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A Study on Official Art Collection Taking Example of the CCA's "Plan for the Collection of Works by Young Artists".

I F.N.A.C.

II 92 94 E ART TAIPEI 2005

Abstract The cultivation of an artist from professional training to the development of particular styles is a long course and its accomplishment depends on sponsorship from art galleries, public or private collectors and governmental grants among other supports. The difficulties young artists are facing are similar all over the world, and governmental policies are expected to help artists establish their career by relieving their burdens. In Canada and Australia, the Art Bank systems encourages artists through public collection, and in Taiwan, the Council for Cultural Affairs has implemented a Public Collection Project of the Artworks of Young Taiwanese Artists equivalent to the F.N.A.C in France. In addition to the encouragement of young artists, public collection aims to enrich the collections of public museums and the cultural asset of a society. This thesis applies Citation analysis, questionnaire, interview and case study to explore: the contextual formation of policy-making, the standing of visual art industry and the points of view of young artists regarding the Public Collection Project. It discusses the substantial supports to young artists, visual art industry as well as the art market. This thesis consists five chapters: Chapter One introduces the study motivation, study goals, study scope and limitations, research methodology and interviewees, bibliography and terminology. Chapter Two consists three sections, the first section analyzes the collection policy and directions of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum and the Taiwan Museum of Art. The second section emphasizes the necessity of collecting artworks by young artists before comparing the Art Bank systems in Canada and Australia to the Public Collection III

Project of the Artworks of Young Taiwanese Artists. The third section probes the possible interactions between the collection policy and the art industry under such exchange. Chapter Three presents the contents of Public Collection Project from 2003 through 2005 as well as its goals, procedures, artwork entry soliciting, categories and prices of procurement among other issues. A general analysis of art media, art shows for rising artists and art fairs in Taiwan is conducted in the end of this chapter. Chapter Four includes extensive interviews with the undertakers of public collection, young artists and the staff of the Art Gallery Association. During the interviews, people from different standings express their expectation and the limitations of such a project. Through their opinions, the goals and achievement of the public collection policy are closely examined. This chapter also analyzes the possible social functions of the Public Collection Project and the benefits it might provide young artists in Taiwan. Furthermore, it discusses if such a public collection policy is coherent to art market mechanism. Chapter Five concludes this research with five points and two suggestions to the current public collection policy in Taiwan. Key Words: Public Collection Policy, Visual Art Industry, Public Collection Project of the Artworks of Young Taiwanese Artists, Taiwanese Contemporary Art, Young Artists, Art Bank IV

1 1 5 7 10 17 22 22 51 70 82 82 89 98 108 108 126 142 153 153 V

155 158 165 165 167 92 171 93 173 94 176 E 178 ART TAIPEI 2005 180 181 182 203 VI

1 9 2 76 3 91 4 97 5 97 6 97 7 101 VII

31 31 36 87 38 43 68 72 VIII

1 2 David Throsby 3 1 Arnold Hauser 1988 3 2 1997 47 3 David Throsby Economics and Culture 2003 10 2005 4 203 1

1981 4 5 Arnold Hauser 6 4 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 21 5 (1979-1999) 1987 1992 1993 1994 1998 1990 6 1 26 2



92 93 94 7 7 2006 New Figure New Art 5



8 8 W. Lawrence Neuman Social Research Methods Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 2002 2 58 8


9 10 11 9 134 2003 11 193 10 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2003/new/oct/2/life/art-2.htm 11 1970 88 10

59 12 12 14 3 2000 7 21 11

13 1980 14 economic survival Tate Henry Tate The Tate Gallery 1897 1920 National Gallery of British Art 1946 1954 The National Gallery and Tate Gallery Act 13 2004 9 1-2-1 1-2-18 14 12

1992 Department for Culture, Media and Sport DCMS Museums and Galleries Act Acceptance in Lieu AIL 15 1500 16 acquisition policy packages identity market-sensitive market-driven 15 AIL 13 1-2-6 16 1992 1-2-12 13

33 17 18 17 2004 2 18 14

19 adventurous 50 1999 2001 4 19 17 36-37 20 1972 2,297 John Weber Carl Andre 1976 1990 150,000 16 21-22 15

21 1988 Poussin (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum) 22 Thomas Krens Kandinsky Modigliani Marc Chagall 21 13 1-2-7 22 global museum McGuggenheim Peggy (Bilbao Guggenheim Museum) Deutsche (2000 15 ) SoHo (2001 ) 16

Collect Collections the collected objects of a museum works-of-art artifacts specimens intellectual collection 23 Collection a unit of the collections collect 24 25 23 2002 8 24 14 3 2000 7 3-4 25 Timothy Ambrose Managing New Museum A Guide to Good Practice 2003 16-17 17

Collection ( ) 26 27 26 2004 19 27 2003 53 18

contemporary 28 29 1940 1960 1970 1980 28 http://vm.nthu.edu.tw/arts/shows/modernistic/page.htm 29 1991 21-26 19

1980 30 1987 1990 1983 2001 30 2005 192-193 20

UNESCO 94 46 48 1 1 21

Repository Museum 31 15 (The Renaissance, 1490-1620) Museum 1789 1793 72 2 31 Museum Mouseion Muses 1991 1997 41 22

1946 International Council of Museum, ICOM 2000 2001 21 32 33 Timothy Ambrose Crispin Paine Timothy Ambrose 1. 2. 3. 4. 32 126 33 24 23

