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美 國 家 也 提 供,MSM 群 體 也 可 拿 到 藥, 可 是 實 際 上 他 們 的 疫 情 卻 是 上 升 的, 所 以 他 們 也 提 出 很 多 反 省 HARRT 對 感 染 者 在 存 活 率 上 的 效 果 我 肯 定, 但 對 愛 滋 疫 情 不 能 太 過 樂 觀, 會 造


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630 张 正 茂, 等. 乳 腺 癌 患 者 术 后 口 服 三 苯 氧 胺 致 子 宫 内 膜 病 变 相 关 因 素 分 析 1986 年, 美 国 食 品 药 品 管 理 局 批 准 三 苯 氧 胺 用 于 乳 腺 癌 的 内 分 泌 治 疗 随 着 三 苯 氧 胺 的 广 泛 应 用, 其

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行 政 院 國 家 科 學 委 員 會 補 助 專 題 研 究 計 畫 成 果 報 告 期 中 進 度 報 告 骨 盆 底 肌 訓 練 方 案 對 產 後 婦 女 骨 盆 重 建 之 成 效 Pelvic floor muscle protecting / training program effe

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鼠 疫(Plague)

, %, 3.01%, BMI BMI 24 BMI 28 85cm 80cm ii

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保 障 内 容 第 五 条 在 保 险 期 间 内, 被 保 险 人 持 有 有 效 证 件 在 境 外 旅 行 时, 因 遭 受 意 外 伤 害 ( 见 第 4 条 释 义 ) 事 故 导 致 身 故 残 疾 或 烧 烫 伤 的, 保 险 人 依 照 下 列 约 定 给 付 保 险 金 ( 一 )


DOH90- DC-1014 ( 1 1 90 12 90 31

. 2. 3. 4-5. (1) 6-7 (2) 8-9 (3) 10 (4) 11-12 (5) 13 (6) 14-16 (7) 17-20 1

86 10 90 10 48 32 HIV 21 CD8 + CD38 HLA-DR CD4 + T (HPV) 50.0% (16/32) 50.0% (16/32) 8-9% 12.5% (4/32) 56.3% (18/32) 55.6% (10/18) HIV 21 CIN-1 (CIS) HIV HIV Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry Hormonal assay cellular immunity and functional assay HIV (HPV) 2

Abstract To test the relationship between the cellular immunity and different menstrual cycles and the prevalence of HPV infection in HIV-seropositive women, totally 32 subjects were enrolled. Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood during the follicular and luteal phases was composed of total cell count, lymphocyte count, CD4 +, CD8 +, and their activating markers including CD25, CD69, HLA-DR, CD28, CD38, etc. Pap smear was performed every 6 months. HPV typing of cervical smear was performed by PCR on various menstrual phases using various primers for HPV. Virus loading was checked on each blood sampling. Pap smear revealed active inflammatory reaction (class II) in 18 women (56.3%). Fungal infection was most frequent (55.6%, 10/18). The HPV positive rate was 50.0% (16/32) with malignant type and 12.5% (4/32) with benign type. During the follow up, two women with CIS and two with CIN-1 of uterine cervix were noted. The activating antigens (HLA-DR, CD38) were elevated on CD8 + T cells of these women. All these alterations seemed not related to menstrual cycle. Therefore, we concluded 1) the CD8 + T cells were increased and activated in women with HIV infection and these alterations were not affected by various menstrual cycles, 2) cervical inflammation especially fungal infection was common in these women, and 3) the prevalence of malignant type HPV infection was also high in these women that intensive Pap smear examination is recommended. Key words HIV, HPV, menstruation,cellular immunity 3

_ ( ) DOH90-DC-1014 1. 32 16 (50.0%) HPV 4 (12.5%) 18 (56.3%) CD4 10 (10/18, 55.6%) Immunophenotyping 32 21 21 NK cell B T CD4 + /CD8 + CD8 + HLA-DR CD38 CD4 + 2. HPV HIV HPV 3. HIV HIV cellular immunity HPV 4


1999 3,400 HIV (, human immunodeficiency virus) 280 AIDS 1,900 AIDS 90 3 3,044 291 1996 39.8% 2001 45.3% (1) (2-4) (5,6) (7) HIV HPV (8) (9) HIV, (10) (11,12) HIV HPV 6


I II 1 a Estrodiol Progesterone b Immunophenotyping cell count lymphocyte count CD4 + CD8 + activation marker CD25, CD69, HLA-DR, CD28, CD38 etc flow cytometry 13-16 1 c.c immunophenotyping : (monoclonal antibodies) FACScan flow cytometry-three color CD4 CD8T : Simultest (FITC CD45/PE CD14) Leucogate Simultest (FITC IgGI/PEIgG2,γ1/γ2) negative control Simultest (FITC CD3/PE CD19) Simultest (FITC CD3/PE CD16+56) Fastimmune (FITC CD4/PE CD69/PerCP CD3) Fastimmune (FITC CD8/PE CD69/PerCP CD3) FITC CD4/PE CD25/PerCP CD3) 8

