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Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together SPIL (3)579-5678 3671 (4)2534-1525 1511 123 123 153 8 (4)2534-1525 (4)2534-1525 (4)2534-1525 (4)721-8888 4 (3)577-3151 1517 (3)578-5599 1-1 (3)578-7799 835 (2)2181-1911 33327 http// (2)2729-6666 http// SPIL http//

SPIL 2 PHILOSOPHY To achieve the outer performances by inner operations. SPIL 2 (SPIL)(SPIL) SPIL SPIL SPIL Overview 735 NASDAQ

Contents index 3 3 4 5 17 28 28 28 29 31 31 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 43 47 48 5 52 53 55 57 57 58 18 155 156 157 157 158 158 16 161 163 163 163 163

FinancialHighlights (in NT$ Million) 65, 營業收入 (NTD/ 百萬元 ) Operating Revenues (in NT$ Million) 1 $56,553 6, 55, 5, 45, 4, 97 98 99 1 99 98 97 $6,72 $56,886 $6,474 (in NT$ Million) 9, 稅後純益 (NTD/ 百萬元 ) Net Income (in NT$ Million) 1 $ 4,837 7,5 6, 4,5 3, 97 98 99 1 99 98 97 $ 5,627 $ 8,79 $ 6,314 (in NTD) 4 每股盈餘 (NTD/ 元 ) Earnings Per Share (in NTD) 1 $ 1.56 3 2 1 97 98 99 1 99 98 97 $ 1.81 $ 2.82 $ 2.3 (%) 2 股東權益報酬率 ( 百分比 ) Return on Equity (%) 1 8.6% 15 1 5 97 98 99 1 99 98 97 9.5% 14.36% 9.85% (%) 5 負債比率 ( 百分比 ) Debt Ratio (%) 1 27.57% 4 3 2 1 97 98 99 1 99 98 97 23.34% 18.56% 17.97%

SPIL Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 991 3111 11 13D/USB 3. Ultrabook 1565.56.75.9% 612.4638.64.1%48.4 56.314.%1.561.81 13.8% (IC) 99 1 % % 23 171 28 175 % % 25 182 232 22 % 7 6 % % 9 9 8 9 1.81 1.56 1

() () 1 3.5%2 () 1332 () 1. 11 2. 48 1143 82 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2

9Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 73 77 78 82 84 86 88 89 9 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 1 5 8 2 8 1 ISO 91 4 2325 1 1 12 7 65 3,15.29,12898 1.38 1 QS 9 5 ISO 141 6 9 12 12 1 NASDAQ3,5 1.58.4925,47 SPIL () 2 2 2541, 3 SONY(Green Partner) 8 ISO/TS 16949 2 2 12 OHSAS 181 7 8 QC 8 (IECQ HSPM) 11 TOSHMS 8 11 11 1 12 ISO1464-1() PAS 25() 3

& 4

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () (%) (%) 1.6.22 73.8.16 68,674,75 2.2 68,674,75 2.2 1.6.22 73.8.16 43,175,555 1.39 43,175,555 1.39 1.6.22 94.6.13 2,754,751.67 2,754,751.67 1.6.22 73.8.16 12,256,417.39 11,776,417.38 1.6.22 8.6.24 5,391,914.17 5,131,914.16 1.6.22 1.6.22 746,737.2 746,737.2 1.6.22 94.6.13 311,.1 311,.1 1.6.22 94.6.13 146,292. 146,292. Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo 1.6.22 1.6.22 472. 472. 1.6.22 91.6.3 1,133,937.33 1,133,937.33 1.6.22 1.6.22 7,438,972.24 7,438,972.24 1.6.22 1.6.22 11,2,.36 11,2,.36 5

11331 () (%) (%) 641,64.2. 9,463,524.3... 2,64,297.8. 24,659.1. 12,251,189.39... 2,387.... Purdue University Siliconware USA,Inc. 262,44.1. 612,42.2. 2,5,.7. 6

