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1315 1215 167 1048 79.7 SPSS 1. 2. 3. i

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. ii

Title of ThesisA research on the relationship between the recognition and behavior of promotion of civil servant Name of institutegraduate Institute of Management Sciences, NanHua University Graduate datejune 2005 Degree ConferredM.B.A. Name of student: Lin, Chi-Chyan Advisor: Chen, Meng-Hiou Ph.D. Abstract It has been 5 years past since the Law of Civil Servant Promotion was enacted in 2000. But it persists to be focus and issues in public sector whether the institution of Civil Servant Promotion is installed and administered smoothly as expected or not. The author tries to explore the fairness in the design and execution of this institution through the approach of Civil Servants cognition. The extent of its vulnerability to political interference? And which influences it exerts on the attitudes and behaviors of civil servants. In order to find a more coherent assessment, through which to propose an alternative to improve the Institution of Civil Servant Promotion. The variables of this research includes recognition about the institution of Civil Servant Promotion, recognition about promotion fairness, awareness of promotion politics, psychological contract of promotion, organizational commitment and promotion behavior orientation; mainly to make a statistical analysis of the variance, correlation and influence. This research adopted the methodology of questionnaire and took all the civil servants in Central and Local governments as survey subject. There are 1,315 questionnaires issued, 1,215 received, 167 invalid and excluded, 1,048 valid, valid ratio 79.7%. iii

Its obtained data is then analyzed by factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Its main findings are as below: 1. The organizational and personal characteristics of civil servants are mostly significantly different to each other. 2. The civil servants in the administration is mostly positive relevant or negative correlated to each other in this research s variables. 3. The recognition about the institution of Civil Servant Promotion, recognition about promotion fairness, awareness of promotion politics, psychological contract of promotion, organizational commitment and promotion behavior orientation by the civil servants in the administration is mostly positive or negative effected. And the findings about civil servants promotion are: 1. Different categories of civil servants have different recognitions. 2. Promotion behavior orientation is effected through the intervening variables of the aspects of fairness, politics, and psychology. 3. The phenomenon of promotion politics is still prevalent. 4. Personal relation plays an important role in promotion. 5. The decision of promotion is up to the heads of the administration, not the council of personnel review. 6. One of the important factors of political interference in promotion is imperfect design of promotion institution. 7. The practical procedure of promotion is not open enough and full of falsifications. iv

8. Procedural justice exerts most influences on the attitudes and behaviors of civil servants. 9. Civil servants take a more passive and pessimistic view. 10. Promotion by performance and personal qualification is appraised. 11. The installment of promotion institution maintains some function. Based on the above findings, the author comments on relevant research theory and management practice, and summarizes the following 3 aspects and respective suggestions for governments to examine before making its promotion policy 1. Merit of promotion subjects. 2. Fairness of promotion procedure. 3.Generalness of promotion opportunity. Keywords recognition about the institution of Promotion, recognition about promotion fairness, awareness of promotion politics, psychological contract of promotion, organizational commitment, promotion behavior orientation. v

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xv ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 1.4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 7 1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 1.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 2.2 --------------------------------------- 14 2.3 ---------------------------------------------- 18 2.3.1 ----------------------------------------------------- 18 2.3.2 ------------------------------------------------------------ 19 2.4 ---------------------------------------------- 25 2.4.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 25 2.4.2 ---------------------------------------------- 26 2.5 ---------------------------------------------- 32 2.6 ----------------------------------------------------- 37 vi

2.7 ---------------------------------------------- 39 2.7.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 39 2.7.2 ----------------------------------------------------- 43 2.8 ------------------------------------------ 46 2.8.1 --------------------- 46 2.8.2 ---------- 47 2.8.3 -------------- 51 2.8.4 ---------- 54 2.9 ----------------------------------- 56 2.9.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 2.9.2 --------------------------------------- 57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 3.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 3.1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 3.1.2 ----------------------------------------------------- 70 3.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 73 3.2.1 --------------------- 73 3.2.2 ----------------------------------- 74 3.2.3 ----------------------------------- 75 3.3 ------------------------------------------------- 76 3.4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 80 3.4.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 3.4.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 3.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 vii

3.5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 84 3.5.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 3.5.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 3.6 ----------------------------------------------------- 99 ------------------------------------------------------------ 102 4.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 102 4.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 4.2.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 103 4.2.2 ---------------------------------------------- 111 4.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 4.3.1 -------------------------------- 114 4.3.2. -------------------------------- 118 4.3.3 --------------------------------------- 120 4.3.4 --------------------------------------- 122 4.3.5 -------------------------------- 124 4.3.6 -------------------------------- 126 4.3.7 -------------------------------- 128 4.3.8 --------------------------------------- 131 4.3.9 ------------------------------------------------------------ 133 4.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 134 4.4.1 --------------------- 135 4.4.2 --------------------- 136 4.4.3 --------------------- 137 4.4.4 ---------------------------- 138 viii

4.4.5 --------------------- 140 4.4.6 --------------------- 141 4.4.7 --------------------- 142 4.4.8 ---------------------------- 143 4.4.9 --------------------- 144 4.4.10 --------------------- 145 4.4.11 ---------------------------- 146 4.4.12 --------------------- 147 4.4.13 ---------------------------- 149 4.4.14 --------------------- 150 4.4.15 ---------------------------- 151 4.4.16 ------------------------------------------------------------ 152 4.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 153 4.5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 153 4.5.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 156 4.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 167 4.6.1 ------------------------------------- 167 4.6.2 ------------------------------------------- 168 4.6.3 ------------------------------------------ 171 4.6.4 ------------------------------------------ 176 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 179 5.1 -------------------------------------- 179 5.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 183 5.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 189 ix

5.3.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 189 5.3.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 190 5.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 193 5.4.1 ------------------------------------------------- 193 5.4.2 ----------------------------------------------------- 199 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 218 --------------------------------------- 226 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 235 x

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 ---------------------------- 15 ---------------------------------------------- 20 --------------------------------------- 27 ----------------------------------- 37 ------------------------------------------------- 38 ---------------------------------------------- 40 --------------------------------------- 44 47 49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.10 52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.11 55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 ------------------------------------------------------------ 84 ---------------------------------------------- 85 ---------------------------------------------- 87 -------------------------------- 90 --------------------------------------- 91 --------------------------------------- 91 -------------------------------- 92 --------------------------------------- 92 -------------------------------- 93 xi

3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 --------------------------------------- 94 --------------------------------------- 94 -------------------------------- 95 ------------------------------------------ 95 --------------------------------------- 96 ---------------------------------------------- 97 ---------------------------------------------- 97 -------------------------------- 98 --------------------------------------- 99 ----------------------------------------------------- 103 ----------------------------------------------------- 104 ----------------------------------------------------- 106 ----------------------------------- 107 ----------------------------------- 108 ------------------------------------------ 108 ----------------------------------- 109 ------------------------------------------ 109 ------------------------------------------ 110 ------------------------------------------ 111 ------------------------------------------------- 113 --------------------- 117 --------------------- 119 ---------------------------- 121 ---------------------------- 123 xii

4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 --------------------- 125 --------------------- 127 --------------------- 130 ---------------------------- 132 ------ 133 --------------------- 136 --------------------- 137 --------------------- 138 ---------------------------- 139 --------------------- 141 --------------------- 142 --------------------- 143 ---------------------------- 144 --------------------- 145 --------------------- 146 ---------------------------- 147 --------------------- 149 ---------------------------- 150 --------------------- 151 ---------------------------- 152 ------------------------------------------ 153 ----------------------------------- 154 ---------------------------- 156 ------------------------ 156 xiii

