Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa 爱荷华大学孔子学院 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics (ISCAL) 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 April 25

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The Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa Friday and Saturday April 25-26, 2014 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics ISCAL 2014 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 University of Iowa Campus 爱荷华大学 Organizers: The Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa and East China Normal University in Shanghai Sponsors: UI International Programs, UI Center for Asian & Pacific Studies (CAPS), UI Foreign Language Acquisition Research and Education (FLARE) Program, UI Division of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures (DWLLC), and the Office for the Vice President for Research

Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa 爱荷华大学孔子学院 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics (ISCAL) 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 April 25-26, 2014 2014 年 4 月 25 日至 26 日 Table of Contents Organizers and Committee... 1 Schedule of Events... 2 Keynote Speeches... 6 Presenters... 9 Abstracts of Presentations...11

Page1 Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa 爱荷华大学孔子学院 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics (ISCAL) 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 April 25-26, 2014 2014 年 4 月 25 日至 26 日 Organizers 主办方 The Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa (UI) & East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai Program Committee 大会组委会 Dr. Chuanren Ke (Chair), The University of Iowa 柯传仁博士 ( 主席 ), 爱荷华大学 Dr. Helen H. Shen, The University of Iowa 沈禾玲博士, 爱荷华大学 Dr. Wenfang Tang, The University of Iowa 唐文方博士, 爱荷华大学 Assistants to the Program Committee 大会组委会助理 : Ms. Xiaofei Pan, The University of Iowa 潘小斐女士, 爱荷华大学 Ms. Erin Mullins, The University of Iowa 沐爱林女士, 爱荷华大学

Page2 Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa 爱荷华大学孔子学院 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics (ISCAL) 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 April 25-26, 2014 2014 年 4 月 25 日至 26 日 Schedule of Events 会议日程 8:00 8:45 AM Room 1117 8:45 9:00 Room 1117 Friday, April 25-University Capitol Centre Registration and continental breakfast Opening remarks Dr. Ke Chuanren, Confucius Institute Director and Professor of Chinese, The University of Iowa Dr. Wu Yongyi, Dean and Professor of the International College of Chinese Studies/College of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, East China Normal University Ms. Qin Juhua ( 覃菊华参赞 ), Consulate-general of the People s Republic of China in Chicago 9:00 9:20 Group picture 9:20 9:50 Room 1117 Dr. Russell Gamin, Director of Division of World Languages, Languages and Cultures and Professor of French, The University of Iowa Keynote Speech (1) by Dr. Jiang Nan (The University of Maryland at College Park) A Psycholinguistic Exploration of Language Proficiency Among Advanced CSL Speakers 9:50 10:05 Break 10:05 11:20 Panel 1: Studies on Chinese Character Learning and Room 1117 Teaching Investigation into the Effects of Orthographic Strategy in Teaching Chinese Characters to English Beginners An investigation of Chinese Characters and Vocabulary Learning Strategies An Empirical Study on Teaching Radicals to Beginners with the Character Primer Chair: Hu Xiao Hu Xiao University of California, Santa Barbara Zhang Tianlu 张天璐 The University of Iowa Liu Ying & Fang Ximin The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center

Page3 11:20 11:35 Break 11:35 12:25 Panel 2: Studies on Assessment of Chinese Speaking Room 1117 and Writing 12:25 1:25 Room 2780 1:25 3:05 Room 2520D The Linguistic Breakdown Phenomenon in Advanced L2 Chinese Oral Production Assessing L2 Writing Development: The Case of Chinese as a Foreign Language Lunch Panel 3: Studies on Chinese Vocabulary Learning and Development 非汉字文化圈汉语学习者的多义语素意识研究 Experimental Research on Polysemous Morphological Awareness of Learners from Non-Chinese Character Cultural Sphere Semantic Gap Filling Ability in Chinese as a Foreign Language L1 Transfer and Chinese as Second Language Learners Comprehension of Noun-Noun Combinations 非熟练英 - 中双语者二语词汇语义通达的发展研究 The developmental research of semantic access in second language words among the less proficient English-Chinese bilinguals 3:05 3:20 Break 3:20 4:10 Panel 4: Studies on Chinese Teacher Development Room 2520D 叙事探究下的 CSL 教师成长史研究 实践性知识的积累 Narrative Inquiry of CSL Teachers Growth History: the Steady Accumulation of the Practical Knowledge 对外汉语教师 跨文化教学意识 调查分析 An Investigation of Chinese teachers Intercultural teaching Consciousness 4:10 4:25 Break 4:25 5:40 Panel 5: Studies on Chinese Listening Skill and Room 2520D Perception Skills and strategies in Chinese listening Cognitive factors in speech perception by CFL listeners Chair: Liao Jianling 廖建玲 CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) Study Center in Shanghai Liao Jianling 廖建玲 CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) Study Center in Shanghai Yang Li 杨黎 Kansas State University Chair: Wu Menji 吴门吉 Confucius Institute in Indianapolis Wu Menji 吴门吉 Confucius Institute in Indianapolis Liu Yan Duke University Yang Shuyi 杨舒怡 The University of Iowa Liu Fang 刘芳 CET-Chinese Studies and Internship Program in Beijing Chair: Wu Yongyi 吴勇毅 East China Normal University Wu Yongyi 吴勇毅 East China Normal University Wang Shuai 王帅 Peking University Chair: Cai Wei Cai Wei University of Calgary, Canada Yang Bei University of Wisconsin- Madison

Page4 初级汉语汉字式与拼图式听力测试对比实验研究 Presenting in Chinese Character or Photograph and Character with Pinyin for Elementary Chinese Listening Testing: A Comparative Experimental Study Yang Wanbing 杨万兵 Jinan University 5:40 PM - Dinner Please meet at UCC Southwest Entrance (by CVS Pharmacy) for group transportation to Peking Buffet. Saturday, April 26-University Capitol Centre 8:00 8:45 AM Room 2520D 8:45 9:15 Room 2520D 9:15 9:30 Break 9:30 10:45 Room 2520D 10:45 11:00 Break 11:00 12:15 Room 2520D 12:15 1:15 Room 2780 1:15 2:30 Room 2520D Continental breakfast Keynote Speech (2) by Dr. Tao Hongyin (University of California, Los Angeles) Teaching Chinese Discourse Pragmatics: Theory and Practice Panel 6: Studies on Chinese Pronunciation and Speaking Pedagogy 汉语课堂纠错反馈与学习者回应 / 修正的模式 Corrective feedback and uptake/repair patterns in Chinese classrooms 澳大利亚成人的汉语声调教学实验研究 Experimental Study for Teaching Tones to Australian Learners of Mandarin 基于影片的口语互动教学模式初探 以新加坡中三华文 B 口语课为例 An Preliminary Study on Film-based Oral Interactive Teaching Mode Panel 7: Studies on the Use of Technology in Teaching Chinese 汉语中介语语料库在语例统计中的效用考察 以易混淆词的统计分析为例 An Evaluation on the Utility of Chinese Interlanguage Corpus in the Statistics of Confusing Words 混合式教学模式实验探索 : 面对面课程和远程课程的组合方式对学生汉语听力学习的影响 How different combinations of distant courses and face-to-face courses in a blended learning influences students' learning of Chinese listening Building an Innovative Online Language Teaching and Learning Program: A Collaboration between NTNU and UTA Lunch Panel 8: Studies on Chinese Grammar Acquisition (1) 东南亚三国学生汉语趋向补语习得研究 The Study of the Acquisition of Directional Complements of Chinese by Learners of the three counties of south-east Asia Chair: Zu Xiaomei 祖晓梅 Nankai University Zu Xiaomei 祖晓梅 Nankai University Zhang Ting 章婷 Nanjing Normal University The Confucius Institute at Queensland University of Technology Liu Zengjiao 刘增娇 Liu May 刘渼 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Chair: Li Hua 李华 Beijing Language and Culture University Li Hua 李华 Beijing Language and Culture University Guo Jing 郭晶 Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, France (INALCO) Liang Neal The University of Texas at Arlington Chair: Qi Chunhong 齐春红 Yunnan Normal University Qi Chunhong 齐春红 Yunnan Normal University

Page5 Chinese L2 Acquisition of The Displacement Baconstruction: Developmental stages, L1 transfer, and pedagogical implications A Learner Corpus Investigation of CFL Learners Lexico-grammatical Development of Result-state Resultative Verb Compounds 2:30 2: 45 Break 2:45 3:35 Panel 9: Studies on Chinese Learners Individual Room 2520D Differences Construction of a Chinese Language Learning Anxiety Scale: Towards a Theoretical Model An Investigation into the Relationship among Intermediate L2 Chinese Learners Foreign Language Anxiety, Foreign Language Listening Anxiety, and Listening Comprehension 3:35 3:50 Break 3:50 4:40 Panel 10: Studies on Chinese Grammar Acquisition Room 2520D (2) Analyzing Syntactic Complexity of Chinese L2 Writing: What Unit and What Else? 留学生 才 了 共现的习得考察 The co-occurrence error of cai and le in CSL(Chinese as Second Language) 4:40 5:40 Open discussion and closing remarks Room 2520D 5:40 8:00 PM Dinner Room 2780 8:00 10 PM Location: UCC Recital Hall Room 0072 Lu Yuan 陆原 The University of Iowa Zhang Jie 张洁 University of Oklahoma Chair: Luo Han 骆涵 Northwestern University Luo Han 骆涵 Northwestern University Li Yu 李昱 The University of Iowa Chair: Kou Yupeng 寇昱鹏 The University of Iowa Kou Yupeng 寇昱鹏 The University of Iowa Bo Wei 薄巍 Sun Yat-Sen University Ke Chuanren 柯传仁 The University of Iowa Concert featuring Dr. Hao Huang from Wuhan Conservatory of Music. Half of the recital will be on Western opera, aria and art songs. The other half will be Chinese opera and art songs. The concert will last for 1 hour with reception following in 2780 UCC

