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Internal Homeland and Foreign Country A study of Sung-Fen Guo s Literature and Ideology

1983 1997 1983

Abstract Internal Homeland and Foreign Countries A study of Sung-Fen Guo s Literature and Ideology This thesis has seven chapters not only aims to discuss the dynamics, strategy and identity imagination of Sung-Fen Guo s writing since1983 till 1997, but also try to define the position of his work in the 80 s Taiwanese literature. This thesis contains three parts to discuss Sung-Fen Guo s writing and ideology: First of all, this thesis reviews the writer s lifetime in chapter 2 in order to understand the Taiwanese background which the writer stressed in some interview. Secondly, chapter 3 and 4 of this thesis try to draw the process in which the writer had been losing his confidence and belief in socialism and nationalism again and again before he published his work in1983. At last, chapter 5 and 6 discuss how the writer introspected the frustration about identity in his lifetime and rebuilt a new identity through his writing. In these two chapters, the thesis uses two analysis frames, ecriture feminine and cultural identity. The different opinion Julia Kristeva gave on ecriture feminine is applied in chapter 5 in order to understand how the writer sustainedly mourned over the death of his old imagination of identity and rebuilt a new one finally. On the other hand, the concept of cultural identity brought up by Stuart Hall is applied in chapter 6 to analysis the thought about identity through writing. As a writer born in Taiwan, an island which had been colonized by Japan during 1895~1945 and continuously forced by another political power after War 2, he experienced many kinds of cultural identity conflicted inside and tried to negotiate with them through his writing. Based on the above-mentioned discussion, this thesis tries to define the meaning of Sung-Fen Guo s work in the history of Taiwanese Literature in the conclusion: First, in the wave of political literature in 80 s Taiwanese literature, although many writers represented their totally mutual-different nation-state imagination throughout writing, Sung-Fen Guo s writing questioned the essence of nationalism on the contrary. Secondly, in various ways of strategy in postcolonial writing, writers used to mold a good mother image to represent a stable and delightful nationalism imagination which revealed their phallogocentric ideology unconsciously. Quite the other way, Sung-Fen Guo s writing did conscious about this problem and mold his double-faced mother image out of the ordinary. At last, diasporas issue is also a important part of Taiwanese literature. However, there was few work actually touch the identity problem of local Taiwanese who immigrated to US and suffered cultural identity problems. Therefore, the aphasia characters in Sung-Fen Guo s writing is much more deeper than the lost Han spirit

character in Shian-Yeong Bair s writing in discussing Taiwanese diasporas problem in contemporary Taiwanese literature. Key words: postcolonialism nationalism ecriture feminine cultural identity

..1..1..2..5..6..8 1938~1957.8.8.9 11 1957~1966 14..14..15..16 1966~1974 19...19..22.. 25 1974~1983 27...27..28.. 29 1983~ 31

...32..34. 34. 35 38 41.. 41 / 47. 52 55.. 55.. 59.. 70 73 73.75 78.82 88 98 100 101.101.110 115

.. 116 118. 120.. 126 132 139 139... 144... 156 162....163 167.. 167.. 168.. 170.. 172......172......172......175...... 176..177 177 180 181.181 182

182 184 187 187 188 189.. 191 194 195. 199. 208..210..211


1934 1982 1 2 1937 1976 3 1983 4 5 1938 1984 6 7 1 1982 2 1983 3 1976 6 4 1 1983 4 5 3 1983 8 6 1988 1 7 1995 4 2

1993 8 1993 9 10 1997 11 1997 12 2002 1 / 13 2002 14 8 1993 9 10 11 3 1997 9 12 25 10 1997 3 13 / 2002 14 2002 11 22 3

2003 15 2003 16 17 18 habitus 19 1997 15 2003 11 16 2003 11 13~15 17 1 18 2 19 19 18 4

20 1997 20 20 26 5

1958 1971 1973 1982 1989 1983 6


character in Shian-Yeong Bair s writing in discussing Taiwanese diasporas problem in contemporary Taiwanese literature. Key words: postcolonialism nationalism ecriture feminine cultural identity

1938~1957 1 1938 2 3 1945 1951 1954 1957 4 1 1966 2 1908 1925 1927 1929 1946 1966 1978 Richmond 3 4 1860 1934 1934 -- 1947 8

