2 368, , , % 34.05% 11,874 10, % 1, % Glass Ceiling 2

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1 Maddock 1999 1

2 368,344 242,940 125,404 65.95% 34.05% 11,874 10,321 86.92% 1,553 13.08% Glass Ceiling 2

3 3

4 project 4

5 University of Essex Gender and Work Gender Division in Contemporary Society Gender Across Culture University of Essex 5

6 Pro. Diane Elson University of Essex resources room 6

7 Diane Elson 7

8 Senior Civil Service Grade 6-7 Senior Executive Officer Higher Executive Officer Executive Officer Administrative Officer Administrative Assistant 8

9, 01 April 1999 ( ) ( 2,981 621 3,602 82.8 17.2 100 1.4 0.3 0.8 SCS level 17,045 5,071 22,116 77.1 22.9 100 7.8 2.2 4.9 Grade 6/7 53,330 20,885 74,215 71.9 28.1 100 24.4 9.0 16.5 SEO/HEO EO 54,144 53,315 107,459 50.4 49.6 100 24.8 23.0 23.9 90,700 151,338 242,038 37.5 62.5 100 41.5 65.4 53.8 AO/AA 189 194 383 49.3 50.7 100 0.1 0.1 0.1 218,389 231,424 449,813 48.6 51.4 100 100 100 100 the Equal Opportunity in the Civil Service Data Summary 1999 the Cabinet Office SEO/HEO / glass ceiling 9

10 Bagilhole B.; Cockburn R.; Halford, Savage & Witz; Holly L.; Maddock S.; Cunningham R. 10

11 Maddock 11

12 old-boy network 12

13 13

14 Cunningham, Lord and Delaney; Bagilhole; Palmer in Ledwith and Colgan 1996 Cunningham (1999); Bagilhole (1994); Nicolson (1996); Halford (1997) and Maddock (1999) glass ceiling : 1. 14

15 (women s machinery) 2. (Equal Opportunities Legislation) 3. (Equal opportunities programme for women) 4. / (positive actions and initiatives to promote work/family life balance) 5. (building up mechanism for Equal Opportunities implement) 1. (women s machinery) Equal Opportunities Commission Women s unit Equal Opportunities Commission 1 sex discrimination 2 3 Sex Discriminate Act Equal Pay Act EOC, 2001 Women s unit 15

16 family friendly employment women s representation senior management board Equal Opportunity Unit 2. (Equal Opportunities Legislation) Equal Opportunities legislation 1 16

17 Equal Pay Act 2 Sex Discrimination Act 3 Employment Act 1 Equal Pay Act Central Arbitration Committee 2 Sex Discrimination Act Equal Opportunities Commission 3 Employment Act 17

18 Employment Protection Act Employment Act 3. (Equal programme for women) Programme of Action for women Civil Service Management Code 1 Programme of Action for women 18

19 a. b. c. d. incentives part-time work job sharing Bagilhole, 1994 2 Civil Service Management Code 19

20 Civil Service Management Code discrimination harassment equal opportunities officers line manager 3 Local Government Association Strategy on Gender Equality Employers Organization for 20

21 local governments Improvement and Development Agency the Equal Opportunities Commission the Women s National Commission the Women s Unit Human Resources Executive Equalities Executive a. family friendly b. c. d. retraining e. diverse workforce 21

22 f. g. 4. / (positive actions and initiatives to promote work/family life balance) (1) positive actions equal treatment a. 22

23 b. c. Hansard Commission positive action Civil Service College (2) / (initiatives to promote work/family life balance) 23

24 decentralizing a. Paid/unpaid leave OECD 1994 b. part-time work pension c. Flexible-working hours arrangement core-time d. Job-share scheme 24

25 long hours culture e. child-care facility 5. (building up mechanism for Equal Opportunities implement) (1) System taking responsibility for Equal Opportunity implementation the Development and Equal Opportunities Division 25

26 Cabinet Office Equal Opportunity officers progress of representation (2) Audit group and Trade union Kemp-Jones Committee initiatives Joint Review Group Bagilhole, 1994; Management and Personnel Office, 1982 26

27 Palmer,1996 Joint Review Group Management and Personnel Office, 1982 UNISON (the public service union) www.unison.org.uk Civil and Public Services Association Society of Civil and Public Servants Bagilhole 1994 First Division Association 27

28 (www.fda.org.uk) line manager / Maddock S. 1999; Halford S. etc 1997; Holly L. 1998 Cockburn 1991 28

29 Family-friendly Max Weber Gender blind ethos 29

30 1. 30

31 Palmer, 1996 Maddock 1999 31

32 Green and Cassell 1996 genderbalanced Maddock 1999 Cabinet Office Equal Opportunity Commission Local Government Employers Organization Local Government Association First Division Women National 32

33 Organization 2. senior grade Palmer A. 1996 3. 33

34 Maddock 1999 Marshall 1994 Schwartz 1989 Palmer 1996 Palmer 4. Baglihole Maddock 34

35 Management and Office 1982 35

36 Maddock 1999 Halford, Savage Witz 36

37 1. 1 Join or build up union association and club Maddock Nicolson 37

38 Maddock 1999 38

39 2 running support group for women 39

40 Maddock 1999 3 Lesley Holly 1998 40

41 Davidson and Cooper glass ceiling 2. 1 2 3 4 1 Palmer a b c 41

42 Cunningham 1999 Palmer Halford 2 42

43 a b c d 3 Palmer 1996 macho culture Sexism Lesley Holly 1998 low key strategies macho culture 43