5. 6. 34 Timothy Ambrose Louis-Antoine Poat 35 1. Money 2. Knowledge 3. Timing Mrs. Marie C. Malaro Statement of purpose Acquisition of items Deaccessioning Loans Objects placed in the custody Care of the collections Inventories Insurance 34 25 43 35 1997 10 1998 10 58-60 24

Timothy Ambrose Crispin Paine 36 1. (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO) 1970 2. 3. 4. 5. Timothy Ambrose Crispin Paine 37 1. 2. 3. 36 Timothy Ambrose, Crispin Paine Museum Basics 2000 112 37 1 2 1997 3 56-61 25

4. 5. 6. 7. Timothy Ambrose Timothy Ambrose Crispin Paine 26

38 39 40 41 collecting policy collecting program 42 38 2000 17 39 1992 26 40 2000 73 41 2000 89 42 27

43 65 66 10 69 10 72 1 8 8 72 12 24 75 9 89 9 88 11 6 43 58 1997 7 218-219 28

44 1945 1900 45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 13 44 http://www.tfam.gov.tw/visit/about.asp http://www.tfam.gov.tw/admin/organize.asp 45 12 25 29

2000 10 23 12 31 3,378 13 8 5 6 41 46 3 5 2000 47 46 94 2001 12 7 47 11 30

2000 9 20 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 38 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 94 32 166 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 31 24 0 8 57 75 126 59 71 143 58 621 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 5 36 55 10 11 20 19 16 31 44 210 73 489 76 4 10 7 7 12 35 71 87 18 327 11 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 62 97 176 46 1 10 19 23 53 80 100 200 138 670 26 0 0 0 8 10 36 36 139 58 313 26 1 4 1 8 1 2 7 87 46 183 21 0 0 0 1 4 0 8 7 9 50 57 1 6 8 6 14 21 33 126 43 315 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 399 17 49 112 147 236 267 375 1,192 584 3,378 64 98 4 166 14 0 17 31 369 229 23 621 29 4 3 36 358 109 22 489 88 217 22 327 159 10 7 176 406 228 36 670 240 57 16 313 136 21 26 183 9 40 1 50 202 87 26 315 0 1 0 1 2,074 1,101 203 3,378 94 2001 12 11 31

2000 9 20 1980 1,192 2,074 3,378 2005 11 7 22 48 75 12 11 77 1988 6 26 88 48 * 32

93 7 3 94 7 5 4 49 49 134 2003 11 208 33

16 50 51 1. 77 77 80 52 2. 81 84 50 969 186 938 662 52 2,003 704 51 9 414 97 150 1,020 19 121 38 16 7,852 7,433 51 52 1989 31 34

8 3. 4. 53 88 93 5. 94 97 54 94 53 17 33-35 54 94 97 4-7 35

94 97 94 95 96 97 55,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 19,500 17,500 16,500 15,500 58,000 104,000 105,000 106,000 442,000 94 97 6-7 36

87 87 55 1983 56 87 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 87 110 60-70 87 7,000 98.33% 6,883 11 58% 4,040 2,174 87 31% 87 55 87 74 1998 11 136-140 56-2004 2004 10 37

87 6,883 4,040 1 R 1946, 89.3 71.2cm, 140 3 1940, H: 25.7cm, 1940, H: 42.2cm, 1940, H: 52cm, 1 320 1927, 214.7 87.3cm, 330 1 1930, 188 94.5cm, 880 2 1931, 73 90cm, 1932, 65.1 90.3cm, 3 1932, 141 90.5cm, 1948, 186 122cm, 1969, 97 130cm, 870 1,500 60-70 365 2 1993, 52 1,288cm, 纸 1990, 132.6 247.5cm, 6 1995, H:129cm, 1993, H:173cm, 1996, H:179cm, 1968, 121 60cm 5, 1972, 120.6 60cm, 19 1984, 90.3 183.6cm, 47 254 2 9509 1995, 314.8 44.7cm, 64 9510 1995, 314.8 44.7cm, 304.03 31, 1929-1965, 245.6 6 1972, 1971, 1972, 1972, 1972, 1972, 29.1 7,1968, 50.7 40.8cm, 29.33 38

87 2,174.8 6 1994, 145.2 74.7cm, 387.4 1993, 182.2 93cm, 1994, 182.2 93cm, 1990, 137.4 34.5cm, 1994, 178.7 88.5cm, 1994, 174 46cm, 2 1983, 297.9 152cm, 526 1997, 227.5 181.9cm, 2 1989-91, 241.8 246cm, 310 1989-91,305.2 345.3cm, 1 1992, 240.8 59 24cm, 100 1 1996, 80 1-1997, 143.5 93.3 93.3 143.5cm 7, 8, 78 64.9 109cm, 55 40 1 1992,, 14 悧 1 1997, 30 2 L9303 1993, 194 112cm, 56 L9306 1993, 194 112cm, 3 1996, 193.8 112cm, 1996, 193.8 112cm, 1997, 193.8 112cm, 70.5 1 1993, 64.3 97.3cm, 10 1 1992, 131 70.5 130.5 162cm 130.4 97cm, 2 1993, 130.2 97cm, 1996, 129.5 97cm, 48 26.4 2 1996, 160.3 119.5cm, 31 1997, 120.5 120cm, 2 1993-4, 160 180cm, 1996, 207.1 259.3cm, 46 1 1994, 99.5 1 1993,106.7 259.3cm, 35 1 1-16 1997, 30 1-1998, 30 1-1998, 30 1 1998, 30 1 1994, 30 1-1995, 30 1 1997, 30 74 1998 11 140 39