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together (%) (%) (%) 1.39 43,175,555 68,674,75 11,776,417 36,29 24,668 135,48 174,894 13,39 49,164 3,737 122, 15, 75, 73.8.13 73.8.13 9.5.7 99.1.1 88.9.16 96.7.1 99.2.26 9.9.24 94.8.1 1.3.1 1.4.1 1.4.29 11.1.1 11.1.1 11.1.1 11.1.1 () 9,463,524 641,64 2,64,297 1,783 78 4,49 34, 7

() 11331 8

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo (1) (2) ( ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 3 (1) 27 9

() 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11331 () 1

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () (A) (B) (C) (D) ABCD 32,651 32,651 39 39.68%.68% Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo (1) (2) 1,26 11622 21622 (A+B+C+D) 2,, 2,,() ~ 5,,() 5,,() ~ 1,,() 1,,() ~ 15,,() 15,,() ~ 3,,() 3,,() ~ 5,,() 5,,() ~ 1,,() 1,, Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo 12 Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo 12 11

11231 (G) ABCDE FG 1.98% 1.57% 24,296 18,585 18,585 19 44,135 245 (E) (F) (H) (A+B+C+D+E+F+G) Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo 12 12 Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo 12

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 11231 (A) (B) 1,884 1,884 (C) ABC 83 83.23%.23% 1622 (A+B+C) 2,, 2,,() ~ 5,,() 5,,() ~ 1,,() 1,,() ~ 15,,() 15,,() ~ 3,,() 3,,() ~ 5,,() 5,,() ~ 1,,() 1,, 4 4 13

() 11231 (A) (B) (C) (D) (1) (2) (3) 27,588 27,588 628 628 21,961 21,961 25,545 (4) (D) ABCD (%) (1) (2) (3) 25,545 1.57% 1.57% (4) 1,26 1131 2141 3148 41429 14

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 2,, 2,,() ~ 5,,() 5,,() ~ 1,,() 1,,() ~ 15,,() 15,,() ~ 3,,() 3,,() ~ 5,,() 5,,() ~ 1,,() 1,, 14 14 15

1. 131 () 11231 (%) (1) (2) (3) (4) 27,442 27,442.57% (5) 2. 141 3. 148 4. 1429 5. 1118 () 99 1 99 1 5,972 44,8 114,95 75,722 5,972 44,8 114,95 75,722.91%.91% 2.3% 1.57%.91%.91% 2.3% 1.57% 16

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 15 () () (%) 5 1% 5 1% 4 1 8% 5 1% 4 1 8% 2 1 5% 1622 5 1% 5 1% Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo 2 1 5% 1622 1 1% 1622 1 1% 1622 143 1 NASDAQ 16 17

() 1. 2. 15 (%) 2 4% 3 75% 1622 3 75% 1622 1 1% 1622 () () 1139 1 18

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () () 1825 1.2. 3. 121131 19

976NASDAQ3 13 1. 16 2. 1825 12 () 1 212 () 89 () () () 2

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 21

97 RoHS 1 88ISO141 QC-8 ISO1464-1PAS25(TFBGA) 94 96(Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP) 99 1(PAS25)TFBGA 22

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together QC8(IECQ HSPM) 23

97EICC 1-2 1 (1) (2) / ( ( 24

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 1. 2. (1) (2) (3) / (4) (5) () ( () 2-25

() 1. () 11321 () 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 26

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () () (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (2) 1. () 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5, 8. 9. 1. 11. 12. 13. 14. () 15. 16. 17. 18. () () 27

2, 2,() ~ 4, 4,() ~ 6, 6,() ~ 8, 8,() ~ 1, 1,() 1 2 3 4 5 6 15123 991223 11321 1 99122311321 111 28

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together Randy Hsiao-Yu Lo (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (8) (8) (8) (9) (16,276,) 1,38, (22,) (9,) (8,) 9, (72,) (247,) 1 331 (42,) (17,) (2) 29

