Abstract The formation of sacred mountains is an essential topic in the field of history of Chinese religions. The importance of mountain in Chinese t

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1 ~165 Sacred Mountains as Locations of Interaction between Buddhism and Daoism The Development of Buddhism and Daoism in Tiantai Mountain during the Tang Dynasty * Lin Chia-jung 143

2 Abstract The formation of sacred mountains is an essential topic in the field of history of Chinese religions. The importance of mountain in Chinese traditional culture, along with the Buddhist and Daoist preferences for mountains as cites of practice, gave rise to the sacred mountains. In this paper, I would like to point out that when we look at the process in which some mountains were elevated to the status of sacred mountains, it is common that Buddhism and Daoism co-existed on those mountains. On these common bases, both religions developed their own doctrines and attracted followers. This phenomenon, when placed alongside the larger issue of the interaction between Buddhism and Daoism, which was usually dealt with by looking into the Buddhist and Daoist apologetic texts, shed new lights to this issue and made us ask questions like, Do these common bases provide a common ground on which Buddhists and Daoists can exchange ideas and thereby generate new ideas? Among the issues related to sacred mountains, I would like to focus on those related to the Tiantai Mountain during the Tang dynasty. Tang dynasty represents a phase when the debates among the three religions reached their peaks. Both the Buddhist Tiantai School and the Daoist adept Sima Chengzhen established themselves on this mountain. 144

3 Therefore, I will attempt to analyze the interaction between these two important groups of religious practitioners. I will start this paper with a historical context in which the sacred mountains came into existence, and then the activities of Buddhists and Daoists on Tiantai Mountain will serve as an example of the interaction between Buddhism and Daoism on these sacred mountains. Keywords: Daoism, Buddhism, debates among three religions, Tiantai mountain, Tiantai school, Sima Chengzhen, sacred mountains 145

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2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 道 家 思 想 有 著 相 當 大 的 成 分 是 落 在 身 學 傳 統 的 範 疇, 特 別 是 人 萬 物 與 道 的 關 係 時, 身 學 的 觀 看 視 野 特 別 有 其 解 釋 性, 事 實 上, 在 道 家 的 思 維 中 並 不 是 不 存 在 92 12 1 34 氣 身 體 與 政 治 老 子 河 上 公 注 的 政 治 思 想 分 析 林 俊 宏 * 摘 要 關 鍵 詞 : 氣 精 神 老 子 身 與 國 愛 氣 養 神 前 言 * 國 立 台 灣 大 學 政 治 學 系 副 教 授 收 稿 日 期 92 年 9 月 1 日 通 過 日 期 92 年 11 月 4 日 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 道 家 思 想 有 著 相 當

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