87 57 1. 2. 3. 4. 60-70 87 57 40

87 58 77 87 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 87 20 58 87 1998 10 73 151-156 41

59 58 1. 2. 3. 4. 87 3,050 93 30 9 12 13 2 22 5 93 55% 87 59 --? 58 1997 7 223 42

93 1967 1929 1945 1934 1972 1967 1955 1992 1972 1998 1993 1960 1993 1959 1992 1976 1994 1970 1995 1974 1991 1960 662 1969 1960 223 1952 1962 1957 1992 6 6 1966 1992 1961 1991 1979 1985 1961 1992-5 / F9215 1978 1993 1969 1993 1968 1993 1967 1963 1980 1957 1959 1994 1968 1965 1977 1965 1984 1965 1975 1993 1994 1993 1994 1987 1938 1988 1 1941 1997 1942 1993 1996 PAPAYA 1994 1942 1995 95-21 1992 1994 1997 1930 1955 1940 1955 1927 1955 1973 1944 1974 1996 1965 1940 1995 1998 10 73 152 43

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 87 60 87 1. 87 60 44

92 61 62 94 97 61 62 56 154 45

94 2. 87 7,000 87 3,050 87 46

63 2005 7 22 3. 87 3,050 64 63 2 116 64 53 142 47


collecting policy collecting program Timothy Ambrose Crispin Paine 87 1988 94 97 49

87 50

Arnold Hauser 65 Arnold Hauser 1987 66 65 1 28 66 360 2005 5 318 51

2004 FIAC Foire Internationale d'art Contemporain KIAF Korea International Art Fair CIGE China International Gallery Exposition 67 68 Charles Saatchi 1985 Saatchi Gallery 67 360 2005 5 327 68 360 2005 5 316 52

yba 69 90 Damien Hirst 70 71 alternative space 69 yba young British artists 1990 yba 1992 Art Movement yba 360 2005 5 329-339 70 71 1990 100 2001 1 161-162 53

72 yba 72 2500 148 2005 1 146 54

73 Fonds National D art Contemporain, F.N.A.C. 92 74 Art Bank 75 1. 2. 3. 4. 73 2500 http://888.org.tw/reports/20040222.aspx 74 2005 11 5-9 75 5 55

Advisory Board Advisory Committee 76 1. 2. 3. 4. 76 74 7 56

1972 Washington, DC 1983 1,000 20 57

77 2005 25 8 200 300 30 1 2005 2006 2007 KIAF 78 77 2001 47 78 2005 25 05008 2005 3 01 http://www.artsdealer.net/aga/e_paper/20050301/20050301.htm 58

1. 79 The Canada Council Art Bank 1972 Canada Council for the Arts Susan Rivard Le Moyne 25 Al Johnson 500 10 1999 Victoria Henry 18,000 2,800 2002 2002 79 74 59-82 59

J.J Lee Scott Griffin Todd Munro Ottawa 13 Art Consultants 85% 6,000 1,000 5% 12% 120 3,300 3,600 99,000 250 6,875 60

equitability 34 1 2 3 4 fine art practice art for the marketplace 5 6 61

2. 80 National Gallery of Australia 1977 Right Hon. Malcolm Fraser 61 1979 Cultural Affairs Branch 1980 Graeme Sturgeon 20 600 1982 1,000 45% 1983 35 3,000 1986 80 59-82 62

1990 1991 Lesley Alway 1995 Antonia Symes 2000 Department of Communications, Information Technologies and the Arts Show Room 14 60% 63

100 3,000 19,000 110 2,750 5,500 137,500 1 81 2 7 3 4 82 5 550 6 7 81 550 13,750 74 75 82 74 75 64

12 13 26 1 2 Torres Strait Island Ken Thaiday dance mask 3 65

Bruno S. Frey 83 83 Bruno S. Frey Arts & Economics: Analysis & Cultural Policy 2003 10-11 66


68 2003 1972 34 1980 26 2003 35 2004 40 2005 46 2003-2004 2005 2003 3,000 25 20 6,066,800 2004 9,948,000 687 5,000 480 2,500 500 1983 35 1 3,750 5 840 2005 2002 1986 1,268,100 2003-2005 18,000 19,000 283 1/3 1/3 E -


84 46 22 1 2 84 284 1999 1 338-339 70

89 3,000 Timothy Ambrose Crispin Paine 100 85 85 41 91-93 71

72 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. 5. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Fonds National D art Contemporain, F.N.A.C. 5% 10% 86 F.N.A.C. 87 1878 1976 1981 La Delegation aux Arts Plastiques (Francois Mitterrand) 86 http://www.gov.tw/news/cna/culture/news/200405/200405100167.html 87 17 4 2003 2 77 73

1981 3,500 9,000 Esplanade de la Defense 4,500 88 F.N.A.C. 1982 France's Fonds régionaux d'art contemporain, F.N.R.C. Donnedieu de Vabres FRAC 40 2005 Elisabeth Lebovici FRAC 89 92 94 283 88 http://publicart.cca.gov.tw/enjoy/en.php?id=7 89 F.N.R.C. TROUBLES FOR FRANCE'S FRAC INTERNATIONAL NEWS DIGEST http://www.artforum.com/news/week=200608#news10461 74

95 75

93 2 10 94 1 92 93 94 90 90 http://www.cca.gov.tw/sop/introduction/s3/paint.htm 76