1. 2. 1% 11622 21622 31622 4131 5141 6148 71429 81111 91118 3

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together (%) (%) 537,737,915 17.26% 173,97,3 5.58% 139,165, 4.47% 72,236,67 2.32% 68,674,75 2.2% 641,64.2% 66,8, 2.12% 61,324, 1.97% 56,112,878 2,754,751 1.8%.67% 45,282, 1.45% 43,175,555 1.39% 9,463,524.3% (%) SPIL (B.V.I.) Holding Ltd. 128,4 1% Vertical Circuits Inc. 15,71 3.69% 1,75 16.73% 76,52 4.97% ChipMOS Technologies (Bermuda) Ltd. 3,44 9.11% 133, 15.78% 57,81 7.58% Mega Mission Limited Partnership 4.% 6, 31

(%) 128,4 15,71 1,75 76,52 3,44 133, 57,81 1% 3.69% 16.73% 4.97% 9.11% 15.78% 7.58% 4.% (%) (%) 11231 1724() 32

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () () () () () 98.9 1 3,6,, 36,,, 3,116,361,139 31,163,611,39 1%36,228,732 11331 () 3,78,319,139 521,68,861 3,6,, 1/8/9~1/9/9 38,42, 1724() 5 55 182 68 92,244 93,94 29,262,299 276,44,243 191,961,332 1,791,699,375 827,393,89 3,116,361,139.94% 8.86% 6.16% 57.49% 26.55% 1.% 33

98/9/28 982481 () () () () 11331 1 1, 5,1 1,1 15,1 2,1 3,1 4,1 5,1 1,1 2,1 4,1 6,1 8,1 999 5, 1, 15, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1,, 1,,1 28,877 44,391 1,116 3,451 1,785 1,597 695 434 787 36 195 83 53 36 234 93,94 6,788,257 97,515,618 73,836,993 41,59,585 31,893,343 39,34,135 24,38,32 19,659,79 54,976,772 5,89,872 53,89,628 4,446,228 36,727,812 32,59,771 2,513,894,33 3,116,361,139.22% 3.13% 2.37% 1.32% 1.2% 1.25%.77%.63% 1.76% 1.61% 1.73% 1.3% 1.18% 1.4% 8.67% 1.% 1724() 1 34

35Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 72,236,67 68,674,75 66,8, 61,324, 56,112,878 45,282, 43,175,555 537,737,915 173,97,3 139,165, (%) 2.32% 2.2% 2.12% 1.97% 1.8% 1.45% 1.39% 17.26% 5.58% 4.47% 1724() 99 1 11331 47.7 28.45 35.69 19.67 18.5 3,116,361 1.81 1.81 1.62 19.72 22.3 4.54% 35.8 26.65 32.71 3,78,319 41.9 23.5 32.98 18.87 () 3,12,858 1.56 () () () 2.88 () () 11

36 1. 5% 2. 11.42 1 1. 2. (1%1%) 1485,6943,535 3. 1 99 5,642,158 56,945,5 1.81 1 43,535,185 485,69,353 1.56

37Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together (%) 11331 1 1/8/9~1/9/9 183 38,42, 964,187,864 38,42, 1.22

1. 89 11331 8967 8967 254,7 8.49 3,,(1) 5 15,, Citibank N.A. Citibank Taiwan Ltd. 81,37,236 (2) () 7.15 1 () 3.93 () 5.57 () 6.4 11331 () 4.52 () 5.53 2. 11331 124,828,7181,37,236 38

39Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 1. 2. 1 478.8 46.7 4. 565.5 (%) 85% 8% 7% 1% 3. : (SO) (QFP) (QFN) (CSP) (BGA) (FCBGA) (FCCSP) (WLCSP) : 8/12 (8 " /12" wafer bumping) : 8/12 (8 " /12" wafer sort ) (Final Test) (System Level Test) : (Flash Memory Card)

