Microsoft Word - 话语的结构与意义及话语分析的应用陈平.docx

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Contemporary Rhetoric 二〇一七年第二期 ( 总 200 期 ) 提要 话语的结构与意义及话语分析的应用 陈 平 ( 澳 利亚昆 兰 学语 与 化学院, 澳 利亚昆 兰 ) 提要 : 话语分析的典型对象是比句 的语 成分, 主要特点是密切联系语 的使用环境 以何种语 单位作为话语篇章的基本组成部分, 没有 个确定的答案 般以句 为其基本单位, 但根据话语类型和研究目的, 也可以是句 之外的其他语 成分 判断句与非句使用的是语法标准 判断话语和非话语, 除了早期的 Zellig Harris 等使用形式标准之外, 现在 般都根据成分之间是否具备连贯性这个意义标准 连贯性是语 信息流的重要属性, 本 讨论它在话语组织中的主要表现 段 话语分析作为 种研究 法, 不但用来研究语 本体成分的形式和意义, 也用来研究话语篇章表现的社会 化和政治意义 批判性话语分析理论就是这 面的重要代表 侧重语 本体研究的话语分析和侧重语 社会 化和政治意义的话语分析两者之间有何异同, 本 作了简要分析 关键词 : 话语类型话语单位连贯性信息流 Structure and Meaning of Discourse and Practice of Discourse Analysis Chen Ping Abstract: Two prominent features of discourse analyses are:(1)focus on units larger than sentence as its major objects of investigation;(2)close engagement with the context of language use. Whereas clause is customarily taken as the basic constitutive unit of discourse,this article demonstrates that what types of linguistic unit should be taken as basic components of discourse depends on genres of discourse and purposes of our analysis. This article also discusses how

coherence as an essential feature of information flow plays a key role in the organization of discourse,and how it is maintained and facilitated by means of linguistic devices. The article concludes with a brief comparison of discourse analys e s as a primarilylinguistic exercise,and as a socio-cultural endeavour as practiced by critical discourse analysis. Key words:genres of discourse, constitutive unit of discourse, coherence, information flow 歇后语的结构与功能再探 束定芳 ( 上海外国语 学, 上海 200083) 提要 : 歇后语是汉语中 种比较独特但又普遍存在的表达形式 以前的歇后语研究主要关注歇后语的分类 来源等问题, 对歇后语的形成机制 使用特点和认知功能鲜有论述 本 采用语料库统计和问卷调查的 式, 对歇后语的歇后情况 使用意图和使用效果进 了研究, 同时还应用认知语 学理论中的隐喻和转喻理论解释了歇后语的形成机制和结构特征进 了解释 本 发现 :(a) 歇后语有熟悉程度之分, 有熟语化歇后语和临时歇后语之分 越不熟悉的 ( 或临时的 ) 歇后语越不能省掉后面部分 歇后语最重要的部分其实是后半部分, 除非已经 度熟语化, 其真实含义往往不能通过推理得到理解 ;(b) 歇后语中的 歇后 部分往往是所使用的转喻和隐喻的依据, 或称喻底, 非有些学者所认为的目标域 ;(c)50% 以上的被调查者认为歇后语用得多与 幽默 和 聪明 等品质联系在 起 ; 歇后语的使用与 般的隐喻和转喻不同, 其认知功能已经弱化, 主要是其社会功能 关键词 : 歇后语隐喻转喻认知功能 A New Probe into the Structures and Functions of xiehouyu Shu Dingfang Abstract:Xiehouyu(or two-part allegorical saying) is a prevalent and unique way of expression in Chinese. Past studies have been focused on classifications, and sources of xiehouyu,touching barely on their emergence,usage or cognitive functions. Based on corpus survey and questionnaire reports,this article probes into the omissions,intentions of use and effects of xiehouyu and tries to apply theories of metaphor and metonymy to account for their working mechanism and structural properties. It is found that (1)xiehouyu differs in terms of their familiarity,and there are idiomatic and novel,with the latter often omitting the second part,which is actually the most important part and whose meaning normally cannot be inferred from context; (2) The omitted part is, in most cases,the ground of the metaphor or the reference point of the metonymy in question,not the target domain,as suggested by some scholars;and (3) more than 50% of those surveyed associate the use of xiehouyu with such personal traits as humorous, clever,etc. The author thus claims that metaphors and metonymies in xiehouyu differ from others in that they are used not for cognitive purposes,but chiefly for social or interpersonal reasons. Key words: xiehouyu,metaphor,metonymy,cognitive functions