4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 5.1 ---------- 157 ---------- 159 ---------- 160 --- 161 --- 163 --- 165 --- 166 ---------------------------- 179 xiv

1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 --------------------------------------- 67 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 ---------------------------------------------- 72 ------------------------------------------------------------ 83 xv

1.1 personnel management human resource management human capital 1

Hall,D.T. & Goodale,J.G.1986 career promotion Gary Dessler1998 90 90 85 88 2

Civil Service Commissoners recruitment code Merit Systems Protection Board merit promotion agency merit promotion plans 92 87 3

82 75 1.2 4

92 Kanter 1979 homosocial reproduction system 90 87 83 85 5

87 Lawler1971 90 Ridley1983 6

1.3 1.4 7

1.5 8

1.1 9

1.1 10

1.6 11

2.1 12

90 85 13

2.2 2.1 14

2.1 80 80 81 81 81 82 83 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 87 15

2.1 87 88 90 90 90 91 91 92 92 92 16

2.1 92 : 93 93 1. 2. 3. 1. 91 2. 17

2.3 2.3.1 (equity) ( reciprocity) Ouchi (1980) Ouchi (1) (2) Ouchi 18

(justice) (distributive justice) (procedural justice) (Leventhal et.all, 1980; Thibaut & Walker, 1975) (Niehoff & Moorman, 1993) Bies Moag (1986) Moorman (1991) Niehoff & Moorman (1993) (formal procedural justice) (interactional justice) Konovsky Pugh (1994) (ends) (means) 2.3.2 Organizational Justice 19

Adams 1956 Organizational Justice Theories Greenberg1987 2.2 2.2 Content Reactive Proactive Equity theory Adams1965 Leventhal1980 Process Procedural justice theory ThibautWalker1975 Alloction preference theoryleventhalkaruza Fry1980 Greenberg1987 A Taxonomy of Organizational Justice Theories,Academy of Management Review, 12,pp.10. Reactive-Proactive Reactive Theories Proactive Theories Process-Content 20

Distributive Justice Procedure Justice Distributive Justice Bier Hoff et al1986 Greenberg1988 PfefferLangton1993 Cow herd Levine1992 Pfeffer Langton1993 Greenberg 1990 Dailey Kirk 1992 Equity Theory Relative Deprivation Theory Blau 1964Adams 1965 1. Adams, 1965 Adams1965 - Referent 1 Self-Inside 21

2 Self-Outside 3 Other-Inside 4 Other-Outside 2. Martin1981Crosby1984 Martin, 1981Crosby, 1984 Runciman1966 Individual Egoistic Deprivation Groupbased Fruternal Deprivation Martin1993 3. Leventhal19761980 Justice Judgment Model Leventhal1976 Outcome justice 1 Contributions Rule 2 Need Rule 22

3 Equality Rule Folger Cropanzano1998 Cropanzano Greenberg, 1997Folger Cropanzano, 1998 Greenberg1987 Thibaut Walker1975 Thibaut Walker Decision Input Process Control Decision Control Tyler BoeckmannSmith Huo1997 Thibaut Walker Legal Nonlegal Leventhal Procedural Rule Leventhal et.all, 1980 1. Consistency Rule 2. Representativeness Rule 3. Accuracy Rule 23

4. Bias Suppression Rule 5. Correctability Rule 6. Ethicality Rule Greenberg, 1987Barrett-Howard Tyler1986 Leventhal1980 Kim Mauborgne, 1998 Bies Maag1986 Tyler Bies1989 Lind Tyler1988 Self-Inerest Model Group-Value 24

2.4 2.4.1 82 Sensation Rubbins1990 GreenbergBaron 2000 Kreitner Kinicki2001 Perceptions of Organizational Politics Lewin1936 25

NewbergerDevos1988 GrandzMurray1980 FerrisKacmar1992 1989 FerrisKacmar Subjective Porception Stem Vigoda,2000 2.4.2 1991 KacmarFerris Perceptions of Organizational Scale,POPS 31 26

2.3 Kacmar,K. M. Ferris,G.R. Ferris,G.R. Kacmar,K. M. Ferris,G.R. Kacmar,K. M. Nye,L.G. Witt,L.A. 2.3 1991 1.SHRM Study12 n=282 POPS 2. n=105 3. n=822 1992 Study1 n=264 1992 Study2 n=95 1. 2. 3. 1 2 3 1993 1. POPS 12 Kacmarferris n=1297 2. 3. 27

2.3 2. 3. 2. 3. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. Drory,A. 1993 N=200 1. Perceived Political Climate 83 12 1. POPS 31 n=304 KacmarFerris 84 1. 2. n=810 Zhou,J. 1995 n=822 1.POPS9 Ferris,G.R. 1 Dominant Group 2 Reward Practice 3 Coworker Behavior Gilmore,D. C. Ferris,G.R. Ferris,G.R., Frink,D.D., Galang,M.C.,Zhou,J. Howard,J.l. 1996 1. Tenure Working for n=95 Supervisor,TWS 2.TWS 3.TWS 1996 1. 822 2. POPS40 3. 4. 5. 6. 28

2.3 85 1. Ferris,G.R., Frink,D.D., Bhawuk,D.P.S.,Zhou,J., Gilmore,D. C. Cropanzano, R.,Howes,J. C.,Grandey, A.A., Toth,P. Cropanzano, R.,Howes,J. C.,Grandey, A.A., Toth,P. 2. n=365 3. 4. 1996 100 1. 334 2. 80 3. 4. POPS 40 1 2 3 5. 6. 7. 1997 Study1 n=69 1. POPS 2. MeyerAlien 3. 1997 Study2 n=185 1. 2. Burnout 88 1. 31 POPS n=137 2. 3. 29

2.3 3. 4. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. Kacmar,K. 1999 1. POPS12 M.,Bozema n=786 2. n,d.p.,carls 3. on,d.s., n=469 Anthony,W. 4. P. Self Reported Individual Performance Ferris et al.1989 Hochwarter, 2000 4 1. W.A.,Kacm n=813 2. ar,k.m., 3. Witt,L.A. 4. Vigoda,E. 2000 2 1. In-role Behavior n=411 2. Silent Enemy 90 1. n=313 2. 91 1. n=485 2. 92 1. 2. 15 n=803 3. 6. 30

2.3 10. 11. 12. 92 1. 2. 3. n=387 4. 92 1. n=331 2. 3. 4. 5. 92 1. 2. 3. A n=430 92 1. Person 2. n=973 3. 31

2.3 92 1. 2. 3. 28 4. n=1482 92 230 n=1653 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 92 2. 2.5 (psychological contract) (Rousseau, 1990) 32

90 (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994) (1) Rousseau (1990) MBA (2) Schalk & Freese (1997) Thomas & Anderson (1998) (3) Morrison Robinson 1997 Turnley & Feldman (2000) ( ) ( 2001) (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994) ( Morrison & Robinson, 2000Turnley & Feldman, 2000) 33

(Robinson, 1996; Robinson & Rousseau, 1994; Turnley & Feldman, 1999) Rousseau (1990) (Moorhead & Griffin, 1998) (1999) (citizenship behavior) 1. (promise) (Rousseau & Parks, 1993) (individual perception) (Rousseau & Tijoriwala, 1998) 2. Turnley & Feldman (1999) 34

(Lester et al., 2002) (reciprocal obligations) 3. (expectations) (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994; Rousseau & Tijoriwala, 1998) (social exchange) (Turnley & Feldman, 2000) (economic exchange) (Tsui et al., 1997) Adams (1965) 1. (psychological contract breach) 35