4. (1) FCCSP (Chip on Chip FCCSP) (2) FCBGA (Exposed Die FCBGA) 55 mm x 55 mm (55 mm x 55 mm size FCBGA) 11 mm x 11 mm (11 mm x 11 mm size FCBGA) 2.5D/ 3D (2.5D/ 3D IC) (3) CSPPDA -(FO-WLCSP) (eqfn) - (SLP) (HS-MQFN) (HS-TFBGA) 2.5D/ 3D (2.5D/ 3D IC) (4) Stacked Die 16 (16 die-stacked) / / (Enhanced PoP) (5) MEMS (6) SiP (1) 8/12 1./1. mil (Wafer Thinning) 3um (3um linear pitch Gold Wire Bonding) 4um4 (4um pitch, Quad-tier Gold Wire Bonding) 4um (4um linear pitch, Cu Wire Bonding) 4 um (Flip Chip with 4um pitch Cu pillar bumping) 2/ ( Flip Chip/ Wire Bond tech. on 2nm XLK wafer) (VCI) (TSV) (Integrated Passive Devices) 4

41Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together (2) 8/12 (8 /12 Cu pillar bump) 2( Bumping on 2nm XLK wafer) 4 um (4um pitch Cu pillar bumping) (3) 2 5um PoP Direct 11 GPU USB3. () 1. 991 2. 266IC11 3152937158 3. (1) (3D) () () () () (2) (SiP Module)3D IC(Higher I/O Density) (3) I/O 2Xnm (4) 11

() 1. 11,975,89 1111331538,439 2. (1) FCCSP 3 x 3mm (3 x 3 mm size FCCSP) (Cu pillar bump FCCSP) (Exposed Die FCCSP) (2) FCBGA 52.5 mm x 52.5 mmrohs (52.5 x 52.5 mm size FCBGA) 14 mm x 14 mm (14 x 14 mm size FCBGA) (3) CSPPDA (Large size WLCSP) (Ultra-Thin CSP) (4) Stacked Die (WB-PoP) (FC-PoP) (FC Enhanced PoP) (9 die-stacked) (8 die- stacked Micro-SD) (1) 8 / 121.5 / 1.5 mil (Wafer Thinning) 122. mil (Wafer Thinning) 28/ (Gold/ Cu Wire Bonding tech. on 28nm ULK/ELK wafer) 28() (Bumping on 28nm ULK/ELK wafer) 35 um (35um pitch, linear Gold Wire Bonding) 45 um (45um pitch, Quad-tier Gold Wire Bonding) 45 um (45um pitch, linear Cu Wire Bonding) 13 um (Flip Chip with 13um pitch bumping) 6 um (6um pitch Cu pillar Bumping) 42

43Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together (2) () (Lead free bump) 1 um (1um pitch eutectic bump) 1 um (1um pitch lead free bump) 6 um (6um pitch Cu pillar bump) 28(Bumping on 28nm ULK/ELK wafer) 12 (12 Cu RDL) (3) 28 8um (PCIE3-6.4GHz) 1.5GHz 4CPU ++CPUAPU () 1. (1) (2) (3) 2. (1) (2) (Integrated Device Manufacturer) () 1. 1 () (%) 133. 24% 33.2 58% 12.3 18% 565.5 1%

2. 2. 112Gartner-Forecast: Semiconductor Assembly and Test Services, Worldwide, 4Q11 Update18.7% 3. 112Gartner-Forecast:Semiconductor Assembly and Test Services, Worldwide, 4Q11 Update11()251 4.7% 4. (1) (2) (3) (4) 5. (1) (2) (ASP) (3) (A) (B) (C) (D) () 1. IC () IC 44

45Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () Samsung Techwin Co.,Ltd LG Innotek (FuZhou) Co., LTD. MK ELECTRON CO., LTD Sumitomo Metal Mining Co.,LTD Sumitomo Bakelite Hitachi Chemical Co. (H.K.) LTD. Nitto Denko MK ELECTRON CO., LTD HEESUNG METAL LTD. () ()() 1. MK ELECTRON Sumitomo Metal Mining 99 4,427,578 3,792,754 3,29,615 18,264,49 29,693,996 (%) 15% 13% 11% 61% 1% MK ELECTRON 1 (%) 4,25,434 3,79,878 3,214,499 15,396,712 26,526,523 16% 14% 12% 58% 1%

() 2. () 99 4,895,624 1,4,778 621 6,297,23 43,545,85 4,166,65 2,99,946 5,622,41 1 4,759,6 1,41,755 1-5,52-258 649 6,17,41 41,65,17 3,947,49 2,751,842 47,764,358 () 99 1 () 2,345,181 37,126 65 2,652,372 99 6,393,27 6,189,14 47,489,99 6,72,283 16,627,127 648,899 458,148 17,734,174 (%) 11% 1% 79% 1% 2,591,952 1,125,981 556 3,718,489 34,514,634 4,175,579 3,647,896 42,338,19 1,977,364 123,557 47 2,1,968 1 (%) 6,576,826 5,182,591 44,793,974 56,553,391 13,82,973 157,994 327,496 13,568,463 12% 9% 79% 1% 2,782,82 1,285,21 61 4,68,442 34,82,273 4,51,767 3,671,888 42,984,928 46

47Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 11331 99 1 11331 4,267 4,98 4,923 2,452 9,692 2,586 1,153 2,568 9,687 16,411 17,719 17,178 32.4 32.55 32.9 4.8 4.78 2.93 3.92 4.13 % 44.67 46.9 46.3 45.77 43.95 43.67 6.58 5.98 5.84

() 1. 2. 88ISO 14194 (24) ISO 141 3. 923SONY (Green Partner) 4. 93OHSAS 18196 (27) OHSAS 181 5. 941226~27 6. 97QC 8 (IECQ HSPM) (EICC)ISO 141OHSAS 181 (TOSHMS) 7. 99ISO1464-1 () 8.1PAS 25 () () 1. 2. 3. (VOC).3Kg/hr(.6Kg/hr).1Kg/hr(.1Kg/hr) 4. 125(VOCs) 5. () 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. () 1. 2. 16,165% 3. 48

49Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 1. (GHG) 2. 9496 (Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP) 3. 13,8CO2 4. 1 5. 1 () 1. 2. OHSAS 181(TOSHMS) 3. 98 4. 1 () RoHS [] 92 SONY 97QC 8 (IECQ HSPM) RoHS () 1. 186,5 (1) 11 67,5 (2) 12119, 2. 1 31.3mg/l3mg/l14

() () () 186511 3 (1) (2) (3) // (1) (2) (3) (4) 5

51Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 6% () 83 84 85 86 87~92 9 94 95~96 98 99TTQS 991 1TTQS 1 () ()

52 1.1~14.12 1.12~ 99.2.26~1.3.31 99.2.26~1.3.31 99.1.29~14.1.29 1.4.18 99.8.18~1.3.3 99.1.2~1.1.31 99.12.25~1.5.2 98.12.28~1.5.31 99.1.2~1.1.31 99.12.25~1.5.2 1.3.16~1.7.31 11.2.15~11.7.31 98.12.17~1.5.31 99.3.31~1.6.3 Freescale Advanpack ChipMOS Technologies (Bermuda) 11 DRAM LCDIC