聚合结构的词语化及其为词典收条问题 周 荐 ( 澳门理 学院澳门语 化研究中, 澳门 ) 提要 : 聚合结构, 是若 个功能和意义接近 又各自独立不相连属的字 ( 语素 词 ) 并列地聚集在 起构成的 个结构体 汉语的聚合结构常见的是四字格的, 也有超过四字 由五字 七字等构成的, 或少于四字 由三字 两字构成的 四字聚合结构易于语化, 双字聚合结构易于词化, 它们最易为词典收 为条 关键词 : 聚合结构词语化词典收条 The Lexicalization of Polymerization structure and Its Reception for the Dictionary Zhou Jian Abstract:Polymerization structure is composed of several characters (morphemes;words) whose functions and meanings close to each other but not linked side by side. Chinese polymerization structure is usually constructed by four characters;of course,there are more than four words and by the five words,seven words;or less than four words and by the three words, double words,etc. The four-word structure is easy to be phrased,and the double-word structure is easy to be worded. They are most likely to generate revenue for the dictionaries. Key words:polymerization structure,lexicalization,dictionary reception 修辞性改笔与语篇协同 以 史记 引录 尚书 左传 史料的改笔为例 池昌海 1 林志永 2 (1 浙江 学汉语史研究中 杭州 310028;2 朝鲜 学中国语 化系, 韩国光州 ) 提要 : 史记 记录先秦的事实, 很多来自更古的 献典籍 作者在引录先秦典籍史料时并非简单照录, 是作了多角度的加 修改, 其中, 出于语篇协同需要 作的修辞性改笔很有特 史记 史料引录改笔修辞与语篇协同主要体现为语境适应 衔接匹配 语体协调这三个 面 关键词 : 史记 修辞改笔语篇协同 On Rhetorical Modification and Discourse Coordination Chi Changhai,Lin Zhiyong Abstract:Shiji is supposed to record the history of Pre-qin Dynasty. Quite a few materials are cited from earlier documents and works. Instead of direction citation,the author made modification from various perspectives. Among them, the rhetorical modification made to satisfy discourse coordination is very distinctive. This modification can be further classified into three subtypes: context adaptation,cohesion matching and style coordination. Keywords: shiji,rhetorical modification,discourse coordination

论语 英译 语篇介 资源的修辞劝说功能 鞠 梅 ( 曲 师范 学外国语学院, 东曲 273165) 提要 : 本 以 论语 的 Arthur Waley 译本和刘殿爵译本为研究对象, 利用语料库的 法, 分析译 语篇评价系统之介 资源作为 种语 和超语 资源是如何帮助译者再现 论语 语篇的修辞性以及实现 本的修辞劝说功能的, 同时也尝试发现不同译者在评价系统之介 资源的使用上是否存在共性与差异性 研究发现, 介 资源是帮助译者实现语篇修辞劝说功能的重要资源, 这些资源的使用有助于观点的表达与同盟的结成, 形成了强 的修辞权威, 实现了孔 对其弟 的劝说与教诲目的 两译本在介 资源的使用上表现出较多的共性和 定的差异性 差异性主要表现在 Waley 译 的介 资源使用总量多于刘殿爵译, 两者在使用频率最 的介 资源上不同, 刘殿爵译 使用频率最 的是自 之命题陈述资源, Waley 译 使用频率最 的是借 之话语紧缩资源, 其可能的原因, 与译者不同的社会 化背景和译者风格有或多或少的关系 ; 共性主要表现在除了使用频率最 的资源有所不同以外, 其他资源的使用 显著差异 并且, 介 资源在两种译 语篇中都发挥了重要的修辞说服功能, 是 种有效的修辞 段 关键词 : 论语 英译 语篇基于语料库的分析介 资源修辞劝说 A Corpus-based Study of the Rhetorical Function of Engagement Resources in the Translated Texts of The Analects Ju Yumei Abstract: This paper makes a corpus-based study of the engagement resources of the appraisal system in the English translated texts of The Analects by Arthur Waley and D. C. Lau. Our purposes are to discover how the engagement resources as linguistic and supra-linguistic resources help the translators to display the rhetoricity of the original text and how they help to achieve the purpose of rhetorical persuasion in the translated texts. We also attempt to find out the similarities and differences of the two translated texts concerning the use of engagement resources. The results of the study show that both of the two translated texts make full use of the engagement resources as an effective way to express the philosophical thought of Confucius and make alignment with his disciples and thus achieve persuasion. There are some similarities and differences between the two translated texts. The differences lie in that there are more uses of the engagement resources in Waley s translation than in D. C. Lau s,and concerning the most frequently used sub-category, proposition of monogloss is most frequently used in D. C. Lau s translation while contract of heterogloss is most frequently used in Waley s translation. The possible reasons may be related to their different cultural backgrounds and different styles of translation. The similarities include that except the differences in the most frequently used sub-category,the other sub-categories are used similarly in the two translations and the more important similarity is that they are effective in helping to achieve the rhetorical function of persuasion in the translated texts. Key words: the English translated texts of The Analects;corpus-based analysis;engagement resources;rhetorical persuasion

