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157 1 157-2072003 6

158 2003/06 1982; 1992 15%

159 (%) 55 15.5 24.1 20.4 3.2 60 24.2 36.4 30.9 5.3 65 32.6 47.8 49.7 5.9 70 37.8 55.4 55.5 5.3 75 44.5 62.9 65.4 5.9 80 51.2 71.1 72.5 9.7 85 56.2 80.2 76.3 11.7 88 55.7 82.2 78.2 12.5 89 55.5 82.8 79.0 12.2 90 *** 74.2 80.6 70.3 61.5 *** 90 71-73 91 1 1 90 439,292 2%

160 2003/06 2 1996 Gatewood and Field 1998; Guion 1998; Schmitt and Chan 1998 343,980 90 68% 80 92% 90 8%


162 2003/06 (Office of Civil

163 Service Commissioners) 3 1978 (Civil Service Reform Act) 4 (Public Service Commission) 5 3 Civil Service Order in Council 1995 To maintain the fundamental principle in the recruitment to the Civil Service of selection on merit o the basis of fair and open competition Office of Civil Service Commissioners equality of opportunity 4 Section 2301b, Chapter 23, Title 5, United States Code. 5 The Public Service Commission has the mandate to ensure that merit is the basis of staffing and recruitment in the Public Service of Canada. Merit, which has traditionally been understood to encompass competence and non-partisanship through means that are fair, equitable and transparent, has been reshaped to include representativeness in the mid-nineties. (http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ee/merit/index_e.htm#4, 2002/9/22). to maintain and preserve a highly competent and qualified Public Service in which appointments are based on merit, and ensure that the Public Service is non-partisan and its members are representative of Canadian society.

164 2003/06

165 Sheppard et al. 1992; Folger and Cropanzano 1998; 2000 (procedural justice) (substantive justice) (interactional justice)

166 2003/06 1996

167 6 6

168 2003/06 28 30 45 7 7

169 (adverse impact) / 4/5 8 U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1978 Uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures 1974 PACE 1982 ACWA

170 2003/06 90 0.8 0.8 90 1999b

171 1999a; 1999b (affirmative action) 9 9 2%

172 2003/06 0.1 (reasonable accommodation) 165 0.8

173 (system justice)

174 2003/06

175 ( Gilliland 1993)

176 2003/06 (content) (predictive) (construct) 80 (A) (B) (C) (D)

177 88 10 0.22 0.39 0.30 10

178 2003/06

179 1986, 150

180 2003/06 (Biodata) (Gatewood and Field 1998; Berman 2001, 103)

181 Dubois 1993; Spencer and Spencer 1993 2002 (U.S. MSPB 1999)

182 2003/06


184 2003/06 55 15306 29.3 70.7 60 41963 38.2 61.8 70 58920 18.0 34.2 47.8 80 40507 23.3 42.1 34.7 82 32556 22.1 46.8 31.1 84 41023 17.4 50.6 31.9 86 40688 13.6 52.5 33.9 87 38040 14.2 55.2 30.6 88 40356 12.6 55..1 32.3 89 44508 13.1 49.2 37.8 90 28868 ** 16.9 64.2 18.9 **

185 90, 91 2.5 4 3 30 90 24000 32000 11 91 90 89 88 11 90 33625 19657

186 2003/06 411297 380959 689092 450465 247943 238428 881221 571585 89 1.5 12 13 12 13 91/10/7 90 90


188 2003/06 14 85 85 (civil servants) (public employees)


190 2003/06

191 15 2000 15 (Schmidt and Hunter 1998) 0.51 O Leary et al. 2002

192 2003/06 2000; 2001 16 Benveniste 1987, 33

193 85 43 17 18 17

194 2003/06 1 2 3


196 2003/06 19 1 2 3 4 19 (U.S. MSPB 1999)1990 (NPR) (delegated examining unit)

197 5 (rule of three) 1999a, 73 6 (EQ)

198 2003/06 1 2

199 (impression management) 1995, 7

200 2003/06

201 1995 34-13 1996 73111-144 1999a 1999b 2000,21 258-277 2001 2002 1992 1982 2000 1986