Page6 Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa 爱荷华大学孔子学院 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics (ISCAL) 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 April 25-26, 2014 2014 年 4 月 25 日至 26 日 Keynote Speech (1) - Friday, April 25, 2014 Keynote Speeches 主题报告 主题报告 (1) -2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 8:45-9:15 AM Presenter: Jiang Nan 主讲人 : 蒋楠 Title:A psycholinguistic exploration of language proficiency among advanced CSL speakers Abstract I will use the presentation to describe a study that is intended to examine the linguistic and psycholinguistic profile of advanced CSL speakers and share some preliminary findings. The study is part of a larger project intended to explore what linguistic features are under an individual s control at different and globally assessed levels of proficiency (see Long, Gor, & Jackson, 2012, SSLA). An instrument consisting of 11 tests was developed for the study. It was administered to a group of CSL speakers who had reached Level 2 or higher on the Interagency Language Roundtable scale, along with a group of native speakers of Chinese in order to assess their ability in perceptual control of phonological, lexical, semantic, and syntactic features. Results related to semantic development, automaticity in word recognition, and autonomy in sentence processing will be discussed. Bio Nan Jiang received his Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona in 1998. He taught at Auburn University and Georgia State University before joining the Program in Second Language Acquisition at the University of Maryland as an associate professor of SLA.

Page7 His main research interest involves the study of cognitive/psycholinguistic processes and mechanisms involved in adult second language acquisition of both English and Chinese. Specific areas include bilingual language processing, lexical representation and development in L2, the integration of linguistic knowledge in adult L2 learning, and the relationship between language and thought. His research has appeared in all major journals of SLA and Applied Linguistics. Keynote Speech (2) - Saturday, April 26, 2014 主题报告 (2) -2014 年 4 月 25 日星期六 8:45-9:15 AM Presenter: Tao Hongyin 主讲人 : 陶红印 Title:Teaching Chinese Discourse Pragmatics: Theory and Practice Abstract Discourse pragmatics and other communicative properties are often held squarely against rulebased grammatical approaches as being on the opposing end of approaches to language learning and teaching. While in the early days extreme proposals have been made regarding these approaches, many scholars have come to terms with the notion that these two approaches are not necessarily incompatible, as manifested in various world language content standards. However, exactly what these approaches entail and how they can be consolidated and implemented in actual teaching and learning are still very much subject to debate. In this talk I propose that an important step to take toward resolving such issues is to look to discourse, i.e. language use in context, and pay attention to the social cultural functions associated with language use. I will present data from natural conversation, media, and other authentic sources and show how a discourse pragmatic approach can contribute to our understanding of the relationship between grammar and communication and how language teaching can benefit from such an understanding. The examples/teaching modules to be presented will touch upon issues in pronunciation, ellipses, utterancefinal particles, and terms of address. Bio Hongyin Tao is professor of Chinese language and linguistics and applied linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is also the director of the Chinese language program at UCLA.

Page8 Prior to UCLA, he taught at the National University of Singapore and Cornell University. His areas of expertise include Mandarin discourse and grammar (e.g., Units in Mandarin Conversation: Prosody, Discourse, and Grammar); applied linguistics (e.g., Working with Spoken Chinese); social and cultural linguistics (e.g., Chinese under Globalization), and corpus linguistics (e.g., the US component of the International Corpus of English and the UCLA Corpus of Written Chinese). He has published over 90 scholarly publications. Among more than a dozen editorial memberships, he is Executive Editor of the journal Chinese Language and Discourse and its companion book series, Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse, both with the John Benjamins Publishing Company. Finally, he is director of the US Department of Education sponsored Chinese project at the Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) based at Pennsylvania State University and currently the President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA.

Page9 Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa 爱荷华大学孔子学院 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics (ISCAL) 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 April 25-26, 2014 2014 年 4 月 25 日至 26 日 Presenters 报告人名单 Name ( 姓名 ) Email Affiliation ( 单位 ) Bo Wei ( 薄巍 ) 中山大学中文系 Cai Wei Fang Ximin Guo Jing ( 郭晶 ) Hu Xiao Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures, University of Calgary, Canada The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) 法国巴黎东方语言文化学院 East Asian Language and Culture Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara Jiang Nan ( 蒋楠 ) University of Maryland at College Park Kou Yupeng ( 寇昱鹏 ) Second Language Acquisition Program FLARE, The University of Iowa Li Hua ( 李华 ) 北京语言大学对外汉语研究中心 Li Yu ( 李昱 ) Liang Neal Liao Jianling ( 廖建玲 ) Liu Fang ( 刘芳 ) CET 学术项目 Second Language Acquisition Program FLARE, The University of Iowa Department of Modern Languages, The University of Texas at Arlington CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) Study Center in Shanghai Liu May ( 刘渼 ) 南洋理工大学新加坡华文教研中心 Liu Yan Liu Ying Chinese Program, Asian and Middle Easter Studies, Duke University The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Liu Zengjiao ( 刘增娇 ) 南洋理工大学新加坡华文教研中心 Lu Yuan ( 陆原 ) Second Language Acquisition Program FLARE, The University of Iowa

Page10 Luo Han ( 骆涵 ) Northwestern University Qi Chunhong ( 齐春红 ) 云南师范大学华文学院 Tao Hongyin ( 陶红印 ) University of California at Los Angeles Wang Shuai ( 王帅 ) 北京大学对外汉语教育学院 Wu Menji ( 吴门吉 ) 美国印第安纳波利斯孔子学院 Wu Yongyi ( 吴勇毅 ) 华东师范大学对外汉语学院 Yang Bei University of Wisconsin at Madison Yang Li ( 杨黎 ) Kansas State University Yang Shuyi ( 杨舒怡 ) Second Language Acquisition Program FLARE, The University of Iowa Yang Wanbin ( 杨万兵 ) 暨南大学华文学院 / 华文教育研究院 Zhang Jie ( 张洁 ) Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, University of Oklahoma Zhang Tianlu ( 张天璐 ) Chinese Program, The University of Iowa Zhang Ting ( 章婷 ) 南京师范大学澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学孔子学院 Zu Xiaomei ( 祖晓梅 ) 南开大学汉语言文化学院

Page11 Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa 爱荷华大学孔子学院 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics (ISCAL) 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 April 25-26, 2014 2014 年 4 月 25 日至 26 日 Abstracts of Presentations 报告摘要 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 1: Studies on Chinese Character Learning and Teaching 第一组 : 汉字学习与教学研究 Paper 1 of 3 论文三篇其一 Presenter: Hu Xiao Title:Investigation into the Effects of Orthographic Strategy in Teaching Chinese Characters to English Beginners Abstract Research Value: Acquiring Chinese characters is a great challenge for foreign students, especially students from non-character culture background. What makes thing worse is that there are not efficient strategies in teaching Chinese characters. This essay tries to testify the efficiency of orthographic strategy by comparing it with the traditional teaching strategy on the basis of experimental studies with British university students and primary students. Take the features of Chinese characters and learners into consideration, the researchers and educators have developed various strategies in speeding up the process of learning characters and make it not only more effective but more enjoyable. Consequently, there are more and more strategies in improving the effectiveness of teaching characters. Studies indicate that among the various commonly used cognitive strategies, the orthographic-knowledge-based strategy is most heavily used. Orthographic

Page12 knowledge can greatly enhance students memory, since Chinese characters should be interpreted as a combination of components rather than a collection of unrelated strokes. According to many previous studies, the most effective way of teaching characters is to emphasize the radical structure of a character at the time that the character is first encountered, because the links between character and radicals can then be constructed. My dissertation tries to analyze the use of orthographic-knowledge-based strategy in teaching English speakers Chinese characters and testify its effectiveness by the questionnaires and studies with the Chinese majors. Theories: 1. The cognitive process of learning characters: Gestalt psychology. The Gestalt which fully explained and demonstrated graphic visual perception of the organization should also deal with Chinese characters on the identification and understanding of fundamental as a guiding role. 2. Baker and Torgesen s theories on orthographic knowledge, Helen Shen s theory of the orthographic-knowledge-based learning strategies. Methodology: This investigation is based on the teaching practice with British freshmen in East Asian Study of The University of xx and beginning learners at Year 5 in xx Primary School. The adult and child students are respectively divided into two groups. Each group is taught the same characters but with different strategies. After the class, their learning results are measured by tests or dictations and then analyzed through a deep comparison. All the data in the studies were analyzed in SPSS V17.0. With a deep and critical analysis, the research tries to find out the reasons for all the differences in students learning results. Major Findings: Through comprising their performance, tests scores and error analysis under two different strategies, this essay found the orthographic teaching strategy showed its advantages in activating the classroom, strengthening students memory of particular types of characters as well as avoid of making certain mistakes. Therefore, in the future teaching practice, the orthographic strategy should be applied appropriately with other strategies. References Shen, H(2005), An Investigation of Chinese-character Learning Strategies among Non-native Speakers of Chinese, System 33(2005):49-68. Taft,M.,Chung,K.,(1999), Using radicals in teaching Chinese characters to second language learners, Psychologia 42,234 251.

