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Analysis of Cultural Elements of Meinong s Paper Umbrella Painting Abstract Meinong paper umbrellas are a traditional industrial art for the Hakka peo

third in 20 years. The student population will be in the range of million before Keywords education age population family planning

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Abstract This study was to examine the drawing of occlusive representation from elementary school children by comparing different strategy of language introduction,copying picture, free viewing condition, and restricted viewing condition which an object could only be viewed through a aperture. The subject in this experiment was 420 elementary school children seven to eleven years old. The main findings included: 1The children's drawings of overlap fall into six categories : separable, contiguity, transparency, enclosure, partial occlusion and separated partial occlusion. 2In the case of different cue devices reflected distinction in drawings of occlusion, the restricted viewing condition was successfully elicited more drawings of partial occlusion than the free viewing condition. 3 Under different cue devices, the age factor was corerelated with drawings of partial occlusion. 4Copying picture were more increasing tendency in drawing of occlusion than language introduce, but there were decreasing tendency in drawing of separate category. 5 Rrestricted viewing condition were more increasing tendency in drawing of partial occlusion than a free viewing condition, but there were decreasing tendency in drawing of separate category. Seven years old children were more partial occlusion in the restricted viewing condition than in free viewing condition. The restricted viewing condition to show Seven years old were more effect of partial occlusion than others age. It will be more effectiveness to consider student's age when use restricted viewing cue in drawings. This research suggested that 1more drawings of partial occlusion with age increase in the elementary school children,2the restricted viewing condition was successfully elicited more drawings of partial

occlusion for lower grade student in the elementary school, and that3the related of cause of the restricted viewing condition can elicited more drawings of partial occlusion. Keywords: art education, children drawing, elementary school children, occlusive representation.