( Pablo Picasso) ( Salvador Da2 li),,, 1922,1947,,,,,,,1941,, 1944,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( 1918) (1929) ( ), , 112,,,,,, ( Igor St

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Download "( Pablo Picasso) ( Salvador Da2 li),,, 1922,1947,,,,,,,1941,, 1944,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( 1918) (1929) (19331934), 19331936 1945, 112,,,,,, ( Igor St"


1 : (2005) ,20,, (Marc Chagall, ) (M ircea Eli2 ade, ) :,, :,,,,,?,,20,,:, ;,,,,,, ( ),,,,,, 20,,,,;,, ;,,,,,, 111

2 ( Pablo Picasso) ( Salvador Da2 li),,, 1922,1947,,,,,,,1941,, 1944,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( 1918) (1929) ( ), , 112,,,,,, ( Igor Stravinsky),,,, ,,,,,,,, ( Prophet O seas) :,,,,,?,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,, (1931),, ( Guillaume Apollinaire) 1913, ( ),,,

3 2005 5,,,,,,,,,,, 1947,, (Rembrandt van R ijn),,,,, :,,,,,,,,, , (1917),,,,,( Sandro Boticelli),,, 1912, 1938,,, ( Paul Gauguin) ( Georges Rouault) ( Em il Nolde) ( Francis Bacon),,,, INR I,, ( Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews),,,,,,, ( Franz Meyer),,,,,,,,,,,,,? :,,, :,,,,,?,,,, 113

4 ,,,, :,,,,,,,, ( homo religious),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -,, ;,,,,,,,,,, 19, 114,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,, (Rudolf O tto) ( Paul Tillich),, 1917 ( The Idea of the Holy) ( holy, holiness),, ( sacred),,, :,,,,, :,

5 2005 5,,, 20, ( Finley Ever2 sole): (John D illenberger) :,() gλϖ,,, 1918,,,,, :,,,,,,,,, gλω,, :,,,,,,, gλξ,,,,,,,,,,, 20 20, 50,,,,,,,,19, ( ),,,, ( ) gλψ 115

6 ,,,,,,,,,,,, gλζ,, (V incent van Gogh) :, gλ{ :, :, ;,,,,, gλ,,, (), 20,, gλ}, gλ,:, gµυ,,, 116,?,, :, gµϖ,, (Henri M iller),,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ( Edouard Manet), (Andre B reton) : () 1911,,,,

7 2005 5,,, gµω,,,,,, (W alter Benjam in),,,,, gµξ, :,,,,,,,,,, (Ontophany),, gµψ,,,, (wholly otherness),,, :,,, gµζ :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1911),1914,,,, (1912) ( ),,,,,,,, (1913) (1958) ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,, 117

8 ,,,,,, ;,,,, gµ{,,,,, 1922, 1970,,,,,,,, (1915),,,,, ;,,,,,, :, gµ, :,,,,,,,,, gµ}, 118 ( ) (1917),, (1945) (1949) ( ),,,,,,,,1914, , ,1983,,, :,, gµ,,,, :,,, gνυ, (1980) ( 1983) (1964),, : (), ;,,,,,,,,

9 2005 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gνϖ,, :,, gνω,,,,, (O rphism),,,,,,,, ( Thomas Frank2 lin O meara) (W assily Kandinsky),: 20,,,, : gνξ,,,,, :,,,,,,, ;,,,, gνψ,,,, : ( ), gνζ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (, ) gν{, 119

10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (David Tracy),,,,, gν, - (D iane Apostolos - Cappadona),,,,, gν},,,,, ( theosis),,: gν,,, :,,, :,, gου 120,, - : ( ),,, gοϖ,, (Constantin B rancusi),,,,,,, gοω,, :,,, gοξ : :, gοψ,,,,,,, 1957, (Marie - A lain Couturier),, ( Fernand Leger) (HenriMa2 tisse) ( Georges B raque) ( Pierre Bon2 nard) ( Germaine R ichier),,,

11 2005 5,,, (1964) 9 (1967) (1979) ( ), 12 ( ),12 12, 12,,,,, 12,, :, gοζ :,, gο{,,,,,, : :,, gο,,,,,,,,,, ;, gο}, :, gο,? M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, ed. D iane Apostolos - Cappadona, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1985, pp :,, M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, ed. Benja2 m in Harshav, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003, p. 83. FranzMeyer, as quoted inmarc Chagall, exhibition cat2 alogue, New York: HarryN. Abram s, Inc., 2003, p M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p. 91. M ircea Eliade, The Q uest: H istory and M eaning in Reli2 gion, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, M ircea Eliade, A H istory of R eligious Ideas, vol. I, Chi2 cago: The University of Chicago Press, 1978, p. xiii. M ircea Eliade, The Sacred & the P rofane, New York: Harcourt, B race & World, Inc., p. 9. Rudolf O tto, The Idea of the Holy, trans. John Harvey, London: Oxford University Press, 1923, p. 69. Finley Eversole, " The B rave New World of the Modern A rtist, " in his ed. Christian Faith and the Contem pora2 ry A rts, p. 46. gλϖ John D illenberger, Introduction to Paul Tillich, O n A rt and A rchitecture, ed. John D illenberger, trans. Robert P. Scharlemann, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1987, p