202 2003/06 Benveniste, Guy. 1987. Professionalizing the Organization: Reducing Bureaucracy to Enhance Effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Berman, Evan M. et. al. 2001. Human Resource Management in Public Service. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Dubois, David D. 1993. Competency-Based Performance Improvement. Amherst, MA: HRD Press. Folger, Robert, and Russell Cropanzano. 1998. Organizational Justice and Human Resource Management. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Gatewood, Robert D., and Hubert S Field. 1998. Human Resource Selection. 4 th ed. Orlando, FL: Dryden Press. Gilliland, Stephen W. 1993.The Perceived Fairness of Selection Systems: An Organizational Justice Perspective.Academy of Management Review. 18: 694-734. Guion, Robert M. 1998. Assessment, Measurement, and Prediction for Personnel Decisions. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Aassociates. O Leary Brain S. et al. 2002. Selecting the Best and Brightest: Leveraging Human Capital. Human Resource Management. 41: 325-40. Schmidt, F. L. and J. E. Hunter. 1998. The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology. Psychological Bulletin. 124 (2): 262-74.

203 Schmitt, Neal, and David Chan. 1998. Personnel Selection: A Theoretical Approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Sheppard, Blair H. et al. 1992. Organizational Justice: The Search for Fairness in the Workplace. New York: Lexington. Spencer Jr., Lyle M, and Spencer Signe M. 1993. Competence at Work: Models for Superior Performance. New York: John Wiley & Sons. U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board. 1999. The Role of Delegated Examining Units: Hiring New Employees in a Decentralized Civil Service. Washington, DC: U.S. MSPB.

204 2003/06 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 100 0 100 0 4 0 1 0 100 0 100 0 412 273 5 7 60.15 39.85 41.67 58.33 570 84 8 1 87.16 12.84 88.89 11.11 982 357 13 8 73.34 26.66 61.9 38.1 3900 6430 294 641 37.75 62.25 31.44 68.56 3735 1665 260 74 69.17 30.83 77.84 22.16 7635 8095 554 715 48.54 51.46 43.66 56.34 4258 10429 166 577 28.99 71.01 22.34 77.66 4160 3401 308 144 55.02 44.98 68.14 31.86 8418 13830 474 721 37.85 62.15 39.67 60.33 28208 71167 399 746 28.39 71.61 34.85 65.15 1784 101 32 3 94.64 5.36 91.43 8.57 29992 71268 431 749 29.62 70.38 36.53 63.74

205 1.21 2.56 0.47 3.90 5.53 0.70 1.40 1.19 0.85 7.40 4.23 0.57 1.32 2.24 0.59 5.63 5.21 0.93 7.54 9.97 0.76 1.41 1.05 0.74 6.96 4.44 0.64 1.79 2.97 0.60 7.26 8.83 0.82 1.44 1.05 0.73 = /

206 2003/06 The Civil Service Examination in Taiwan: An Assessment and Challenges Ahead Jay N. Shih Department of Public Administration National Cheng Chi University Abstract The civil service examination system in Taiwan differs significantly from those other developed nations. A centralized and independent Examination Yuan established by the constitution has indeed made a great contribution by establishing a generally open competition under an authoritarian regime and, most importantly, has prevented the emergence of a spoils or political patronage system of the type so often seen in developing countries. Nonetheless, past successes should not lead us to ignore the many challenges that Taiwan s civil service examination system now faces. This paper raises concerns stemming from the three major policy goals of selection: merit, organizational workforce needs and cost-effectiveness. With Taiwan s government is facing more challenges from global competition, the civil service examination system has to emphasize the strategic human resource management function more than the prevention of political interference. Therefore, this paper strongly suggests that the test validity and organizational workforce needs are two main goals that should drive the civil service examination system in the future. In particular, the Examination Yuan should consider reviving the certified lists system so that government

207 agencies can play the major role in deciding whom to hire. In the new era, the Examination Yuan as an independent institution has to make civil service selection and public personnel policy that aligns with effective government human resource management. In the end, the civil service examination is not an end in itself. Rather it is simply an instrument for strengthening the ability of government to govern. Keywords: the Civil Service Examination, employee selection, merit, fairness, test validity, adverse impact, certified lists system