5 6 1927 7 1928 1938 8 1945 9 1944 5 2001 10 6 7 2 1927 1907 78 1937 1938 8 2003 11 12 9 2003 11 12 9

1945 13 1946 1946 1947 10 2003 11 12 11 78 12 79 13 98 10

15 1949 16 14 85~86 15 225 2003 7 16 11

1954 18 19 1969 1982 17 2003 11 12 18 1945-1970 1991 153 19 1954 11 23 20 2003 10 30 21 12

22 24 2001 753 22 2003 11 13~15 23 2002 285 24 753-754 13

1957~1966 1957 1958 1961 1962 1966 1950 5 4 25 26 1955 27 1950 6 25 1949 1951 1965 15 1957 1960 25 1998 87 26 87 27 87 14

1957 28 29 30 1982 31 28 1960 1970 2001 12 138 30 1960 5 32 15

34 1958 35 1970 1961 1961 36 37 33 60-70 18 1970 20 1970 2001 12 143 34 35 36 1933 37 16

1964 -- 1965 1966 1965 1 1 1966 1966 10 10 38 2003 10 30 17

1966 40 1957 1966 1966 41 1966 39 1970 40 1966 7~8 1966 12 15 41 2003 18

1966~1974 1966 1969 1970 1971 1971 9 1974 7 1966 3 1966 1967 1966 1967 1964 19

1966 44 45 42 2002 121 43 2000 7 15 50 44 113-116 45 46 41-43 20

1969 1970 47 48 49 1970 7 47 48-51 48 117 49 48-51 21

50 1970 1971 1 4 51 52 1 29 129 4 9 409 1978 1971 1 29 50 48 51 1971 4 10 371 52 339 53 1979 3 7 38-39 22

1 29 57 58 129 54 339 55 337 56 57 314 58 74 2002 10 24 120 23

4 9 59 73 60 74 61 275 24

1971 5 10 1971 7 1982 1971 63 1974 1972 5 62 206-208 63 754 64 1994 45 25

65 66 1972 67 1973 68 65 76 66 74-77 67 753 68 1973 1974 26

1974~1983 1974 7 1976 71 69 1978 4 3 49-50 70 754 71 72 27

1982 73 1976 74 1976 73 754 74 56-57 75 28

1974 7 1974 1977 1981 1982 76 56-57 77 752 29

79 78 79 1982 760 30

1983~ 1983 80 1993 1983 81 1989 83 85 1997 80 172 1984 5 1993 81 82 83 84 85 31

1938 1982 1 23 1982 1 754 32

15 1957 1971 2 754 33

1957 1966 10 1958 1965 1966 1965 1 1 1966 1966 3 1966 1966 3 1966 34

4 1966 5 4 293 5 294 35

6 Jean-Paul Sartre 1961 7 20 7 1964 8 2 5 4 Negation Situation Freedom 6 Jean-Paul Sartre 7 8 36

37 9 9 9 10 23 11 5

1964 -- 2 5 1961 14 1964 -- 12 27 13 -- 16 14 16~17 38

15 1964 17 15 -- 17 16 -- 17 17 -- 17 39

18 19 20 1964 1957 1966 18 -- 18 19 -- 18 20 -- 18 40

1966 1969 1966 1971 1. 1964 41

1968 3 1964 2. 2758 1945 1948 1954 1955 21 1955 12 29 21 1952 Alfred Sauvy 1955 42

1960 17 1955 1956 22 1968 1974 23 1971 10 2758 1971 10 25 26 23 76 35 17 2578 22 21 447 23 1974 43

3. 1968 1970 1967 1965 44

1971 1967 1970 45

1940 1968 4. 1964 1965 1970 1966 1969 24 2000 7 15 41-43 46

1970 6 7 1970 9 1970 6 1970 7 / 1969 9 16 1. 47

1970 6 15 25 26 25 26 1993 222 48

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2. 1970 27 235 28 237 29 221 30 223 31 224-32 224-33 237 49

34 35 1957 1966 36 37 34 231 35 239 36 229 37 226 50

38 39 38 242 39 240 51

1970 1969 40 1970 5 1970 7 41 42 40 2002 117 41 50 42 50 52

43 1970 12 1982 44 1970 6 1971 1 29 43 48 44 754 53

1970 7 54

1968 10 1970 8 9 10 1972 10 21 1970 12 4 1970 9 29 12 19 1971 1 29 30 1971 1 29 1971 1 29 45 339 55