(Morrison & Robinson, 1997) Morrison & Robinson (1997) (perceived breach) 2. Morrison & Robinson (1997) (contract violation) 3. (Morrison & Robinson, 1997) (feelings of violation) 36

(Morrison & Robinson, 1997) 2.6 Organizational Commitment Whyte 1956 The Organization Man 2.4 2.4 81 82 82 82 83 83 84 85 89 1 2 3 37

93 41-42 Staw1977 Attitude Commitment Behavior Commitment Koch Steer Becker Sheldon PorterSteerMowday MowdayPorter & Steer1982 2.5 Etzioni1961 Kanter1968 Porter1977 - Staw1977-38

Salancik1977 - Stevens1978 1 2 Allin & Meyer Becker 1990 Sidebets 93 45-46 2.7 2.7.1 Lodahi & Kejner1956 Job Involvement 39

Dubin1958 Drive Vroon1962 LawlerHall1970 LodahlKejner Intrinsic Motivation Expectancy 2.6 2.6 1 Dubin1955 2 Vroom1962 3 Blood & Hulin 1967 4 Maurer1969 5 Lawler & Hall 1970 Lodahl & Kijner Job involvement intrinsic motivation 6 Farris1971 7 Ruh, White & Wood 1975 40

2.6 8 Saleh & Hosek1976 1. 2. 3. 4. 9 Rabinowitz & Hall1977 1. 2. 3. 10 Blood & Hulin 1977 11 Reitz & Jewell 1979 12 Kanungo1982 13 Robbins1983 14 Blau & Boal1987 15 Shih1991 16 Steers, R. M.1991 17 Paullay 1992 18 Paullay, Alliger & Stone-Romero 1994 19 Brown & Leigh 1996 20 Hoffi-Hofstetter & Mannheim 1999 93 58-59 Kanungo1982 Job Involvement JI Work Involvement WI 41

Expectancy Model Vroom1964 1. Vroom 2. Vroom F=V E Vroom FForce VValence EExpectancy Campbell & Printchard 1976 Motivational Model Kanungo1979 Comprehensive Model Rabinowitz & Hall1977 42

1. 1 2 2. 3. 2.7.2 Hirschman 1970 Get Ahead Ferris et al, 1989 Symbolic Ferrisking, 1991 43

Organizational Political Behavior Stephet P. Robbins 2.7 2.7 Burns 1961 Pettigrew 1975 Schein 1977 MayesAllen 1977 Thshman 1977 MayesAllen 1977 WortmanLinsenmeier 1977 Mangham 1979 MitroffEmshoff 1979 Gray 1980 FarrellPetersen 1982 Mintzberg 1983 GrayAriss 1985 Ralston 1985 Dubrin 1988 Nils 1989 RussFandt 1989 44

2.7 Ferris,Fendor,Chachere, 1989 Pondy Kakabadse 1990 Pfeffer 1992 Dubrin 1992 Fairholm 1993 Dohen 1993 Drory 1993 83 Parker DipboyeJackson 1995 Cropanzano et al. 1995 CropanzanoKacmar 1995 Wilson 1995 84 Baron 1997 KreitnerKinicki 1999 Daft 1999 KacmarBaron 1999 Robert 2001 1. 91 2. 45

2.8 2.8.1 46

2.8 2.8 92 93 93 1 2 3 4 93 2.8.2 47

2.9 48

49 2.9 80 1. 2. 3. 4. 85 86 90 ( ) 90

2.9 91 ~ 91 92 92 92 1. 2. 3. 50

2.9 93 93 93 448 93 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.8.3 51

2.10 2.10 93 1. 2. 3. 92 1. 2. 92 1. 2. 3. 92 1. 2. 52

2.10 3. 92 92 1. -- 2. 3. 92 -- 1. 2. 92 93 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 53

2.10 6. 7. 93 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 93 2.8.4 54

2.11 2.11 89 ANOVA 91 1. 2. 3. 91 92 55

2.11 93 93 2.9 2.9.1 56

2.9.2 57

. 1. 2. 58

1. 2. 1. 2. 59


1. 2. 1. 2. 61

3. 4. 2. 1. 62

2. 3. 1. 2. 63

1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 64


2.1 66

1 2 3 N N 2 2.1 67

3.1 3.1.1 93 68


3.1 4 3.1 3.1.2 3.2 1. 2. 3. 70

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 71

1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 3.2 72

3.2 3.2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 73

1.11 1.12.1 1.12.2 1.12.3 1.12.4 3.2.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 74

2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 3.2.3 3.1 3.2 75

3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.3 William1970 88 69 76

81 Niehoff & Moorman1993 Folger & Greenberg1985 Adams,1965 Adams1965 77

Kacmar Ferris1991 91 psychological contract Rousseau1990 psychological contract breach Morrison & Robinson, 1997 Martin et.all, 1998 Laster & Kickul, 2001 78

1 2 3 Porter et.all, 1977 79

100 100 ~300 300 30 31~40 41~50 51 5 5 ~ 15 15 ~ 25 25 3.4 3.4.1 80

40% 20% 40% 81

3.3 93 82

83 3.3

3.4.2 3.1 3.1 52972 600 554 69 485 80.8 0.916 37825 475 428 72 356 74.9 0.941 21057 240 233 26 207 86.3 0.983 111854 1315 1215 167 1048 79.7 0.937 3.5 3.5.1 84

Likert 1 2 3 4 5 3.2 3.2 24 85 1. 85 2. 90 3. 91 4. 5. 92 19 1. Folger & konovsky1989skarlicki 2. & Folger1997 1998 92 Niehoff & Moorman1993 1992 92 85

3.2 83 18 1. 87 2. 90 3. 91 4. 92 6 Turnley & Feldman1998 Mowday R.TSteers R.MPorter L.M 15 1979 1. 2. 3. 23 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.5.2 60 60 3.3 86

3.3 1 1 12 14 13 19 18 20 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 87

3.3 4 5 5 6 6 9 10 10 11 12 13 17 16 18 2 6 11 10 21 20 88

3.5.3 1 0.4 24 6 18 Cronbach s α 0.69200.6027 0.7035 3.4 89

3.4 16.12. Cronbach s α 3. 4. 7. 9. 0.6920 10. 15. 19. 11. 0.6027 13. 1. 17. 20. 21. 0.7035 22. 23. 24. 2568 14 18 3.5 90

3.5 2 5 6 8 14 18 3.6 3.6 1 24 19 3 16 Bartlett p 0.000 Cronbach s α 56.468 3.7 91

0.579 0.806 3.7 15. 0.785 10. 0.775 19. 0.761 18. 0.729 9. 0.728 14. 0.715 8. 0.712 13. 0.648 12. 7. 0.519 3. 0.881 4. 0.867 2. 0.865 1. 0.851 5. 6. 0.755 8.749 2.184 29.799 26.669 29.799 56.468 Cronbach s α 0.9172 0.9426 Bartlett p 0.000 111617 3.8 3.8 11 16 17 92

18 2 16 Cronbach s α 0.70350.71120.8069 3.9 3.9 Cronbach s α 0.7035 9.10. 0.7112 17.11. 215 3.10 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13 14. 16. 18. 0.8069 12. 93

3.10 2 15 3.11 3.11 1 4 11 12 6 Bartlett p 0.000 Cronbach s α 0.70360.6009 60.918 3.12 94

2. 0.7103.12 4. 0.833 5. 0.804 6. 0.707 3. 0.818 1. 0.693 2.162 1.493 32.320 28.598 32.320 60.918 Cronbach sα 0.7036 0.6009 Bartlett p 0.000 3.13 3.13 2 3 6 15 1 14 Bartlett p 0.000 Cronbach s α 95

