数据分析 2. 2 研究对象 研究工具 SARS TEM 数据收集 SARS Misunderstanding of the original Ms Word F10 F

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83 同伴互评在翻译教学中的应用效果及其教学法意义 李小撒 柯 平 本研究旨在探讨同伴互评在翻译教学中的应用效果研究对象是 20 名英语专业高年级的学生 研究者首先对受试进行一定的培训, 随后收集同伴互评的相关数据, 此后随机挑选 6 名学生进行访谈结果 表明 : 同伴互评行之有效 ; 同伴评论的利用率很高, 修改后的译文质量有显著提高 ; 翻译的方向对同伴互评的 效果无明显影响 ; 学习者对互评机制持积极态度将同伴互评应用到翻译教学中来, 有利于培养学习者的自 主学习与合作学习的能力, 强化校改意识并提高翻译质量, 以及促成我国的翻译教学向以过程为取向过渡 同伴互评 ; 翻译过程 ; 合作学习 1 peer feedback teacher feedback Eggen & Kauchak process-oriented approach 2005 social constructionist approach collaborative learning Gile 1994 Adab 2000 Fox 2000 Kiraly 2003 process-oriented translation teaching 2003 Leki 1991 Rollison 1998 product-oriented translation teaching Fox 2000 Kiraly 2000 Goff-Kfouri 2004 Kiraly 2000 2009 2007 2007 2010 2007 Berg 1999 Caulk 1994 Ferris 2007 2010 2 2. 1 研究问题 1

84 2 3 6 4 2. 5 数据分析 2. 2 研究对象 05 20 4 16 21 2. 3 研究工具 SARS 400 800 800 400 TEM8 2. 4 数据收集 2. 5. 1 SARS Misunderstanding of the original Ms Word F10 F11 F12 8 Awkward 1 2. 5. 2

85. 802 ** 1. Aids wrong capitalization AIDS is the final and most serious stage of HIV disease. 10 People who infected with HIV grammar who are infected with HIV may have no symptoms for up to ten years. / Other infections may have exacerbated the respiratory disease in some / SARS patients misunderstanding SARS. The macaques infected with the coronavirus developed the disease improperly colloquial 2 60 6. 7% 91. 7% 120 13. 2% 81. 5% 381 42. 2% 71. 5% 342 37. 9% 79% 2. 5. 3 3 3. 1 同伴互评的有效程度 20% 23. 6 77% 600 / 100 / 25 2. 60 6. 7% 55 91. 7% 120 13. 2% 97 81. 5% 381 42. 2% 273 71. 5% 342 37. 9% 270 79% 903 100% 695 77. 1% 3. 2 学习者对同伴反馈的利用 3. 91. 2% 699 77. 4% 125 13. 8% 79 8. 8% 4 3 77. 4% 13. 8% 8. 8%

86 4. Z Asymp. Sig. 2 - tailed 74 93. 5 85. 1 3. 73632 75 95. 5 88. 3 4. 14760 3. 3 翻译方向对同伴互评有效程度及利用的影响 - 4. 609 a. 000 477 426 5 53% 30. 9% 6. 1% 9. 3% 28. 4% 30% 32. 3% 5. 21 4. 4% 18 85. 7% 39 9. 3% 37 94. 9% 8 1. 7% 6 75% 111 28. 4% 91 82% 253 53% 182 71. 9% 128 30% 91 71. 1% 195 30. 9% 156 80% 148 32. 3% 114 77% 477 362 75. 9% 426 333 78. 2% 75. 9% 78. 2% 6 21 8 6. 369 77. 4% 330 77. 5% 63 13. 2% 62 14. 5% 45 9. 4% 34 8% 477 100% 426 100% 3. 4 6 5