Page13 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 1: Studies on Chinese Character Learning and Teaching 第一组 : 汉字学习与教学研究 Paper 2 of 3 论文三篇其二 Presenter: Zhang Tianlu 主讲人 : 张天璐 Title:An investigation of Chinese Characters and Vocabulary Learning Strategies Abstract Significance of the Study: Foreign language (FL) anxiety is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. It refers to the feeling of tension and apprehension specifically associated with second language (L2) context, including speaking, listening, and learning (Mac-Intyre & Gardner, 1994). Qualitative studies have shown that anxiety affects FL/ L2 learning. Those students who are more anxious in their foreign language learning may not find their study enjoyable (Gregersen & Horwitz, 2002), which will be led to a negative impact on their performance. As the focus of research in foreign language anxiety has been shifted recently to receptive skills, e.g., listening and reading, few studies have tried to investigate foreign language listening anxiety among intermediate L2 Chinese learners. The present study aimed to investigate foreign language listening anxiety levels of intermediate L2 Chinese learners at The University of XXX. It also attempted to explore the relationship among foreign language anxiety, foreign language listening anxiety, and listening comprehension. Research Questions: 1. Does intermediate L2 Chinese learners FL listening anxiety significantly impact listening comprehension? 2. Does intermediate L2 Chinese learners FL anxiety significantly impact listening comprehension? 3. Is intermediate L2 Chinese learners FL anxiety significantly related to FL listening anxiety? Research Procedure:

Page14 The research consisted of three phases, and therefore three instruments respectively were used to collect data in this study. In the first phase (Week 4 of the Fall semester 2013), foreign language classroom anxiety was measured by the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLACS) (Horwitz et al, 1986). FLACS is a 33-item-questionnaire which investigates the degree of anxiety that learners experience in foreign language classrooms. A revised version of Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale (FLLAS), originally developed by Kim (2000), was administered in the second phase (Week 4 of the Fall semester 2013). The survey consisted of 33 five-point scale items. In the third phase, the listening portion of the mid-term exam was utilized as an index of listening comprehension (Week 8 of the Fall semester 2013). Major Findings: We anticipate that intermediate L2 Chinese learners FL listening anxiety significantly impacts listening comprehension, intermediate L2 Chinese learners FL anxiety significantly impacts listening comprehension, and intermediate L2 Chinese learners FL anxiety is significantly related to FL listening anxiety. References Gregersen, T., & Horwitz, E. (2002). Language learning and perfectionism: Anxious and non-anxious language learner s reactions to their own oral performance. The Modern Language Journal, 86(iv), 562-570. Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. Modern Language Journal, 70, 125 132. Kim, J.-H. (2000). Foreign language listening anxiety: A study of Korean students learning English. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas, Austin. MacIntyre, P. D., & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44, 283 305.

Page15 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 1: Studies on Chinese Character Learning and Teaching 第一组 : 汉字学习与教学研究 Paper 3 of 3 论文三篇其三 Presenter: Liu Ying & Fang Xinmin Title:An Empirical Study on Teaching Radicals to Beginners with the Character Primer Abstract Radicals are like phonemes or Greek and Latin roots, which form morphemes and words in English. Knowing the meaning of the roots helps learners to figure out the meaning of the whole word. Etymology not only helps learners of Chinese to better understand and more easily memorize Chinese characters, but also helps them decode the meaning and sound of unknown characters. In the meantime, they can learn about Chinese culture since Chinese characters are one of the oldest writing systems with thousands of years of history. The purpose of this study is to research the short-term effectiveness of teaching beginners declarative knowledge of Chinese radicals and characters and the skill to remember, comprehend, and analyze Chinese characters. This study is primarily based on the cognitive model for Chinese orthographic awareness proposed by Ke (1996b; 2002), which is comprised of three successive stages, and Fan s (2010) research on developing orthographic awareness among beginning Chinese language learners. The presenters argue that higher order thinking skills can be incorporated into learning activities even at ILR Level 0+, because if we keep asking low level students to memorize, comprehend and apply only, they are unlikely to retain the language in their long term memory. Instead, we can teach beginners declarative knowledge of Chinese radicals and compound characters. Learners need to analyze the structure and components of an unknown character and guess its pronunciation and meaning based on their knowledge of the rules. A hypothesis of early intervention with semantic priming using most frequently used characters found in beginning level textbooks is tested. The research is also based on two presenters experience of teaching Chinese characters at the beginning level course. One presenter conducted the experiment on adult English native speakers in the summer of 2013. The method is made up of an intervention procedure and evaluation of the short-term effectiveness. The control group used the regular textbook, and Chinese characters were taught as they appear in the textbook. The intervention group was treated with a character primer at the beginning with a systematic introduction to the Chinese writing system including character formation rules liushu ( 六書 ), basic strokes, stroke order, and radicals organized by semantic groups. The radicals were presented along

Page16 with characters and words containing the radicals. Students worked on consciousness-raising questions during the learning process. Classroom observations and teaching journals from the perspective of the instructor are included. The evaluation is conducted in the form of a survey with a questionnaire and a test. Students views are reflected in their comments on the survey form. The other presenter conducted a similar experiment in 2006 and found out that there are some weaknesses in traditional Chinese character textbooks for Chinese as a second language. One weakness is that the selection of characters is not based on difficulty degree or frequency of usage of the characters. After taking the course designed by the presenter, the students can sustain their knowledge on Chinese characters and even can apply their knowledge to authentic materials. Based on Student s t-test results, we did not find a significant difference in the test of memory retention score between the intervention group and the control group. However, students in the intervention group were able to decode the meaning and pronunciation of more unknown characters correctly, compared to the control group. The difference was statistically significant. Four levels of orthographic awareness for the intervention group, recommendations to teachers on how to teach radicals and directions for future research will also be discussed. References *Beijing Languages Institute (2004). Practical Chinese Reader: Elementary Course, Book 1, Beijing: The Commercial Press. Anderson, B.F. (1969). The Psychological Experiment. Belmont, Ca.: Brooks/Cole. Brown, J. & Rodgers, T. (2002). Doing Second Language Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chen, Y. P. and Allport, D. A. (1996). What are the Functional Orthographic Units in Chinese Word Recognition: The Stroke or the Stroke Pattern? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 49 A (4), 1024-1043. *Cheng, M. 新华大字典 (2004). Beijing: The Commercial Press. Chin, T. (1973). Is it necessary to require writing in learning characters? Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 8.3, 167-170. *DeFrancis, J. and Yung, T. (1976). Character Text for Beginning Chinese (2nd ed.) New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Everson, M. (1998). Word Recognition among Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Investigation the Relationship between Naming and Knowing. The Modern Language Journal, 82, ii, 194-204.

Page17 Fan, H. Developing orthographic awareness among beginning Chinese language learners: investigating the influence of beginning level textbooks. dissertation, University of Iowa, 2010. *Huang, W., & Ao, Q. 黄伟嘉, 敖群 (2008). Illustration of the Radicals of Chinese Characters 汉字部首例解. Beijing: The Commercial Press. Ke, C. (1996). An empirical study on the relationship between Chinese character recognition and production. Modern Language Journal 80, 340-349. Ke, C.(1998). Effects of Strategies on the Learning of Chinese Characters Among Foreign Language Students. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 33.2, 93-112. Ke, C. (2012). Research in Second Language Acqusition of Chinese: Where We Are, Where We are Going. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 47:3, 43-113. Kuo, M. and Hooper S. (2004). The Effects of Visual and Verbal Coding Mnemonics on Learning Chinese Characters in Computer-based Instruction. Educational Research & Development, Vol. 52, No.3, 23-28. *Liu, Y., Yao, T.-C., Bi, N.-P., Ge, L., Shi, Y. (2008). Integrated Chinese (Simplified Characters, 3rd Edition, Level 1, Part 1&2). MA: Cheng & Tsui Company Publisher & Distribution Shen, H. ( 2000). The Interconnections Of Reading Text Based Writing And Reading Comprehension Among College Intermediate Learners Of Chinese AS A Foreign Language. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 35.3, 29-48. Shen, H. (2004). Level of Cognitive Processing: Effects on Character Learning Among Non-Native Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language, 02, 167-182. Wenlin Institute (2007). Wenlin software for learning Chinese (Version 3.4.1). [Computer software]. Eureka, CA: Wenlin Institute. *Xu, S. 許慎撰, 徐鉉校定 (2012). 說文解字附檢字. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju. Zhang, X. (2005) 学习汉字的新概念 (New Concept of Learning Chinese Characters). Conference paper. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from

Page18 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 2: Studies on Assessment of Chinese Speaking and Writing 第二组 : 汉语口语 写作测试研究 Paper 1 of 2 论文两篇其一 Presenter: Liao Jianling 主讲人 : 廖建玲 Title:The Linguistic Breakdown Phenomenon in Advanced L2 Chinese Oral Production Abstract Second language (L2) Chinese oral skill has received the most attention among the four language skills in both Chinese teaching and learning practice, partially due to its prominent productive characteristics. Nevertheless, due to the complex process and variables involved in the L2 speech production, research on L2 speaking has been limited and research on L2 Chinese speaking is particularly scarce. Research has described L2 speech productions in different perspectives and dimensions. Levelt (1989) and Kormos (2006) describe speaking process as three stages consisting of conceptualization, i.e. meaning generation, formulation, i.e. grammatical and phonological encoding, and articulation. This study explores the linguistic breakdown phenomenon existed in advanced L2 Chinese learners speech production. Linguistic breakdown refers to the moments when a learner s language is no longer adequate to handle the communicative challenges presented (ACTFL OPI TTM, 1999). Data are elicited by two types of tasks: monologic and dialogic oral tasks. Two research questions are asked: 1) What types of linguistic breakdown take place in advanced L2 Chinese learners monologic and dialogic oral productions? Are there any differences between the two task types in terms of learners linguistic breakdown patterns and types? 2) What strategies do advanced L2 Chinese learners employ to repair linguistic breakdown to maintain the speech production, and what is the effectiveness of such strategies? Fifteen advanced college L2 Chinese learners participate in this study. Each learner completes two sessions of monologic and two sessions of dialogic oral production tasks respectively over the course of two months. For each oral task, learners are provided with a specific discussion topic and a task guideline two days prior to the task implementation day. For each monologic task, learners produce a five-minute oral speech individually. For each dialogic task, learners participate in an oral conversation, in a style similar to the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) with their Chinese language instructor. Students oral productions in both monologic and dialogic tasks are audio-recorded.

