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甲 状 腺 功 能 异 常 和 妊 娠 : 每 位 计 划 怀 孕 的 女 性 都 应 该 了 解 妊 娠 和 分 娩 都 是 让 人 激 动 的 时 刻 此 时 你 将 面 临 很 多 身 体 和 情 绪 上 的 变 化 同 时, 生 宝 宝 这 段 时 间 你 还 会 获 得 大 量 关 于 自

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Drug Safety Newsletter 2003. Mar. Vol.1...2...2 1. Premarin...2 2. Serevent...2 3. Serzone...3 4. Deep Brain Stimulators...3 --- Arava...4...8 ADR --- Ketorolac...12 --- Phenytoin...16 Taiwan Drug Relief Foundation National Reporting Center of Adverse Drug Reactions in Taiwan

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by http://adr.doh.gov.tw ADR ADR ADR ADR by 1. Premarin WHI a HRT HRT 1.26 1.29 37 24 FDA Wyeth Premarin http://adr.doh.gov.tw/main09.asp http://www.doh.gov.tw/newverprog/proclaim/content.asp?class_no=25&now_fod_list_ no=25&array_fod_list_no=&level_no=1&doc_no=21101 http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2003/safety03.htm#prempr a : Writing Group for the Women s Health Initiative Investigators. Risk and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women---principal results from the women s health initiative randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2002;288:321-33. 2. Serevent GSK Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Serevent Serevent Serevent http://adr.doh.gov.tw/main09.asp http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2003/safety03.htm#sereve 3. Serzone Serzone Serzone Seroquel Quetiapine fumarate, http://adr.doh.gov.tw/main09.asp http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2003/safety03.htm#serzon 4. Deep Brain Stimulators FDA deep brain stimulators DBS http://adr.doh.gov.tw/main09.asp http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2002/safety02.htm#diathe 100 19-1 1 02 2358-7343 E-mail adr@tdrf.org.tw Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 3

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- Arava Leflunomide Arava 2 leflunomide Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug; DMARD 1 A771726; M1 or leflunomide RS-61980 European Medicine Evaluation dihydroorotate dehydrogenase DHODH Agency s scientific committee T pyrimidine leflunomide 1998 9 77,200 17,200 EMEA 300 9,600 296 2002 12 129 10, 20, 100 2 15 Leflunomide 9 3 100 20 leflunomide 10 6 25 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 4

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 leflunomide 26 64 5 99 78 leflunomide Methotrexate 20 20 NSAIDs 27 6 4 2000 A77 191 32 5 A771726 2000 5 7,8 2002/5/31 99 leflunomide leflunomide 11 79 4 6 3,4 1. Leflunomide 2. Methotrexate 16 3. pancytopenia 9 - leflunomide leflunomide 7,8 191 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 5

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ leflunomide A771726; M1 RS-61980 leflunomide 11 4 28 2 leflunomide washout period 3 cholestyramine leflunomide 8 DMARD : 50 11 methotrexate leflunomide leflunomide 4. 9,10 B C 7 leflunomide Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 6

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ leflunomide B C leflunomide leflunomide 2000/3/29 2002/5/31 MTX 20 8 11 1 11 6 MTX: methotrexate leflunomide London (UK): European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. 10 8. 1999/10/25. Available: www.emea.eu.int/ htms/human/drugalert/drugalert.htm. Leflunomide: reports of pancytopenia and serious skin reactions. Who Health Alert #91 1999/11/11. 9. Http://www.eudra.org/humandocs/Huma cholestyramine ns/epar/arava/arava.htm 10. Http://www.fda.gov/cder/approval/index. 1. Kremer J. Rational use of new and existing desease-modifying agents in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Intern Med 2001;134(8):695-706. 2. DrugDex under the title of leflunomide. Micromedex Inc. 2003, Vol. 115. 3. EMEA public statement on leflunomide (Arava): severe and serious hepatic reactions [doc ref EMEA/5611/01/en]. London (UK): European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. 2001/03/12. Available: www.emea.eu.int/ htms/human/drugalert/drugalert.htm. 4. Leflunomide: severe and serious hepatic reactions. Who Health Alert #101 2001/03. 5. Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (ADRAC). Leflunomide: serious hepatic, blood, skin and respiratory reactions. Aust Adverse Drug Reactions Bull 2001;20(2):7. 6. Candian Adverse Reaction Newsletter. 2002;12:Issue 4. 7. EMEA public statement on leflunomide (Arava): pancytopenia and serious skin reactions [doc ref EMEA/31637/99]. htm Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 7