91 93 6-11 92 91 http://www.yuntech.edu.tw/~gha/studentpublish/pub13.htm 92 84 332 78

93 93 334 79

94 I. Karp 94 2003 30-31 80


95 96 95 154 2005 7 134 96 102 2001 3 94 82

92 3,000 10 1 10 31 300 90 78 6,066,800 93 92 57 11 1 35 83

1. 2. 60 97 1. 2. 60 1. 2. 60 92 2 6 4 12 93 93 6 1 6 30 2,500 92 53 6 1 35 97 cm 60 9,900cm 2 84

40 92 1. 2 4 98 2. 60 9,900cm 2 3. 1. 31 43 25 35 2. 9,900cm 2 3. 1. 31 43 25 35 2. 1. 100cm 3 2. 93 148 126 2,500 9,948,000 99 98 30 2 4 60 120 99 43 31 (in) 1091 786 (mm) 35 25 (in) 888 634 (mm) 85

2 6 4 20 94 94 92 93 921 7 3 238 4 8 12 2005 15 13 1,268,100 7 1 46 48 1 1 135 94 86

94 3 979 142 31 30 31 31 92 94 284 248 17,282,900 100 94 93 35 40 100 92 93 94 94 87

40 101 94 102 101 71 102 2004 5 9 http://www.epochtimes.com.tw/bt/5/5/9/n915938.htm 88

103 103 360 2005 5 308 89

104 92 93 60 94 104 91 5 2002-2007 Creative Industry http://web.cca.gov.tw/creative/page/main_02.htm 90

93 93 3 D.D D.D 3 52 55 78cm 2003 E 17 FRP 105 105 2003 33 91

93 95 92 94 303 247 17,282,900 92 90 6,066,800 3,000 93 93 148 2,500 9,948,000 2 6 4 20 94 2005 19 15 1,268,100 31 94 1,600 46 500 92

94 94 106 94 107 106 95 2 12 94 17,000 107 95 2 16 94 93

94 94

92 93 238 92 90 78 4 93 148 126 5 95

108 47 2005 109 94 7 238 E 100 E 6 E Electronic Element Environment Estrange Experience Egocentric 1995 The Museum Loan Network, MLN 110 108 Art Bank CANS http://www.ecans.com.tw/magazinec/magazine1.asp?textno=200311013 109 2006 110 MLN 25 7 96

4 6 E 5 97

92 F.N.A.C. 5% 10% 111 3,000 112 113 300 184 358 78 90 111 102 112 10 113 238 1600 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2005/new/jan/4/life/art-1.htm 98

93 2,500 114 92 93 20 9,948,000 148 Arnold Hauser 115 116 117 114 73 115 1 143 116 3 25 117 31 99

E E 7 92 93 238 E Electronic Generation 118 E 60 20-30 alternative space E 119 118 E E 2005 119 95 2 16 100

E 120 7 E 120 113 101

E 121 92 94 92 93 E 122 121 122 113 102

2005 ART TAIPEI 2005 92 93 94 4 8 12 2005 19 123 15 13 1992 12 124 123 124 2005 2005 2005 6 103

1,000 125 56 1,200 126 3 Taipei MOMA After the Stone Age (M. Heidegger) 127 125 2005 4 8 2005 03 16 http://www.cca.gov.tw/app/autocue/news/culture_news_template.jsp?news_id=1110968601953 126 2005 2005 8 127 physis techne 104

3 After the Stone Age 5 3 1 2005 128 359 2005 4 210 128 2005 152 2005 5 98 105

2006 5 2006 New Figure New Art F.N.A.C. 92 93 E 238 95 106

2005 129 2006 129 2006 E http://auth.acertwp.com.tw/public/view.php3?id=123835&sub=63&main=govnews 107

92 94 284 248 2004 2000 130 131 130 2004 2004 165 131 108

2004 ( ) 2004 132 http://www.mywaynews.com.tw/inside-4-3-10-3.htm 132 95 3 4 109

133 134 133 30 17 134 1997 1997 5 110

135 238 E 136 E 135 3 49 David Throsby various variable aesthetic value spiritual value social value historical value symbolic value authenticity value 136 111

137 138 139 140 137 8 2004 4 28 138 2003 265 139 140 128 156 112

18,000 E 1995 The Museum Loan Network, MLN 113

141 Cultural Power Fonds National D art Contemporain, F.N.A.C. 94 142 141 1999 25-26 142 95 2 14 94 114

94 143 144 94 97 75 94 143 144 2001 100 115

360 10 145 145 116

146 147 yba 146 147 95 2 14 92-94 117

94 148 148 118

149 150 149 150 119

1981 1990 151 151 90 S 2002 2 120

152 153 154 2000 2004 94 2005 152 153 2003 60 154 152 94 121

155 94 2005 155 122

2000 2004 70% 80% E 123

F.N.A.C. 124

94 2005 125

156 94 157 156 157 94 126

158 35 159 92 35 93 40 94 46 94 2005 158 159 127

94 160 160 1999 6 128

161 162 94 163 161 162 2004 TOM http://arts.tom.com/1004/2004/12/6-59257.html 163 129

94 165 164 165 130

166 167 The Tate Gallery 166 167 131

2004 ( ) 2004 132

( ) 89 95 65 168 169 168 169 1996 38 133

170 171 172 2000 5 2004 6 170 93 94 171 2000 172 001 2003 6 http://www.ntl.gov.tw/publish_list.asp?catid=76 134

