Vygotsky(1896~1934) Vygotsky Vygotsky (scaffolding)dyson(1990) 2

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p2264@knvs.tp.edu.tw mpchen@ntnu.edu.tw Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of learning guidance and practice on DC bias analysis of transistor circuit in a Web-based learning environment. Eighty-eight vocational senior high school students participated in the experimental instruction. All of them have obtained adequate prior knowledge for the experimental learning activity. Two types of learning guidance were employed in this study, one is the dynamic guidance and the other is the sequential guidance. Practice was also implemented in two types, the progressive practice and the integrated practice. Learners were identified as high prior-knowledge or low prior-knowledge according to the prior-knowledge test scores. The results showed that (1) both the dynamic-loop guidance groups and the sequential-loop guidance groups performance of comprehension and problem-solving on DC bias analysis of transistor circuit were improved, (2) for all groups, there was no significant difference between the exercise performance and the posttest performance. Keywordslearning guidance, practicing strategy, learning performance 1

Vygotsky(1896~1934) Vygotsky Vygotsky (scaffolding)dyson(1990) 2

Rogoff1990 GeeMichael O Connor(1992) Hodson Hodson(1998) McLoughlinWinnips Oliver(2000) Hammond Gibbons(2001) (macro-scaffolding) (micro-scaffolding) 爲 Pahl(2002) (learning material) (feedback) (assessment) (demonstration) (modelling) (support) (fading) Pahl Nardi(1997) ShaboGuzdialStasko(1997) McLoughlinWinnipsOliver(2000) WWW WWW HillHannafin(2001) MacgregorLou(2004) (conceptual scaffolding) Macgregor Pahl(2002) (virtual interactive tutorials) 3

Pahl Pahl Pahl Pahl Denise(2006) (reading to navigate) (navigating to read) Denise(2006) 2.3 Alessi Trollip(2000) Alessi Trollip (random selection) (organized Selection) 4

Alessi Trollip (flashcard queuing) (variable interval performance queuing) Criswell(1989) Hannafin Peck(1988) Alessi Trollip 3. (MANCOVA) 5

19 18 37 18 20 38 37 38 75 WindowsXP 6

ShareView4.0 Cronbach α =.871 Cronbachα =.806 NPN PNP 爲 WindowsXP 3.6 ShareView4.0 ShareView4.0 7

4. 14.74 1.408 19 14.28 1.841 18 14.51 1.627 37 14.06 2.363 18 14.20 1.735 20 14.13 2.029 38 14.41 1.936 37 14.24 1.762 38 14.32 1.839 75 12.26 3.885 19 12.06 3.888 18 12.16 3.833 37 12.50 3.698 18 12.05 3.268 20 12.26 3.438 38 12.38 3.744 37 12.05 3.526 38 12.21 3.614 75 (F (1,70) = 1.501p =.488) (F (1,70) =.077p =.782) (F (1,70) =1.711p =.459) (F (1,70) =.435p =.708) (F (1,70) =1.017p =.317) (F (1,70) =.138p =.712) 8

14.68 1.734 19 14.61 1.754 18 14.65 1.719 37 14.28 2.109 18 14.65 1.387 20 14.47 1.751 38 14.49 1.909 37 14.63 1.550 38 14.56 1.726 75 12.47 2.836 19 12.28 3.340 18 12.38 3.049 37 13.83 2.383 18 12.50 2.395 20 13.13 2.451 38 13.14 2.679 37 12.39 2.843 38 12.76 2.770 75 (F (1,70) =.284p =.596) (F (1,70) =1.137p =.290) t 9 (F (1,70) =.097p =.757) (F (1,70) =.155p =.695) (F (1,70) =2.751p =.102) (F (1,70) =1.768p =.188) t

75 7.17 3.181 75 14.32 1.839 75 7.17 3.181 75 14.56 1.726 75 14.56 1.726 75 14.32 1.839 75 4.37 3.114 75 12.21 3.614 75 4.37 3.114 75 12.76 2.770 75 12.76 2.770 75 12.21 3.614 75.372.001 75.309.007 75.454.000 75.249.032 75.289.012 75.619.000 10

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