Page19 To answer the first research question, the linguistic breakdown occasions and moments are identified and categorized. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used for data analysis, and data are also compared between the monologic and dialogic oral task types. To answer the second research question, the strategies learners employ to repair linguistic breakdowns are identified and analyzed for salient themes. Five participants are also invited to further elaborate on the repairing strategies they have used during oral productions. The effectiveness of those strategies is evaluated by two independent Chinese language instructors. The findings show that linguistic breakdowns occur in the forms of lack of content generation, difficulties in grammatical or lexical item retrieval, lack of discourse blocks, loss of fluency, etc. (Wood, 2010). The patterns of linguistic breakdown also appear to be different between the monologic and dialogic task types. Learners employ a variety of cognitive and metacognitive strategies to repair linguistic breakdowns to maintain their speech flow. Such strategies however have various effects. This research adds knowledge to an understanding of the factors influencing L2 Chinese speech production, especially at the advanced proficiency level. It also helps to uncover a variety of bottleneck situations existed in the development of oral skill among advanced Chinese L2 learners. This provides valuable information for L2 Chinese teaching practice. References ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview Tester Training Manual. 1999. Kormos, J. (2006). Speech production and second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Levelt, W. J. M. (1989). Speaking: From intention to articulation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Wood, D. (2010). Formulaic language and second language speech fluency. London, England: Continuum.

Page20 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 2: Studies on Assessment of Chinese Speaking and Writing 第二组 : 汉语口语 写作测试研究 Paper 2 of 2 论文两篇其二 Presenter: Yang Li 主讲人 : 杨黎 Title:Assessing L2 Writing Development: The Case of Chinese as a Foreign Language Abstract Scholarly attention has recently been paid to the exploration of research interfaces between second language (L2) writing and second language acquisition (SLA). Studies have found that some features of writing contribute positively to L2 learners language development (Manchon, 2011; Manchon & Roca de Larios, 2011), for example, the slower pace and permanent record of writing. Both of these features can promote learners noticing and explicit learning to facilitate language acquisition (Ortega, 2012; Williams, 2012). In addition, researchers have argued for inclusion of additional elements, such as L2 proficiency, to broaden the scope of research into the L2 writing-sla interface. Prior studies (Leki et al., 2008) that explore the relationship between L2 proficiency and learners writing development conclude that L2 proficiency seems to play a complex role in the development of L2 writing, and thus call for more studies in the future. This study further explores the L2 writing-sla interface by including the variable of L2 proficiency and broadening L2 to one of the less commonly taught languages, the Chinese language. It explores the development of writing skills by L2 Chinese learners at different instructional levels in the foreign language learning environment. A total of 25 college-level students who were studying Chinese as a foreign language at two universities in the U.S. participated in this study. All participants, though at different universities, were asked to handwrite essays by responding to the same writing topics. Both inclass timed essays and out-of-class written assignments were collected for one academic semester. For the out-of-class assignments, participants were also asked to indicate the exam time duration they used to complete the written assignment. Data were analyzed both holistically and analytically. The collected essays were first assigned a writing proficiency level according to the ACTFL writing proficiency guidelines. Then each essay was analyzed in terms of its fluency, accuracy, complexity, content, and organization, and each measure was subdivided into different sub-measures. For example, the accuracy of each writing was subdivided into character accuracy, lexical accuracy, and syntactic accuracy. All of the data were first analyzed by two researchers independently, and then a unified score for each sub-measure was obtained after discussion.

Page21 Preliminary analysis showed that learners overall proficiency of writing seems not to develop with their increased instructional levels, but some analytic measures of learners writings show improvement when learners instructional levels increase. In addition, similar lexical and syntactic features were found in writings of learners across instructional levels. Based on the results, implications of character instruction and writing instruction were also discussed. References Leki, et al. (2008). A synthesis of research on second language writing in English: 1985 2005. New York: Routledge. Manchon, R. M. (2011). Writing to learn the language: Issues in theory and research. In R. M. Manchon (Ed.), Learning-to-write and writing-to-learn in an additional language (pp. 61 82). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Manchon, R. M., & Roca de Larios, J. (2011). Writing to learn in FL contexts: Exploring learners perceptions of the learning potential of L2 writing. In R. M. Manchon (Ed.), Learning-to-write and writing-to-learn in an additional language (pp. 181 207). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Ortega, L. (2012). Epilogue: Exploring L2 writing-sla interfaces. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21, 404 415. Williams, J. (2012). The potential role(s) of writing in second language development. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21, 321 331.

Page22 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 3: Studies on Chinese Vocabulary Learning and Development 第三组 : 汉语词汇学习和发展研究 Paper 1 of 4 论文四篇其一 Presenter: Wu Menji 主讲人 : 吴门吉 题目 : 非汉字文化圈汉语学习者的多义语素意识研究 摘要研究意义 : 语素在汉语词汇学习中的重要性已得到普遍认同 然而, 相关研究显示, 汉语学习者采用语素义释词的正确率仅为 24.6%( 郭胜春,2004), 这个百分比让我们开始对语素教学法进行反思 多义语素是汉语的普遍现象, 也是为汉语母语者所熟悉的现象, 那么汉语学习者在词语学习过程中对多义语素的习得情况如何? 一般认为非汉字文化圈留学生的语素意识在中级水平阶段形成, 有研究指出, 中级以上汉语水平的欧美学生已经具有了一定的语素意识但仍不成熟, 具体体现为误猜词义 误认同素异序词和缺乏辨析近义词的能力等 可见, 在造成非汉字文化圈留学生词汇习得困难的诸多因素之中, 多义语素是一个重要的原因 因此, 对汉语学习者多义语素意识的探讨, 有利于进一步促进对汉语学习者词汇习得的研究 研究假设 : 汉字是语素文字, 汉字 音节和语素通常是三位一体, 因此, 汉语语素在构词上的意义尤为特殊 相对母语者来说, 汉语二语学习者在词汇识别过程中更依赖于语素信息 然而, 对于没有汉字文化背景的汉语学习者来说, 多义语素会给汉语学习者的词汇学习带来一定的困扰, 影响他们对词汇的理解 研究方法 : 本文以初 中级非汉字文化圈汉语学习者为研究对象, 通过测试和实验, 以定量和定性分析相结合的方法, 从多义语素的角度对留学生的语素意识进行了考察 测试部分包括两项任务 : 一是语素辨别测试, 其目的是考察留学生是否具有多义语素意识 ; 二是解释熟字生词, 其目的是考察留学生多义语素意识的发展程度和多义语素的输出能力 实验部分采用三因素混合设计, 从多义语素的义项类型 构词能力和汉语水平三个方面, 考察汉语学习者对多义语素的判断受到哪些因素的影响 研究结果 :

Page23 结果表明 : 非汉字文化圈留学生在初级水平阶段已初步形成多义语素意识, 但这种意识还比较薄弱, 尚处于发展的初级阶段, 具体表现为多义语素的输出能力比较弱 ; 此外, 汉语水平对多义语素判断的正确率有重要影响, 中级水平留学生的平均正确率明显高于初级水平留学生的平均正确率, 且义项类型与构词能力之间交互作用十分显著 参考文献 [1] 冯丽萍. 中级汉语水平外国学生的中文词汇识别规律分析 [J]. 暨南大学华文学院学报, 2003,(3). [2] 冯丽萍 宋志明. 词素性质与构词能力对留学生中文词素识别的影响 [J]. 云南师范大学学 报 ( 对外汉语教学与研究版 ),2004,(6). [3] 符淮青. 词义和构成词的语素义的关系 [J]. 辞书研究,1981,(1). [4] 郭胜春. 常用合成词语素显义类型统计分析及其对教学的启示 [J]. 暨南大学华文学院学报, 2006,(1). [5] 郭胜春. 汉语语素义在留学生词义获得中的作用 [J]. 语言教学与研究,2004,(6). [6] 江新. 外国人汉语双字词习得中的频率效应再探 [J]. 语言科学,2006a,(6). [7] 江新. 外国学生汉语字词学习的影响因素 兼论 汉语水平大纲 字词的选择与分级 [J]. 语言教学与研究,2006b,(2). [8] 江新 房艳霞. 语境和构词法线索对外国学生汉语词义猜测的作用 [J]. 心理学报,2012, (1). [9] [ 德 ] 柯彼德. 试论汉语语素的分类 [J]. 世界汉语教学,1992,(1). [10] 吕叔湘. 汉语语法分析问题 [M]. 北京 : 商务印书馆,1979:15-19.