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 2 1 2 ; 87 5 19 87 10 12 88 1 12 11 17 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 8

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. 爲 89 5 19 89 5 31 6 2 1. 2. 爲 11 17 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 9

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 90 9 24 3. 4. 1. 88 1 91 12 2. 278 265 244 223 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 10

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 89 25 4 60 130 4 65 - carbamazepine 29 (n=130) 19 13 17 Off label use 24 18 38 1 Carbamazepine 29 Phenytoin 10 Allopurinol 9 Rifampicin 4 Cefazolin 3 Lamotrigine 3 Skin and subcutaneous disorders 65 Immune system disorder 11 Hepato-biliary disorders 4 Blood and lymphatic system disorders 4 Nervous system disorders 2 General disorders and administratin site conditions 2 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders 1 19 1 1 02 2358-4097 http://www.tdrf.org.tw Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 11

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADR Ketorolac 1,2 2 1,2 1 2 1 2 1 2 0.12 0.09 Ketorolac 0.04 trometamol ASA ketorolac score 15 1-4 Ketorolac 5,6 NSAIDs 16 ketorolac 7 ketorolac ketorolac 53 30 56.6 aspirin NSAIDs 22 41.5 8 9-14 39.5 15 ketorolac ketoprofen diclofenac 37 1.38 Ketorolac 0.17 1.04 2 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 12

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (%) 15 28.3 20 37.7 18 34.0 5 9.4 37 69.8 5 9.4 6 11.3 89 7 13.2 90 15 28.3 91 31 58.5 30 56.6 22 41.5 1 1.9 <19 1 1.9 20-29 15 28.3 30-39 5 9.4 40-49 10 18.9 50-59 3 5.7 60-69 2 3.8 >70 3 5.7 14 26.4 ( ) 39.5(9-88) 47 88.7 1 1 1.9 2 1 1.9 3 2 3.8 6 1 1.9 10 1 1.9 (%) ADR 2 3.8 2 3.8 5 9.4 6 11.3 38 71.7 7 13.2 40 75.5 5 9.4 1 1.9 23 43.4 26 49.1 1 1.9 3 5.7 43.4% 26 49.1% 53 26.8 22.5 14.1-3.8 2 3.8 5 9.4 ketorolac ADR 89 1,524 90 1,831 91 6 11 2,027 11.3 37 ketorolac 7 53 70 40 75.5 5 23 51 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 13

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1992 Goetz ketorolac 17 18 ketorolac ketorolac Ketorolac 7 ketorolac 100 ketorolac 5,600 NSAIDs 2 19 ketorolac ketorolac NSAIDs relative risk, 4.4 RR ketorolac RR 24.7 diclofenac sodium naproxen tenoxicam (%) 20 mg/day ketorolac 10 19(26.8) 16(22.5) 10(14.1) 3(4.2) 2(2.8) 2(2.8) 2(2.8) 2(2.8) 2(2.8) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 1(1.4) - 1(1.4) 1(1.4) 5 47 10 ketorolac 7 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 14

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phenytoin I-wen Yu 1 2 1 2 SJS, Stevens Johnson syndrome TEN, Toxic epidermal necrosis Acute hepatitis 1938 phenytoin 54.7 21.4 8-85 - generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus phenytoin n=7 FDA n=4 1 off label phenytoin 6.7 phenytoin 300 mg 200-500 mg 20.7 11 7-51 carbamazepine, 223 phenobarbital, valproic acid 14 phenytoin 15 Drug Safety Newsletter 2003.Mar. Vol. 1 16

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