0.82410.71880.7143 54.257 3.14 3.14 9. 0.771 7. 0.587 4. 0.724 11. 0.711 3. 0.594 8. 0.567 1. 0.721 6. 0.617 10.0.550 2. 0.473 14. 0.750 12. 0.715 15. 0.6815.0.620 5.242 1.584 1.313 23.194 15.829 15.234 23.194 39.023 54.257 Cronbach sα 0.8241 0.7188 0.7143 Bartlett p 0.000 13 3.15 96

3.15 13 3.16 3.16 5 12 14 15 23 2 21 Bartlett p 0.000 Cronbach s α 0.83020.75570.74140.7325 52.821 3.17 97

0.631 0.551 0.695 0.6613.17 18. 0.874 19. 0.835 17. 0.786 20. 0.760 21. 22. 0.427 6. 0.740 5. 0.644 7. 0.639 10. 8. 0.513 1. 0.745 2. 0.706 4. 0.703 3. 11. 0.409 15. 0.780 16. 0.698 13. 0.672 14. 12. 0.407 98

3.17 5.126 3.721 1.895 1.407 17.420 12.595 11.659 11.148 17.420 30.015 41.674 52.821 Cronbach sα 0.8302 0.7557 0.7414 0.7325 Bartlett p 0.000 923 3.18 3.18 9 23 3.6 1048 SPSS FOR WINDOWS 8.0 Reliability Analysis Cronbach s α Cronbach s α 0.7 99

Factor Analysis principle component analysis Eigenvalue 1 Varimax 0.4 Descriptive Statistics t t-test One-Way ANOVA t 1.1~1.12.4 p p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 Scheffe 100

Correlation Analysis 2.1~2.16 Regression Analysis foreward method backward method stepwise method 3.1~3.7 101

SPSS FOR WINDOWS8.0 Cronbach s α t Pearson 4.1 1048 0.7 0.7 4.1 102

4.1 Cronbach s α Cronbach s α 0.7962 0.9398 0.7935 0.6327 0.8631 0.6920 11.12.13. 0.6027 0.7035 0.9172 0.9426 0.7035 0.7112 11.12. 0.8069 4.5.6. 0.7036 1.2.3. 0.6009 0.8241 0.7188 0.7143 0.8302 ---------- 0.7557 0.7414 0.7325 4.2 1315 1048 79.7 4.2.1 4.2 4.3 103

4.2 46.1 33.3 20.6 4.2 100 25.2 100~300 32.6 300 42.2 4.2 483 46.1 349 33.3 216 20.6 100 264 25.2 100~300 342 32.6 300 442 42.2 93 4.3 51.7 48.3 54.3 45.7 104

4.3 30 7.6 31~40 38.6 41~50 40.2 51 13.5 30 8.4 31~40 32.1 41~50 38.1 51 21.4 31~40 51 4.3 5.9 31.1 41.4 21.6 19.2 33.6 34.4 12.5 4.3 9.4 57.9 32.6 5.9 53.3 40.8 4.3 23.0 77.0 11.4 88.6 105

4.3 n1048 542 51.7 54.3 506 48.3 45.7 30 80 7.6 8.4 31~40 405 38.6 32.1 41~50 421 40.2 38.1 51 142 13.5 21.4 62 5.9 19.2 326 31.1 33.6 434 41.4 34.4 226 21.6 12.5 99 9.4 5.9 607 57.9 53.3 342 32.6 40.8 241 23.0 11.4 807 77.0 88.6 5 138 13.2 11.2 5 ~ 15 419 40.0 41.6 15 ~ 25 363 34.6 33.8 25 128 12.2 13.4 106

4.4 4.4 15 24.2 98 30.1 197 45.4 173 76.5 483 46.1 20 32.3 128 39.3 155 35.7 46 20.4 349 33.3 27 43.5 100 30.7 82 18.9 7 3.1 216 20.6 62 100.0326 100.0434 100.0 226 100.01048 100.0 χ2=151.898 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.5 107

4.5 111 32.5 302 49.8 70 70.7 483 46.1 137 40.1 184 30.3 28 28.3 349 33.3 94 27.5 121 19.9 1 1.0 216 20.6 342 100.0 607 100.0 99 100.0 1048 100.0 χ2=62.074 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.6 4.6 131 38.3 332 54.7 79 79.8 542 51.7 211 61.7 275 45.3 20 20.2 506 48.3 342 100.0 607 100.0 99 100.0 1048 100.0 χ2=58.059 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.7 108

4.7 42 12.3 19 3.1 1 1.0 62 5.9 168 49.1 152 25.0 6 6.1 326 31.1 120 35.1 281 46.3 33 33.3 434 41.4 12 3.5 155 25.5 59 59.6 226 21.6 342 100.0 607 100.0 99 100.0 1048 100.0 χ2=229.135 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.8 4.8 153 63.5 389 48.2 542 51.7 88 36.5 418 51.8 506 48.3 241 100.0 807 100.0 1048 100.0 χ2=17.357 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 109

4.9 41 41~50 31~40 31~50 4.9 30 43 12.6 36 5.9 1 1.0 80 7.6 31~40 164 48.0 235 38.7 6 6.1 405 38.6 41~50 110 32.2 259 42.7 52 52.5 421 40.2 51 25 7.3 77 12.7 40 40.4 142 13.5 342 100.0 607 100.0 99 100.0 1048 100.0 χ2=126.810 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.10 15 525 515 110

4.10 5 63 18.4 74 12.2 1 1.0 138 13.2 5 ~ 175 15 51.2 238 39.2 6 6.1 419 40.4 15 ~ 25 87 25.4 227 37.4 49 49.5 363 34.6 25 17 5.0 68 11.2 43 43.4 128 12.2 342 100.0 607 100.0 99 100.0 1048 100.0 χ2=128.214 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.2.2 4.10 3.6530 3 3.1928 3 3.0883 3.2974 111

3.2898 3 3.37513.5779 2 2.9165 3 2.8484 3 3.5925 3 3.7739 3.5876 3.4722 3.2786 2.2524 3 112

4.11 1048 2.13 5.00 3.7229 0.4569 1048 1.67 5.00 3.8394 0.6333 1048 2.14 4.86 3.3968 0.4907 1048 2.36 4.90 3.6530 0.4256 1048 1.00 5.00 3.0883 0.6747 1048 1.00 5.00 3.2974 0.8080 1048 1.00 5.00 3.1928 0.6666 1048 2.00 5.00 3.3751 0.4780 1048 2.00 5.00 3.5779 0.5998 1048 1.00 5.00 2.9165 0.7241 1048 2.24 4.64 3.2898 0.4319 1048 1.00 5.00 2.8276 0.7596 1048 1.00 5.00 2.8693 0.7594 1048 1.17 5.00 2.8484 0.5872 1048 1.00 5.00 3.5083 0.6119 1048 1.00 5.00 3.7739 0.5581 1048 1.25 5.00 3.4955 0.6622 1048 1.72 5.00 3.5925 0.4958 1048 1.00 5.00 2.2524 0.6858 1048 1.20 5.00 3.2786 0.6372 1048 1.00 5.00 3.5876 0.5770 1048 1.44 5.00 3.4722 0.5055 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 113

