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THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Course Outline Part I Course Title: Course Code: Department: Credit Point: 3 Exploring Creativity 創造力之探索 GEF1026 SES Contact Hours: 39 Pre-requisite(s): GEE1001 Part II 1. Synopsis Creativity is an increasingly popular and favorite notation in our society, but its meaning is still elusive and mysterious to many of us. This course enables students to answer the question what is creativity? through a self-exploratory process. It consists of 5 themes nature of creativity, creative thinking strategies and processes, socio-cultural analysis on human creativity, personal creativity development and an independent creativity inquiry project. This course would cover major concepts on creativity, including creative person and creative products, little and big creativity ( C ), artistic and scientific C, individual and group C, and etc. participants would critically reflect on the relationship of C with our culture, society and human development. We could discuss how to seek the balance between legacy and innovations, and the balance between responsibility and freedom in creativity pursuits. This course would also provide abundant opportunities for students to appreciate everyday creativity, experience various creative processes, apply and transfer creative thinking strategies to tasks in various everyday domains. Furthermore, participants have chance to self-examine their personal creativity style and to review their childhood and growth process so as to understand factors affecting their own creativity development. Through this study, students would re-construct a new understanding of what creativity is, and re-develop their aspirations and confidence in their creativity pursuits. 2. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: CILO 1 : Analyze and evaluate creativity elements in daily-life, and develop multiple perspectives of creativity. CILO 2 : Apply and transfer creative thinking skills to daily-life events and other domains. CILO 3 : Reflect critically on human creativity, its impact on human development, and the significance of responsible and ethical creative actions. CILO 4 : Construct personal theories of creativity (i.e. articulate the meaning of creativity from students perspectives), and develop personal methods to enhance creative thinking and creative life-style. 1

3. Content, CILOs and Teaching & Learning Activities Course Content CILOs Suggested Teaching & Learning Activities CILO 1,4 Inquiry on creativity through daily-life explorations; Reading and reflection on literature and media; Case study of daily-life creative persons and historical genius; Workshops& experiments Nature of creativity Creative person, creative process, creative product and creative environment Cognitive, affective and environmental factors of creativity development; System theory of creativity Everyday vs. eminent creativity Creativity across domains artistic vs. scientific creativity Personal creativity vs. group/society/human creativity Creative thinking strategies/ process Intuitive thinking strategies, like brainstorming, mind-map, metaphors, visualization Analytical thinking strategies, like check-listing, attribute listing, forced association Structural thinking process, like creative problem solving, six thinking hats, open inquiry Creativity, society and human development Creativity pursuit in different cultures Creativity and ethics/law/ environment Impact of creativity pursuits on human beings Towards responsible and ethical creativity Personal creativity development Creative and non-creative experiences in personal life history; Personal and cultural factors that are conducive or detrimental to creativity development; Personal thinking style, creativity style and creativity domains; Re-conceptualization of creativity, and personal plan for creativity development Independent Creativity Inquiry Organize a thematic inquiry on a chosen topic; Analyze its creative development, inventing new ideas with the application of strategies, its relationships with him/her and human beings CILO 2,4 Experiential learning - class thinking exercises and hands-on activities; Analysis of development of selected creative products CILO 3,4 CILO 4 CILO 1,2,3,4 Class discussion and reading literature, Reflection and sharing Class presentation Case study of student himself/herself-- review and reflection on life-history, doing tests and questionnaires, writing and sharing of autobiography and future plan Conduct a group project on a chosen topic, which may include field trip, interview, creative collection, and other self-directed inquiry activities 2

4. Assessment Assessment Tasks Weighting (%) CILO a. Class Participation 10 CILO 1,2,3,4 In each lesson, participants are required to develop creative ideas or/and to analyze issues critically. b. Individual essay/report on (about 500 words) 10 CILO 1,2,3,4 - a study visit(s) or a learning activity, or/and - a selected issue/a publication related with creativity. c. Group presentation 10 CILO 1,2,3 An independent creativity inquiry in a chosen daily-life domain. d. Individual Portfolio Each student is required to create a portfolio, which reveals his/her creativity development in this module. He/she is required to conduct an independent creativity inquiry project in one self-selected domain. Participants should also construct their personal theory of creativity through critical reflection on the whole learning process. The final portfolio should include: (1) A report of his/her independent creativity inquiry in a chosen domain (2) Participant s reflection and personal theory on (i) nature of creativity, (ii) creative thinking methods and processes, (iii) relationship of creativity with society and human development (iv) personal life-long creativity development 40 30 CILO 1,2 CILO 3,4 5. Required Text(s) Nil 6. Recommended Readings 1.) Adair, J. (2007). The art of creative thinking [electronic resource]: how to be innovative and develop great ideas. London, England: Kogan page. 2.) Beghetto, R.A. & Kaufman J. C. (2010). Nurturing creativity in the classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press. 3.) Cheng, M.Y.V. (2004). Progress from Traditional to Creativity Education in Chinese Societies. In S.Lau, A.N.N.Hui, & G.Y.C. Ng (Ed.), Creativity: When East Meets West (pp. 137 167). River Edge, NJ: World Scientific Publication. 3