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 53 (1) 96 $ 37,8,658 8,825,131 36,286,798 1,396,385 84,38,972 12,221,474 27,315,76 2,995,871 183,473 15,4,818 3,494,42 3,734,245 16,658,624 21,11,497 5,228,971 1,16,659 84,926 (37,613) 68,98,154 53,814,552 97 $ 28,477,34 5,13,27 35,957,62 2,862,429 72,31,578 1,581,588 16,256,25 2,248,65 166,84 12,996,457 18,671,119 31,525,899 16,82,211 11,542,51 5,867,839 296,866 (77,172) 59,314,121 53,639,459 98(2) $34,582,364 7,778,66 33,358,411 1,74,73 77,459,58 14,13,284 22,143,496 274,998 14,378,282 22,418,494 31,163,611 16,453,527 14,657,668 6,617,456 767,157 28,577 (169,314) 63,81,226 55,41,14 99 $28,533,143 11,282,53 38,324,221 1,82,444 79,96,311 13,898,392 18,946,897 4,368,158 397,58 18,664,13 23,712,632 31,163,611 16,453,527 12,244,363 7,195,858 1,788,512 (85,264) (268,568) 61,296,181 56,247,676 1 $28,6,227 11,155,765 39,48,841 2,374,8 81,178,841 12,327,576 (3) 9,532,335 524,6 22,383,971 (3) 31,163,611 16,453,527 12,33,11 (3) 111,72 375,51 (377,34) 58,794,87 (3) 1 298831 3113311 1.

54 () 2. 3. 96 97 98 99 1 (1) 96 64,622,41 19,178,751 15,977,843 3,759,221 (157,221) 19,579,843 17,489,351 17,489,351 5.66 97 6,474,468 12,788,71 8,872,65 717,938 (3,81,482) 6,59,16 6,313,53 6,313,53 2.3 98(2) 56,886,354 11,62,913 7,876,257 2,495,248 (162,649) 1,28,856 8,789,829 8,789,829 2.82 99 6,72,283 9,46,751 5,778,44 859,51 (33,751) 6,333,344 5,626,97 5,626,97 1.81 1 56,553,391 8,599,556 4,378,392 1,283,19 (211,47) 5,45,175 4,837,243 4,837,243 1.56 1 298831

55Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 18.27 198.15 39.3 281.97 312.66 6.47 56 14.85 9.1 25 1.89.8 21.63 26.53 51.99 63.71 27.6 5.66 196.9 119.66 13.53 2.17 1. 96 17.97 171.21 269.12 247.73 14.38 6.62 55 17.11 8.82 21 1.67.77 8.12 9.85 28.14 2.65 1.44 2.3 25.28 19.69 8.33 3.42 1.1 97 18.56 189.1 245.21 225.45 338.18 6.3 61 18.4 7.43 2 1.64.76 11.77 14.36 25.27 32.76 15.45 2.82 13.3 115.86 8.99 3.51 1. 98 23.34 171.34 25.3 181.93 928.92 5.82 63 16.82 7.4 22 1.68.76 7.16 9.5 18.54 2.32 9.37 1.81 96.3 11.96 5.34 4.67 1. 99 (%) (%) 1 27.57 174.98 232. 22.39 78.1 6.9 6 13.85 7.44 26 1.46.7 6.5 8.6 14.5 17.49 8.55 1.56 94.14 92.13 6.14 6.12 1.1 (1) (2) (2) (%) () (%) (%) (%) () () () () () (%) (%) (%) (2%) 1. 1 2.

1. (1) (2) 2. (1) (2) (3) 3. (1) () ( ) (2) 365 (3) (4) () ( ) (5) 365 (6) (7) 4. (1) (2) (3) (4) 5. (1) (2) () (3) ()() 6. (1) () (2) () 56

57Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together




() 63










() - 73














- - 87




() - - 91


() 93

() 94

() 95




() 99













(()) () 112

() 113


() 115









- 124









- 133









() - - 142


() 144

() 145








SPIL Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together

Scale Profit Integration Leading Speed Professional Innovation Learning

155Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 99 1 (%) 28,533,143 11,282,53 38,324,221 1,82,444 28,6,227 11,155,765 39,48,841 2,374,8 67,84 (126,738) 724,62 553,564.2 (1.1) 1.9 3.4 79,96,311 81,178,841 1,218,53 1.5 13,898,392 4,368,158 12,327,576 9,532,335 (1,57,816) 5,164,177 (11.3) 118.2 18,664,13 22,383,971 3,719,841 19.9 31,163,611 16,453,527 12,244,363 31,163,611 16,453,527 12,33,11 - - (211,262) - - (1.7) 61,296,181 58,794,87 (2,51,311) (4.1) 1. (2%) 99 99 2.

