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Adaptation or Critique? Master Sheng Yen s Tiantai Buddhism and Buddhist Modernism... 85 聖嚴法師 大乘止觀法門研究 : 論其天臺研究的基礎... 85 The Intellectual Context of the Dasheng Zhiguan Famen Yanjiu: The Foundation of Master Sheng Yen s Tiantai Study... 86 6 月 29 日國際會議廳 聖嚴法師的禪法及 以禪攝淨 的詮釋向度... 87 Master Sheng Yen s Meditation Approach and His Interpretation and Direction of Assimilate Pure Land Practice by Chan Meditation... 87 聖嚴法師數位典藏成果發表... 88 Report on the Digital Archive Dedicated to Master Sheng Yen... 89 如來寶藏 聖嚴法師的如來藏思想研究 導讀... 89 Introduction to The Treasure of Tathāgata: A Research of Master Sheng Yen s Thought on Tathāgatagarbha... 90 旃闍摩暴志 : 一個關於大藏經編纂 演化與流通的個案研究... 92 Ciñca the Malevolent: A Case Study in the Formation, Evolution, and Transmission of the Chinese Buddhist Canon... 92 神僧傳 自傳性詮釋之創造... 93 Fathoming the Horizon of Biographical Interpretation The Biographies of Thaumaturge Monks (Shenseng Zhuan 神僧傳 )... 94 轉病成智 一位心理治療師與佛法的親近歷程... 95 Transforming Symptom into Wisdom, My Personal Experience as a Psychotherapist Turning to Buddhism... 95 一次 不可能的真實 之人生奇遇... 96 Once Incredible Reality Numinous Life Experience... 96 6 月 29 日柏拉圖廳 正史中的佛教敘事及其現代闡釋 : 以漢魏六朝為中心... 97 IV

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Chanmen Xiuzheng Zhiyao and the Chan School during the Ming and Qing Dynasties... 134 權威 歷史與方便 禪門修證指要 編纂隱藏之觀念散論... 135 Authority, History, and Expedience: Some Remarks on the Hidden Ideas behind the Chanmen Xiuzheng Zhiyao... 135 爐鞴與兵法 晦山戒顯 禪門鍛鍊說 的兩種概念譬喻探析... 136 Furnace and the Art of War Study of Two Conceptual Metaphors of Hui Shan The Book of Zen Exercise... 137 長蘆宗賾 坐禪儀 及 勸化集 黑水城善本... 137 Changlu Zongze s Principles of Seated Meditation and the Recovered Tracts Encouraging Transformation Booklet of 1104... 138 6 月 30 日洛克廳 敦煌文獻中的 新羅 元素... 138 The Elements of Silla in Dunhuang Literature... 139 河北涉縣鹿兒寺石窟調查與分析... 139 The Investigation and Analysis of Lu'er Temple Cave in She Xian of Hebei Province... 140 薊縣獨樂寺觀音閣壁畫十六羅漢圖像考察... 140 Murals of the Sixteen Arhats in Avalokitesvara Pavilion of Dule Temple in Ji County... 141 敦煌北涼石窟再探 由禪觀的角度切入... 141 Revisiting the Northern Liang Caves of Dunhuang from the Perspective of Meditation... 142 從 心靈環保 看漢傳佛教的現代敘事與傳播路徑... 142 The Modern Narration and Dissemination of Han Buddhism from the Perspective of Protecting the Spiritual Environment Thought and Movement... 143 聖嚴法師的性別論述及其之於性別平等的省思... 144 Master Sheng Yen s Teachings on Gender Equality... 144 VIII

