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摘 要 張 捷 明 是 台 灣 當 代 重 要 的 客 語 兒 童 文 學 作 家, 他 的 作 品 記 錄 著 客 家 人 的 思 想 文 化 與 觀 念, 也 曾 榮 獲 多 項 文 學 大 獎 的 肯 定, 對 台 灣 這 塊 土 地 上 的 客 家 人 有 著 深 厚 的 情 感 張 氏 於

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前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次

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,,,,,,, 1924 1927,,,,, 1993 5 (1988 ), 1

2002 2 1927, (), 15,,,,, 2,,,1000 2,,, 5, ;, 5,,3,,,4 2,,, :,1927 4 16,1927 4 19,1927 4 18,1927 4 16 2

,,,,,,,,, 14,, 15,,, 10,, 3, 6,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,, 30,,,,2,15 (14 ),,10 :, : 45, 1964,1927 4 19 ;,1927 4 21,1927 5 12 ;,1927 5 13,1927 5 14 3

2002 2,, 4 15,,,,16 6,, 200,, 30,, 20, 9, ;,,,,,, 4 27,,12,,,,, 6, 8,,,,, :,,,1927 4 19 ;,1927 6 3,1927 5 16,1927 4 22,1927 5 10,1927 5 11 4

:,,,,,,, 5,,,,,4 26, : (23),,,, 4 15,,22,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1927 5 13,1927 5 27,1927 5 18,1927 5 14,1927 5 11,1927 5 11 5

2002 2, ;, ;, 4 15,, 9 16, 9 2, 3,10,,,,,, 17,, 3,,,,, :,1927 6 8,1927 4 18 ;, 1927 4 23,1927 4 18 6

,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,, : () 4 21, :,,,,,,,, 22,, :,,,,,,, () 4 23,,1927 4 20,1927 4 21,1927 4 22,1927 4 23 7

2002 2,,,, 28,7, 4 5 4,, 14 54 7, 18, 3 11,, 15 70 6 8 :, 3 10,1,,,, () :, ;,,,1927 4 25,1927 4 29,1927 5 5,1927 5 10,1927 5 13,1927 6 8 8

, (),, :,,,, () 4 28,,5 1,,,4 23 :,,,, 29,,,, 5 28, 3 : (),,,,, (),,, 1927,58 60,1927 4 18 :?,1927 4 29,1927 4 29,1927 4 25,1927 4 30 9

2002 2,,,, (),,,,5 7,,,,, 6 2,,,,6 20,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,, 6 29,,1927 6 1,1927 5 10,1927 6 3,,60 63,1927 7 1 10

,,,,,,, ;,, 5 4,,,,, :,,,,,, 7,,, 11,,,,,,1927 5 5,1927 5 16,1927 5 10 11

2002 2,,,,,5 13,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, : () ; () 15,,, :,, 27,,,,,,,,,,,,1927 5 13,1927 5 24,1927 5 16,1927 6 1 12

,,,,,,,,,,,4 15,,,, 4 22 :,,,, 4 30,,,,,,1927 5 18,1927 5 28,1927 4 22 13

2002 2,20,,,,, 5 4,, 5,, 10,,, 10,,, 5 9,,,, 1,,10,,,,,, 5 18 :,,,,,,,,1927 5 4,1927 5 5 1, 1987,115,1927 5 11,1927 5 26 14

,,, 10,,,,,,,,,5,,, 2,2,,, :,,,,, 6 16 :,,,,,,,,, 2,,:,,,,,, 20 :,,,,,1927 5 18 15

2002 2,, :, (),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 7 :,,,,,,,,,,17, :,,,, 6 9, :,,,,,,,1927 5 24 ;,1927 6 17 ;,1927 6 21,1927 6 7,1927 6 18 16

;,, ;,,;,;, ;,,,,, 7,,,,,,,,,, 6 10 12,,,,,2,,,4 25 3,,,,, 6,,,,,,,5 11,,1927 6 10,1927 6 15 17

2002 2, :,,, :,,, ;,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,, 95,,,,,,1927 4 29 ;,1927 5 14,1927 6 2,1927 5 19,1927 6 2,1927 6 16,1927 5 28 18

,,, :,,,,, 6 6 :,,,,,,,,,,,,, (),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1927 8 17 (),1927 8 16 19

2002 2, :,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 800,,, : (),,,,,,1927 6 9,1927 6 7,1927 6 8,1927 6 21 20

,, (),,,,, ;,, ;,,,, ;,,;,,, 6 1,2,3,, (),,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,, (), ;,,,1, 149 21

2002 2,,4 15,, 16,,,,,,,,,, 17,, 18, :,,,,,,,, :,,,,,, 4 17,, :,1927 4 16,1927 4 18,1927 4 18,1927 4 19,1927 4 20 22

,,,, 20, :,,,,,,,,,21 :,,,, :,,,, 4918 :,,,,,, :, :,1927 4 20,1927 4 21,1927 4 22,1927 4 22,1927 5 3,1927 5 3 23

2002 2,,,,,,, :,,,, 100,,, 5 5,,,,,,,,, 10,,,,,,,, ;,, 5 11,, :?,1927 5 11 95 :,1927 5 24 106,1927 5 6,1927 5 11 24

:,,,,, 31,,, 6 2 :,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1927 5 13,1927 6 3,1927 6 10,1927 6 3 25

