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癌 症 非 病 故 無 藥 可 醫 癌 症 非 病, 它 是 屬 於 全 身 的 中 毒 症 叫 做 癌, 所 以 它 無 藥 可 醫, 因 為 它 不 是 病, 若 是 病 還 有 藥 可 醫 ; 但 它 是 全 身 的 中 毒 症, 中 毒 至 很 深 就 變 成 癌 所 以, 若 可 以 解

Abstract The formation of sacred mountains is an essential topic in the field of history of Chinese religions. The importance of mountain in Chinese t



2004 3 105 128 1 2 3 1 1992 2 1 993 1 3 11 3 2 000 1 2 000 1 2000 4-105-

4 5 (Bodhidharma,? - 528) 6 7 (1 5 9 2) (1 6 0 2) 4 2 000 2 2 20 2000 657-658 5 6 7 1 997 2 16-217 1 984 487-491 1997 3 193-270 -106-

8 9 1 0 11 (1 5 1 7-1 5 8 9) 8 4 15-439 8 1 996 3 9 170 10 1 998 3 17-319 11 3 16 1 9 9 9 3 1 4 2-1 5 5 Meir Shahar, Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 1998) -107-

1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 17 (5 4 8-5 4 9) (? - 6 1 8) (? - 6 2 4) 12 1 992 102-118 13 4 79-481 4 86-487 1 9 2 2001 12 313-314 14 1990 669 15 1-3 16 15 17 1-108-

1 8 1 9 3 8 2-4 5 0 2 0 3 6 5-4 8 8 2 1 2 2 1 7 2 2 3 18 3-4 19 670 20 21 268 22 4 90 461-463 23 12 343-109-

2 4 2 5 (1 5 4 6-1 6 2 3) 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 2 5 1 24 1997 200-202 25 202-217 26 1987 28 561 27 2 001 1 10 28 2001 2 1 29 1970 1 30-110-

(3 7 3-3 7 5) (5 3 5-5 3 6) (a g e n t) (c o u n t e r- a g e n t) 3 1 3 2 2 8 3 3 174-178 31 (Jurij M. Lotman) 1987 248-249 32 135 33 1 985 4 55-111-

3 8 3 1 4 0 1 68-112-

3 4 2 11 34 2 2001 3 1-113-

7 76 771-783 (pūrv a - p raṇ idhā n a) 3 5 3 3 35 1 954 5 318-368 -114-

4 0 p r a j ñā pā r a m itā (p r a jñā) (pār a m i tā) 1 66 36 8 11 8 06 36 5 1 2 06 1 993 1-115-

3 7 3 8 1 66 1 7 0 1 74 2 51 1 74 2 47 2 50 37 318-368 38 1989 33-49 -116-

2 5 0 39 (n o n - a g e n t) 1 38 1 5 5 1 64 1 54 2 24 1 89 8 07 2 8 5 1 5 3 4-5 3 5 3 36 39 1 967-117-

(4 0 8-4 5 2) (4 2 8-4 5 1) (4 0 2-4 4 4) 4 0 4 1 4 2 40 255-268 41 50 551 42 1965 1 10 75 32837-118-

4 3 44 (s e q u e n c e) 2 48 7 9 1-7 9 2 43 1 987 24 1 33 44 99-105 -119-

4 5 7 9 8 (f u n c t i o n) 2 4 7 2 51 45 1990 90 590-593 -120-

k a r m a n 4 6 4 7 2 88-289 3 64-3 6 5 46 1 994 3 4 4-74 1979 1-71 47 12-121-

4 8 4 9 5 0 2 15 2 41 2 4 0 2 47 48 31 45 49 2000 594-595 50 377-122-

3 1 3 4 56-123-


5 1 52 51 1 982 1 51-178 1 996 52 2003 400-411 -125-

5 3 53-126-


The Dongdu ji in Light of Making the Vow and Attaining Enlightenment LIU Yuan-ju Associate Research Fellow Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica Critics have traditionally viewed the Dongdu ji (Passage to the East), a work of the Ming-Qing transition, as a novel of spirits and demons propagating the cult of Bodhidharma. Its plot has been understood as a struggle between the orthodox and the evil. However, a close reading of the text, focusing on its descriptions of human emotions, and the ways in which it presents the doctrine of retribution, renders such a view inconclusive. This reading also leads to a reconsi deration of the influence of religious thought on plot structure and narrative form in Chinese fiction. My analysis revolves around the two major concepts of yuan (making the vow) and du (attaining enlightenment) in light of Amitabha s vow to Bodhidharma to bring all sentient beings to nirvana. The making the vow is reflected in Fan Zhi and his d i s c i p l e s journey east. At first, all Fan Zhi wishes is to find a rich patron. This inevitably leads the group astray. A high monk appears to enlighten them. The demons actually arise from their own minds. They eventually establish a correct vow and embark on the correct way. The attainment of nirvana is the final goal of the vow, but nirvana resides also in the very vicissitudes of making the vow. The concept of d u within the plot informs the physical crossing over the mountains and sea from southern India, or in Bodhidharma s crossing the river on a reed. This expresses the Buddhist belief that one can meet countless obstacles in a split second. Du also implies the stage of having passed through, i.e., having overcome the obstacles set up by demons such as Sili. Du, of course, points also to the salvation of humankind, the moral of the story. The Dongdu ji, compared to works such as the Journey to the West or Daoist tales of the supernatural, not only inherits the trope of displaying wisdom and understanding the mind, but also uses yuan and du innovatively. It aims to stand out from the conventional structure of fall from divinity, faces squarely the desires and experiences of particular individuals, and aspires to resolve some of the conflicts between Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism. Keywords: Dongdu ji Bodhidharma making the vow attaining enlightenment novels of spirits and demons unity of the Three Teachings -128-