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Viktor E. Frankl (logotherapy) (will-to-meaning) (creative values) Ture (Good) (Beauty) (experiential values) (attitudinal values) 1

2 (logotherapy) (biological) (2) (psychological) (3) (noölogical) (4) (theological) reduce

3 1991 60) 2001) (the supra-meaning) (freedom of the will) ( 1992 36-37) ) (will-to-pleasure)( (will-to-power) (meaning of life) 2001 72-73 77-78)

4 (creative values) (Good) (Beauty) values) (attitudinal values) 1987 He who has a why to live for can bear almost ( how ) ( 2001 240)

5 ( ) ( ) (creative values)

6 (1) ) (2) (3) (1)

7 (2) (3) (4) (5)

8 (6) (1) 眦 (2)

9 (3) ( ) Ture (Good) (Beauty) (experiential values)

10 (1) (2) (3) (4)

11 (5) (6) 鈎

12 (1) (2) (3) (4) ( )

13 (1) (2) (3)

14 ( ) (attitudinal values)

15 (1) (2) (

16 (3) (1) (2)

17 (1) (2) (3) (



20 To talk about the construction of the life value through the appreciation of poems Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to lead the readers into the inner spiritual world of the poets through the appreciation of the poems written at present or past so as to understand what the poets expressed their insight to the meaning of life and the construction of value, also, through the enlightenment of the beauty and sensation to help the bored and vain modern people to get back the craving to explore the meaning of life, further, to construct the unique life value and goal. The description and research methods of this paper has attempted to apply the Logotherapy theory created by Viktor E. Frank, the creator of the third Vienna psychological (mental) analysis school, as a reference. Frank considered people have the will to explore the meaning of life (will-to-meaning), while the construction of the meaning of life can be attained from three aspects: First, an individual may give life a meaning through the achievement of constructive work, and to fulfill the so-called Creative values ; Secondly, an individual may give life a meaning through the experience of the True, Good and Beauty of the world,

21 and to fulfill the so-called Experiential values. For example, one may find such value when one enjoys the beauty of the arts or the scenery of the nature; Thirdly, an individual may give life a meaning through bearing the unavoidable torture, still they are able to fulfill the so-called Attitudinal values, which is the greatest value displayed by human beings. We may see the poets show the third kind value through the sensational enlightenment and to construct the personal and unique meaning of life, and to get into the truest existence of the life of an individual. Such truest existence will be felt and inspired to attain through the reader s appreciation of the poems. Moreover, it may help those modern people who have long been indulged in the virtual world to go back to the real spiritual world and find out the unique and only self to return to the world of meaning at the information and technology development time. Keyword Logotherapy poems creative values experiential values attitudinal values