173 173 135

174 70% 80% 174 136

175 176 175 176 137

177 94 178 179 177 178 179 138


94 94 89 140


92 3,000 10 1 10 31 90 78 93 6 1 6 30 2,500 148 126 94 4 8 12 2005 15 13 7 1 31 31 44 46 92 94 94 180 180 142

94 181 94 1,000 182 181 182 143

2005 5 3 3 94 Louisa Buck 183 183 Louisa Buck 05016 2005 5 3 http://www.artsdealer.net/aga/e_paper/20050503/20050503.htm 144

184 185 186 92 187 184 2000 2000 19 185 1997 1997 26 186 50 187 145

2 6 4 20 94 188 30 189 188 189 10 2002 7 4 146

190 191 190 191 183 147

92 2003 2002 5 2002-2007 non-profit 192 94 192 27 65-66 148

193 194 193 194 149

195 196 195 152 11 196 WTO 2001 8 150

94 2005 151

2002-2007 94 non-profit 152

F.N.A.C. 92 2003 153

70% 80% 154

92 94 95 2004 155



Arnold Hauser 1988 Bruno S. Frey Arts & Economics: Analysis & Cultural Policy 2003 David Throsby Economics and Culture 2003 10 2005 4 Timothy Ambrose, Crispin Paine Museum Basics 2000 Timothy Ambrose Managing New Museum A Guide to Good Practice 2003 W. Lawrence Neuman Social Research Methods Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 2002 2 2003 94 97 1970 2004 2004 2004 2005 11 158

2005 E E 2005 1991 2005 2005 2005-2004 2004 10 2000 1992 1997 1997 1997 10 1998 10 1991 1997 2000 2000 2000 1989 2005 2005 159

1997 360 2005 5 1990 100 2001 1 94 2001 12 360 2005 5 359 2005 4 10 2002 7 2500 148 2005 1 58 1997 7 134 2003 11 360 2005 5 74 1998 11 2000 160

2000 360 2005 5? 58 1997 7 yba 360 2005 5 102 2001 3 14 3 2000 7 1999 8 2004 4 17 4 2003 2 284 1999 1 1998 10 73 2004 9 14 3 2000 7 154 2005 7 1 2 1997 3 161

134 2003 11 2005 152 2005 5 90 S 2002 2004 2003 2001 2004 1999 2003 2003 2002 (1979 1999) 1990 WTO 2001 162

2006 E http://auth.acertwp.com.tw/public/view.php3?id=123835&sub=63&main=govnews TROUBLES FOR FRANCE'S FRAC INTERNATIONAL NEWS DIGEST http://www.artforum.com/news/week=200608#news10461 http://www.tfam.gov.tw/visit/about.asp http://www.tfam.gov.tw/admin/organize.asp Louisa Buck 05016 2005 5 3 http://www.artsdealer.net/aga/e_paper/20050503/20050503.htm http://www.mywaynews.com.tw/inside-4-3-10-3.htm http://web.cca.gov.tw/creative/page/main_02.htm http://publicart.cca.gov.tw/enjoy/en.php?id=7 2005 4 8 2005 03 16 http://www.cca.gov.tw/app/autocue/news/culture_news_template.jsp?news_id=1110968601953 http://www.cca.gov.tw/sop/introduction/s3/paint.htm 2005 25 05008 2005 3 01 http://www.artsdealer.net/aga/e_paper/20050301/20050301.htm 2004 TOM http://arts.tom.com/1004/2004/12/6-59257.html 238 1600 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2005/new/jan/4/life/art-1.htm 163

http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2003/new/oct/2/life/art-2.htm 2500 http://888.org.tw/reports/20040222.aspx http://vm.nthu.edu.tw/arts/shows/modernistic/page.htm 001 2003 6 http://www.ntl.gov.tw/publish_list.asp?catid=76 http://www.gov.tw/news/cna/culture/news/200405/200405100167.html http://www.yuntech.edu.tw/~gha/studentpublish/pub13.htm Art Bank CANS http://www.ecans.com.tw/magazinec/magazine1.asp?textno=200311013 20. 2004 5 9 http://www.epochtimes.com.tw/bt/5/5/9/n915938.htm 164