2002 2,,,,:,,,,,,,,,, 5 16 :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1927 5 18,1927 5 18,1927 5 17 26

,, 4 6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : (), (),, (),, (), (),,,,,,,,,,,,,, :?,1927 5 11 95 27

2002 2,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,5 5 6,,,,,,1927 5 9,1927 5 6, 28

,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 29,,1927 8 2,1927 8 15,1927 6 2,1927 8 9,1927 5 28 29

2002 2,,,,,,,, 2,,,, 2,5 2 3, :,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, :,,,,,,,1927 5 20 ;,1927 6 2 30

,,,,, (),5 3,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,1927 5 10 94 (),1927 5 18 :,1927 5 12 31

2002 2 :,,,,,,:,,,,,,?, 4 27 :,,,, 5 11 :,,,,,,, :,1927 5 10 94 :,1927 5 24 106,1927 5 11,,1927 4 27,,1927 5 11, 32

,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 25,,, :,,,,,,,,,!,6 13,,,, ( ),,,,, (),1927 8 16,1927 5 28,1927 5 25, :,1927 6 9 118 2 5, 1996,408 33

2002 2,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, :,1927 4 25 34

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,1927 5 5, :,1927 4 22 35

2002 2,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,1927 5 12,1927 5 4,,1927 4 20 :,1927 5 12,1927 4 19 80,1927 4 25, 36

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 19, :,,,, :,1927 4 22 :,1927 4 25 (),1927 5 18 :?,1927 5 11 95 37

2002 2,,,,,,,,!!!!,,,,,,4 26,,,,,,,,,, :,1927 4 25,1927 4 26, 38

:,,,,,,,!,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,, ( ) (), ;, :,,,,,,,,,,1927 4 29,,1927 5 5, :,1927 6 9 118 :?,1927 5 11 95 39

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,, ;:,,,,, :,,, 4 28,,,,,, 5 3, :, :?,1927 5 11 95 :?,1927 5 11 95,1927 5 3 40

,,,,,,,,,,, 5 5,,,,,,? 5 9,,,,,, :4 15,,,,,,,,,,,6 2,,1927 5 4,1927 5 14,1927 5 25 41

2002 2,6 8, 3,,,:,(,,), :,,,,13 6 21,, 28,,,,,5 17,,6 1, 6,,,1927 6 6,1927 6 3 :?,1927 6 17, 1,132,1927 6 23,1927 6 29 42

,,,,,,,,,7 11,,,,,, 5 2, :,,,,,,, 14 8 20,15 3 20 ( ), ( ),,1927 5 18 ;,1927 6 3 ;,1927 6 10,1927 7 12,1927 4 26,1927 5 3, 1,153 154 43

2002 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1926 4 27, :,,,,,,?,,,,,, ( ), ( ),1927 7 30 :,1992,579 :,,,1927 6 29 44

,,,,,,,,,,,, :,?, : 17, 15,,,,, :,,,,,,,,1927 5 20,1927 4 21 45

2002 2 :,,,,,,,,, :,,,,, 4 15 :,,,,:,,,,,,, 18,,1927 4 16,1927 4 21,1927 4 18 :,1927 5 24 106,1927 4 16,1927 4 16,1927 4 20 46

,,,,,,,,, :,,!,,, 5 2,,,,, ;,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1927 4 19,1927 5 24,1927 6 8,1927 5 3 :,1927 5 3 89 47

2002 2,,,! :,,,,?, 1924,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,, :,1927 5 12 :,1927 5 24 106,1927 6 21 :,1927 5 28 :,1927 5 24 106 48

,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2001 11 15, 100006 : :,1927 5 24 106 ;:,1927 5 27 ; :,1927 6 9 118,1927 4 16,1927 5 20 49

Modern Chinese History Studies No. 2, 2002 The Guomindang Suppression of t he Guangdong Peasant Movement and Its Effects L iang S hangxian (1) In its purge of Communist Party members in Guangdong, the Guomindang used force to suppress the peasant movement which it had supported with all its might before, and encouraged civilian militias organized by local tyrants and evil gentry into frenzied retaliation against peasants and peasant unions. Some Guomindang corrupt elements linked closely with feudal forces in the Guangdong countryside openly colluded with local tyrants and evil gentry to destroy peasant unions and oppress the peasants. Furthermore, they directed the fire the anti2communist purge at a number of loyal comrades, followers of the Premierandtrue members of Guomindangwho had adhered to thepremier s will and testamentand dedicated themselves to the nationalist revolution. This led the Guomindang onto the path of corruption. Because of the suppression to peasant movement, the Guomindang cast aside the peasants, and sowed deeply the seeds of its failure to come. A Reconsideration of the Opium Trade before the Opium War W u Yi xiong (50) The subject of the opium trade before the Opium War has always been a focus of research by both Chinese and overseas scholars. However, until now all the relevant statistics and descriptions of the opium trade were for various reasons not accurate enough, or not complete enough. The abundant trade data published promptly and over many years in the Canton Register and Canton Press English language periodicals issued in Guangzhou ( Canton) before the Opium War has made it possible to recalculate the volume, prices and value of the trade in each type of opium for every year from 1821 to 1839, and therefore to give a more accurate and complete depiction of the condition of the opium trade. Integrating these newly uncovered sources with past research, we find out that over the 18 years leading up to the Opium War an average of over 10,000 chests of opium per year were imported, looting China of over 10 million taels of silver annually. While these figures are not as great as those published in past research, 1