4.3 t 4.3.1 One-Way ANOVA Scheffe 4.12 114



4.12 1 2 3 F p Scheffe / n=483 n=349 n=216 3.66 3.74 3.84 12.970 0.000 3.82 3.81 3.93 2.927 3.40 3.34 3.47 4.729 0.054 21 31 32 0.009 32 3.63 3.63 3.75 6.782 0.001 31 32 3.00 3.20 3.10 9.076 0.000 21 3.25 3.37 3.30 2.250 0.106 3.12 3.28 3.20 5.916 0.003 21 3.43 3.32 3.35 5.696 0.003 12 3.52 3.59 3.68 5.293 0.005 31 3.11 2.73 2.79 33.630 0.000 12 13 3.35 3.21 3.27 10.941 0.000 12 3.03 2.64 2.66 34.958 0.000 12 13 3.07 2.73 2.65 33.372 0.000 12 13 3.05 2.69 2.66 59.243 0.000 12 13 3.46 3.57 3.53 3.638 0.027 21 3.76 3.83 3.71 2.808 0.061 3.51 3.49 3.47 0.347 0.707 3.58 3.63 3.57 1.417 0.243 2.22 2.26 2.30 1.086 0.338 3.15 3.37 3.42 19.460 0.000 21 31 3.58 3.65 3.50 4.907 0.008 21 3.43 3.55 3.43 6.932 0.001 21 23 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 117

4.3.2 One-Way ANOVA Scheffe 4.13 100 300 100 100~300 300 300 100 118

/ 4.13 1 2 3 100 100~300 n=264 n=342 300 n=442 F p Scheffe 3.76 3.73 3.69 2.320 0.099 3.85 3.86 3.82 0.585 3.39 3.41 3.39 0.227 0.557 0.797 3.67 3.67 3.63 0.888 0.412 3.21 3.06 3.04 6.174 0.002 12 13 3.39 3.28 3.26 2.246 0.106 3.30 3.17 3.15 4.677 0.010 13 3.32 3.36 3.42 3.665 0.026 31 3.59 3.56 3.58 0.297 0.743 2.82 2.96 2.94 3.293 0.038 3.24 3.29 3.32 3.783 0.110 2.77 2.88 2.83 1.491 0.226 2.77 2.83 2.96 5.953 0.003 31 2.77 2.86 2.89 3.783 0.023 31 3.54 3.47 3.52 1.053 0.349 3.75 3.73 3.83 3.325 0.036 3.43 3.49 3.53 1.842 0.159 3.57 3.56 3.63 1.700 0.183 2.32 2.23 2.23 1.920 0.147 2.34 2.25 2.26 1.737 0.177 2.55 2.56 2.63 2.019 0.133 2.48 2.45 2.48 0.481 0.618 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 119

4.3.3 t 4.14 120

/ 4.14 1 2 n=542 n=506 t p 3.69 3.76-2.532 0.011 21 3.83 3.85-0.320 0.749 3.37 3.43-1.832 0.067 3.63 3.68-1.769 0.077 3.12 3.05 1.698 0.090 3.30 3.29 1.77 0.860 3.21 3.17 0.963 0.336 3.35 3.41-2.011 0.045 21 3.57 3.59-0.598 0.550 2.90 2.93-0.704 0.482 3.27 3.31-1.412 0.158 2.83 2.82 0.280 0.780 2.92 2.81 2.299 0.022 12 2.88 2.82 1.666 0.096 3.53 3.49 1.029 0.304 3.77 3.78-0.158 0.874 3.47 3.52-1.241 0.215 3.59 3.60-0.189 0.851 2.31 2.19 2.959 0.003 12 3.33 3.22 2.665 0.008 3.63 3.55 2.246 0.025 12 3.5 3.45 1.625 0.104 12 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 121

4.3.4 One-Way ANOVA Scheffe 4.15 51 41~50 31~40 30 51 41~50 31~40 30 30 31~40 51 40 122

4.15 / 1 2 3 4 30 51 F p Scheffe 31-4041-50 n=405 n=421 n=80 n=142 3.79 3.71 3.73 3.71 0.679 0.565 3.97 3.83 3.83 3.84 1.174 0.318 3.47 3.39 3.41 3.34 1.497 0.214 3.74 3.64 3.66 3.63 1.447 0.228 3.13 3.08 3.04 3.22 2.620 0.050 3.41 3.29 3.24 3.43 2.462 0.061 3.27 3.18 3.14 3.33 3.082 0.027 41 23 3.44 3.39 3.37 3.29 2.186 0.088 3.63 3.58 3.56 3.59 0.270 0.847 2.91 2.90 2.95 2.87 0.495 0.686 3.32 3.29 3.29 3.25 0.535 0.658 2.88 2.82 2.80 2.91 0.892 0.444 2.88 2.88 2.87 2.81 0.290 0.832 2.88 2.85 2.84 2.86 0.148 0.931 3.43 3.44 3.52 3.72 7.830 0.000 41 42 43 3.63 3.70 3.82 3.94 9.732 0.000 41 42 43 3.32 3.42 3.57 41 42 0.000 43 3.45 3.52 3.64 3.75 10.807 0.000 31 32 41 42 2.37 2.32 2.16 2.27 4.468 0.004 24 3.51 3.29 3.22 3.29 4.768 0.003 14 3.62 3.57 3.56 3.69 1.944 0.121 3.51 3.48 3.44 3.51 1.062 0.364 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 123

4.3.5 One-Way ANOVA Scheffe 4.16 124

4.16 1 2 3 4 F p Scheffe / n=326 n=434 n=62 n=226 3.76 3.80 3.73 3.59 9.998 0.000 24 34 3.87 3.94 3.83 3.69 7.093 0.000 34 3.43 3.48 3.39 3.28 7.441 0.000 24 3.69 3.74 3.65 3.52 12.361 0.000 23 24 3.04 3.05 3.12 3.09 0.721 0.539 3.24 3.33 3.27 3.33 0.530 0.662 3.14 3.19 3.19 3.21 0.192 0.902 3.30 3.40 3.37 3.38 0.885 0.448 3.40 3.65 3.58 3.53 3.865 0.009 31 2.72 2.88 2.89 3.08 41 42 5.727 0.001 43 3.14 3.31 3.28 3.33 3.493 0.015 31 41 2.59 2.82 2.83 2.90 2.649 0.048 41 2.77 2.76 2.85 3.09 9.080 0.000 43 2.68 2.79 2.84 2.99 7.395 0.000 3.47 3.55 3.48 3.50 0.916 0.432 3.60 3.84 3.73 3.80 4.685 3.44 3.52 3.46 3.54 1.104 3.50 3.64 3.56 3.61 2.440 41 42 41 42 43 0.003 32 0.347 0.063 2.42 2.21 2.28 2.21 2.191 0.087 3.43 3.54 3.59 3.69 0.583 0.626 3.43 3.54 3.59 3.69 4.655 0.003 41 42 3.45 3.49 3.47 3.44 0.470 0.704 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 125

4.3.6 One-Way ANOVA Scheffe 4.17 126

4.17 1 2 3 ( ( (F p Scheffe / ) ) ) n=342 n=607 n=99 12 13 3.82 3.70 3.55 16.463 0.000 23 3.93 3.83 3.23 9.969 0.000 12 23 3.48 3.38 3.23 0.000 12 13 11.218 23 3.74 3.63 3.46 18.578 0.000 12 13 23 3.06 3.09 3.15 0.669 0.513 3.23 3.30 3.50 4.386 0.013 21 3.15 3.20 3.32 2.822 0.060 3.42 3.37 3.30 2.683 0.069 3.57 3.59 3.52 0.744 0.475 2.81 2.95 3.11 8.251 0.000 21 31 3.26 3.30 3.31 0.984 0.374 2.76 2.84 3.02 4.917 0.007 31 2.80 2.89 2.99 2.829 0.060 2.78 2.86 3.01 6.298 0.002 31 3.48 3.51 3.64 2.742 0.065 3.74 3.77 3.90 3.082 0.046 31 3.44 3.49 3.69 5.750 0.003 31 32 3.55 3.59 3.74 5.802 0.003 31 32 2.28 2.24 2.21 0.653 0.521 2.29 2.29 2.17 1.660 0.191 2.52 2.59 2.78 8.019 0.000 31 32 2.50 2.46 2.48 0.686 0.504 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 127