Page24 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 3: Studies on Chinese Vocabulary Learning and Development 第三组 : 汉语词汇学习和发展研究 Paper 2 of 4 论文四篇其二 Presenter: Liu Yan Title: Semantic Gap Filling Ability in Chinese as a Foreign Language Abstract Semantic gap filling ability (or referred to as lexical inferencing ability in previous literature) refers to the ability to fill semantic gaps created by unknown words in a text. This ability has been found to be very important in second language (L2) vocabulary learning (e.g. Pitts, White & Krashen, 1989) and L2 reading (e.g. de Bot, Paribakht, & Wesche, 1997; Paribakht & Wesche, 1999). However, it is still unclear what factors would contribute to this ability. Understanding this question is significant because it will help instructors identify learners specific difficulties in semantic gap filling and address these difficulties in their future instruction. Previous studies on L2 semantic gap filling have shown that both L1 resources (such as L1 reading ability) and L2 linguistic knowledge (such as vocabulary and grammar) affect L2 semantic gap filling (e.g., de Bot et al., 1997; Nassaj, 2004; Paribakht, 2005; Wesche & Paribakht, 2010; Zhang, in press). In addition, there are two sources of information that readers can use when filling semantic gaps that are created by unknown words: word-internal information (i.e., morphological information) and word-external information (i.e., contextual information) (Koda, 2005). To make use of morphological information, readers need to first analyze a morphologically complex word, then decompose it into its morphemic constituents, and then combine the meanings of these constituents to infer the meaning of the word. This ability to analyze, identify, and manipulate morphemes in words is defined as morphological awareness (Koda, 2005). To use contextual information, readers need to identify, abstract, and integrate useful semantic information from the context (i.e., words, phrases, and sentences surrounding the unknown word). The ability to manipulate contextual information to construct meaning from the context is defined as contextual meaning construction ability in this study. Therefore, L1 reading ability, L2 linguistic knowledge (vocabulary and grammar), L2 morphological awareness, and L2 contextual meaning construction ability were proposed as potential predictors of L2 semantic gap filling ability. To test the hypothesis, this study examined Chinese semantic gap filling ability among 82 learners of Chinese as a foreign language, including 64 native English-speaking learners (36 high proficiency learners and 28 low proficiency learners) and 18 Chinese heritage language learners.

Page25 Participants were asked to complete a number of tasks testing those potential predictors. Different factors were found to predict different groups of learners semantic gap filling ability in Chinese. For Chinese heritage learners, Chinese vocabulary knowledge was found to be the only factor that significantly predicted their semantic gap filling ability in Chinese. However, for high proficiency English-speaking learners, all factors tested were found to be significant predictors of their semantic gap filling ability in Chinese. For low proficiency English-speaking learners, morphological awareness was the only significant predictor of their semantic gap filling ability in Chinese. Based on the findings, suggestions are proposed about what to focus on in future instruction to improve diverse groups of learners semantic gap filling abilities in Chinese. References De Bot, K., Paribakht, T. S., & Wesche, M. B. (1997). Toward a lexical processing model for the study of second language vocabulary acquisition: Evidence from ESL reading. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19, 309-329. Koda, K. (2005). Insights into second language reading: A cross-linguistic approach. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Nassaji, H. (2004). The relationship between depth of vocabulary knowledge and L2 learners lexical inferencing strategy use and success. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes, 62(1), 107-135. Paribakht, T. S. (2005). The influence of first language lexicalization on second language lexical inferencing: A study of Farsi-speaking learners of English as a foreign language. Language Learning, 55, 701-748. Paribakht, T. S. & Wesche, M. (1999). 'Incidental' and instructed L2 vocabulary acquisition through reading: An introspective study. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21(2), 195-224. Pitts, M., White, H., & Krashen, S. (1989). Acquiring second language vocabulary through reading: A replication of the Clockwork Orange study using second language acquirers. Reading in a Foreign Language, 5(2), 271-275. Wesche, M. & Paribakht, T. S. (2010). Lexical inferencing in a first and second language: Crosslinguistic dimensions. Clevedon, Avon, UK: Multilingual Matters. Zhang, D. (in press). Linguistic distance effect on cross-linguistic transfer of morphological awareness. Applied Psycholinguistics. FirstView DOI: 10.1017/S0142716412000070

Page26 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 3: Studies on Chinese Vocabulary Learning and Development 第三组 : 汉语词汇学习和发展研究 Paper 3 of 4 论文四篇其三 Presenter: Shuyi Yang 主讲人 : 杨舒怡 Title: L1 Transfer and Chinese as Second Language Learners Comprehension of Noun-Noun Combinations Abstract L1 transfer is an important topic in second language acquisition. It has been widely accepted that learners are affected by their L1s when they acquire L2 (Corder, 1967; Gass, 1996; Ellis, 1997). According to the Full Transfer/Full Access Hypothesis (FT/FA) (Schwartz & Sprouse, 1996), all features of L1 will be transferred to interlanguage at the initial stage. As learners improve in their L2 proficiency, they can reset features of target language based on L2 input therefore the role of L1 will dwindle. This study explored whether the two features in noun-noun combinations (position of modifier and head, expression of semantic relations) follow the transfer pattern predicted by FT/FA Hypothesis. Specifically, the study examined whether the FT/FA Hypothesis is applicable to the noun-noun combination comprehension of CSL learners with diverse L1 backgrounds and L2 proficiency. 120 low and high proficiency level learners with English and Thai as their L1s participated in this study. The instrument developed for this study was a comprehension task. It contained 24 Chinese nounnoun combinations within which 12 words shared the same noun-noun expression in Chinese, English and Thai (expression of semantic relations of MADE OF) while the other 12 shared the same expression only in Chinese and English (expression of semantic relations of LOCATED and HAS). The participants were asked to provide their interpretations of these words. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were adopted to answer the following research questions: (a) Do learners from an L1 with modifier-head order outperform those from an L1 with head-modifier order? (b) Do learners from L1 which shares the same expression of semantic relations outperform those from L1 which doesn't? (c) Do high L2 proficiency level learners outperform those of low L2 proficiency level? The results revealed that English L1 learners at low proficiency level outperformed their Thai L1 counterparts in overall comprehension and particularly in interpretation of words of LOCATED semantic relation which was not expressed through noun-noun combination in Thai and which was of relatively low L2 input frequency. While Thai L1 learners performed the same as English L1 learners in words of HAS semantic relation which was not expressed through noun-noun combination in Thai but was of high

Page27 L2 input frequency. Results suggest that L1 transfer did take place at initial stage of acquisition and was affected by input frequency. However, Thai L1 learners made a great progress as their L2 proficiency improved, indicating that learners can reset the target language features. A qualitative analysis of the interpretations given by participants was also conducted to provide a deeper insight into the role of learner L1s. Findings were consistent: Thai L1 learners offered more deviating interpretations than their English L1 counterparts. The main type of deviations found among Thai L1 learners was "order-reverse" while among English L1 learners was "other semantic relations". The data from both quantitative and qualitative analyses lends partial support to FA/FT Hypothesis. At initial stage, features of L1 will transfer to interlanguage whereas L1 transfer will be affected by L2 input frequency. At later stage, L1 transfer gradually decreases and the reset of target language feature will occur. Based on the results of the study, pedagogical recommendations were made about Chinese nounnoun combination instruction. Instructors should be aware that learners of different L1s may face different problems in acquisition. Therefore, the instruction should help learners with the L1s different from Chinese in word order by drawing their attention to the differences and emphasizing the formation mechanism of Chinese noun-noun combinations. References Bongartz, C. (2002). Noun Combination in Interlanguage: Typology Effects in Complex Determiner Phrases. Tubingen, Germany: Niemeyer. Corder, P. (1967). The significance of learner errors. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 5, 161-170. Ellis, R. (1997). Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ellis, N. C.(2002). Frequency effects in language processing: A review with implications for theories of implicit and explicit language acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 24, 143-188. Foroodi-Nejad, F., & Paradis, J. (2009). Crosslinguistic transfer in the acquisition of compound words in Persian-English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 12, 411-427. Gagné, C. L. (2002). Lexical and relational influences on the processing of novel compounds. Brain and Language, 30, 637-646. Gass, S. M. (1996). Second language acquisition and linguistic theory: the role of language transfer. in Ritchie W. C., & Bhatia T. K. (Ed.), The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (pp. 317-345). San Diego: Academic Press.

Page28 Nicoladis, E. (1999). Where is my brush-teeth? Acquisition of compound nouns in a bilingual child. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2, 245-56. Nicoladis, E. (2002). What s the difference between toilet paper and paper toiler? French-English bilingual children s crosslinguistic transfer in compound nouns. Child Language, 29, 843-863. Schwartz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. (1996). L2 cognitive states and the full transfer/full access model. Second Language Research, 12, 7-39.

Page29 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 3: Studies on Chinese Vocabulary Learning and Development 第三组 : 汉语词汇学习和发展研究 Paper 4 of 4 论文四篇其四主讲人 : 刘芳 题目 : 非熟练英 - 中双语者二语词汇语义通达的发展研究 摘要近年来二语词汇教学中是否应借助母语对译词是一个热点问题 目前存在两种截然不同的方法 一种主张以二语词的母语对译词为中介教授二语词汇, 称为 关键词方法 (key word method) 另外一种方法被称为 上下文方法 (contextualized approach), 让学生通过上下文猜词语的意思, 强调在学习之初就直接建立二语词汇和语义的联系, 摆脱对母语对译词的依赖 有人直观地认为第二种方法更有利于发展学生的词汇能力 (lexical competence) 但问题并不那么简单, 双语者能在多大程度上真正摆脱 甚至减少对母语对译词的依赖需要实证研究 对于这个问题, 心理学家和语言学家在双语表征 (representation) 领域进行了大量的研究 在系列研究结果的基础上, 研究者一致认为, 双语者的心理词典中词汇和概念是分层表征的, 其中概念表征共享 词汇表征独立, 但关于二语词汇表征是如何通达 (access) 到概念表征的还存在很大争议 争论的焦点是二语的语义通达是独立的还是必须借助母语的词形表征 关于这个问题形成了三种模型 单词中介模型 ( 图 1) 认为二语的词汇表征只能借助母语的词汇表征通达概念表征 [1 2] 概念中介模型( 图 2) 认为二语词汇表征能够直接从词形表征通达概念表征 [3]; 修正层次模型 ( 图 3) 认为母语和二语的词汇表征和概念表征之间都有联系, 只是它们之间的联结强度不一样 [4 6]: 母语到二语的词汇表征联结强度弱, 二语到母语的词汇表征联结强度强, 而且母语词汇表征和概念表征的联结比二语词汇表征和概念表征的联结强 图 1 单词中介模型图 2 概念中介模型图 3 修正层级模型 本实验采用二语语言内启动范式, 以在不同语言环境中学习的非熟练英 - 中双语者为对象, 考察英语被试的汉语语义通达中是否存在母语语音自动激活的问题, 如用 鞋 启动 树, 这