4.) Corrigan, A. M. (2010). Creativity: fostering, measuring and contexts. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 5.) Cropley, D. H. et al. (2010). The dark side of creativity. New York: Cambridge University Press. 6.) DellaPietra L. (2009). Perspectives on creativity [electronic resource]. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. 7.) Gardner, H. (1993). Creating minds: An anatomy of creativity seen through the lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Granham, and Gandhi. New York: Basic Books. 8.) Kaufman J.C. (2009). Creativity 101. New York: Springer Pub. 9.) Kaufman, J.C., & Baer, J. (2005). Creativity across domains: faces of the muse. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 10.) Kaufman J.C., Plucker, J.A. & Baer, J. (2008). Essentials of creativity assessment. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. 11.) Kaufman, J.C. & Sternberg, R.J. (2010). The Cambridge handbook of creativity. New York: Cambridge University Press. 12.) Lau, S., Hui, A.N.N. & Ng, G.Y.C. (2004). Creativity: When East Meets West. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific Publication. 13.) Padget, S. (2013). Creativity and critical thinking [electronic resource]. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 14.) Runco, M. & Pritzker, S. R. (2011). Encyclopedia of creativity [electronic resource]. London: Academic Press. 15.) Sawyer, R. K. (2012). Explaining creativity: the science of human innovation. New York: Oxford University Press. Sefton-Green, J. et al. (2011). The Routledge international handbook of creative learning. Abingdon [England]: Routledge. 16.) Starko A.J. (2010). Creativity in the classroom: schools of curious delight. New York: Routledge. 17.) Sternberg, R.J. (1996). Successful intelligence: How practical and creative intelligence determine success in life. New York: Simon & Schuster. 18.) Willett R., Robinson, M. & Marsh, J. (2009) Play, creativity, and digital cultures. New York: Routledge. 19.) Wyse, D. & Dowson, P. (2009). The really useful creativity book. New York: Routledge. 20.) Anna Craft, Howard Gardner, Guy Claxton 主編, 呂金燮 [et al.] 譯 (2010): 創造力 智慧與信賴 : 教育可以做什麼, 臺北市 : 心理出版社股份有限公司 21.) Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly 米哈裡契克森米哈賴著, 杜明城譯 (2006): 創造力, 臺北, 時報文化出版事業股份有限公司 22.) De Bono Edward 愛德華 德 波諾著, 楊新蘭譯 (2003): 嚴肅的創造力 : 運用水準思考法獲得創意, 北京, 新華出版社 23.) Gardner, Howard 霍華德 加德納著, 齊東海 劉卉和楊光譯 (2008): 藝術 心理 創造力, 北京, 中國人民大學出版社 24.) Ng Aik Kwang 著, 李朝輝譯 (2005): 解放亞洲學生的創造力, 北京, 中國輕工業出版社 25.) Piirto, Jane 著, 陳昭儀 陳琦和張素華譯 (1995): 瞭解創意人, 臺北, 心理出版社 26.) Runco, Mark A. 著, 邱皓政 丁興祥譯 (2008): 創造力 : 當代理論與議題, 臺北, 心理出版社股份有限公司 27.) Sternberg, Robert J. 主編, 李乙明 李淑貞譯 (2005): 創造力, 臺北, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司 4

28.) Sternberg, Robert J. & Williams, Wendy M. 著, 郭俊賢 陳淑惠譯 (2003): 如何培育學生的創造力, 臺北, 心理出版社股份有限公司 29.) 原來 (2009): 創意一點就通, 台北市 : 心理出版社股份有限公司 30.) 鄭慕賢 (2002): 創造力培育 ( 書及光碟 ), 香港, 校本創意思維培訓計劃 31.) 陳家偉 (2005): 創造力與創意教與學, 香港, 匯智出版社 32.) 陳龍安 (2008): 創造思考教學的理論與實際, 台北, 心理出版社股份有限公司 33.) 鄭燕祥 (2004): 多元思維和多元創造力的行動學習, 香港 34.) 張世彗 (2007): 創造力 : 理論, 技法與教育, 臺北市, 五南圖書股份有限公司 35.) 張世彗, 林業盈 (2003): 評量兒童創造力方法之研究 : 以看圖說故事為例, 臺北市 : 臺北市立師範學院創優所暨創造思考教育中心 36.) 李建軍 (2009): 創造發明學導引, 北京 : 中國人民大學出版社 37.) 鄭慕賢 (2008): 創造力培育 - 科學教育改革 ( 書及光碟 ), 香港 : 激動創造力的科學教育計劃 38.) 劉遠章 (2009): 畫布上的創造 : 藝術家的思考方法, 香港 : 青森文化 39.) 徐春玉 (2002): 創造力與幽默感, 北京, 中國建材工業出版社 40.) 林毓生 (2011): 中國傳統的創造性轉化, 北京 : 生活 讀書 新知三聯書店 41.) 王文嶺, 徐志輝 (2010): 陶行知論創造教育, 成都市 : 四川教育出版社 7. Related Web Resources A comprehensive creativity training package in Publications of lecturers of HKIEd can be found in 8. Related Journals Journal of Creative Behaviors Creativity Research Journal Thinking Skills and Creativity 9. Other 1.) Coaching creativity [viderecirding] / TVB News Public Affairs production[hong Kong]: Television Broadcasts Ltd., 2010. 2.) 香港創造力 [videorecording] / 香港電台電視部, 香港 : 香港電台,2007 ( 玩出創意 ; 矽穀的啟示, 玩創未來 ; 童研無忌 ; 未來生活預告 ; 誰是設計師 ; 無用之用 ; 由科研到產品 ; 美景重臨 ; 網上的兩個世界 ) 3.) Creativity in environmental protection. 香港 : 商務印書館有限公司 :Heinle, Cengage Learning, 2009. 5