4.3.7 t 4.18 128


4.18 1 2 / n=241 n= 807 t p 3.67 3.74-2.229 0.026* 21 3.64 3.90-5.157 0.000 21 3.27 3.43-4.583 0.000 21 3.63 3.69-5.308 0.000 21 3.23 3.05 3.691 0.000 12 3.56 3.22 6.248 0.000 12 3.25 3.13 6.011 0.000 12 3.29 3.40-3.285 0.001 21 3.55 3.59-0.938 0.348 2.90 2.92-0.292 0.771 3.25 3.30-1.805 0.071 21 2.96 2.79 2.995 0.003 12 2.94 2.85 1.564 0.118 2.95 2.82 2.773 0.006. 12 3.59 3.48 2.466 0.014 12 3.85 3.75 2.273 0.023 12 3.60 3.46 2.790 0.005 12 3.68 3.57 3.114 0.002 12 2.17 2.28-2.369 0.018 21 3.31 3.27 0.766 0.444 3.69 3.56 3.013 0.003 12 3.46 3.48-0.343 0.732 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 130

4.3.8 One-Way ANOVA Scheffe 4.19 25 15~ 25 5~ 15 5 15~ 25 5 5 15~ 25 5~ 15 131

4.19 1 2 3 4 55-15- 25 F p Scheffe 1525 n=138 n=419 n=363 n=128 / 3.75 3.71 3.74 3.69 0.511 0.675 3.97 3.82 3.81 3.83 2.177 0.089 3.47 3.39 3.40 3.32 2.028 0.108 3.73 3.64 3.65 3.62 1.868 0.133 3.15 3.10 3.02 3.07 2.489 0.059 3.31 3.30 3.26 3.36 0.473 0.701 3.23 3.20 3.14 3.27 1.434 0.231 3.44 3.36 3.37 3.36 1.131 0.335 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.62 0.214 0.866 2.90 2.90 2.95 2.87 0.595 0.618 3.31 3.28 3.30 3.28 0.205 0.893 2.78 2.85 2.79 2.92 1.165 0.322 2.94 2.88 2.82 2.89 0.929 0.426 2.86 2.87 2.81 2.90 1.095 0.350 3.47 3.46 3.48 3.76 8.502 0.000 41 42 43 3.66 3.73 3.80 3.95 7.368 0.000 41 42 3.34 3.49 3.55 3.55 3.578 0.014 31 3.49 3.56 3.61 3.75 7.257 0.000 41 42 2.44 2.21 2.21 2.32 5.209 0.014 12 13 3.38 3.28 3.22 3.30 2.072 0.102 3.60 3.59 3.54 3.69 2.098 0.099 3.52 3.49 3.41 3.53 2.694 0.045 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 132

4.3.9 t Scheffe 4.20 4.20 1. 1.100 1. 1.30 1. 1. 1. 5 2. 2. 2.2. 2.100~ 2.31~40 2.3. 2.5~ 300 3. 15 3. 300 3.41~50 4. 3.15 4.51 ~ 5 / 21 31 32 32 31 32 21 24 34 34 24 23 24 12 13 23 12 23 12 13 23 12 13 23 21 21 21 21 12 21 12 13 21 12 21 13 41 12 23 12 31 21 21 4.25 31 12 13 12 31 41 42 43 31 41 21 31 21 133

4.20 1. 1001. 1.30 1. 1. 1. 5 2. 2. 2.2.. 2. 100~ 2.31~40 2.3. 300 3. 3. 300 3.41~50 4. 4.51 / 12 13 12 13 12 13 21 31 31 12 41 42 43 41 42 43 41 42 43 31 32 41 42 41 41 42 43 41 42 43 31 31 12 12 12 32 31 12 31 32 31 32 12 12 12 24 21 21 31 21 21 23 12 12 14 41 42 31 32 12 2.5 ~ 15 3.15 ~ 5 4.25 41 42 43 41 42 31 41 42 12 13 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4.4 134

Pearson 4.4.1 4.21 Pearson -0.151 2.2 135

/ 4.21 n1048 Pearson p Pearson p -0.327 0.000-0.151 0.000-0.166 0.000-0.44 0.156-0.493 0.000-0.288 0.000 Pearson -0.310 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.2 4.22 136

Pearson 0.455 2.3 4.22 / Pearson n1048 p Pearson p Pearson p 0.410 0.000 0.370 0.000 0.054 0.082 0.229 0.000 0.271 0.000 0.083 0.008 0.445 0.000 0.455 0.000 0.209 0.000 Pearson 0.442 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.3 4.23 137

Pearson -0.070 2.4 / 4.23 n1048 Pearson p Pearson p -0.204 0.000-0.070 0.024-0.072 0.019-0.046 0.140-0.206 0.000-0.017 0.573 Pearson -0.119 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.4 4.24 138

Pearson -0.009 2.5 4.24 / Pearson n1048 p Pearson p Pearson p -0.152 0.000-0.009 0.767-0.213 0.000-0.005 0.884-0.110 0.000-0.039 0.204-0.267 0.000-0.064 0.038-0.188 0.000 Pearson -0.128 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 139

4.4.5 4.25 Pearson -0.1200.120 140

2.6 4.25 n1048 / Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p 0.084 0.007 0.167 0.000-0.120 0.000 0.012 0.709 0.025 0.424 0.120 0.000-0.010 0.737 0.155 0.000 0.024 0.443 0.121 0.000-0.183 0.000 0.051 0.102 0.027 0.385 0.166 0.000-0.108 0.000 0.062 0.046 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.6 4.26 141

Pearson -0.187 2.7 4.26 n1048 / Pearson Pearson Pearson p p p -0.539 0.000-0.372 0.000-0.363 0.000-0.307 0.000-0.187 0.000-0.240 0.000 Pearson -0.493 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.7 4.27 142

Pearson 0.405 2.8 4.27 n1048 / Pearson p Pearson p 0.372 0.000 0.018 0.560 0.405 0.064 0.038 0.000 Pearson 0.250 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.8 4.28 143

Pearson 0.558 2.9 4.28 n1048 / Pearson Pearson Pearson p p p 0.558 0.000 0.292 0.000 0.261 0.000 0.431 0.000 0.208 0.000 0.216 0.000 Pearson 0.443 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.9 4.25 144

Pearson 0.474 2.10 4.29 n1048 / Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p -0.074-0.032 0.305 0.474 0.000 0.337 0.000 0.016-0.060 0.053-0.006 0.855 0.358 0.000 0.255 0.000-0.074 0.017-0.019 0.529 0.457 0.000 0.325 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.10 4.30 145

Pearson -0.084 2.11 4.30 n1048 / Pearson p Pearson p -0.227 0.000*** -0.093 0.003** -0.214 0.000*** -0.031 0.323-0.084 0.007** -0.039 0.202 Pearson -0.103 p 0.001 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.11 4.31 146

Pearson -0.114 2.12 4.31 / Pearson n1048 p Pearson p Pearson p -0.326 0.000-0.114 0.000-0.266 0.000-0.156 0.000-0.005 0.861-0.222 0.000-0.213 0.000-0.059 0.057-0.039 0.206 Pearson -0.255 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.12 4.32 147

