2002 Murray, Rutman, Burchinal, Robers, Nanorsl Bryant, 1996 Philipsen, Burchinal, Howes Cryer, 1997 Rosenthal, 1990 Smith En

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Journal of Meiho Institute of Technology,Vol.23 No.2 pp.47~74 2001 133 SPSS 10 65.4 47

2002 Murray, 2000 2003 Rutman, 1996 2002 2003 Burchinal, Robers, Nanorsl Bryant, 1996 Philipsen, Burchinal, Howes Cryer, 1997 Rosenthal, 1990 Smith Endsley, 1996 Sagger, Grant, Woodhead Banham, 1994 1995 7 5 2 1998 2004 2 32,181 http://www.evta.gov.tw/stat/9303/pointer-4.txt 1999 2001 48

2002 0-3 108 3236 http://www.moi.gov.tw/w3/stat/home.asp 52.31 2001 26 46.6 1998 1999 1987 2000 2000 2003 1999 1998 1999 2001 1995 http://www.cbi.gov.tw/all-about_6.php 1997 1999 1998 3 1998 1999 11 20 http://www.cbi.gov.tw/all-about_6.php 2002 1998 2004 2 32,181 49

50 http://www.evta.gov.tw/ stat/9303/pointer-4.txt 80 3 1999 96-100 1500 http://www.labor.gov.tw/ 1998 1999 2002 1997 2000 2001 2003 2002 2003 2002 2002 1999 2003 1997 1999 1999 2003 1999 2001

51 3-1 3-1 2001 247 184 1. 2.

1. 2. 1999 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2003 (1) 16 12 1 2 3 4 5 (2) 10 5 4 3 2 1 (3) 7 12 1 2 3 4 5 (4) 52

1. Cronbach =.9419.89.98 3-1 3-1 Cronbach 28.9461 10.8891 19.9788 57.9419 2. 2003 7 11 8 31 135 73.37 133 SPSS 10 133 132 99.2 53

1 0.8 21 59 30-49 68.2 75.2 88.7 65.2 34.8 2 3 59.9 27.8 62.4 7.5 4-1 4-1 n 133 1 0.8 132 99.2 21-29 30 22.6 30-39 54 40.4 40-49 37 27.8 50-59 12 9.0 1 0.8 14 10.5 64 48.1 54 40.6 47 35.3 86 64.7 33 24.8 94 70.7 4 3.0 2 1.5 0 35 26.3 1 13 9.8 2 43 32.3 3 36 27.1 4 3 4.5 0 96 72.2 5 18 13.5 5-10 15 11.3 10 4 3.0 11 8.3 25 18.8 83 62.4 14 10.5 59 44.4 64 48.1 10 7.5 133 99.2 2003 99.5 54

2003 2003 1997 Holloway,Kagan,Tsou Carroll 2001 Rosenthal 1990 1998 30-49 68.2 2003 31-50 75.2 95 2003 2002 1997 88.7 1999 2003 2003 1997 65.2 2001 2003 1997 100 83.87 74.04 78.63 73.85 81.80 76.31 4-2 4-2 n 133 78.25 74.04 83.87 76.72 78.63 73.85 79.05 81.80 76.31 4-3 55

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4-4 n 133 1 4.09.70 2 4.18.73 3 4.11.81 4 3.55.96 5 3.65.86 6 3.99.72 7 3.90.85 8 3.64.97 9 3.51 1.04 10 3.75.99 4-5 n 133 1 4.14.83 2 4.05.83 3 4.05.82 4 4.14.82 5 4.10.82 6 4.12.83 7 4.10.83 8 3.85.84 9 4.11.71 10 4.07.75 11 4.03.79 12 3.61 1.00 13 3.95.88 14 4.09.80 15 4.00.90 16 4.16.73 17 4.02.74 18 3.45 1.02 19 3.26 1.08 57