500 46 1. 1919 50 1971 48 49 50 51 46 309 47 337 48 317 49 314 50 314 51 314 56

57 52 53 54 2. 52 315 53 315 54 315

55 56 129 55 314 56 315 57 316 58

129 130 3000 2 25 4 9 10 4 9 4 4 58 317 59

59 4 8 60 4 9 62 410 63 59 1971 4 4 60 2 1971 4 8 61 62 374 63 348 60

4 9 10 65 1971 5 15 64 74 65 429 61

66 1971 5 66 279 67 275 62

1. 68 69 1949 68 269 69 270 63

70 1949 1949 CIA 71 70 271 71 281 64

1968 1970 7 1971 5 72 1949 73 72 280 73 284 65

1949 2. 3/5 74 75 76 74 270 75 271 76 271 66

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 3. 2/5 77 272 78 273 79 275 80 277 81 275 82 275 83 278 67

84 85 86 87 84 279 85 280 86 280 87 286 68

88 88 289 69

1957 1971 1970 6 1970 7 1966 1971 1 29 1971 5 15 70

71 1971 5

1974 1982 1971 5 1971 9 1 2000 7 15 208 72

1970 1971 4 7 1971 7 8 20 4 9 10 9 3 4 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 5. 2 2001 434 73

1971 5 1971 9 1971 3 1974 7 4 1973 3 754 4 753 74

5 1964 6 1966 1970 5 754 6 18 75

7 1974 7 42 8 1974 9 1974 7 1974 3 1 8 754 9 754 76

10 1977 5 6 7 2 11 1977 9 1974 3 1978 9 12 1979 3 1981 3 1974 3 1977 5 -- 1977 9 1952 1974 10 756 11 1977 12 1978 9 Santiago Carrillo 77

13 1951 1952 6 Francis Jeanson 1952 1. 1974 3 1952 13 1 78

14 1974 3 15 14 1 15 1 79

2. 1952 1974 3 16 16 4 80

1956 17 18 17 4 18 7 81

19 1974 3 1974 3 1974 7 2 1977 5 1. 1974 3 1952 19 10 82

1977 5 1974 3 1974 7 20 2 1977 5 6 7 1974 3 2 9 1952 1974 3 1974 7 2. 20 754 83

1974 3 1974 3 21 22 23 24 21 15 22 8 23 20 24 22 84

25 26 27 25 19 26 21 27 15 85

28 29 30 1974 7 1976 1976 1977 5 1974 7 1977 5 1974 7 28 16 29 17 30 17 86

3. 31 32 33 31 1 7 32 8 33 8 87

1977 9 1974 3 1952 1977 9 4 1978 5 1974 7 88

1. 34 35 36 34 23 1977 9 1 35 23 2 36 23 4 89

37 2. 1 37 23 5 90

38 39 2 40 41 1974 3 38 23 6 39 23 10 40 1922 N. I. Vavilov 1955 1965 41 24 1977 11 1 91

3 42 42 24 1 92

43 44 45 43 24 3 44 24 4 45 24 4 93

46 47 3 46 24 5 47 24 6 94

48 49 48 26 1978 3 2 49 26 5 95

50 51 50 26 6 51 26 6 96

52 53 54 52 26 6 53 27 1978 5 16 54 26 10 97

1977 9 1952 1974 7 1982 5 1974 55 1977 9 56 57 58 55 755 56 756 57 757 58 758 98

59 59 759 99

1982 1970 1974 7 1981 1983 6 1982 1970 6 1973 11 100

60 1989 10 61 1970 1973 11 1974 1 1973 60 1973 11 1974 1 61 42 1989 10 101

1. 62 63 64 62 50 63 49 64 551 102

2. 65 66 1973 11 67 65 66 49 67 1972 103

1977 68 69 198-200 1973 12 2 7 1978 8 68 48 69 49 104

70 71 72 73 3. 70 50 71 52 72 53 73 54 105

74 4. 1973 11 1972 2 1973 7 1973 8 1977 75 76 74 54 75 1 1973 8 76 1 1973 8 106

77 1973 11 8 1966 1968 1970 1972 1973 8 77 198-200 298 107

78 1973 1971 79 1973 8 1971 80 1973 5. 1977 81 1973 78 198-200 307 79 1985 1971 80 1983 81 171 1977 2 1977 7 381 1977 8 108