Pearson 0.415 2.13 148

4.32 n1048 / Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p 0.091 0.003 0.228 0.000-0.202 0.000-0.047 0.127 0.173 0.000 0.415 0.000-0.086 0.006-0.060 0.052 0.029 0.351 0.104 0.001-0.177 0.000-0.201 0.000 0.097 0.002 0.218 0.000-0.213 0.000-0.102 0.001 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.13 4.33 4.28 Pearson 0.331 2.14 149

4.33 n1048 / Pearson Pearson Pearson p p p 0.331 0.000 0.177 0.000 0.221 0.000 0.077 0.131 0.000 0.095 0.002 0.012 Pearson 0.247 p 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.14 4.34 Pearson 0.252 150

2.15 4.34 n1048 / Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p -0.102 0.001 0.088 0.004 0.232 0.000 0.132 0.000-0.092 0.003 0.144 0.000 0.252 0.000 0.231 0.000-0.126 0.000 0.037 0.236 0.313 0.000 0.235 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.15 4.35 151

Pearson 0.486 2.16 4.35 n1048 / Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p Pearson p -0.182 0.000-0.051 0.008 0.486 0.000 0.382 0.000-0.284 0.000-0.093 0.002 0.461 0.000 0.390 0.000-0.552 0.000-0.218 0.000 0.259 0.000 0.097 0.002-0.247 0.000-0.041 0.185 0.448 0.000 0.346 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.4.16 4.36 152

4.36 Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson p p p p p -0.310 0.000 0.442-0.493 0.000 0.000-0.119 0.250-0.103 0.000 0.000 0.001-0.128 0.000 0.443-0.255 0.247 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.027-0.074 0.097-0.126-0.247 0.385 0.017 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.166-0.019 0.218 0.037-0.041 0.000 0.529 0.000 0.236 0.185-0.108 0.457-0.213 0.313 0.448 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.062 0.325-0.102 0.235 0.346 0.046 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.5 4.5.1 153

4.37 31.8 B 0.4840.141 10.9 10.4 4.37 / n=1048 B B B 1.794 1.895 3.372 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.047-0.119-0.055 p=0.104 p=0.000 p=0.096 0.484 0.291 0.157 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.079 0.033-0.106 p=0.012 p=0.360 p=0.003 0.141 0.144 0.148 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 R 0.564 0.330 0.323 R 2 0.318 0.109 0.104 F 121.474 31.920 30.348 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.38 154

20.3 B -0.175-0.481 6.9 33.4 B 0.2920.1570.324 20.1 B 0.2550.223 155

4.38 / n=1048 B B B B 3.920 1.206 0.746 0.876 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.001 p=0.000-0.13 0.105 0.037 0.178 p=0.687 p=0.002 p=0.195 p=0.000-0.175-0.133 0.292 0.255 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.063 0.232 0.013 0.016 p=0.063 p=0.000 p=0.672 p=0.647-0.032 0.051 0.157 0.133 p=0.271 p=0.104 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.481-0.41 0.324 0.223 p=0.000 p=0.224 p=0.000 p=0.000 R 0.450 0.263 0.578 0.448 R 2 0.203 0.069 0.334 0.201 F 52.942 15.447 104.570 52.422 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.39 4.39 n=1048 n=1048 B B B B B B B -------- -------- -------- 4.5.2 156

4.40 8.9%R 2 0.089 33.3%R 2 0.333 33.9%R 2 0.339 35.8%R 2 0.358 R 2 0.2 0.3 p 4.40 n=1048 / B B B B 4.444 1.621 1.835 1.522 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.039-0.002 0.004 0.030 p=0.303 p=0.953 p=0.902 p=0.371-0.151-0.106-0.103-0.094 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.001-0.307-0.037-0.046-0.054 p=0.000 p=0.286 p=0.201 p=0.126 0.475 0.451 0.424 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.133 0.131 0.104 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.002-0.087-0.101 p=0.011 p=0.003 0.077 0.089 p=0.015 p=0.004-0.012-0.020 p=0.660 p=0.460 0.112 p=0.000 0.076 p=0.004 157

4.40 n=1048 / B B B B R 0.298 0.577 0.582 0.599 R 2 0.089 0.333 0.339 0.358 R 2 0.089 0.244 0.006 0.019 F 33.820 104.133 66.648 57.880 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.41 2.7%R 2 0.027 11.3%R 2 0.113 12.2%R 2 0.122 14.2%R 2 0.142 R 2 0.2 p 158

4.41 n=1048 / B B B B 3.741 2.207 1.910 1.614 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.006 0.018 0.017 0.044 p=0.872 p=0.623 p=0.656 p=0.246-0.168-0.143-0.134-0.123 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.131 0.030 0.002-0.005 p=0.001 p=0.452 p=0.961 p=0.896 0.318 0.349 0.327 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.030 0.027 0.021 p=0.417 p=0.460 p=0.583-0.019-0.040 p=0.621 p=0.306 0.100 0.107 p=0.006 p=0.003 0.051 0.045 p=0.106 p=0.149 0.057 p=0.088 0.124 p=0.000 R 0.164 0.336 0.349 0.377 R 2 0.027 0.113 0.122 0.142 R 2 0.027 0.086 0.009 0.020 F 9.662 26.493 18.014 17.168 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.42 5.8%R 2 0.058 9.7%R 2 0.097 11.9%R 2 0.119 13.4%R 2 0.134 R 2 0.2 p 159

4.42 n=1048 / B B B B 4.663 3.491 3.977 3.662 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.183-0.171-0.130-0.106 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.001 p=0.006-0.092-0.072-0.079-0.071 p=0.008 p=0.033 p=0.018 p=0.034-0.120-0.017 0.015 0.008 p=0.002 p=0.680 p=0.718 p=0.851 0.150 0.100 0.077 p=0.000 p=0.026 0.096 0.103 p=0.011 p=0.005-0.112 p=0.004-0.093 p=0.010 0.054 p=0.086 p=0.086 0.086 p=0.025-0.127 p=0.001-0.084 p=0.020 0.048 p=0.128 0.082 p=0.014 0.087 p=0.004 R 0.240 0.311 0.345 0.367 R 2 0.058 0.097 0.119 0.134 R 2 0.058 0.039 0.022 0.015 F 21.345 22.281 17.491 16.098 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.43 1.2%R 2 0.012 1.63%R 2 0.016 160

4.7%R 2 0.047 5.6%R 2 0.056 34.7%R 2 0.347 R 2 0.2 p 4.43 n=1048 / B B B B B 1.937 2.353 2.141 2.379 4.546 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.128 0.123 0.094 0.076 0.022 p=0.001 p=0.002 p=0.018 p=0.058 p=0.522-0.072-0.066-0.078-0.071-0.024 p=0.040 p=0.062 p=0.026 p=0.043 p=0.406-0.021-0.056-0.100-0.096-0.085 p=0.595 p=0.187 p=0.019 p=0.026 p=0.018-0.057-0.037-0.023 0.015 p=0.185-0.025 p=0.521 p=0.425 p=0.626 p=0.712-0.035-0.031 0.005 p=0.368 p=0.442 p=0.881-0.013 0.000-0.062 p=0.748 p=0.992 p=0.073 0.200 0.195 0.155 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.055-0.051-0.015 p=0.093 p=0.117 p=0.590-0.037 0.002 p=0.296 p=0.940-0.081-0.023 p=0.010 p=0.379 0.142 p=0.000-0.172 p=0.000-0.546 p=0.000 161