Page30 两个词没有任何语义关联, 但 鞋 的对译词 shoe 与 树 的发音相似 实验一和实验二均采用语义判断任务 实验一以在全中文的环境中密集学习了 2-3 个月的汉语三年级美国大学生为被试, 实验二以在英文环境中学习的汉语三年级美国大学生为被试 实验一没有发现启动效应, 实验二发现了启动效应 总的实验结果表明, 在英文环境中学习的非熟练英 - 中双语者的心理词典可能是单词中介模型 ( 如图 1), 而在全中文的环境中密集地学习了 2-3 个月的非熟练英 汉双语者的心理词典可能是概念中介模型 ( 如图 2) 结果证明在英 中双语者第二语言的语义通达过程中存在着词汇中介到概念中介过渡的阶段, 语言学习环境对双语者心理词典的构建起到了一定的作用 参考文献 Caramazza, A. & Brones, I. Sementic classification by bilinguals. Canadian Joural of Psychology, 1980,34:77-81 Chen,H.C & Leung,Y.S. Sementic facification and translation priming effects in Chinese-English bilinguals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1989,15:316-325 Chen,H.C. Lexical processing in a non-native language: Effects of language proficiency and learning strategy. Memory & Cognition, 1990,18:279-288 Cho, K. S. & S. D. Krashen. Acquisition of vocabulary from the Sweet Valley Kids series: Adult ESL acquisition. Journal of Reading, 1994,37:7-662 Day, R. R., et al. Inciental EFL vacabulary learning and reading. Reading in a Foreign Language 1991,7:9-541 De Groot, A. M. B. & J. C. J. Hoeks. The development of bilingual memory: evidence from word translation by trilinguals[j]. Journal of Language Learning, 1995, 45: 683-724. De Groot, A.M.B & Poot R. Word translation and three levels of proficiency in a second language: the ubiquitous involvement of conceptual memory. Language Learning, 1997,47(2): 215-264 de Groot, A.M.B. Lexical representation and lexical processing in the L2 user. In :V. Cook(Ed.), Portraits of the L2 user. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2000: 32-63 Dong,Yanping. The Conceptual Organization of the Bilingual Mental Lexicon: The Share(Distributed) Asymmetrical Model. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 1998.

Page31 Duyck, W. & Brysbaert, M. Forward and backward number translation requires conceptual mediation in both balanced and unbalanced bilingual, Journal of experimental psychology: Human, Perception & Performance, 2004,30: 889-906 Duyck, W. & Brysbaert, M. What number translation studies can teach us about the lexico-semantic organization in bilingual, Psychologica Belgica, 2002,42:151-175 Fox,E. Cross-language priming from ignored words: Evidence for common representation system in bilinguals. Journal of Memory and Language, 1996,35:353-370 Frost, R., et al. Orthographic structure versus morphological structure: Principles of lexical organization in a given language. Journal of experimental psychology: learning: Memory, and Cognition.,2005,31, (6):1293-1326. Gollan. T. H & Kroll, J. F. Bilingual lexical access. In: B. Rapp(Ed.) The handbook of cognitive neurpsychology: What deficits reveal about the human mind. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press, 2001: 321-345 Gollan. T., et al. Translation priming with different scripts: Masked priming with cognates and noncognates in Hebrew-English bilinguals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and cognition, 1997,23:1122-1139 Hogben, D. & M.J.Lawson. Keyword and multiple elaboration strategies for vocabulary acquisition in foreign language learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 1994, 19:76-367 Jeesun Kim & Chris Davis. Task effects in masked cross-script translation and phonological priming. Journal of Memory and Language,2003,49:484-499 Jiang, Nan. Lexical representation and development in a second language[j]. Applied Linguistics, 2000, 21(1):47-77. Keatley,C.W., et al. Asymmetrical cross-language priming effects.. Memory & Cognition, 1994,22:70-84 Neely J H. Semantic priming effects in visual word recognition: A selective review of current findings and theories. In: Besner D, Humphreys G W. Basic processes in reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991:264-336 Potter, M. C., So K.F.,Eckardt B., Feldman. L.B. Lexical and conceptual representation in beginning and proficient bilinguals. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1984, 23: 23-38. Shannon,B. Bilingual identification and classification of words and drawing in two language. Quartly Journal of Experimental Psychology,1982,34A:135-152

Page32 Wang, A.Y., et al.. Quelletee. Keywords mnemonic and retention of second language vocabulary words. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1992,84:8-520 Watanabe, Y. Input, intake, and retention: Effects of increased processing on incidental learning of foreign language vocabulary. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1997,19: 287-307 郭桃梅, 彭聃龄. 非熟练中 - 英双语者的第二语言的语义通达机制. 心理学报,2003,35(1):23-28 蒋楠. 外语概念的形成和外语思维. 现代外语,2004,24(4):378-385 李利, 莫雷, 王瑞明, 罗雪莹. 非熟练中 - 英双语者跨语言长时重复启动效应. 心理学报,2006,40(5):672-680 李利, 莫雷, 王瑞明. 二语词汇熟悉度在双语者语义通达中的调节作用. 心理科学,2011,34(4):700-805

Page33 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 4: Studies on Chinese Teacher Development 第四组 : 汉语教师发展研究 Paper 1 of 2 论文两篇其一主讲人 : 吴勇毅 题目 : 叙事探究下的 CSL 教师成长史研究 实践性知识的积累 摘要正如同从单纯的 单向的 只关注 教 ( 怎么教 ) 的教学法研究转向关注 学 ( 怎么学 ) 的学习过程 ( 二语习得研究 ) 和 学习者 ( 个体因素研究 认知研究 ) 研究一样,CSL 教师教育研究也面临着一种转向, 即从教师标准的研制 培训内容的选择 培训模式的创新转变为教师自身专业发展 教师认知 ( 过程 ) 的研究 教师专业发展研究的大趋势是愈来愈重视教师个体专业发展的过程和个性 在 CLS 教师教育研究转向的大背景下, 本文采用叙事探究的方法, 以三个教师 叙事 片段, 从教师成长史的视角, 讨论了 CSL 教师实践性知识的形成与积累过程, 并指出叙事探究这种研究范式对教师专业发展, 尤其是教师个人专业发展过程的研究, 及其教师自身专业发展都有具有重要意义

Page34 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 4: Studies on Chinese Teacher Development 第四组 : 汉语教师发展研究 Paper 2 of 2 论文两篇其二主讲人 : 王帅 题目 : 对外汉语教师 跨文化教学意识 调查分析 摘要研究意义 : 在第二语言教学界, 以培养学生的跨文化交际能力为主要目标 的观念已逐渐为大家所接受 根据前人的阐释, 跨文化交际能力 与传统语言教学中提倡的 语言能力 交际能力 是相关但不相同的概念, 在培养方式上也有诸多区别 ( 参看 Byram1997) 培养目标的转变意味着不同的能力要求, 教师在此过程中承担着重要的责任 综合前人研究, 我们认为要在教学中贯彻跨文化交际能力的培养, 教师应具备较强的 跨文化教学意识 本文在厘清 跨文化教学意识 概念的基础上, 对一线对外汉语教师进行调查, 以期得到当前对外汉语教师 跨文化教学意识 的整体状况, 并尝试对形成这种状况的可能影响因素进行分析 理论框架 : 根据 意识 的哲学意义以及前人对 跨文化教学意识 的研究, 我们定义了跨文化教学意识的概念框架 如下图 : 对外汉语教师的跨文化教学意识概念框架

Page35 研究程序 : 根据 跨文化教学意识 的概念框架, 我们设计了 对外汉语教师跨文化教学意识问卷, 并用此问卷对进行调查和分析 试图回答的问题包括 :1 当前对外汉语教师的跨文化教学意识现状如何?2 哪些因素可能影响他们的跨文化教学意识? 数据收集之后, 我们进行了如下分析 : 第一步, 对问卷的信度和效度进行考察, 确保问卷的有效性和可靠性 ; 第二步, 对数据进行描述统计, 得出对外汉语教师跨文化教学意识的基本状况 ; 第三步, 对数据进行单因素方差分析, 检测教师跨文化教学意识的影响因素 研究结果 : 根据描述统计结果, 当前对外汉语教师的整体 跨文化教学意识 处在中等水平 ; 根据单因素方差分析, 学历差异和是否阅读跨文化交际类著作是影响教师跨文化教学意识水平的显著因素 参考文献毕继万 (2005) 第二语言教学的主要任务是培养学生的跨文化交际能力, 中国外语 第 1 期 姬建国 (2011) 跨文化教学意识与国际汉语师资培训, 北京 : 北京师范大学出版社,23 页 李泉 (1996) 对外汉语课堂教学的理论思考, 中国人民大学学报 第 5 期 张英 (2006) 对外汉语文化因素与文化知识教学研究, 汉语学习 第 6 期 周健 (2004) 论汉语教学中的文化教学及教师的双文化意识, 语言与翻译 第 1 期 冯契 (2001) 哲学大辞典, 上海 : 上海辞书出版社,1816 页 Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.