FITC CD8/PE CD25/PerCP CD3) FITC CD4/PE CD28/PerCP CD3) FITC CD8/PE CD28/PerCP CD3) FITC CD4/PE HLA- DR//PerCP CD3) FITC CD8/PE HLA- DR/PerCP CD3) 3cc estrodiol progesterone c Pap smear: pap smear CD4 +, d Cervical smear: PBS PCR primer HPV type 6,11,16,18 (17), CD4+,HPV e Virus loading virus loading 2 a) Immunophenotyping virus load b) Immunophenotyping virus load 9

48 32 HIV 21 31 CD4 + 32 16 (50.0%) HPV 4 (12.5%) 18 (56.3%) CD4 10 (10/18, 55.6%) Immunophenotyping 32 21 21 NK cell B T CD4 + /CD8 + CD8 + HLA-DR CD38 CD4 + 10

32 HIV 21 (10) HIV 32 HIV HIV HPV (17-18) HIV (9,19-21) CIN CD4 500/mm 3 60% CIN (22) HPV (type 16 18) 50.0% 12.5%, Sun (9) 83% (17-18) 8-9% (CD4 200-400/mm 3 ) HIV 4 Class III (12.5%) 4 11

? HPV 21 HIV (21,23) HIV cellular immunity 10,000 (24) HIV HIV CD4/CD8 CD8 HLA-DR CD38 HIV (14-16) CD4 CD8 7 20 6 6 12

HIV HIV 32 13 HPV HIV 13

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32 HIV HPV typing Benign Malignant Pap smear Menstrual cycle 1 - - - - normal normal Irregular, endometrial hyperplasia Irregular, ATH 2 - - normal Regular, fungal infection (+) 3 - - + + normal normal Regular, fungal infection (+) Regular, fungal infection (+) 4 - - + + normal inflammation Regular Regular, herpes infection (+) 5 + + inflammation Regular, fungal infection (+) 6 - - inflammation Regular 7 + + normal Regular, thalassemia 8 - - inflammation Amenorrhea, fungal infection 9 - - normal regular 10 - - - - inflammation normal Irregular, huge myoma Irregular, huge myoma 11 - - inflammation regular 12 - + normal regular 13 - - normal regular 14 - + inflammation Regular, infection - Bartholin cyst 15 - + inflammation regular 16 - + inflammation regular 17 - - normal regular 17

18 - - normal fungus infection (+) 19 - + Inflammation fungus infection (+) CIN-III 20 - + CIS regular 21 - - normal fungus infection (+) 22 - - inflammation fungus infection (+) 23 - - inflammation fungus infection (+) 24 - - normal regular 25 - + CIN-1 fungus infection (+) 26 - + normal regular 27 + + normal regular 28 - + normal regular 29 - - CIN-1 regular 30 + + Inflammation condyloma 31 - + Normal regular 32 - - Normal regular 18

21 HIV 30 T Absolute number of cells /mm 3 CD4 + CD8 + Normal (N=30) 1084±485 610±203 HIV-positive (N=21) 406±212 953±407 Mean±SD 21 HIV 30 HIV-positive Normal control % follicular luteal follicular luteal B cells 14.1±4.0 13.6±5.4 14.4±5.6 15.7±6.4 T cells 64.3±8.9 65.4±7.4 70.2±7.6 71.8±7.5 CD8 cells 44.8±13.7 48.4±10.4 26.4±7.6 43.5±4.7 NK cells 17.5±7.5 17.6±8.2 2.0±8.3 12.4±7.3 Mean±SD (%) 19

HIV 21 T B HIV-positive Normal control % follicular luteal follicular luteal CD8 (CD3 + CD8 + ) HLA-DR + /CD8 + 35.5±6.4 a 37.3±5.5 b 7.8±9.8 a 8.1±9.0 b CD38 + /CD8 + 45.1±8.2 c 44.8±7.7 d 8.9±5.7 c 9.1±7.9 d CD69 + /CD8 + 11.4±7.7 9.4±4.8 7.2±6.3 8.1±6.6 CD25 + /CD8 + 5.4±3.6 3.8±2.4 3.0±6.1 2.2±2.8 CD4 (CD3 + CD4 + ) HLA-DR + /CD4 + 15.0±7.6 13.2±5.9 9.7±4.7 9.8±5.0 CD38 + /CD4 + 8.4±7.3 10.1±6.4 9.7±7.2 9.4±6.4 CD69 + /CD4 + 8.6±5.0 9.2±4.6 6.1±8.9 8.2±8.2 CD25 + /CD4 + 20.6±14.6 16.7±7.2 14.9±5.5 13.9±4.8 Mean±SD, abcd P< 0.05 compared between HIV-positive and normal women by Mann-Whitney U test. 20