緣起 之一 那天, 我和父親在江蘇家鄉的河邊上散步, 我們恰巧看到一群鴨子, 正要下水嬉戲, 我發現河水被牠們弄皺了, 感到非常有趣 不久, 鴨子又繼續游向對岸 父親問我 : 孩子! 你看到了吧? 每隻鴨子在水面上, 都遊出一條屬於自己的水路 我說 : 我看到了! 父親摸摸我的頭, 微笑地說 : 你看河裡, 大鴨子遊出來的水路, 是大路 ; 小鴨子遊出來的水路, 是小路 每隻鴨子都有自己的路, 而且小鴨子也能夠像大鴨子一樣, 從河的此岸到達河的彼岸 引自 法鼓全集 第八輯第一冊 聖嚴法師心靈環保 大鴨游出大路, 小鴨遊出小路 p.160 Epigraph (1) One day, as I was strolling along the river in our Jiangsu hometown with my father, we came upon a herd of ducks going into the river, causing a pattern of ripples on the surface, which I found very interesting. The ducks continued to swim across the river and my father said, Son, did you notice the ducks? Each of them swam a path of their own on the river. I answered, Yah, that s right! My father fondled my head and smiled to me, You see, the big ducks cut big wakes while the small ducks cut small wakes. But each duck, no matter its size, created its own path. Just like their larger brethren, the small ducks are also able to get to the other side of the river. The Complete Dharma Drum Compendium, Vol 8, No. 1, Master Sheng Yen and Protection of the Spiritual Environment, Large ducks created big paths, small ducks created small paths, p. 160. 1

之二 人間淨土, 它的基礎思想是依據 般若經 法華經 維摩經 諸大乘經, 以 發菩提心 而成就眾生 淨佛國土 從人心的淨化 行為的淨化而實現環境的淨化 以戒律規範達成清淨的生活, 以禪定安頓繁亂的身心, 以智慧指導人生的方向 依據 心淨則佛土淨 的觀點, 只要一念心淨, 一念見淨土, 念念心淨, 念念見淨土 ; 一人心淨一人見淨土, 人人心淨人人見淨土 那是由於人心的淨化 行為的淨化而完成人間社會的淨化 目的是在指出, 為了求生信仰中的佛國淨土或天國淨土, 必須先在現實的人間, 努力於心靈的淨化 生活的淨化 環境的淨化 引自 法鼓全集 第三輯第三冊 教育 文化 文學 第三屆中華國際佛學會議 閉幕詞 p.101~102 Epigraph (2) The pure land on earth is an idea based on major Mahayana sutras such as the Prajna Sutra, the Lotus Sutra, and the Vimalakirti Sutra. It entails generating the Bodhi mind to help sentient beings in their fulfillments and to purify Buddha lands. It starts from the purification of the minds and actions of individuals in order to achieve purification of the environment. By observing the precepts and vinaya, we attain a life of purity; with meditation, we stabilize our body and mind, which are normally scattered; with the guiding light of wisdom, we find direction in our lives. According to the doctrine that the Buddha land is pure for a pure mind, if our thoughts are pure for one moment, we will see a pure land in that moment; if our thoughts are pure in every moment, we will see a pure land in every moment. Likewise, if an individual has a pure mind, he or she will see a pure land, and if every person has a pure mind, every person will see a pure land. Therefore, through the purification of the minds and actions of the individuals, the human world will become pure. This doctrine teaches that in order to be born into heaven or a Buddha s pure land, we must strive, in this very world of ours, to purify our minds, our lives, and our environment. The Complete Dharma Drum Compendium, Vol 3, No. 3, Education, Culture and Literature, Closing Remarks in the 3rd Chung Hwa International Conference of Buddhist Studies, p. 101-102. 2

之三 若無信仰的實踐, 便不是宗教而僅是倫理學說 ; 宗教的信仰和實踐, 又必須有其深厚的哲學理論作為指導的基準, 方不致流為地方性 民俗性和非理性的鬼神信仰 ; 如果不作學術性的研討, 便不會知道如何運用既有的資源, 來給每一個時代的社會, 提供多功能的服務與高品質的奉獻 引自 法鼓全集 第三輯第三冊 教育 文化 文學 第二屆中華國際佛學會議 開幕 詞 p.93 Epigraph (3) Trying to carry out one s beliefs is the hallmark of religious practice. Without that, it will only be a doctrine of ethics. But religious beliefs and realizations have to be guided by profound philosophies so that they do not become merely a local, folk, or irrational worship of deities and spirits. If we do not conduct academic studies, we do not know how best to make use of existing resources to provide service and make acts of devotion for the society of our time. The Complete Dharma Drum Compendium, Vol 3, No. 3, Education, Culture and Literature, Opening Remarks in the 2nd Chung Hwa International Conference of Buddhist Studies, p. 93. 3