Page36 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 5: Studies on Chinese Listening Skills and Perception 第五组 : 汉语听力技能和听力理解研究 Paper 1 of 3 论文三篇其一 Presenter: Cai Wei Title: Skills and strategies in Chinese listening Abstract The purpose of this study is to synthesize two active but separate lines of research in second language (L2) listening, which emphasize the roles of skills ("competencies which native speakers possess"(field, 1998:117)) and strategies (cognitive and metacognitive tactics) respectively. Building upon existing research, this study examines the relative contributions of skills (sound discrimination skill, lexical skill and grammatical skill) and strategies (metacognition) to L2 listening and find out the effect of language heritage on the relationships among the factors. Specifically, this study addresses the following research questions: 1) Are there any correlations among sound discrimination skill, lexical skill, grammatical skill, metacognitive knowledge and listening proficiency? 2) What are the contributions of sound discrimination skill, lexical skill, grammatical skill and metacognitive knowledge to listening proficiency? 3) Are the relations among the factors the same for heritage and non-heritage Chinese learners? Existing research reveals some factors affecting L2 listening comprehension, such as vocabulary knowledge (Kelly, 1991), syntax (Call, 1985), linguistic knowledge combined with background knowledge (Park, 2004), metacognitive knowledge (Vandergrift, 2006), and so on. Most studies confined their examination to one or two factors only. Vandergrift (2007:205) called for a need to examine some hypothesized factors and examine them as a cluster. This study aims to fill the gap. Findings of this study will inform the listening comprehension model and help language instructors to focus their teaching. Fifty-one Chinese learners participated in the study. Twenty-seven participants are heritage learners; twenty-four participants are non-heritage learners. Four tests and one questionnaire were used to examine the subjects listening proficiency, sound discrimination skill, lexical skill, grammatical skill and metacognitive knowledge. The results show that vocabulary knowledge and grammar knowledge are highly correlated with listening proficiency and that vocabulary knowledge contributes more to listening proficiency than sound discrimination skill, grammar knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. This study also reveals marked

Page37 differences between heritage and non-heritage learners: heritage learners performed better on the listening proficiency test, vocabulary knowledge test and grammar knowledge test, but less well on the sound discrimination test than non-heritage learners; grammar knowledge significantly predicts listening proficiency for heritage learners but not for non-heritage learners, whereas vocabulary knowledge significantly predicts listening proficiency for non-heritage learners but not for heritage learners. References Call, M.E. (1985). Auditory short-term memory, listening comprehension, and the input hypothesis. TESOL Quarterly, 19(4), 765-781. Field, J. (1998). Skills and strategies: Towards a new methodology for listening. ELT journal, 52(2), 110-118. Kelly, P. (1991). Lexical ignorance: The main obstacle to listening comprehension with advanced foreign language learners. IRAL, XXIX (2), 135-149. Park, G.-P. (2004). Comparison of L2 listening and reading comprehension by university students learning English in Korea. Foreign Language Annals, 37 (3), 448-458. Vandergrift, L., Goh, C.C.M., Mareschal, C.J. and Tafaghodtari, M.H. (2006). The metacognitive awareness listening questionnaire: development and validation. Language Learning, 56(3), 431-462. Vandergrift, L. (2007). Recent developments in second and foreign language listening comprehension research. Language Teaching, 40, 191-210.

Page38 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 5: Studies on Chinese Listening Skills and Perception 第五组 : 汉语听力技能和听力理解研究 Paper 2 of 3 论文三篇其二 Presenter: Yang Bei Title: Cognitive factors in speech perception by CFL listeners Abstract Significance of the study: Listening is often the weakest skill for L2 learners. This study explores how the cognitive factors influence CFL learners perception. The results could help CFL learners develop some specific listening skills and interpret some reasons that input fails to become intake during L2 perception. Theoretical framework/background: According to the TRACE model (Elman & McClelland, 1988), several levels of processing are simultaneously active during NS speech perception and interact with each other. However, it is not clear whether various cues are processed in NNS perception and it is controversial whether L2 learners paid more attention to lexical (e.g. Conrad, 1985), morph-syntactic (e.g. Field, 2008) or other cues (e.g. Ito and Strange, 2009). This study explores whether and how the cognitive factors (including working memory and lexical, phonological and morph-syntactic cues) and some salient linguistic features of Chinese influence speech perception by CFL listeners. Research procedure: Nineteen NS of Chinese and 20 American learners of Chinese who have learned Chinese for three years in colleges participated in this project. The study combines the error detection task with a shadowing task in which subjects have to repeat the sentences that they hear immediately. They were required to repeat the incorrect words exactly, as opposed to restoring the intended words. The stimuli are 18 experimental sentences and 2 fillers. Each sentence has 15 syllables. The speech rate is a little faster than the normal rate. All the words in these sentences were chosen from Integrated Chinese which the learners had studied. There are three types of incorrect words: lexical error (a real or pseudo word that has semantic relationship with the original word); phonological error (wrong segment or tone); morphsyntactic error (incorrect classifier or aspect). In this design, tones and classifiers were served as salient

Page39 features of Chinese. We examined which cognitive factors facilitate NS and NNS to repeat the incorrect words exactly. The speech rates of the repetition were also observed. Major findings: The results indicated that the restorations occur in NS speech only when a segment is mispronounced. As for NNS, semantic cue appear to be the most salient in perception. NNS restored almost three times of intended words than NS. The unique features of Chinese appear to be an important factor in NS perception, while not in NNS perception. The results revealed that the working memory, semantic and morph-syntactic constraints and L2 linguistic features play important roles in NS perception while NNS prefer using the semantic cue to others due to the working memory capacity. References Conrad, L. (1985). Semantic versus syntactic cues in listening comprehension. SSLA, 7, 59-69. Elman, J. & McClelland, J. (1988). Cognitive penetration of mechanisms of perception. J. Mem. Lang., 27, 143-165. Field, J. (2008). Bricks or mortar: which parts of the input does a second language listener rely on? TESOL Quarterly, 42, 411-432. Ito, K. & Strange, W. (2009). Perception of allophonic cues to English word boundaries by JSLL of English. JASA, 125, 2348-2360.

Page40 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 1 Friday, April 25, 2014 第一日 :2014 年 4 月 25 日星期五 Panel 5: Studies on Chinese Listening Skills and Perception 第五组 : 汉语听力技能和听力理解研究 Paper 3 of 3 论文三篇其三主讲人 : 杨万兵 题目 : 初级汉语汉字式与拼图式听力测试对比实验研究 摘要研究意义 : 传统的汉语第二语言听力测试, 选择项均通过汉字呈现 但由于汉字语素 - 音节文字 绝大部分不能直接表音的特点, 导致汉语第二语言学习者听懂了但不能正确选择答案, 这种情况尤以初级水平汉语学习者为甚 在新 HSK 中, 初级水平听力测试选择项改为汉字加注拼音, 以及部分图片加以呈现 ( 下文简称 拼图式 ) 这两种呈现方式对初级水平学习者听力测试成绩有无影响? 哪种测试方式具有更高的信度和效度? 目前的 拼图式 是否存在改进的必要? 这些都是汉语第二语言听力测试值得关注的问题 理论框架 : 1. 听力理解的本质在于 利用听觉器官处理有关言语信号, 与视觉符号如汉字等无关, 听力测试也应尽可能排除其他语言技能的干扰, 测试形式应尽可能体现听力理解的本质 ; 2. 听力理解存在自己的能力结构, 听力测试应尽可能反应这些结构要素及其关系 研究程序与思路 : 严格控制变量的实验研究 1. 采用新 HSK 2 级听力测试材料, 以及据此改造的表述合适 难度相当的汉字式试卷, 对 XX 大学 XX 学院的 121 名初级水平留学生进行测试 先汉字式后拼图式, 期间间隔一周 2. 实验采用单因素 2 水平重复测量设计 测试形式共有汉字式 拼图式两个水平, 每种形式均按新 HSK 题目说明, 听两遍 3. 使用 SPSS19.0 对实验结果进行分析, 考察两种测试方式下留学生的成绩差异 两种测试的结构效度差异, 以及不同测试项目的效度差异, 为题型选择提供实验依据 主要研究结果 : 1. 初级汉语水平被试在拼图式下的听力测试正确率显著高于汉字式 ;

Page41 2. 理论上说, 拼图式比汉字式更能有效地测试初级汉语水平被试的听力水平, 但实验结果显示, 拼图式的内容效度和结构效度均比汉字式低 ; 3. 汉字式中的单句理解项目 拼图式中的对话理解项目 ( 图片呈现 ) 的内容效度 结构效度都较低 拼图式中图片呈现的对话理解项目可考虑改为汉字加拼音式 参考文献 [1] 柴省三 (2011) 汉语水平考试 (HSK) 听力测验构想效度研究, 语言文字应用 第 1 期 [2] 陈宏 (1997a) 在语言能力测验中如何建立结构效度, 语言教学与研究 第 2 期 [3] 陈宏 (1997b) 结构效度与汉语能力测验, 世界汉语教学 第 3 期 [4] 郭树军 (1995) 汉语水平考试 (HSK) 项目内部结构效度检验, 汉语水平考试研究论文选, 北京 : 现代出版社 [5] 金琰如, 王佶旻 (2012) 初级阶段留学生汉语听力能力结构探究, 语言教学与研究 第 3 期 [6] 聂丹 (2006)HSK( 初中等 ) 再测信度验证, 中国考试 第 5 期 [7] 王碧霞 (2000) 听能与听力理解困难的认知心理分析, 汉语学习 第 6 期 [8] 王小玲 (2006)HSK( 初中等 ) 效度研究报告, 语言教学与研究 第 6 期 [9] 杨万兵, 文雁 (2012) 初级汉语半听力与全听力测试对比实验研究, 语言文字应用 第 3 期 [10] 张凯 (1995) 汉语水平考试结构效度初探, 首届汉语考试国际学术讨论会论文选, 北京 : 北京语言学院出版社 [11] 张晋军 (2007) 汉语作为第二语言测试的听力理解题型设计新思考, 国际汉语教学动态与研究 第 4 期

