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1 * UNDP Volunteering Australia * 10 94

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3 Wilson & Janoski 1995 Grube & Piliavin 2000 Clary et al

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10 p ( i ) g x = ln j = α j + β k X k i + μ j 1 - p i j i = 1 2 n i = 1 2 m - 1 m = 4 k = 1 2 k μ j logistic distribution K β 1 β 2 β k m - 1 cuts α 1 α 2 α m - 2 Stata 11 Stata Corp Pr y i j = Pr α m-1 < β 1 x 1 i + β 2 x 2 i + + β k x k i + μ k < α m β k k y i β k < 0 k y i % 40. 5% 12. 0% 31. 5%

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