2003 10 1 10 31 100 49 165

100 49 1 2 3 www.cca.gov.tw www.nmh.gov.tw 1 2 3 4 5 135 6 166

2004 6 1 6 30 100 49 2 4 9,900cm 2 31 43 25 35 9,900cm 2 31 43 25 35 100cm 3 167

100 49 1 2 3 www.cca.gov.tw www.nmh.gov.tw 1 2 3 4 2 5 135 6 2 168

叁 2005 7 1 7 31 1 2 3 www.cca.gov.tw www.tmoa.gov.tw 169

7 1 7 31 1 2 3 4 2 5 135 6 2 170

92 1976 180 90cm 2002 66,800 1977 137 70cm 2002 55,700 1970 68 130cm 1999 66,800 1974 172 97cm 1997 75,700 1983 181 80cm 1999 89,000 1973 175 125cm 2002 89,000 1971 177 78cm 1995 77,900 1972 140 75cm 1997 89,000 1970 138 70cm 2002 66,800 1978 240 480cm 1998 133,500 1980 47 150cm 2001 55,700 1977 140 140cm 2003 89,000 1979 180 90cm 2002 89,000 1979 190 80cm 2002 94,600 1976 98 89cm 2002 89,000 1974 125 65cm 2003 44,600 1979 120 70cm 2003 44,600 1972 81 124cm 2002 66,800 1970 220 146cm 1996 77,900 1981 200 150cm 2002 77,900 1985 135 70cm 2002 22,400 1970 135 70cm 2003 22,400 1972 170 70cm 2003 22,400 1982 180 90cm 2003 33,500 1978 134 68cm 2003 33,500 1973 180 76cm 2003 33,500 1975 120 60cm 2002 33,500 1974 200 90cm 2003 33,500 1980 250 22cm 2002 55,700 1974 160 156cm 2003 55,700 1974 180 90cm 2001 33,500 1981 230 90cm 2003 33,500 1981 120 90cm 2002 77,900 1975 117 91cm 2003 77,900 1978 60F 1999 66,800 1976 106 77cm 2003 55,700 1979 210 110cm 2001 111,300 1979 85 115cm 2002 61,300 1978 100 150cm 2000 89,000 1971 75 110cm 1996 55,700 1978 108 78cm 1996 44,600 1979 76 116cm 2002 66,800 1979 79 104cm 2001 55,700 1977 79 110cm 2001 44,600 1982 2003 66,800 1979 76 110cm 2002 44,600 伃 1981 2003 55,700 1983 110 75cm 2002 44,600 1968 79 109cm 2002 44,600 1979 2001 33,500 171

1973 1 80F 2001 133,500 1979 Joker 100F 2003 111,300 1976 80F 2001 111,300 1978 162 97cm 2003 111,300 1978 130 97cm 1997 111,300 1977 80F 2001 111,300 1977 1/2 80F 2000 111,30 1983 130 62cm 2003 111,300 1977 80F 2001 111,300 1977 100F 2003 89,000 1972 60P 2002 89,000 1971 Ι 127 164cm 1999 89,000 1975 run, Cookey run. 135 185cm 2002 89,000 1972 NEO-GOD 227 162cm 2000 133,500 1978 112 145.5cm 1998 89,000 1972 99-4 162 130cm 1999 77,900 1977 8 192 260cm 2000 111,300 1968 163.5 105cm 2000 89,000 1973 97 132cm 2002 89,000 1976 Symbol-02 150 150cm 2003 77,900 煊 1980 162 130cm 2000 89,000 1976 72.5 450cm 1999 111,300 1969 143 45cm 2002 89,000 1969 #2 75 106cm 2000 22,400 1969 75 105cm 1999 22,400 1974 & & 84 56cm 2003 33,500 1974 31 43cm 2001 22,400 1981 120 60cm 2002 66,800 1974 60 90cm 1998 22,400 1974 60 90cm 1998 22,400 1975 100 150cm 2002 22,400 1975 100 75cm 2001 22,400 1976 108 140cm 2002-03 55,700 1979 110 78cm 2002 22,400 1980 2003 22,400 韵 1981 81 81cm 2001 22,400 1970 145 226cm 2000 77,900 1976 100 130cm 2001 89,000 1971 180 180cm 2000 89,000 1979 88 84cm 1999 44,600 90 78 6,066,800 2004 212-214 172

93 1965 135 69cm 2004 40,000 1979 210 540cm 2003 50,000 1974 290 140cm 2003 48,000 1972 136 35cm 2 2004 16,000 1973 168 76cm 2004 20,000 1980 140 155cm 2004 25,000 1966 180 90cm 2004 25,000 1975 180 90cm 2003 20,000 1980 171 24cm 2 2004 16,000 1981 240 280cm 2004 30,000 1982 210 30cm 4 2004 35,000 1979 177 78cm 2004 35,000 1966 120 30cm 2 2000 18,000 1973 160 54cm 2003 20,000 1967 180 45cm 4 2002 25,000 1972 135 35cm 2004 30,000 1978 180 180cm 2002 90,000 1978 60 360cm 2003 70,000 1965 120 120cm 2001 150,000 1982 210 140cm 2004 90,000 1965 120 120cm 2001 70,000 1984 230 120cm 2004 90,000 1973 188 84cm 2004 40,000 1966 126 62cm 2002 70,000 1971 135 69cm 2002 50,000 1975 158.5 79cm 2003 70,000 1967 178 95cm 2002 80,000 1969 140 70cm 1995 70,000 1965 140.5 74.5cm 2004 100,000 1970 26 180 183cm 1996 120,000 1982 135 71cm 2004 90,000 1967 172 95cm 2004 70,000 1967 80 162cm 2000 90,000 1974 140 210cm 2001 120,000 1974 135 69cm 2004 50,000 1980 90 200cm 2004 90,000 1974 135 125cm 2003 70,000 1979 240 120cm 2004 72,000 1966 150 75cm 2002 120,000 1965 135 68cm 2003 65,000 1969 63 63cm 8 2003 120,000 1971 236 125cm 2003 120,000 1979 140 35cm 2001 50,000 1973 125 75cm 2002 120,000 1983 135 90cm 2004 80,000 1966 120 135cm 2001 100,000 1976 180 70cm 2003 50,000 1981 110 90cm 2004 50,000 斈 1985 2004 80,000 1967 1 160 122cm 1996 140,000 173