之四 學術的研究, 一向是屬於少數人的工作, 但它是帶動和指導多數人生活方向的軸心 絕大多數的人雖然不知道專家學者們在講些什麼, 但是專家學者們卻為每一個時代和社會負起了帶動 指導 設計 影響的任務 引自 法鼓全集 第三輯第三冊 教育 文化 文學 承先啟後 召開 中華國際佛學會議 緣起 p.91 Epigraph (4) Although academic studies are carried out by only a very small number of people, they serve as the central axis that sets directions and provides guidance to the majority. While most people do not know what the experts study, the experts nevertheless shoulder the responsibilities of moving, guiding, designing, and influencing the social development of each era. The Complete Dharma Drum Compendium, Vol 3, No. 3, Education, Culture and Literature, Inheriting the Past and Inspiring the Future Origin of the Chung Hwa International Conference of Buddhist Studies, p. 91. 4

如何研究我走的路 2006 年 10 月 18 日講於臺北圓山飯店首屆 聖嚴思想與當代社會 學術研討會閉幕致辭 聖嚴法師 一個人的思想, 從不同的角度去分析, 就會產生不同的觀點 ; 從不同的身分 立場去解讀, 也會產生不同的結果 因此, 要為 聖嚴思想 定位, 只能描述出大意 輪廓, 而不容易有一個精準的聚焦 明確的定位 我走的路 : 結合印度佛教和漢傳佛教 在我成長的那個年代, 佛教界是以太虛大師 印順長老的思想為主流 當時臺灣佛教界大約有三 四十年的時間, 幾乎一面傾向以印順長老的思想為依歸 在那樣的時代風氣之下, 我也順隨潮流, 追尋印老的思想, 因此, 我受到印老思想的影響, 可謂相當之深 我十分感恩印順長老帶給我的啟發, 然而我走的路, 一開始就跟長老不同 我走的是太虛大師的路, 也是我師父東初老人的路, 因為我認知到 : 漢傳佛教的包容性 涵融性及適應性, 可以順應我們這個時代, 發揮其普及化 人間性及人性化的功能 ; 而印度大乘佛教的中觀 唯識, 雖然哲學觀念很強, 但應用於人間, 其普遍性及生活化的推廣 應用, 則仍有商量的餘地 事實上, 釋迦牟尼佛在人間出現, 就是希望我們將他的教法活用在生活上, 融入生命之中, 並普遍在人間推廣, 而非僅僅讓少數的思想家 哲學家和學者進行思辨 研究分析之用 基於這些認知, 我選擇了漢傳佛教這條路 將佛法普及於人間, 是漢傳佛教的特色, 特別是漢傳佛教中的禪佛教 不過, 禪佛教本身的理論依據, 與原始印度佛教密切相關, 也與中國其他宗派交互影響, 因此我走的路, 便是將印度佛教和中國漢傳佛教的特質結合起來 我的工作 : 分享佛法給各階層的人 我個人雖然擁有博士學位, 但是我既不是學問家, 也不是專門學者 我不是為了博士學位出國留學, 我留學的目的, 是為了使漢傳佛教的佛法在這個時代 在今天的社會, 能為各階層的人士所接受 所分享 我的博士學位確實發揮了用處, 而且不只在東方社會有用, 在西方社會一 5