12 gλω Paul Tillich, O n A rt and A rchitecture, pp gλξ John D illenberger, Introduction to Paul Tillich, O n A rt and A rchitecture, p. xi gλψ M ircea Eliade, Patterns in Com parative Religion, New York: World Publishing Co., 1963, pp gλζ M ircea Eliade, O rdeal by Labyrinth. Chicago: The Uni2 versity of Chicago Press, 1982, p gλ{ Paul Tillich, O n A rt and A rchitecture, ed. John D illen2 berger, trans. Robert P. Scharlemann, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1987, pp gλ M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p gλ} M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p. 84. gλ M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p gµυ M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p gµϖ M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p gµωandre B reton, Surrealism and Painting, London: Mac2 Donald, 1972, pp gµξ W alter Benjam in, The O rigin of Germ an Tragic D ram a. London: New Left Books, 1977, p gµψ M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p. 3. gµζ M ircea Eliade, The Q uest: H istory and M eaning in R eli2 gion, p. 3. gµ{ M ircea Eliade, Patterns in Com parative R eligion. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1968, p gµ Marc Chagall, as quoted in Jacob Baal - Teshuva, M arc Chagall. Taschen, 2003, p. 76. gµ} Bella, as quoted in Jacob Baal - Teshuva, M arc Chagall. p. 76. gµ M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p gνυ Marc Chagall, as quoted in Monica Bohm - Duchen, Chagall, London: Phaidon Press L td., 1998, p gνϖ M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p. 92. gνωpicasso, as quoted in Jacob Baal - Teshuva, M arc Chagall. pp gνξ Thomas Franklin O merea, " The Aesthetic D imension in Theology, " in D iane Apostolos - Cappadona, ed. A rt, Creativity, and the Sacred, New York: The Continuum Publishing Company, 1996, p gνψ M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts. p. 83. gνζ M ircea Eliade, Journal III: Chicago: U2 niversity of Chicago Press, 1989, p gν{ M ircea Eliade, Im ages and Sym bols: S tudies in Reli2 gious Sym bolism. London: Harvill Press, 1961, pp gν David Tracy, The A nalogical Im agination, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1981, pp gν} D iane Apostolos - Cappadona, " M ircea Eliade: The Scholar asa rtist, Critic, and Poet, " in M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p. xii. gν M ircea Eliade, A H istory of Religious Ideas, vol. III. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, P. 57. gου M ircea Eliade, O ccultism, W itchcraft, and Cultural Fashions: Essays in Com parative Religions, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1976, p. 94. gοϖ D iane Apostolos - Cappadona, " M ircea Eliade: The Scholar asa rtist, Critic, and Poet, " in M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p. xv. gοωm ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p gοξ M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p gοψ M ircea Eliade, Sym bolism, the Sacred, and the A rts, p gοζ M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p gο{ Marc Chagall, as quoted in Jacob Baal - Teshuva, M arc Chagall, p gο Marc Chagall, as quoted in Jacob Baal - Teshuva, M arc Chagall, p243. gο} M ircea Eliade, The Sacred & the Profane, p. 25. gο M arc Chagall on A rt and Culture, p ( : ) 122

13 Main A rticles The theory ofw en and B i in literary criticism of the Six Dynasties p resents on one hand the critics understanding of literariness at that time, and on the other, the p rogressive development of literary theories. Modern studies tend to fo2 cus on the relation between the two theories on W en and B i, one from W en X in D iao Long, the other from the Six Dy2 nasties. This paper intends to make a further investigation into the p roblem based on the studies done by such rep re2 sentative scholars as Huang Kan, L iu Shipei and Guo Shaoyu. An In terv iew w ith Fan Zeng The Fan Fam ily: Poetry, R itua ls, and a Fam ily of L itera ture The Con tem porary S ign if icance of Publish ing The L itera ry F am ily of F an a t N an Tong Peng X iuyin(93) S hao Yingw u(102) The Fa ll of the Angels and the M elancholy in the Parad ise: The Pa in tings of M arc Chaga ll and the Theology of M ircea Eliade Geng Youzhuang(111) This paper attemp ts to discuss the relation between the paintings of Chagall and the theology of Eliade in order to par2 ticipate a dialogue between an artist and a theologian and to search for divine meaning in the secularized world, thus rediscovering the religious significance in Chagall as well as in the whole modern western art. W ho would understand tha t the D r ied Gra ss Is Better Than the Bloom ing Flower? Re in terpreting L ilaosh i s Poetic Pa in ting L ang Shaojun(123) L i Laoshi is an artist who, by combining his brush and pen into one mode and giving new life to the old literati, ex2 p resses modern experiences with his traditional style. He has enriched the treasure of Chinese paintings with his visu2 al metaphor, impersonality and sp iritualization. Understand ing and D iscussion of the H istory of Effects: Rev iew of X ia X iaohong s The F em a le in the L a te Q ing D ynasty and M odern Ch inese Society W ang Fei(135) Translated by Chen Yongguo 160

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