Page42 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 2 Saturday, April 26, 2014 第二日 :2014 年 4 月 26 日星期六 Panel 6: Studies on Chinese Pronunciation and Speaking Pedagogy 第六组 : 汉语语音 口语教学研究 Paper 1 of 3 论文三篇其一主讲人 : 祖晓梅 题目 : 汉语课堂纠错反馈后学习者回应 / 修正的模式 摘要研究目的 : 纠错反馈既是第二语言习得的关键因素之一, 也是第二语言教学的重要教学手段之一 理解纠错反馈对第二语言学习的作用既具有理论意义, 又具有应用价值 以往的实证性研究大多是在西方的交际课堂中进行的, 汉语教学的相关研究成果比较少 希望此项研究将加深对于汉语课堂纠错反馈特点和作用的认识 理论依据 : 根据 Long 的互动假说 Schmidt 的察觉假说和 Swain 的输出假说, 纠错反馈在互动中提供了负面证明, 让学习者察觉到了自己的中介语与目标语之间的差距, 调整了语言的输出, 因此对第二语言习得有促进作用 有关纠错反馈的许多实证性研究也证明纠错反馈对二语习得有积极的效果 其中衡量纠错反馈效果的方法之一是纠错反馈后学习者的回应 (uptake)/ 修正 虽然回应是否可以作为衡量第二语言习得发生的标志还存在着争议, 但是很多学者认为回应特别是修正表明学习者注意到了纠错反馈的意图, 并调整了语言输出, 因此有利于第二语言能力的发展 研究问题 : 1. 汉语课堂纠错反馈与学习者回应和修正的关系是什么? 2. 学习者的回应 / 修正与纠错反馈策略的关系是什么? 3. 学习者的回应 / 修正与语言错误类型的关系是什么? 4. 学生水平和课型是否影响学习者的回应 / 修正? 研究方法 : 此项研究分析了中国某某大学汉语学院六个班级的汉语技能课的互动情况 观察的班级为初 中 高级的听说课和综合课 汉语学习者来自韩国 日本 泰国 俄罗斯 美国 意大利 葡萄牙 土耳其等国家 参与课堂教学的 6 位教师中 5 位为女性, 一位为男性 其中 4 位是汉语教学经验比较丰富的教师, 两位为兼职的汉语语言学和应用语言学的博士生和硕士生

Page43 研究者观察了六个班级的 24 节课, 并进行了课堂录音和文字转写 然后对 24 节课 (18 个小时 ) 师生互动中出现的偏误处理序列 (error treatment sequences) 进行识别 归类和统计 数据统计的依据是 Lyster and Ranta (1997) 对纠错反馈和回应 (uptake) 的定义和分类, 将纠错反馈分为 : 明确纠错 重铸 重复 元语言线索 请求澄清 诱导六种 回应分为修正和待修正两种 最后使用 SPSS 对相关数据作了 Chi-Square 检验 研究结果 : 1. 调查的结果表明 : 重铸是汉语课堂教师使用最多的反馈策略, 达到 61% 其次是明确纠错 14% 2. 学习者对纠错反馈的总回应率为 67%, 修正率为 45% 其中重铸反馈后的修正率为 49% 3. 学习者对语音纠错的修正最多, 达到 72%, 对语法的修正最少, 只有 34% 4. 不同课型之间的修正比例没有显著差别, 但是不同层级之间的修正率有差别 高级班的修正率 37%, 低于初中级的修正率 讨论 :( 略 ) 对汉语教学的启发 : 此项调查研究对汉语课堂教学的启发是 : 1. 教师在纠错反馈后应该给学生回应的机会 2. 采用重复 澄清请求 诱导等方式来增加学习者调整的语言输出 3. 采用不同的策略凸显重铸的纠错意图, 达到更好的反馈效果 参考文献 Ellis, R., Basturkmen, H. and Loewen, S. ( 2001) Learner uptake in communicative ESL lessons. Language Learning 51: 281-318. Lyster, R & Ranta, L. (1997). Corrective feedback and learner uptake. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19, 37-66. Lyster,R. (1998) 1998: Recasts, repetition and ambiguity in L2 classroom discourse. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 20: 51-80. Sheen, Y. (2004). Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicative classrooms across instructional settings. Language Teaching Research, 8, 263-300. 祖晓梅 (2008) 汉语课堂更正性反馈的调查与分析, 汉语学习 2008 年第 1 期

Page44 Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Applied Linguistics 第四届国际汉语应用语言学研讨会 Day 2 Saturday, April 26, 2014 第二日 :2014 年 4 月 26 日星期六 Panel 6: Studies on Chinese Pronunciation and Speaking Pedagogy 第六组 : 汉语语音 口语教学研究 Paper 2 of 3 论文三篇其二主讲人 : 章婷 题目 : 澳大利亚成人的汉语声调教学实验研究 摘要研究意义 : 语音是语言学习的重点也是难点 海外的汉语语音教学, 缺少现实的语言环境, 汉语学习者在规则指引下比较容易习得单字调, 但是一旦进入语流, 仍然普遍存在洋腔洋调的现象 主要体现在 : 一是过于突出单字调, 而忽视了声调之间的连接, 相互之间缺乏呼应与连贯 ; 二是为了相接, 字调的典型特征大为减弱 澳大利亚英语具有不同于英式与美式英语的一个显著特征, 就是无论陈述句或疑问句, 句调在末尾都呈上升趋势 (Guy, 1984) 考虑到汉语字调与句调的复杂交互关系, 这是否会导致澳大利亚成人汉语学习者呈现某种特别的声调偏误, 尤其是对于句末的边界调? 为此, 我们采用问卷调查 录音听辨的实证方式, 进行语音教学的对比实验研究, 并结合在澳大利亚的汉语教学实践, 提出了行之有效的声调教学方法 理论框架 : 1. 声调的特征描写 : 汉语可分为调根层次和调末层次 ( 张洪明,2013), 前者跟调域相关, 呈现 [+ 高 ] 的特征 ; 后者跟调型相关, 呈现 [+ 平 ] [+ 升 ] [+ 降 ] 的特征 阴平 [+ 高 ][+ 平 ]; 阳平 [+ 高 ][+ 升 ] ; 上声 [+ 低 ][+ 降 + 升 ] ; 去声 [+ 高 ][+ 降 ] 汉语教学应突出各声调的典型特征 2. 汉语教学的区域化 : 有效的汉语教学应该是基于学习者母语特点的语言教学, 教师需要从目的语和本族语中 深入浅出, 了解学生的本族语对目的语的负迁移, 而且这里的本族语应该是考虑到特定区域方音的本族语 3. 双字调模型和 TPR 教学法 :TPR 是全身反应法, 声调教学时, 结合声调的调域和调型特征, 以普通话的双字调模型为范本 ( 毛世桢,2008) 我们提供大量的双字调语料和陈述句单句语料, 让学生进行身体与声音的配合练习, 尤其强调上声的低域 研究流程 : 1. 问卷调查 : 基于教学实践和文献调查, 问卷列出了以英语为母语的学生较难掌握的音段 和声调选项, 要求学生选择感觉最难学习的一项 结果 90% 的学生选择了声调

Page45 2. 听辨实验 : 教师设计 20 个陈述句,156 个音节, 包含了汉语的 20 种双字调组合, 以及外国人学习中常见的声调难点和音段难点 ( 留待以后进一步做音段偏误分析 ) 录音人是完成了 40 个小时的课堂汉语学习的 20 位澳大利亚成人 由三位受过语音训练的汉语教师, 对语料加以听辨, 结合语音软件的语谱分析, 确定语料中的声调偏误情况 3. 教学实践 : 使用自设的训练语料库进行有效训练 ( 双音节词用于训练句中声调, 陈述句单句用于训练句末边界调 ), 采用 TPR 教学法进行教学实践 10 个星期后对同样 20 个句子录音, 再由同样三位汉语教师判断声调偏误情况 根据与训练前的对比结果, 分析其教学效果 主要研究结果 : 1. 采用 TPR 教学法训练后, 句中各声调的偏误率降低, 尤以上声最为明显 2. 训练前, 句末音节的音高模式多类似于阳平调, 这是澳式英语惯用的上升句调造成的迁移效应 训练后, 句末音节的字调趋于正常 以一名被试的数据为例, 图 1-4 给出了实验结果 所有 20 名被试的综合结果, 正在整理中 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 阴平阳平上声去声轻声 TPR 训练前声调偏误率 TPR 训练后声调偏误率 图 1: 训练前和训练后的句中声调偏误率比较

Page46 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 阴平阳平上声去声轻声 句末字调 TPR 训练前句末音高模式 TPR 训练后句末音高模式 图 2: 训练前和训练后句末音高模式的分布 18 3 4 13 30 1 4 3 阴平阳平去声上声 阴平阳平去声上声 图 3: 训练前句中上声的实际音高模式分布 图 4: 训练后句中上声的实际音高模式分布 参考文献毛氏桢 (2008) 对外汉语语音教学, 华东师范大学出版社 114-116 章婷, 鹤谷千春 (2013) 汉语二语语音韵律的听辨实验与教学研究 [J] 南京师范大学文学院学报 4:167-174. 张洪明 (2013) 汉语语言学与美国本土汉语教学 [J] 世界汉语教学学会通讯 4:14-19 Guy, G. R. & Vonwiller, J. (1984). The meaning of an intonation in Australian English. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 4(1): 1-17. Allan, K. (2008). The component functions of the high Rise terminal contour in Australian declarative sentences, Australian Journal of Linguistics, 4(1): 19-32.