樣受用, 譬如在獲得博士學位後, 我可以進入美國大學校園演講, 也由於這樣機緣, 當時在哥倫比亞大學 (Columbia University) 求學的史蒂文生 (Dr. Dan Stevenson) 和于君方教授, 便跟我這個博士和尚修學禪法 不過我仍要重申 : 我不是學者, 也不是專研某個領域的專家, 然而到目前為止, 也的確寫了 講了一百多冊著作 這麼多書, 我究竟寫了些什麼? 有些學者讀我的書, 覺得面向太紛雜, 不知道從何研究起 這次活動的主辦人楊蓓教授曾向我表示 : 師父寫了上百冊的書, 教我們從何研究起? 主要的綱目是什麼? 從何研究法? 這麼多的內容, 怎麼研究? 為我編撰 七十年譜 的林其賢教授他大概看過我所有的著作, 但是關於我的思想次第 思想脈絡, 則未必清楚 ; 其實這個問題, 連我自己也無法回答 在我年輕的時候, 我一心只想要把佛法分享給人 過去很多人寫的佛教文章, 只有受過高等教育的知識分子看得懂, 我則希望把佛法分享給每個人, 即使是小學 中學生, 也都能看懂 譬如我在錄製的電視節目中, 很少講專有的佛學名詞, 因為如果我講了那些名詞, 觀眾的接受度一定很有限 記得在英國的時候, 我的第一位西方法子約翰. 克魯克 (JohnH.Crook) 說 : 師父有一項天賦, 那就是能將艱深的佛學名詞和觀念, 轉變成淺白易懂的現代語言, 讓一般人都能接受 他真是我的知音, 因為我做的工作就是這些 自我定位 : 一個帶動思想的人 我不是學問家 不是學者, 但我承認自己是一個宗教思想家 思想家的責任, 就是先設想別人還沒想到的事 還不知道如何處理的事, 以及尚未有的解釋法 譬如今天的臺灣社會需要什麼? 未來可能面臨的問題是什麼? 我看到臺灣社會的問題後, 會從佛法的角度提出自己的想法, 我提出的觀念和想法, 通常都能適時引導社會的風氣 思想, 以及引導社會觀念的轉變, 因此對社會產生了一些影響力 西元兩千年以後, 我出席了多場國際會議, 與跨宗教 跨領域的領導人士接觸 座談 討論及交流 在出席每場會議之前, 我總是思索 : 會議目標是什麼? 有哪些人參加? 希望達成哪些效果? 而因為設想到這些, 所以每次出席的國際會議, 我的發言常有 一鳴驚人 的效果, 而且能夠止息爭論, 大家也經常把我的發言當成了會議結論 6

不管是臺灣的佛教史也好, 中國佛教史也罷, 還是現在的世界佛教史, 我對自己的定位是 : 一個帶動思想的人 帶動這個時代往前走的人 已經走過的歷史, 需要去檢討, 但光檢討並不夠積極, 因為過去的已經過去了, 重要的是要往前走, 走出一條新路來, 走出一條別人尚未設想的康莊大道 以漢傳佛教來說, 如何走出一條新路? 到目前為止, 漢傳佛教在國際場合鮮少曝光, 出家法師更是不容易看到, 因此這幾年來, 法鼓山非常重視年輕法師和青年居士的培植, 希望增強漢傳佛教在國際社會的能見度, 這是漢傳佛教的希望 此外, 法鼓山也積極和世界各國 各界 各層面的人士交流, 並參與 主辦各式各樣的跨宗教 跨國際會議, 這些都是幫助漢傳佛教增加國際曝光度的方法之一 關切的事 : 佛教薪火的承傳 在我六十歲那年, 才創立法鼓山, 才開始建設法鼓山世界佛教教育園區 當時, 法鼓山工程緊鑼密鼓, 我自己也有各式各樣的弘法行程, 這麼忙碌的情況下, 每年我還是出版兩 三本著作 我為什麼寫這麼多書? 目的是為了分享佛法, 用佛法來因應我們這個時代和社會的需要 出書的另一層目的, 是希望留下今天這個時代的佛教文明 佛教發展軌跡 我最關切的, 永遠都是佛教薪火的承傳, 因此, 無論是訪問中國大陸, 或是在歐美各國演講 主持禪修, 我都會用心觀察當地的佛教訊息 發展, 試圖瞭解佛教在這個時空環境中留下的歷史軌跡 例如, 我在日本留學六年期間, 雖然非常忙碌, 但仍抽空到處觀摩, 為當地的佛教留下紀錄 在那期間, 我寫了一本書 從東洋到西洋, 後來成為臺灣, 乃至中國大陸許多法師到日本留學的行前指南 為何在這麼忙碌的情況下, 我還要將當時的日本佛教寫成一本書? 因為當時的臺灣佛教界, 很少人關心日本佛教的發展, 由於我這本書描寫日本當時的佛教教育 文化和宗教現況 ; 書出版後, 帶給臺灣社會一些參考和省思, 開始有人重視日本的佛教現況, 也發現臺灣佛教界還有許多地方有待努力 之後我每到一個地方, 大概都會寫一本書, 不是我有寫作狂, 而是我有一種不得不然的感受 : 我要把佛法分享給人, 我想為當代佛教留下紀錄的痕跡 7

