political-legal Max Weber Essays in Sociology

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1 1 / 2 / / 1 2 McCulloch v. State of Maryland Gibbons v. Ogden James C. F. Wang Contemporary Chinese Poltics An Introduction New Jersey Prentice all 2002 pp

2 political-legal Max Weber Essays in Sociology translated edited and with a introduction by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills London Routledge 1991 pp





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12 A B

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15 / / % A Donald Clark Peter Murrell and Susan Whiting



18 Bruce Ackerman We the People Foundations Harvard University Press J David M. O Brien Storm Center The Supreme Court in American Politics New York W. W. Norton & Company Inc. 5th edition 2000 p. 41 pp H

19 82 83 Abstract The relationship between tiao vertical and kuai horizontal is an unique interpretive framework of Chinese conditions that is different from the existing paradigm of western scholarship. It actually refers to two kinds of administrative management relationships the relationship between higher authorities and subordinate bodies and one between local bodies and local party committees /governments at the same level. In China s political context such relationship is more important than that of central-local governments. As for the birth of a president of a local people s court the determination of a candidate can be affected and controlled by various sides. We can find relationships between party committees both at higher and same levels horizontal one and the court at higher level with regard to the court where the candidate is concerned vertical one. The regional administration mechanism of combination of vertical and horizontal relations while giving priority to horizontal one established during revolutionary period now has acquired a new political significance under market economy situation

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