略论米歇尔 梅耶双重三位 体的修辞观 史忠义 1 向征 2 (1 中国社会科学院外 所, 北京 100732;2 西安外国语 学法学院, 西安 710128) 提要 : 论 介绍了梅耶的修辞定义, 梅耶关于性情 逻各斯和感情三位 体的修辞学观念和 法论, 关于问题学哲学 新修辞思想和历史性视野三位 体的总体思想和 法论, 并用修辞学的三位 体阐释翻译 为, 分析翻译中形与意的关系 关键词 : 修辞的定义性情逻各斯感情问题学历史性修辞学翻译 为的修辞学 On M. Meyer s Dual Trinitarian Views on Rhetoric Shi Zhongyi, Xiang Zheng Abstract: This essay is designed to first introduce Meyer s definition of rhetoric, his Trinitarianrhetoric views and methodology of ethos,logos and pathos,his Trinitarian problematics and methodology of problemology,new rhetoric ideas and historic perspective,and then apply the rhetoric Trinity into the illustration of translation actions,focusing on the relationship between the form and the meaning in translation. Key words: definition of rhetoric, ethos, logos, pathos, problemology, historicality, rhetoric,rhetoric of translation actions 修辞运作的 锚现象 与修辞学的重要特征 邓志勇 ( 上海 学外国语学院, 上海 200444) 提要 : 锚现象是修辞运作的重要特征, 是指修辞者为了劝说听众 / 读者接受其观点 主张 信念, 将之锚定于修辞者认为听众 / 读者可能会接受 认可或赞同的事物上, 从 撬动其对自 的观点 主张 信念的支持或认同 本 首先界定了 锚现象, 指出了它的表现形式及 理运作机制, 然后顺着其蕴含的意义, 论述了修辞学的 个重要特征, 并驳斥了 修辞学是诡辩 的说法 关键词 : 锚锚现象修辞学重要特征亚里 多德听众 / 读者 理机制 Anchoring in Rhetorical Operation and Important features of Rhetoric Deng Zhiyong Abstract: Anchoring,an important rhetorical feature,refers to the speaker s strategy of yoking what he intends to persuade the audience to accept or believe on what he thinks his audience may already accepts or believes. The paper first defines the notion of anchoring, pointing out its formal manifestations and psychological mechanism,then,starting from its implications,discusses some important features of rhetoric,and finally refutes the view of rhetoric as sophistry. Key words: anchor,anchoring,rhetoric,important features,aristotle,reader,metal mechanism