唯一目的 : 將佛法介紹給現代社會 至於怎麼研究我這個人? 其實很簡單, 我既然不是學問家, 所以不要把我當成一名學問僧, 不一定只研究我的學術成果 雖然我曾撰寫十多本研究性著作 建議應從更多元性 實用性 需要性的角度, 來研究我聖嚴這一生最終的目標是什麼 我所做的每一件事情 推動的任何一項工作, 我的目標都相同 譬如我寫了百餘冊的書, 雖然時間點不同 材料不同, 寫作的角度不同, 涉及的廣度及深度也不同, 但目的只有一個 : 就是藉由各種層面, 將佛法介紹給現代社會 例如, 早期所寫關於戒律學的書, 是觀察到當時臺灣與中國大陸的出家人多半不懂戒律 ; 講戒律的人也都在咬文嚼字 食古不化, 只講究枝微末節, 不重視現實生活的實用性 所以, 我開始著手研究戒律, 先出版 戒律學綱要, 後來又集結出了 律制生活 及 菩薩戒指要 過了這段時間之後, 由於風氣已經改善, 我就不再專攻戒律了 另外, 約在三 四十年前, 當時的基督教 天主教都對佛教提出嚴厲批判, 認為佛教已經到了窮途末路, 在這種情況下, 我陸續寫了幾本宗教學的書, 包括 基督教之研究 比較宗教學, 同樣地, 過了那段時期, 我就不再寫了 晚近幾年, 我非常關心跨宗教的交流合作, 與各宗教的領袖們對話, 現在我們已是可以攜手合作的朋友 此外, 早期華人世界缺少佛教歷史的常識, 也缺少反省能力, 更不知佛教的盛衰, 因此我也寫過一系列佛教史的書 至於禪修的書, 其實一開始禪修並不是我的本行, 我並沒有想要成為一名禪師, 只是到了美國以後, 遇到有人對打坐很有興趣, 於是我向他們說 : 沒問題, 禪修我懂! 結果他們真的來跟我學打坐, 我也因此成為禪師了 我講禪修的英文書, 從此一本接著一本出版 我在西方帶領禪修之後, 漸漸地, 臺灣也有人希望我指導他們打坐, 所以我就在美國 臺灣兩地跑, 在兩地主持禪修 基本立場 : 漢傳佛教的禪佛教 研究我這個人的思想, 可以從禪修理論及方法 戒律的觀念 宗教學 歷史等角度, 或是淨土 天臺 華嚴的角度 ; 也可以從我對佛經及祖師的諸種講錄 注釋 考詮的角度 ; 還可以從慈善救濟 社會關懷 兩岸交流 世界和平 佛教復興等, 以及我所從事的四種環保 三大教育 心五四運動等角度, 分別來研究我的思想 不管從哪一個角度, 漢傳禪佛教是我的基本立場, 也就是融攝各系諸宗乃至內外, 使佛法普行 普攝 普化的功能, 能超越一切界限 8