1976 180 180cm 2001 68,000 1979 116.5 97cm 2002 90,000 1977 210 120cm 1999 60,000 1979 180 150cm 2004 60,000 1966 116 92cm 1998 120,000 1970 180 90cm 2002 100,000 1979 162 130.3cm 2003 100,000 1981 112 142cm 2002 70,000 1971 1999-1 78.5 109.5cm 1999 60,000 1981 110 79cm 2003 40,000 1983 111 85cm 2003 42,000 1978 2 84 114.5cm 2002 48,000 1982 72 98cm 2003 40,000 1975 75 105cm 2001 40,000 1967 101 66cm 2004 48,000 1980 158 110cm 2004 48,000 1980 158 110cm 2004 48,000 1979 105 180cm 2003 48,000 1983 78 110cm 2004 48,000 1978 100 150cm 1999 80,000 1978 100 150cm 2000 80,000 1977 66 122cm 2002 48,000 1975 112 162cm 1998 72,000 1968 70 104cm 1998 80,000 1979 2004 42,000 1985 114 79cm 2004 72,000 1977 1 160 160cm 2001 42,000 1977 2 120 72cm 2002 40,000 1979 2004 48,000 1964 114 77cm 2004 40,000 1978 145.5 89.5cm 2003 80,000 1978 145.5 89.5cm 2003 80,000 1967 07 80F 2001 100,000 1971 175 175cm 2003 100,000 1977 240 240cm 2000 100,000 1977 Studio 116.5 273cm 2003 75,000 1964 70 70cm 4 2001 100,000 1977 80F 2002 80,000 1981 No.3 174 240 162cm 2 2004 100,000 1966 162 112cm 1994 100,000 1966 142 85cm 1999 79,000 1970 120 240cm 2002 75,000 1972 130 162cm 1999 85,000 1978 255 100cm 2000 100,000 1977 145 145cm 2002 100,000 1977 162 130cm 2003 100,000 煊 1980 80F 2004 48,000 1975 122 244cm 2002 100,000 Cookey 1975 Cookey 122 244cm 2002 100,000 1965 94.5 134.5cm 1994 90,000 1965 120 120cm 1998 100,000 1973 80 160cm 2004 72,000 1973 RB 1973 TR1 180 180cm 2004 100,000 180 180cm 2004 100,000 1976 Paralysis 2 114 145cm 2002 78,000

1964 53 182cm 2001 80,000 1981 120 90cm 2003 42,000 1981 130 80cm 2003 40,000 1981 100 62cm 3 2003 100,000 1981 160 160cm 2004 60,000 1982 160 50 91 72 2003 80,000 80 65 110 50 91 65cm 1973 2001 Line 01.05.06 100 300cm 2001 60,000 1973 2002 Line 01.04.05 100 300cm 2001 60,000 1968 72 93cm 1998 42,000 1968 1998 42,000 1974 3 60 90cm 1997 40,000 1974 30 Biack#12 76.2 76.2cm 2004 42,000 1966 65 109cm 2004 40,000 1979 79 110cm 2002 40,000 1975 75 105cm 2004 20,000 1973 1 118 95cm 2004 35,000 1974 76 100cm 2004 30,000 1965 60 90cm 1989 42,000 1965 90 60cm 1989 42,000 1965 94 135cm 2002 40,000 1967 60 90cm 2002 20,000 1967 90 60cm 2002 20,000 1964 90 90cm 3 2003 42,000 韵 1981 79 109cm 2004 40,000 1975 130 130cm 2003 60,000 1973 200 98 10cm 1999 84,000 1973 112 98 10cm 1999 72,000 1979 97 136cm 2004 66,000 1977 150 150cm 2002 100,000 1964 No.2001 08 120 240cm 2001 100,000 1964 Material Paradise 83 120cm 2003 60,000 1964 122 122cm 1998 100,000 1971 Beyond the technology 150 150cm 2000 100,000 1977 L 2002 40,000 1970 D.D 52 55 78cm 2003 40,000 1977 32 32 125cm 1999 48,000 1977 40 160 80cm 2000 60,000 1966 55 60 70cm 2001 100,000 1969 BG6620 1965 90 80 15cm 100 60 25cm 15 30 35cm 80 76 20cm 2001 100,000 2001 75,000 1973 150 150cm A4 2002 40,000 1972 85 60 54cm 2002 100,000 1980 100 60 48cm 2003 80,000 148 126 9,948,000 2004 328-332 175

94 94 1972 2001 8 90 90cm 90,000 658,000 65,000 1959 2 123 123cm 185,000 126,000 125,800 1961 50 30 60cm 250,000 165,000 165,000 1966 1 35 15 30cm 80,000 57,000 56,800 1973 80 80cm 45,000 37,500 36,000 1977 60 45cm 4 20,000 17,000 16,000 1969 Taipei MOMA DVD 150,000 110,000 109,500 1976 90 90cm 160,000 110,000 110,000 1973 25.5 30.5cm 12,000 10,000 10,000 1966 50 50cm 12 390,000 287,000 285,000 1966 49.8 24.7cm 22,500 20,000 20,000 1968 Statue 120 120cm 80,000 60,000 60,000 1976 1 100.7 67.2cm 20,000 17,000 17,000 1976 3 100.7 67.2cm 20,000 17,000 17,000 1973 177 136.5 1.6cm 250,000 177,000 175,000 94 12 250cm 2005 192 112cm 2002 178 290cm 320 5600cm 100 200cm 1995 2001 110 77cm 2003 130 130cm 2002 125 145cm 2004 60 160cm 2005 17 5 14cm 2002 55 17 70cm 2004 130 97cm 2002 200 110cm Seat 2005 145.5 112cm 2005 116.5 91cm 2000 136 99cm 2005 90 90cm 2005 225 125cm NO.1 2004 100 72cm 2001 92 92cm 2005 120 180cm 9 2003 285 280cm 2004 240 45 35cm 2004 142 92cm 3 2002 210 30cm 6 2005 120F 2002 120 360cm Lucy Sunny Have a Drug 2005 105 100 152cm ZZZ no.1 2003 27 27 165cm 2003 180 32cm 2004 5 22 2000 162 120cm 2005 176