156 (2%) 1. 2. 3. 4. () 99 6,669,63 (597,32) 6,72,283 (51,25,567) 9,46,716 35 9,46,751 (3,268,77) 5,778,44 859,51 (33,751) 6,333,344 (76,437) 5,626,97 1 56,895,3 (341,639) 56,553,391 (47,953,942) 8,599,449 17 8,599,556 (4,221,164) 4,378,392 1,283,19 (211,47) 5,45,175 (612,932) 4,837,243 (%) (6.2) (42.8) (5.9) (6.) (4.9) 25.7 (4.9) 29.1 (24.2) 49.4 (3.4) (13.9) (13.2) (14.) (3,774,573) (255,681) (3,518,892) (3,71,625) (447,267) 72 (447,195) 952,457 (1,399,652) 424,139 (92,344) (883,169) (93,55 ) (789,664) () ()

157Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together 1. 1 (A) 14,65,83 (B) 11,65,44 1 (C) 11,49,672 (1) (2) (3) 2. (A) 14,261,175 (B) 12,679, (C) 13,396, (1) (2) (3) () 11 11 25,584,588 6,166,81 () (A)+(B)-(C) 14,261,175 () (A)+(B)-(C) 13,544,175 99 1,456,221 2,729,325 () 1132, 1 7,49,247 2,231,86 11 7,638,12 1,26,391

1 () () 129,717 () Stacked Die176Vertical Circuits Inc. (VCI) () SiP(System-in-Package) 5,75WiFiBluetoothGPSFM Mobile TV 92,65 () PCBIC1 4,99,743 () ChipMOS Technologies (Bermuda) Ltd. DRAMIC1 () 1 531,766 () Mega Mission 1 48,458 () 1. 2. 3. 11.42% 1 158

Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future togetherwin customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 1 () 4 3% () 1 () () () () 159

() 1. 2. 3. () () () ()9531 Tessera Inc. Siliconware USA, Inc. (SUI) 965 (ITC)1 12Tessera Inc. 962 Tessera Inc. (USPTO)( )USPTOUSPTO (Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences) () 16

161Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () 1. Siliconware USA, Inc. 2. SPIL(B.V.I.) Holding Ltd. Siliconware USA, Inc. SPIL(Cayman) Holding Ltd. () 2.12 1996.3 22.1 21.12 1% SPIL(B.V.I.) Holding Ltd. B.V.I. San Jose, CA USA Cayman 1% SPIL(Cayman) Holding Ltd. 1% () US$ 128,4 US$ 1,25 US$ 13,2 US$ 13,

3693 3. 4. 5. SPIL (B.V.I.) Holding Ltd. Siliconware USA, Inc. SPIL (Cayman) Holding Ltd. () 13, 128,4 13,2 1,25 11231 1% 1% 1% 1% 162

163Win customers confidence and create the high-tech future together () SPIL(B.V.I.) Holding Ltd. Siliconware USA, Inc. SPIL(Cayman) Holding Ltd. () RMB$ (3) 1 2 128,4 1,25 13,2 973,494 193,47 6,9 188,65 1,719,391 3() 3 1,793 18 534,587 193,467 5,17 188,47 1,184,84 11,93 1,41,29 (5) 729 (25) 129,974 () () 2,379 516 19,935 129,717 () () (1).41 (2) (1) (1)
