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1 - C A / - clinical practice group therapy community intervention

2 rational inquiry moral certainty D. L A. Flexner 26

3 generalist practice specialist practice direct practice indirect practice / the trait approach


5 / theory of expertise evidence - based practice EBP Eileen Gambrill authority - based practice therapeutic - social order - transformative 22 29

6 - 1. C / 24 30


8 Gilles Deleuze Felix Guattari 1972 Anti-Oedipus Hartman 35 Parton 32

9 self - projection 38 defogging apparatus 33

10 39 - anti - foundationalism therapy fundamentalism 1 McBeath G. B. and Webb S. A. Social Work Modernity and Post Modernity J. Sociological Review Hartman. A. Reflection & Controversy Essays on Social Work M. Washington D. C. National Association of Social Workers 1994 Parton N. The Nature of Social Work under Conditions of Post Modernity J. Social Work and Social Sciences Review Pease B. and Fook J. Postmodern Critical Theory and Emancipatory Social Work Practice M / /Pease B. and Fook J. eds Transforming Social Work Practice Postmodern Critical Perspectives. Sydney Allen and Unwin J Franklin D. L. Mary Richmond and Jane Addams From Moral Certainty to Rational Inquiry in Social Work Practice J. Social Service Review Flexner A. Is Social Work a Profession J. Research on Social Work Practice 2001 / Richmond M. E. Social Diagnosis M. New York Russell Sage Foundation Austin D. M. The Flexner's Myth and the History of Social Work J. Social Service Review Morris P. M. Reinterpretating Abraham Flexner's Speech Is Social Work a Profession Its Meaning and Influence on the Field's Early Professional Development J. Social Service Review Greenwood E. Attributes of a Profession J. Social Work Reisch M. Sociopolitical Context of Social Work Method J. Social Service Review Abbott A. Boundaries of Social Work or Social Work of Boundaries J. Social Service Review Howe D. Surface and Depth in Social Work Practice M / / N. Parton ed.. Social Theory Social Change and Social Work The State of Welfare. London Routledge Hansen J. T. Thoughts on Knowing Epistemic Implications of Counseling Practice J. Journal of Counseling & Development Spring Parton N. Social Theory Social Change and Social Work an Introduction M / / N. Parton ed.. Social Theory 34 Social Change and Social Work The State of Welfare. London Routledge 1996.

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