4.43 / n=1048 B B B B B R 0.110 0.128 0.217 0.236 0.589 R 2 0.012 0.016 0.047 0.056 0.347 R 2 0.012 0.004 0.031 0.009 0.291 F 4.226 3.464 6.431 6.137 42.236 p 0.006 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.44 3.1%R 2 0.031 3.2%R 2 0.032 21.4%R 2 0.214 23.7%R 2 0.237 27.6%R 2 0.276 R 2 0.2 0.2 p 162

4.44 n=1048 / B B B B B 2.298 2.085 1.227 1.031 1.521 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.131 0.134 0.046 0.063 0.033 p=0.001 p=0.001 p=0.209 p=0.080 p=0.352 0.053 0.050 0.021 0.009 0.006 p=0.130 p=0.156 p=0.513 p=0.769 p=0.842 0.022 0.042-0.069-0.071-0.063 p=0.571 p=0.325 p=0.079 p=0.066 p=0.094 0.037 0.125 0.124 0.072 p=0.385 p=0.003 p=0.003 p=0.097 0.006-0.018 0.018 0.025 p=0.878 p=0.614 p=0.621 p=0.486 0.085 0.063-0.048 p=0.021 p=0.088 p=0.187 0.441 0.435 0.399 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.133-0.132-0.122 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.076-0.073 p=0.016 p=0.018 0.154 0.156 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.105 p=0.012 0.073 p=0.042-0.225 p=0.000 R 0.176 0.179 0.463 0.486 0.525 R 2 0.031 0.032 0.214 0.237 0.276 R 2 0.031 0.001 0.182 0.023 0.039 F 11.071 6.912 35.369 32.142 30.276 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.45 4.5%R 2 0.045 163

24.0%R 2 0.240 24.6%R 2 0.246 31.4%R 2 0.314 40.1%R 2 0.401 R 2 0.2 0.2 p 164

4.45 n=1048 / B B B B B 4.231 1.844 1.615 1.143 0.546 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.029-0.054-0.020-0.036 0.008-0.006 p=0.161 p=0.563 p=0.308 p=0.820 p=0.856 0.119 0.079 0.073 0.051 0.010 p=0.001 p=0.011 p=0.019 p=0.086 p=0.734-0.202 0.041 0.019 0.010 0.016 p=0.000 p=0.272 p=0.618 p=0.792 p=0.630 0.439 0.464 0.441 0.313 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.101 0.097 0.124 0.108 p=0.003 p=0.005 p=0.000 p=0.001 0.028-0.013 0.008 p=0.436 p=0.698 p=0.807 0.077 0.079 0.043 p=0.023 p=0.015 p=0.161-0.010-0.015-0.025 p=0.735 p=0.595 p=0.347-0.015-0.042 p=0.617 p=0.139 0.268 0.228 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.103 p=0.007 0.255 p=0.000 0.007 p=0.797 R 0.211 0.490 0.496 0.561 0.634 R 2 0.045 0.240 0.246 0.314 0.401 R 2 0.045 0.195 0.006 0.068 0.087 F 16.257 65.849 42.403 47.513 53.356 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.46 4.0%R 2 0.040 16.4%R 2 0.164 165

19.7%R 2 0.197 25.0%R 2 0.250 31.7%R 2 0.317 R 2 0.2 0.2 p 4.46 n=1048 / B B B B B 3.309 1.639 1.391 1.055 0.848 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.000 0.028-0.019 0.017-0.007 p=0.990 p=0.439 p=0.598 p=0.637 p=0.829 0.215 0.184 0.176 0.156 0.124 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000-0.141 0.053 0.017 0.010 0.018 p=0.000 p=0.173 p=0.659 p=0.788 p=0.613 0.368 0.403 0.387 0.270 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.057 0.047 0.079 0.071 p=0.117 p=0.187 p=0.026 p=0.039 0.090 0.053 0.061 p=0.016 p=0.145 p=0.081 0.137 0.136 0.092 p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.005-0.098-0.101-0.104 p=0.001 p=0.001 p=0.000-0.041-0.059 p=0.183 p=0.048 0.240 0.212 p=0.000 p=0.000 0.115 p=0.005 0.233 p=0.000-0.100 P=0.001 166

4.46 n=1048 / B B B B B R 0.201 0.405 0.444 0.500 0.563 R 2 0.040 0.164 0.197 0.250 0.317 R 2 0.040 0.124 0.033 0.053 0.067 F 14.648 41.001 31.948 34.649 36.872 p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 p0.05 p0.01 p0.001 4.6 4.6.1 3.6530 3.1928 3.2898 2.8484 3.5925 167

1. 2.2524 2. 3.2786 3. 3.5876 4. 3.4722 4.6.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 168

4 1. 2. 100 300 3. 4. 300 100 5. 6. 1. 2. 1. 2. 51 30 31 ~40 41 ~50 3. 169

4. 1 31~40 51 2 30 51 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 170

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 1. 2. 25 15 3. 5 5 25 4.6.3 171





4.6.4 176



3.1 1048 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 1.1 1.2 179 12.2.3 180

5.1 1 2 181

5.1 182

5.1 5.2 183

91 87 92 3.3751 3.5779 184

185 3.5779 21.8 10.4 7.8 42.1 67.7 67.3 3.2786 7.2 9.9 70.0 60.7 21.9 39.7 44.7 26.7 87 8.5 64.4 15.9 53.1

186 11.6 55.9 20 87 3.72293.83943.3968

6.3 71.7 8.5 63.4 18.4 55.2 8.2 72.2 187

Konovsky Pugh1994 85 40.7 34.5 55.4 20.9 3.58763.4722 2.25243.2786 188

9.7 62.3 5.3 5.3.1 189

1. 2. 5.3.2 190



5.4 5.4.1 85 87 193

86 85 87 3.5876 3.4722 194

9 71 80 20 20 195


6 71 91 197


5.4.2 2568 199

18 22 200

1. 90 2. 92 3. 93 4. 91-6. 93 7. 91 8. 88 30 7-10 9. 93 101 5-23 10. 92 11. 84 115 34-39 201

12. 80 28 7 27-38 8 21-42 13. 81 14. 84 2 23-36 15. 89 16. 90 17. 90 18. 92 19. 83 31 1 21-22 20. 92 21. 90 22. 90 23. 93 202

24. 92 25. 81 26. 86 27. 86 25 2 48-76 28. 91 29. 92 30. 93 31. 82 32. 84 21 6 56-65 33. 85 2 56-58 34. 85 35. 92 36. 93 203

37. 81 38. 90 39. 88 40. 91 73 14-17 41. 93 42. 92 43. 87 44. Lazear, Edward P. 90 45. 90 46. 92 47. 92 48. 88 60 51-66 204

49. 91 50. 51. 92 52. 67 53. 82 54. 84 55. 85 56. 93 57. 93 58. 83 59. 85 60. 85 1 46-49 61. 90 10 4 101-128 62. 91 205

63. 91 64. 92 65. 85 66. 92 -- 67. 92 68. 92 69. 93 11 2 1-32 70. 93 71. 92 72. 94 73. 90 206

74. 78 75. 87 27 4 44-51 76. 83 77. 80 78. 75 79. 92 80. 89 81. 92 82. 85 1 28-31 83. 92 84. 81 15 6 39-41 85. 85 86. 91 87. 82 207

88. 92 89. 91 90. 93 91. 93-92. 91 93. 81 102 4-14 94. 82 95. 82 96. 85 1 36-45 97. 87 98. 88 99. 92 100. 92 208

101. 91 102. 93 103. 80 104. 82 105 18-37 105. 85 5 37-45 106. 87 107. 81 108. 90 135 35-56 109. 89 110. 83 111. 92 209

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