation Percy Lobbock point de vue Jean Pouillon vision Georges Blin restrictions de champ 145 Gérard Genette Narrative Discourse An Essay in Method Figures



93 Jorge Luis Borges


95 story discourse sender receiver medium narrative mode 90

96 91 Roland Barthes 1915~1980 text symbolic nature narrator narratee

97 92

98 93 Michel Foucault, 1926~1984 (BuKTop opucob IIIKJIOBCK 1893~1984)

99 94

100 95 work

101 96 Gérard Genette

102 97 Wayne C. Booth 1912-

103 98


105 Ferdinand de Saussure 1857~1913 Charles Bally Albert Sechehaye Course in General Linguistics 1985 Roman Jakobson A Roman Jakobson Anthology Roman Jakobson, Language in literature, edited by Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy, Cambridge, Mass. Belknap Press, Roman Jakobson, Language, Eds. By Thomas A. Sebeok. Cambridge, Mass:MIT Press,1960. Roman Jakobson, Selected Writing, Hague: Mouton, Roland Barthes 1915~1980 (Le Degré Zéro de L Écriture Élements de Semiologie) Roland Barthes, Writing Degree Zero, Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, New York Hill and Wang, Roland Barthes, Elements of Semiology, Translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, New York Hill and Wang,

106 Roland Barthes 1915~1980 S/Z Roland Barthes 1915~ Roland Barthes, The Pleasure of the Text Le Plaisir du texte, Translated by Richard Miller Oxford: Blackwell, Roland Barthes, Image Music Text, Translated by Stephen Heath, New York Noonday, Tzvetan Todrov Critique de la Critique 1997 Robert Scholes Semiotics and Interpretation Robert Scholes Structuralism in literature an introduction Robert Scholes Structuralism in literature an introduction Steven Cohan Linda M. Shires Telling Stories a theoretical analysis of narrative fiction Mieke Bal 101

107 Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative Algirdas Julien Greimas 1917~ Gérard Genette Figures Gérard Genette Shlomith Rimmon Kenan Narrative Fiction Contemporary Poetics, London and Now York Methuen, Wallace Martin Recent Thories of Narrative Wayne C. Booth 1912~ 宪 Wayne C. Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction, Chicago: The University of Chicago, Michel Foucault, 1926~1984 La pensée du 102

108 dehors Michel Foucault, La pensée du dehors, translated by Jeffrey Mehlman, New York Zone Book, Gilles Deleuze 1925~1995 Foucault ~ Seymour Chatman, Story and Discourse Structure in Fiction and Film Narrative, Ithaca Cornell University ~ U. Eco 1932~ J. Courtes Introduction à La Sémiotique narrative et discursive Méthodologie et application Jean Claude Coquet 103

109 J. Hillis Miller Reading Narrative David Herman Narratologies Fokkema Ibsch Terry Eagleton Frank Lentricchia&Thomas McLaughlin Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770~

110 Aristotle, Aristotle s Poetics, translated by S. H. Butcher, Gabriel García Márquez Italo Calvino 1923~1985 Se una notte d inverno un viqggiatore 1995 (Marcel Proust) 1992 Jorge Luis Borges 1899~ Jorge Luis Borges



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