11 82 1973 11 83 82 1997 6 291 83 54 109

1973 1974 7 84 1981 1983 84 110

1987 1989 86 1928 1931 85 86 84 111

87 1928 88 89 1931 90 91 87 84 88 85 89 86 90 86 91 87 112

92 93 1989 1970 1974 1989 1970 1974 1989 92 88 93 89 113

1970 1973 1989 114

1974 7 1981 1970 1974 1989 1983 1983 115

1983 1 2 2002 / 3 4 1983 identity 1 1988 1 2 1995 4 3 / 2002 4 / 288 116

/ cultural identity / 5 6 7 cultural identity 5 / 279 6 2002 11 22 3 7 2003 11 13~15 2 117

1983 1973 3 8 9 1977 9 10 8 2 1 9 2 10 10 23 1977 118

1974 7 1981 1983 1983 6 1984 5 1983 6 8 5 1993 11 1983 6 1984 5 9 5 11 119

1. 1983 6 12 13 12 13 77 120

14 15 14 77 15 Martin Heidegger 1996 9 801 121

16 Identity 17 18 Identity Difference identity identity 2. / 16 945 17 655 18 1993 232 122

3. 19 19 123

1983 6 20 21 22 20 79 21 79 22 81 124

23 23 81 125

24 24 77 126

1. 25 25 82 127

2. / 128

26 26 86 129

27 3. 28 27 86 28 86 130

29 29 77 131

30 30 Homi K.Bhabha The Location of Culture London Routledge 1994 129 132

1. 1983 8 31 1982 32 31 32 754 133

33 34 33 107 34 9 134

35 representation authority 36 37 / representation / 35 108 36 109 37 111 135

38 1966 1974 7 39 1938 1983 38 113 39 3 1 1977 7 7 136

/ 2. 1984 5 40 40 137

re-member 138

diasporas 1984 7 41 8 42 1985 1 43 11 44 1986 9 45 ecriture feminine 41 42 43 44 45 139

1. 1984 7 / 46 / 47 / / 46 / 279 47 / 297 140

48 49 / / / 48 / 279 49 / 280 141

/ 2. ecriture feminine feminine ecriture feminine Helene Cixous Julia Kristeva ecriture feminine ecriture feminine ecriture feminine 50 50 2000 336 142