87 Kiraly 2000 137 Adab B. 2000. Evaluating translation competence. In C. Sch ffner & B. Adab eds. Developing Translation Competence. Amsterdam /Philadelphia John Benjamins. Berg E. C. 1999. The effects of trained peer response on ESL students revision types and writing quality. Journal of Second Language Writing 8 3 pp215-241. Caulk N. 1994. Comparing teacher and student responses to written work. TESOL Quarterly 28 pp181-188. Eggen Paul. & Don Kauchak. 2005... Ferris D. R. 2003. Response to Student Writing Implications for Second Language Students. Mahwah NJ Law- rence Erlbaum Associates. Fox O. 2000. The use of diaries in a process-oriented translation teaching methodology. In C. Sch ffner & B. Adab eds. Developing translation competence. Amsterdam Philadelphia John Benjamins. Gile Daniel. 1994. The process-oriented approach in the training of translators and interpreters. In Dollerup Cap & Annette Lindegaard eds. Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2 Insights Aims and Visions. Benjamins Translation Library 5. Amsterdam /Philadelphia Benjamins. Goff-Kfouri Carol Ann. 2004. Testing and evaluation in the translation classroom. Translation Journal 8 3. Ke Ping. Microsoft Office Word s default global template Normal. dot How to install Download Macros in this template An Autotext List of Terms Used in Linguistics Translation Studies Language and Translation Technology and Research Methodology. http / /dhost. info / 4 1 TOC / RMRS. html. 2006. 2 Kiraly D. 2000. A Social Constructivist Approach to Translator Education Empowerment from Theory to Practice. 3 4 Manchester UK & Northampton MA St. Jerome Publishing. Kiraly D. C. 2003. A passing fad or the promise of a paradigm shift in translator education In B. James & S. K. Geoffrey eds. Beyond the Ivory Tower Rethinking translation pedagogy. Amsterdam Philadelphia John Benjamins. Leki I. 1991. The preferences of ESL students for error correction in college-level writing classes. Foreign Language Annals 24 3 pp203-218. Rollison P. 1998. Peer Response and Revision in an ESL

88 Writing Group A Case Study. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. 2007 4 2007 3-303 4 2009 3 2010 1 210036 80 宋健飞, 何晓嘉 ) Efficacy of Peer Feedback in Translation Teaching by LI Xiaosa & KE Ping Abstract: This study investigated the effects of peer feedback in an advanced translation class for Chinese English majors. An intact class of 20 junior English majors from Nanjing University took part in this study. After receiving some training on giving peer feedback,they went through two translation-feedback-revision cycles. Six students were randomly selected for follow-up interviews. Data analysis yields the following results: 1) Peer feedback was effective; 2) The students incorporated most of the feedback into their revision and produced significantly improved translations; 3) The direction of translation did not seem to affect the quality and incorporation of peer feedback; 4) The students held positive attitudes towards the use of peer feedback in the translation class. The researchers concluded that as a form of collaborative learning,peer feedback is effective in translation teaching and learning. Keywords: peer feedback; process-oriented approach; collaborative learning 檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿檿 41 6 2009 2010 1 2006 2009 5 2008 1 2003 1 3 541000 王亚民, 徐江 ) A Study of Cognitive Advantage in Formulaic Sequence Processing among Chinese Learners of English by SANG Zilin & ZHANG Shaolin Abstract: Formulaic sequences processing,due to its coexistence of integral cognitive economy and structure and semantic comprehension complexity,is difficult to measure. This experiment explores the formulaic sequence processing mechanism employed by Chinese learners of English through measuring their reaction time and error rate in judging the grammaticality of formulaic and nonformulaic sequences. It is found out that formulaic sequences provide an unequivocal processing advantage over nonformulaic sequences in terms of processing speed and accuracy,that within formulaic sequences,idiom processing speed is slower and accompanied with more errors than that of non-idioms,showing the negative influence of structure complexity on processing, and that the main effect exists in the variable of language proficiency,with higher level learners having a tendency of processing the formulaic sequence as a whole with shorter response time and fewer errors. Key words: formulaicity; cognitive processing; advantage; reaction time; error rate; language proficiency