44 Palmer 1996 Palmer Higher Executive Officer a b c d 44

45 4 Maddock 1990 Ressner 1979 a b c d 45

46 e a b c d Maddock 1999 46

47 (Equal Opportunities 47

48 Policy) the Next Step Maddock 1999 48

49 Women s unit 49

50 50

51 the Development and Equal Opportunities Division Equal Opportunity officers Positive Actions 51

52 1. 2. 52

53 Job-share scheme 53

54 senior grade gender-balanced 54

55 55

56 (reform; restructuring) Downsizing ; delayer; competitive culture ; autonomy on personnel affair 56

57 1. Bagilhole, B. (1994) Women, Work and Equality - underachievement in the Civil Service, Aldershot, Avebury 2. Crompton, R. (1997), Women and Work in Modern Britain, New York, Oxford U. Press 3. Cockburn, C. (1991), In the Way of Women, London, Macmillan 4. Green E. and Cassell C.: Women Managers, Gendered Cultural Processes and Organizational Change in Gender, Work and Organization, 3, 3: 168-178, 1996. 5. Evetts, J. (1994) Women and Career, New York, Longman 6. Great Britain Cabinet Office (1991; 1992) Equal Opportunity for women in the civil service: progress report 1991-92, London, HMSO 7. Halford, S., Savage, M., & Witz, A. (1997), Gender, Career and Organization, London, Macmillan 8. Harriet Bradley (1999) Gender and Power in the Workplace, London, Macmillan Press Ltd. 9. Jean Woodall, Christine Edwards and Rosemary Welchman: Organizational Restructuring and the Achievement of an Equal Opportunity Culture in Gender, Work and Organization, 4, 1: 2-12, 1997. 10. Jenny Shaw and Diane Perrons (1995) Making Gender Work: managing equal opportunities, Open University Press 11. Julia Evetts: Analysing Change in Women s Careers: Culture, Structure and Action Dimensions in Gender, Work and Organization, 7, 1: 57-67, 2000. 12. Julia Evetts(ed.), (1994) Women and Career Themes and issues in advanced industrial societies, New York, Longman. 13. Lesley Holly (1998), The Glass Ceiling in Local Government: A Case Study in Local Government Studies, 24, 1: 60-73 14. Maddock, Su (1999) Challenging Women: Gender, Culture and Organization, London, SAGE. 15. Management and Personnel Office (1982) Equal Opportunities for Women in the Civil Service, London, Her Majesty s Office 16. Mike Savage & Anne Witz, (1992) Gender and Bureaucracy, UK, Oxford 17. OECD. (1994) Women and Structure, Paris, OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) 18. Paula Nicolson (1996) Gender, Power and Organization A Psychological Perspective, London, Routledge 57

58 19. Rosie Cunningham, Anita Lord and Lesa Delaney (1999) Next Steps for Equality?: The Impact of Organizational Change on Opportunities for Women in the Civil Service, Gender, Work and Organization 6(2), 67-78 20. Susan Halford and Mike Savage: Restructuring Organisations, Changing People: Gender and Restructuring in Banking and Local Government in Work, Employment & Society, 9, 1: 97-122, 1995 1. 2000 2. 2000 1. Cabinet Office, United Kingdom, (1999) Data Summary 1999 (www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/civilservice/publications/datasummary/index.htm) 2. Cabinet Office (1997a) Data Summary 1997 (www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/civilservice/publications/datasummary/index.htm) 3. Cabinet Office, United Kingdom (1997b) Progress Report 1995-1997 (www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/civilservice/publications/equalopportunities/report97.ht m) 4. Cabinet Office, United Kingdom (1995) 1995 Data Summary (www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/civilservice/publications/datasummary/data95/intro.ht m) 5. Cabinet Office (1998) The structure and responsibilities of the Cabinet Office (www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/1998/memo/index.htm) 6. Cabinet Office (2001a) Civil Service Management Code (www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/civilservice/managementcode/csmc.pdf) 7. Cabinet Office, United Kingdom (2001b) Civil Service Reform (www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/civilservicereform/documents/cs_reform_report.pdf) 8. Cabinet Office, United Kingdom (2001c) More women in top jobs 58

59 (www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/moderngov/press/cab/099.htm) 9. Cabinet Office, United Kingdom (2001d) Women to influence policy through the no. 10 website (www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/moderngov/press/cab/099.htm) 10. Equal Opportunities Commission (2001) EOC Online Information (www.eoc.org.uk/html/about_the_eoc.html) 11. First Division Association (2001) About the FDA the union for Britain s senior public servants (www.fda.org.uk) 12. Local Government Employers Organisation (2001) Local Government Employment Survey 2000 (www.lgemployers.gov.uk/documents/esru/lgesregions.pdf) 13. Local Government Association (2001) LGA strategy on gender equality (www.lga.gov.uk/lga/hr/equalities.htm) 14. Women National Commission (2001) About the WNC (www.thewnc.org.uk/index/pageaboutthewnc.htm) 1. www.dgbasey.gov.tw/dgbas03/bs2/gender/gender2.htm 2. www.taiwan.yam.org,tw/nwc/nmc3/papers/forum725.htm 59