51 / 51 326 143

1984 52 42 Uterine family Margery Wolf 144

1. 1984 1945 1945 53 1938 54 53 54 145

2. 146


55 55 1984 7 26 148

/ 3. 56 56 / / 2002 11 22 149

57 58 57 1984 7 21 58 7 24 150

59 chora 60 59 7 24 60 chora Julia Kristeva chora chora 151

61 62 63 64 61 22 62 30 63 22 64 22 152

65 66 67 65 24 66 24 67 23 153

68 69 70 71 72 68 24 69 25 70 25 71 26 72 27 154


73 73 23 156

1. 157

74 75 76 1910 30 77 78 74 25 75 1943 2002 76 1910 1997 3 409 417 77 25 78 21 158

79 80 81 82 83 84 79 22 80 22 81 22 82 25 83 23 84 25 159

85 86 87 85 25 86 25 87 13 160

88 89 88 17 89 141 161

2. 1983 6 1984 7 1985 11 162

90 1983 6 1986 9 1. 1983 8 90 389 163

1986 91 92 1997 1983 1986 91 1993 527 92 529 164

2. 93 1986 9 1989 10 94 93 527 94 84 165

95 96 95 88 96 88 166

1986 1989 1993 1983 1986 1993 1986 1993 97 97 1993 53 167

98 98 52 168

99 100 101 99 482 100 460 101 509 169

102 1983 1993 1984 1993 104 1986 1989 102 511 103 27 104 2002 10 20 170

1993 171

1993 1997 1983 172

105 106 107 105 2002 8 1 221 106 222 107 231 173

108 109 110 108 227 109 232 110 242 174

111 112 113 111 245 112 248 113 274 175

1986 1993 1997 114 114 2003 11 12 176

u 1 Stuart Hall 2000 9 211 177

1983 1983 1984 1985 1986 1993 1997 178

diasporas 2 2 diasporas 179

1974 1983 8 3 1993 4 5 1983 1993 3 1993 255 4 1983 1993 1993 5 53 180

1983 1983 6 6 7 / represent 6 1 2 1983 6 82 7 82 181

8 9 1983 1974 1983 8 6 82 9 6 86 182

10 1984 12 10 547 11 2002 13 12 11 183

13 14 13 12 5 14 12 26 184

15 subject 16 17 18 15 16 1998 139 17 142 18 16 143 185

19 19 1977 1985 3 1 1977 7 186

/ / 1983 1985 20 21 20 184 21 170 187

22 23 1985 207 24 22 20 139 23 20 147 24 20 150 188

25 26 27 1985 29 25 20 166 26 20 167 27 20 185 28 20 149 29 20 166 189

1986 30 32 33 1993 34 35 30 196 31 215 32 30 203 33 30 203 34 1983 1993 35 408 190

36 37 38 39-1985 1985 36 35 409 37 35 460 38 35 474 39 35 482 191

The Rest in the west 41 diasporas 40 / 2002 286 41 Stuart Hall The Question of Cultural Identity Modernity and Its Future UK The Open University 1992 first copy 306 42 192


1985 1985 43 1 222 194

1983 1997 1983 1983 1983 1997 195

1982 1983 196

/ / 1983 197


1927 11 1935 3 1937 1 1938 1 8.27 1941 4 1943 6 1944 7 1945 8 1946 9 1947 10 199

1948 11 1951 14 1954 17 11.23 1955 18 1957 20 1958 21 4 10 1960 1961 24 7.20 1962 25 9 1963 26 200

1964 27 2.1 76 1965 28 1966 29 9 3.18 3 12.15 1966 7~8 1967 30 5 7 1969 32 3 1987 1970 33 7 6.15 8 6.15 201

9.10 1972 12.19 1970.1.29 10.21 12.4 12.19 1971 34 1.29 1.29 1 29 30 4.7 2 4 9 10 4.4 5.15 2 9 3~5 4.8 2 5.15 2 4.9 2 10.25 2758 202

1972 35 2.21 5.13 2 28 29 1973 36 28 7 10 1974 37 7 29 ~9 3 1 6 11 3 2 9 5 1975 38 4 5 203

1976 39 1 8 9 9 10 7 1977 40 5 11 19 14 6 15 7 16 9 23 11 24 1978 41 3 3 Richmond 26 5 204

27 9 Santiago Carrilo 29 11 30 1979 42 1 12 31 3 32 1980 43 3 18 1981 44 12 34 1983 46 6 37 1 2 205

8 1 3 1984 47 5 172 7 21~30 8 12~18 1985 48 1 1 2 11 21 ~12 5 1986 49 6 20 9 3 1 1987 50 1989 52 10 206

42 1992 55 1993 56 12 1997 60 6 30 1 3 25 10 2001 64 2002 65 8 1 207

1961.07.20 9 1964 -- 76 1966.12.15 1966 7~8 09.01 1971.01.29 129 1971.05.15 2 1974.01 1973.11.07 1974.03 2 1974.07~9 -- 1974.09 -- 5 1977.05.01 -- 14 2 5 1977.06.01 -- 15 2 6 1977.07.01 16 3 1 -- 1977.09~19 1974.03 78.05 -- 23 24 26 27 1~4 4 1978.09~19 Santiago Carrilo 4 79.03 29~32 1~4 1986.06.20 -- 1989.10.01 42 208


1958.04 10 1970.06.15 1 2 1983.06 1 3 1983.08 1984.05 172 1984.07.21~ 30 1984.08.12~ 18 1 2 1985.01 1985.11.21~ 12.05 3 1 1986.09 1983 8 1993.12 1983 6 1984 5 25 10 1997.03 210


2003 11 2003 10 30 2003 11 12 212

1988 6 213

2000 8 214

1978 8 1985 8 1992 3 1995 6 1996 5 1998 1998 11 1 2000 5 003 1 1973 6 1987 10 215

1990 1 1995 5 1996 12 2001 4 1995 7 1999 2 1999 3 1999 4 2000 2 2000 10 2000 10 2001 2 216

1998 2001 4 2 2002 2 217