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Kobe University Repository : Kernel タイトル Title 著者 Author(s) 掲載誌 巻号 ページ Citation 刊行日 Issue date 資源タイプ Resource Type 版区分 Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI Forms and Meaning-Focused Instruction の効果 : 日本人英語学習者への語強勢の指導を通して (Effects of forms and meaning-focused instruction on the pronunciation of word stress by Japanese EFL learners) 草野, 遥 / 大和, 知史 神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンター論集,8:25-36 2011 Departmental Bulletin Paper / 紀要論文 publisher JaLCDOI 10.24546/81003808 URL http://www.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/handle_kernel/81003808 PDF issue: 2019-03-20

Communicative Language Teaching CLT CLT, 2009, p. 56 CLT focus on form Long, 1991 focus on form form Long & Robinson, 1998 e.g., Park, 2000; Saito & Lyster, in press, 1995;, 1991;, 2008 focus on form CLT focus on form form ESL focus on form Park(2000) EFL CLT focus on form, 2009, p. 145 focus on form 1 2 yamato@port.kobe-u.ac.jp -25-

Long, 1991, pp. 45-46 2009 focus on form 2 p. 145 focus on form recast input flood, 2009 focus on form form Doughty & Williams(1998) form it is important to note that every hierarchical level of language - from phonology to morphosyntax to the lexicon to discourse and pragmatics - is composed of both forms (e.g., phonemes, morphemes, lexical items, cohesive devices, and politeness markers) and rules (e.g., devoicing, allomorphy, agreement, collocation, anaphora, and in-group vs. out-group relationships (Doughty & Williams, 1998, pp. 211-212). focus on form focus on form Couper, 2011; Saito & Lyster, in press; Venkatagiri & Levis, 2007 3, 2009, p. 299 1998 3 Kondo, 2009 2008 p. 81 3-26-

Kenworthy, 1987; Wong, 1986 communicative importance tachability Dalton & Seildhofer, 1994, 2008; Kondo, 2009;, 1997;, 1968 focus on form Saito & Lyster(in press) Park(2000) Saito & Lyster(in press) Saito & Lyster(in press) / / form-focused instruction FFI corrective feedback recast FFI CF 3 4 3 FFI CF 3 FFI CF FFI FFI L2 FFI CF 3 Park(2000) Park(2000) ESL forms focused-instruction: FF meaning focused-instruction forms and meaning-focused instruction: FMF 4 1 60 2 10 10 FMF focus on form Park FMF A sequential integration of forms and meaning -27-

listen & repeat information gap Celce-Murcia et al.(2010) communicative framework CLT FMF FF focus on form focus on forms 2.1 2.4 Saito & Lyster(in press) FFI Park(2000) FFI FMF FFI 1. 2. & 2011 6 27 7 1 1 65 FMF 32 FF -28-

33 50 10 10 7 1 3 3 FMF FF 3.2 2 1 1 FMF 6 30 FF 6 29 FMF 7 15 FF 7 19 1 10 1 FMF 6 27 6 30 FF 6 29 7 1 FMF 7 14 FF 7 15 1 5 FMF 10 FF FMF 10 5 communicative framework Celce-Murcia et al., 2010; Park, 2000 50 10 7 FMF FF 2 7 & FMF information gap FF 15 3 =.96 2 10 65 7 51 FMF 25 FF 26 2 FF, FMF 2-29-

F(1,49) = 10.70, p<.05, 2 p =.18 5% F(1,49) = 1.15, p =.29, 2 p =.02 2 p =.18 4.1 FMF FF FF 2 p =.04 FF FMF F(1,49) = 57.86, p <.05, 2 p =.54 5 F(1,49) =.34, p =.56, 2 p =.00 FMF FF 4.2 2 p =.01-30-

1 FMFFF FFI FF FMF Park(2000) FMF FF Saito & Lyster(in press) FFI FFI+CF FFI FMF CF RQ1: FMF FF FMF RQ2: FMF FF FF -31-

FMF & CLT FMF 3 FMF information gap recast consciousness-raising Saito & Lyster(in press) FFI+CF focus on form 3 10 3 6 1 7 60 70 Park, 2000; Saito & Lyster, in press 10 4 2 FMF FF focus on form focus on form reactive -32-