Domer, Carswell Spreckelmeyer, 1983 87 65.4 84.8 52.9 4-6 4-6 n 133 58 66.7 29 33.3 30 65.2 16 34.8 88 66.2 45 33.8 41 47.1 46 52.9 24 52.2 22 47.8 65 48.9 68 51.1 53 60.9 34 39.1 27 58.7 19 41.3 80 60.2 53 39.8 48 55.2 39 44.8 39 84.8 7 15.2 87 65.4 46 34.6 87 65.4 46 34.6 58

4-6 66.2 48.9 60.2 65.4 65.4 85 1999 2001 2000 1-2 3-4 t-test Scheffe 50-59 21-29 3-4 1-2 1-2 4-7 59

4-7 n 133 t F P 21-29 30 46.30 9.57 F = 3.799.012* 50-59 21-29 30-39 54 50.46 8.70 40-49 37 52.30 6.43 50-59 12 53.58 6.23 15 51.80 6.18 F = 4.565.012* 64 52.16 6.89 54 47.72 9.91 33 45.64 9.29 t = -3.876.000*** 100 51.86 7.53 35 46.14 9.29 F = 6.676.002** 3-4 1-2 1 2 56 51.23 7.82 3 4 42 52.57 7.28 96 48.92 8.45 t = -3.195.002** 37 53.95 7.22 *P.05 ** P.01 *** P.001 t-test Scheffe Scheffe 4-8 60

4-8 n 133 F P 59 23.19 3.71 F = 3.436.035* 64 24.30 3.42 10 21.50 2.92 11 14.73 1.56 F = 3.616.015* 25 13.20 3.67 83 15.39 2.85 14 13.93 4.03 *P.05 t-test 4-9 4-9 n 133 t P 33 25.06 5.45 t = -2.224.028* 100 27.30 4.87 96 26.17 4.83 t = -2.137.034* 37 28.24 5.50 *P.05 61

χ² 1 7.257 P.007 P.01 χ² 1 3.954 P.047 P.05 4-10 4-10 n 133 χ² 7.257** 21 26 59 27 3.954* 15 65 18 35 * P.05 ** P.01 87 65.4 χ² 10.602 df 3 P.014 P.05 4-11 88(66.2%) 65(48.9%) 1999 2001 85 χ² 11.661 P.001 P.01 84.8% 62

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2. (1) 38 (2) 29 28 0.5cm (3) 12 11 (4) 47 65

3. (1) 32 14 1 (2) 11 9 CPR CPR (3) 19 CPR (4) 22 66

(5) 9 (6) 2 133 67

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The Outcomes of Child Care Giver Skill Testing Training in Pingtung Area Mei-Huang Huang*, Shi-Jer Lou** Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the outcomes of Child Care Giver skill testing training in Pingtung Area. The self-measure instruments included the difficulty in learning, the satisfaction in learning, and the difficulty in passing skill testing designed for this study. The subjects were 133 individuals who had finished the Child Care Giver training implemented by four institutions in Pingtung Area. Application Software SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used to analyze the data, and the results were showed as follows: 1. Learning courses were easier to learn than those of learning operating skills. There were significances between the backgrounds of subjects and the scores of difficulty in learning operating skill (P.05). 2. The scores in the general satisfaction of learning were more than those in the satisfaction of learning operating skills. There were significances between the locations in which the subjects lived and the scores in the general satisfaction of learning. And the same were demonstrated between the training institutions and the scores of the satisfaction in learning operating skills (P.05). 3. The scores in difficulty of courses tests were higher than the ones in difficulty of operating tests. There were significances between the marital status, the experiences in babysitting and the scores in the difficulty of operating tests (P.05). 4. 65.4 of the subjects had passed the skill testing; and there were no significances between subjects backgrounds and passing through the skill testing. 5. There were significances between the scores in the difficulty of learning, the satisfaction in learning and the difficulty in passing skill tests (P.05). In other words, the subjects who felt less difficult and more satisfied in learning, and considered that skill tests were easier to pass through. The results of this study may enhance the understanding of the effects on Care Giver training. Furthermore, effective strategies can be developed to raise the rate of passing national skill tests and improving the skill proficiency of Care Giver. 73

Keywords: Care Giver, skill test * Instructor,Meiho Institute of Technology, Department of Nursing ** Associate Professor, Institute of Technology and Vocation Education, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 74