图像介 语篇后 这 的指向及功能变化 朱 伟 ( 复旦 学中 系, 上海 200433) 提要 : 媒介和传播 式的发展使得图像和语篇的关系日趋紧密, 也为语体研究提供了新的对象 本 以微信朋友圈的图 社交语篇为样本, 先从传介 式变量角度将图像定性为 种模拟实示 段, 并考察了交互性变量对模拟实示的利用 对 这 的现场指的种种影响 接着从 语活动层面分析微信朋友圈图 社交的语体特征 从语篇层面分析了语 指示图像的两个层次及图像介 语篇的两种位置关系 最后从和话语指相关的指向 诱发话轮转换 先 语义制约图像的强化三个 面考察了微观层面现场指 这 的指向及功能变化 关键词 : 这 现场指语体变量实示交互模拟微信朋友圈 The Changes on The Direction and Function of zhe(this) with The Intervention from Image to Discourse Zhu Yuwei Abstract:With the development of media technology and mode of transmission, the relationship between Image and discourse becomes more closely. Based on the WeChat Moments, firstly, we take image as method of imitative demonstration from the point of intermediary variate and explore the interactive variate how to apply the imitative demonstration and how to exert its influence.then We maked an assay of the stylistic features of WeChat Moments in respect of speech act and maked another assay of the spatial relationship between image and discourse, the two phases of indication. Finally, we hunte after The changes on the function and form of zhe( this) from the point of discourse deixis, the eliciting of turn-taking, the reinforcing of the relationship between image and semantics. Key words: Zhe (this),spot indication,stylistic variate,demonstration,interaction, imitative,wechat Moments 外来词本 化过程的微观考察 外来词 粉丝 个案研究党静鹏 ( 北京第 外国语学院 学院, 北京市 100024; 中国社会科学院研究 院语 字应用系, 北京市 102488) 提要 : 外来词从进 汉语到最终融 汉语词汇系统是 个动态过程, 这 过程可被称为 本 化 外来词本 化过程的轨迹和机制是外来词研究应关注的重要问题 本 对外来词 粉丝 进 个案研究, 是外来词本 化过程研究的 次尝试 本 将 粉丝 的本 化过程划分为三个阶段, 并重点对其本 化过程中与汉语固有表达形式 X 迷 之间的竞争进 分析, 在此基础上, 进 步探讨 粉丝 成功融 汉语的原因 关键词 : 外来词 粉丝 本 化过程

A Microscopic Study on the Localization process of Loanwords a case study of the loanword 粉丝 (fans) Dang Jingpeng Abstract:Lexical borrowing is a dynamic process in which lexical items are borrowed from source language to recipient language,and eventually integrated into full-fledged native words. This process can be called localization process which is an important issue that should be paid attention to in the study of loanwords. This paper is a case study of the loanword fensi (fans). The localization process of fensi is divided into three stages,andthe competition during the process between fensi and Chinese native words referring to thesame concept,in particular X mi ( fans), is analyzed. This paper further explores the reasonfor the integration of fensi into Chinese. Key words:loanwords, fensi (fans),localization,process 种新兴的 三项式差比句 李 平 ( 哈尔滨师范 学 学院, 哈尔滨 150025) 提要 : X 比 Y 差 / 好 N 个 Z 是 种新兴的 三项式差比句 这种新兴的差比句与原型差比句的主要区别在于, 比较主体与比较对象之间的差异用 数量词组 + 专有名词 形式引 同 范畴的第三者来居中衡量 此类 差比句 实际上是借助差比构式给出了对三者优劣程度的主观评价 X>Z N>Y X<Z N<Y 来自于 X>Z Z>Y 的构式整合 在语义上, 三项式差比句 运用比拟和夸张的 段, 用 N 个 Z 突显 X Y 之间的差量之, 进 突显比较主体的优劣程度, 是 种表示显著递升或递降级差的主观比较, 其内在形成机理与补语是汉语中的 个显赫范畴有关 三项式差比句 在语用上的特征体现为信息量的突显 主观性及交互主观性的表达, 整个构式还带有贬谑意味 关键词 : 三项式差比主观比较显赫范畴 An Emerging Trinomial Comparative Constructions Li Jinping Abstract: X bi Y cha/hao N ge Z is an emerging trinomial comparative constructions. The main difference between this emerging comparative constructions and the prototypical comparative constructions is that the difference between the comparative subject and object is measured by a third party introduced into the same category through the form of Number- classifier Phrases + Proper Names. In fact,the emerging comparative constructions expresses the subjective evaluation of the degree of merits of the three with this comparative construction. X>Z N>Y,X<Z N<Y is derived from the integration of X>Z and Z>Y From the perspetive of Semantics,with analogy and exaggeration,the emerging compar a tive constructions highlight the huge gap by N ge Z and then highlight the degree of merits of the comparative subject. This comparison is an subjective comparision that expresses differential in ascending or descending significantly,and its forming mechanism has a relation to that complement is one of Chinese mighty category. The pragmatic features of trinomial comparative sentence are highlighting information quantity, expressing the subjectivity and intersubjectivity and its derogatory senses. Key words:trinomial comparison,subjective comparison,mighty category