2008 21, 81-98. 2009 2009 2007 pp. 28-41. 2011 New horizon English course 1 1995 1 Random, 20, 31-44. 2006 Sunshine English course 1 2008, 28, 49-55. 2009 1968 1, 17, 53-64. 1991 Teaching English pronunciation in Japan: Current view, 38, 91-107. 2007 Columbus21 English course 1 2008 Total English new edition 1 1997, 183, 16-39. 2005 One world English course 1 1998 1999 Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M., & Janet, M. G. (2010). Teaching pronunciation : A course book and reference guide. (2 nd ed.) Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press. Couper, G. (2011). What makes pronunciation teaching work? Testing for the effect of two variables: socially constructed metalanguage and critical listening. Language Awareness, 20, 3, 159-182. Doughty, C. & Williams, J. (1998). Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ellis, R. (2001). Introduction: Investigating form-focused instruction. Language Learning, 51, 1-46. Kenworthy, J. (1987). Teaching English pronunciation. New York: Longman. Kondo, M. (2009). Is acquisition of L2 phonemes difficult? : Production of English stress by Japanese speakers. The 10 th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA), 105-112. Long, M. (1991). Focus on form: A design feature in language teaching methodology. In K. de Bot, C. Kramsch & R. Ginsberb (Eds.), Foreign language research in crosscultural perspective (pp. 39-52). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. -33-

Long, M. & Robinson, P. (1998). Focus on form: Theory, research and practice. In C. Doughty & J. Williams (Eds.), Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition (pp. 15-41). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Park, J. K. (2000). The effects of forms and meaning-focused instruction on ESL learners phonological acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Saito, K. & Lyster, R. (in press). Effects of form-focused instruction and corrective feedback on L2 pronunciation development of / / by Japanese learners of English. Language Learning. Retrieved from http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1467-9922.2011.00639.x Venkatagiri, H. S. & Levis, H. M. (2007). Phonological awareness and speech comprehensibility: An exploratory study. Language Awareness, 16, 4, 263-277. Wong, R. (1986). Does pronunciation teaching have a place in the communicative classroom? In D. Tannen & J. Alatis (eds.) Languages and linguistics: The interdependence of theory, data, and application (pp. 226-236). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 1. 1 pen cil 1. re cord 6. sec tion 2. sta tion 7. un lucky 3. co mic 8. com mu ni cate 4. ex cuse 9. so cial 5. spe cial 10. con di tion 2. 2 a c a c She is very beautiful. a. BEAUtiful b. beautiful c. beautiful -34-

1. I enjoy my club activity. a. ACtivity b. activity c. activity 2. He likes to study social studies. a. SOcial b. social c. social 3. On my spring vacation, I go to Tokyo. a. VAcation b. vacation c. vacation 4. She has a new computer. a. COMputer b. computer c. computer 5. Tom is an international student. a. INternational b. international c. internation 3. 1~10 2 I m. 1. Do you like music? 2. I go to Kyoto station. 3. Is this a comic book? 4. I enjoy tennis. 5. Excuse me, are you Ms. Green? 6. Do you like this desk? 7. I dislike this desk. 8. I return to school. 9. I like social studies. 10. I return to America. -35-

Haruka KUSANO Kazuhito YAMATO Although form-focused instruction (FFI) is often considered as one of the promising methods for teaching second language grammar and vocabulary, its usefulness in improving pronunciation has yet to be explored. The current study compares the effects of forms and meaning-focused instruction (FMF) and traditional reading aloud instruction i.e. forms-focused instruction (FF) on learners pronunciation development with particular reference to English word stress. Fifty-one Japanese junior high school students received seven 10-minute pronunciation instructions for three weeks; the instructions were designed to help the students practice word stress. The instructor provided communicative activities followed by grammatical explanation and listen and repeat practice to the FMF group (n = 25). On the other hand, reading aloud practice followed by grammatical explanation and listen and repeat practice was provided to the students in the FF group (n = 26). A listening test to assess perception of word stress and reading aloud test to assess production of word stress were conducted using pre- and posttest measures. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA of the difference between the scores of the preand posttests showed that both FF and FMF affect students perception and production of English word stress, although no significant difference was detected between FF and FMF. The results suggest that FMF, a type of FFI, can be used to improve learners pronunciation and that FMF is one of the effective methods to emerge from the current trend of communicative language teaching. -36-