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English Language

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55 39 1 94 55 78 * Programmer for International Student Assessment 2002 build a nation of reader 70005 2 33 wtsou@mail.nutn.edu.tw

56 reading first read to read ready to learn 2001 Nunan 1999 Nunan Nunan 1999 Neil 1999 strategy strategia Oxford 1990 Oxford 1994 Nunan 1999 Oxford 1990 Jones 1987 O Malley Chamot O Malley & Chamot 1990 70 Rubin 1975 Stern 1975 14 Rubin & Thompson 1982

57 Marshall 1989 Rubin & Tompson 1982 Stalling & Kaskowitz 1974 Stevick 1989 Naiman et al 1978 Michael O Malley Anna Chamot O Malley et al. 1983 1985a 1985b 1987 1989 O Malley & Chamot 1990 Chamot & O Malley 1986 1987 Oxford Oxford 1990 47 Neil 1991 70 Neil 1999 Neil 1999 Scarcella & Oxford 1992 70 Brophy 1973 Dunkin & Biddle 1974 Flanders 1970 Taylor et al 2002 ACTIVE A activate prior knowledge C cultivate vocabulary T teach for comprehension I increase reading rate V verify reading strategies E evaluate process Neil 1999 Neil 1999

58 Roehler& Duffy 1984 Knapp 1995 Taylor 2000 The National Reading Panel Report 2000 phonics Pressley 2001 615 92 615 596 96.91% 592 42 Oxford 1996

59 Oxford 1989SILL SILL 1992 2002 O Malley and Chamot Oxford 9 27 9 3 1 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1 think-aloud think-aloud 1 2 3 4 10 10

60 Santarlasci et al 2000 300 2-1 think-aloud 18 2-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 15 20 think-aloud 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 15 20 10 10

61 30

62 think-aloud 1

63 2 3 ex ok O Malley& Chamot 1990 Biodiversity

64 11 5 3-1 3-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 3.55 3.55 4.64 4.03 4.07 4.54 27 12 1 2 3

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66 3 Neil 1999

67 think-aloud 50 2004

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70 Memory 1 Mem1 2 Mem2 3 Mem3 4 Mem4 5 Mem5 6 Mem6 7 Mem7 8 Mem8 9 Mem9 Cognitive 10 Cog1 11 Cog2 12 Cog3 13 Cog4 14 Cog5 15 Cog6 16 Cog7 17 Cog8 18 Cog9 19 Cog10 20 Cog11 21 Cog12 22 Cog13 23 Cog14 24 Cog15 25 Cog16 26 Cog17 27 Cog18 28 Cog19 29 Cog20 30 Cog21

71 31 Cog22 32 Cog23 33 Cog24 34 Cog25 35 Cog26 36 Cog27 Social-Affective 37 SA1 38 SA2 39 SA3 40 SA4 41 SA5 42 SA6 43 SA7 44 SA8 45 SA9 46 47 48

72 1. 1.1 1.1.1. 19 * * * * * 2 * * * Thank you 1.1.2. 7 * * * 1.2 1.2.1. 11 * * * * * * 1.2.2. 3 * 1.3 1.3.1. 13 * ex. *

73 * * keyword * 1.3.2. 6 * * * ex. 2. 2.1 2.1.1 8 6 2.1.2. 3 10 2.1.3. 4 2 3. 3.1. 5 3.2. 3 good 3.3. 11 good

74 20 22 6. 27 1. 37 3. 21 3. 23 22. 25 11. 28 5. 30 1. 32 23. 20 23. 21 1. 21 6. 22 22. 24 11. 21 22. 27 23. 21 3. 23 1. 23 11. 24 6. 25 5. 25 23. 21 11.

75 22 5. 23 23. 24 3. 24 6. 24 22. 27 1. 128 127 103 93 81 75

76 2389M8 8 meta 2389 2389M8 2363C13 2347C14 2295C28 2222C29 2181C21 2179C17 2177C16 2149C20 2097C23 2078C15 2060C32 2049M1 2041M9 2032C12 1980C24 1953S37 1939C30 1932M2 1920C31 1896S42 1891S40 1877C25 1877C19 1815S39 1775S38 1774C34 1761C10

77 1757C22 1751C18 1747M6 1738S44 1700M5 1698S43 1693S45 1686M3 1663M4 1657C11 1608C35 1599C36 1537C33 1518C26 1500C27 1452S41 1081M7

78 The Effect of Reading Strategy Training on Freshman English Reading in Taiwan Hsuan Hung, Wenli Tsou, Kuei-Yun Wu Department of Languages & Literature Education, National University of Tainan Abstract Most freshmen in Taiwan consider reading in English difficult. They complain about too less vocabulary, grammar and time for English reading. However, according to research, reading is the basic for all learning. Its importance on language learning cannot be underestimated. In order to promote college students reading in English, the researchers of the study decided to integrate reading strategy training in one freshmen English class. According to a questionnaire administered to all freshmen in National University of Tainan, the study categorized and selected appropriate reading strategies to be used in the classroom and designed a training program of six weeks to be instructed in a freshmen English course. Questionnaire, reading comprehension tests, classroom observations were used to collect data. The results of the study indicated that training on reading strategy can promote students motivation and confidence in reading. After the training, students had more positive feelings toward reading since they knew there were effective ways to help them read. In addition, different reading strategies could be applied to different types or genres of texts. Students were introduced and trained to practice different reading strategies with different types of text in class. Finally, students application of reading under regular practices and exams were also compared. The researchers concluded that English teachers need to differentiate reading strategies for different types of text under different kinds of reading situations(e.g., practice, exams, etc), so students can apply appropriate reading strategies to facilitate their reading for greater reading achievement and enjoyment. Key words: Freshmen English, reading, reading strategy, examination strategy