,,, ( 1873-1914),,,,,, 1886 1894,, 1886 1894,, 24, 26%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, 78,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,?,,,,,, :,,, ;,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,

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2006 8 Aug12006 3 Studies in Q ing H istoryno13 [ ],,,, [ ] [] K25 [] A [ ] 1002-8587 (2006) - 03-0077 - 11 Popular Intellectual s Views on W estern Learn ing in the Late Qing: A Ca se study of Shangha i Ploytechn ic Institution and Reading Room Taking Shanghai Ploytechnic Institution and Reading Room as an examp le and its testpapers the basic historical source material, to exp lain the making a popular intellectual community among students of Gezhi academy as well as their under2 standing of the structure ofw estern knowledge, the relationship between Chinese and W estern learning and methods for in2 troducingw estern learning1 This paper elucidates Chinese intellectuals concep tion ofw estern learning from the viewpoint of common peop le1 A lthough the views of students from Shanghai Ploytechnic Institution and Reading Room did not decide national policy, like an important actor on the historical stage, the students thoughts still had a powerful influence and served as an indication of potential popular thought1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, [ ] 2005-3 - 20 [ ] (1964 - ),, ; 100081 77

,,, ( 1873-1914),,,,,, 1886 1894,, 1886 1894,, 24, 26%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, 78,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,?,,,,,, :,,, ;,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,

,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,, ;,,, ;,, ;,,,,,?,,!,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : (),,?,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, 79

,,,,,, :,,, ;, :,,,,,,,,, gλϖ :,,,,,,,,, gλω :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,, gλξ,,,,,, : 80,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gλψ,,,,,,, ;,,,,, ;,,, ;,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,, gλζ,,,,,,,,, gλ{

,,, ;, ;, ;,, gλ,,,,? :,,,,, ; 1861,,,,,,,,! gλ} :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gλ,,,,, gµυ,,,,, :,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,! gµϖ 19,,,, 1860 1870,,, 1889, 1896,, 18, 1840,,, 1887 ; 1859,, 1876,,, 1897,, gµω,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gµξ,, 81

1889,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 82,,,, :,,,!,,,,!,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,! gµψ,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,, gµζ,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,, gµ{,, :

, ;, gµ :,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gµ},,, :,,,,,,,,,,,! gµ,,,, :,,,,, gνυ,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,, gνϖ,,,, gνω,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :, gνξ, ;,,,,,,, gνψ,,,,,,,,,, gνζ, gν{,,,,,,,,,,, gν :,,,,,,,,,,,! gν},,,,, gν :,,,,,,, 83

, gου,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;, gοϖ,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,, gοω :,,,, gοξ :,,,, gοψ :, gοζ,,,!,,,,,,, gο{,,, gο,,, gο},,, gο, 84 gπυ,,,,,,,, gπϖ,,,,?,, 1895,,,, gπω, 17, 17, 10 ;, gπξ,,,,,, 1886 1894, 88,,,,, 253 gπψ 1889,,,

160,,,,! gπζ,, 1889,, 30,,,:,,,, ;,,, ;, ;,,, gπ{ :,!,, ;,, gπ,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, :,, 0 215 815 12 2616, 1090 1092 1109 1113 1140 / ;,,,,,,,, :,,( ),, ( ) ;,,,,,, :,,, ;,,, ; :,,,,;,,;,,, 200000 /,,,,, ;,,,, :, 85

,,,, ; :,,,,,,, :,,, ;,, ;,,,, ;,,, ;,,,,, ;,,,, :,,,,, ; :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,, 86,,,,,,, gπ},,,,250 ; 250,,,,, 30,,1878 gπ,,,,,, : ;,,,,,,,,

,,, gθυ gθϖ ; 800, 100,, ; ;,,,,, 20,,,,, ;,,,,, ;,, :, 20033 : 1886 1894, 20013 :,, 1998 5, 22, 13, 14, 3 gλ{ gλ gµϖ2, 2, 4, 4-5, 5-9 12, 49 gλϖ gλωgλξ gλψ gλζ gπ{ gπ 4, 29, 1-2, 16, 4, 9, 9, 5-6, 16-17, 9-11 gλ}7, 35 36 gλ 1, 33 gµυ 12, 51 64 gµω : 19, 2005 gµξ gµψ gµζ gµ{ gµ gµ} gµ gνψ gπ} 5, 41, 41-43, 46, 48, 46-47, 43-44, 44, 4, 45 gνυ gνϖ gνξ gν} gν gοϖ 13, 1 2, 11, 4, 4, 11, 2 gνωgνζ gν{ gου 7, 29, 21-22, 25, 32-33 gοωgοξ gο{ gο} gο gπϖ 1, 1964, 432, 440, 36, 249-250, 512, 381 gοψ gπυ 5, 1954, 393, 383 gοζ 2,1954, 593 gο 4, 1964, 1860 gπωgπξ,, gπψ : 19, 2005, 281 288 gπζ Knight B iggerstaff, Shanghai Polytechnic Institution and Reading Room : A ttemp t to W estern Science and Technology to the Chinese, Pacific H istorical Review, 25 (2),May 19561 gπ :, 1994, 373 385 gθυ gθω :, 1980, 31, 91 gθϖ,, 1883 4 18 gθξ : 87