2005 11 100-102 94 15 13 1,268,100 31 31 177

E 1970 D.D 52 55 78cm 2003 1973 1969 1 118 95cm 2004 BG6620 178 80 76 20cm 2001 1972 NEO-GOD 227 162cm 2000 1977 40 160 80cm 2000 1971 180 180cm 2000 1971 Beyond the technology 150 150cm 2000 1975 100 150cm 2002 1981 No.3 240 162cm 2 2004 1974 76 100cm 2004 1981 120 60cm 2002 1980 47 150cm 2001 1979 190 80cm 2002 1979 2001 1975 130 130cm 2003 1976 Symbol-02 150 150cm 2003 1977 240 240cm 2000 1970 120 240cm 2002 1973 2001 Line 01.05.06 100 300cm 2001 1979 105 180cm 2003 1979 76 110cm 2002 1972 130 162cm 1999 1979 240 120cm 2004 1977 140 140cm 2003 1974 & & 84 56cm 2003 1966 55 60 70cm 2001 1965 120 120cm 2001 1972 85 60 54cm 2002 1980 100 60 48cm 2003 1978 180 180cm 2002 1978 60 360cm 2003 1965 90 80 15cm 2001 1967 80 162cm 2000 1969 75 105cm 1999 1970 220 146cm 1996 1979 85 115cm 2002 1964 Material Paradise 83 120cm 2003 1976 100 130cm 2001 1976 Paralysis 2 114 145cm 2002 1971 175 175cm 2003 1977 Studio 116.5 273cm 2003 韵 1981 79 109cm 2004 1974 3 1972 60 90cm 1997 99-4 162 130cm 1999 1967 60 90cm 2002 1967 90 60cm 2002 1978 130 97cm 1997 1967 101 66cm 2004 1978 112 145.5cm 1998 1971 127 164cm 1999 1981 200 150cm 2002 1974 60 90cm 1998

1979 2004 1977 150 150cm 2002 1979 97 136cm 2004 1968 1998 1968 72 93cm 1998 1976 80F 2001 1973 112 98 10cm 1999 1976 72.5 450cm 1999 1981 110 79cm 2003 1979 76 116cm 2002 1982 72 98cm 2003 1975 75 105cm 2001 1976 108 140cm 2002-03 1981 160 160cm 2004 1966 150 75cm 2002 1967 1971 1 160 122cm 1996 1999-1 78.5 109.5cm 1999 1965 94 135cm 2002 1983 111 85cm 2003 1966 1969 65 109cm 2004 #2 75 106cm 2000 1964 122 122cm 1998 1970 145 226cm 2000 1980 158 110cm 2004 1975 117 91cm 2003 伃 1981 2003 1965 60 90cm 1989 1980 2003 1979 79 110cm 2002 1964 90 90cm 3 2003 1966 162 112cm 1994 1965 120 120cm 1998 1964 No.2001 08 120 240cm 2001 1979 162 130.3cm 2003 1979 120 70cm 2003 1974 135 69cm 2004 1970 26 180 183cm 1996 1982 160 50cm 2003 1969 63 63cm 8 2003 1977 1 160 160cm 2001 1973 RB 180 180cm 2004 1979 Joker 100F 2003 韵 1981 81 81cm 2001 1964 53 182cm 2001 1981 120 90cm 2002 1979 79 104cm 2001 1968 163.5 105cm 2000 1977 145 145cm 2002 1977 162 130cm 2003 1968 79 109cm 2002 1979 88 84cm 1999 1981 100 62cm 3 2003 1981 112 142cm 2002 1975 1975 122 244cm 2002 Cookey Cookey 122 244cm 2002 179

E 2005 E 236 ART TAIPEI 2005 99 Simyo Gallery( ) Baiksong Gallery( ) Bong Sung Gallery( ) Taipei MOMA Gallery - The Drawing Room( ) F3 Khankhalaev Gallery( ) ( ) 2005 2005 54 180

A. B. C. A. B. C. D. E. F. A. B. A. B. A. B. C. A. B. A. B. A. B. 2004 284 181

94 95 2 16 92 93 Art Taipei 2005 3 979 142 31 15 94 46 238 182

Art Bank DM 94 7 4 94 30 94 1,600 46 500 30 7 8 183

95 94 E - 95 2 16 E - 2 E E 238 184

( E - ) 20 E - 94 95 2 12 185

6 2005 10 20 186

2 34 12 E - 187

94 95 2 14 5 1996 85 188

40 35 35 35 35 20 14 189

190 89 5 10 2005

92-94 95 2 14 7 8 191

92 94 18 192


94 14 2005 194

( 20,000 ~30,000 3 12 195

95 3 4 2003 10 10 10 196

10 1/10 30 197

10% 2 3 198

94 30 1 15% 20 30 30 40 7 8 199

70% 80% 200

3 4 201

5 6 202

Omi 89 ISCP 18-10 - ISCP 90 18 - - 7 ISCP 91 18 - PS1 8 CAMAC 92 ISCP 18-8 PS1 CAMAC 93 ISCP 18 8 PS1 94 CAMAC ISCP 12 95 CAMAC 12 ISCP 2 Cite Internationale des Arts 203

2 Cite Internationale des Arts http://www.mywaynews.com.tw/inside-4-3-10-3.htm 204