我所創的 中華禪法鼓宗, 並非要否定一切 獨尊自宗 ; 相反的, 是要結合一切, 而與今日乃至未來的世界佛教接軌 其目的只有一個, 就是法鼓山的理念 : 提昇人的品質, 建設人間淨土, 所以我對建僧的努力 對護法團體的組成和發展, 都是在此原則下進行, 這些都可參考我相關的講稿 所以我說, 我不是學問家, 但承認自己是一名宗教思想家, 可以從不同角度來研究我, 可以從 法鼓全集 找到各個主題的相關資料 我對明末佛教的研究, 在國際佛學界有一定的定位 ; 我的禪學系列中英文講錄, 在國際上也頗受重視 ; 我的傳記及遊記, 也有其史地的價值 ; 我寫佛教入門書 宗教批判書 序文 悼文 短評 隨筆, 以及有關將禪活用在生活中的演講稿, 尚有超過十家報章 雜誌 電視 電台進行專欄刊載或訪問, 這些過程和結果, 均可看出我對活用佛法 對現代人間的用心 我的存在 : 不專注某一特定領域研究 佛教的中心思想是 : 好好地生活, 生活在當下 ; 少煩惱 少造業 ; 增智慧 增慈悲 基於這樣的中心思想, 在我的書裡, 既講 空, 也講 有, 譬如漢傳佛教的主流, 無論天臺 華嚴 禪及淨土等, 都是講有佛性 如來藏 ; 所依諸經 楞嚴經 圓覺經 法華經 涅槃經 華嚴經 和 維摩經 等, 都是講 有即是空 此外, 我對太虛大師的 大乘三大系 及印順長老的 大乘三大系, 每一系都涉獵, 但每一系都不深入, 因為我不是學究型的專門學者, 我只借用自己需要的部分, 用不上的便不去研究 我這一生一世, 從來沒有鍾情或專情於哪一門學問, 如果我有某一宗 某一派, 或某一經一論的終身立場, 今天的聖嚴法師便是不存在了 ; 或許可以說, 聖嚴法師的存在, 就是因為不專注於佛教的某一特定領域 9

How to study the path I have taken? Closing Remarks by Master Sheng Yen, Conference on Sheng Yen s Thought and Contemporary Society, Taipei Yuanshan Hotel, October 18, 2006 When we study the thought of a person from differing angles, we will arrive at different views about that person; when we try to read and understand the thought of a person with our differing identities and standpoints, we will also arrive at different conclusions. Therefore, as far as the positioning of Sheng Yen s thought is concerned, we may only be able to offer a rough sketch. It is not easy to give a precise and unequivocal focus. My path: integrating Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism In my formative years, the works of Master Taixu and Master Yinshun were the main stream in Chinese Buddhist circles. In particular, Master Yinshun s school of thought dominated Taiwanese Buddhism for three to four decades. As with many other people, I also followed the footsteps of Master Yinshun and was quite deeply influenced by his thoughts. While I have always been very grateful to Master Yinshun for his inspirations, I have treaded a path different from his from the very beginning. The path I have taken was blazed by Master Taixu and my own shifu, Master Dongchu. I have done so having recognized that Chinese Buddhism, characterized by inclusiveness, ecumenical tendencies and adaptability, can be easily adapted to the needs of our time. Its popularizing, social-engaging and humane outlook enables it to exert its functions easily. In contrast, although Indian Buddhist schools such as the vijnanavada and the madhyamika have very strong philosophical groundings, they are not easy to popularize and practice in the daily life. In fact, the very purpose of the manifestation of Shakyamuni Buddha in our world was to transmit his teachings so that people would make use of them in their daily living, making them an integral part of their lives. Shakyamuni Buddha s Dharma was meant to be taught to the multitudes, not merely for the academic pursuits of thinkers, philosophers and scholars. It is based on this understanding that I have chosen the path of Chinese Buddhism. Offering the Buddhadharma to the multitudes has always been a major concern of Chinese Buddhism. This is especially so for Chan Bly connected to early Indian 10

Buddhism and was formed through a nexus of mutuuddhism. However, the doctrinal foundation of Chan Buddhism is intimateal influence with other schools in Chinese Buddhism. It is in this spirit that I have tried to integrate the salient features of Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism. My job: Sharing Buddhadharma with people from all strata of the society Although I have a doctorate in Buddhist studies, I am neither an academician nor a specialized scholar. Getting a doctorate was not the original purpose of my sojourn abroad. My original purpose of studying abroad was to find a way to make the Dharma as taught in Chinese Buddhism relevant to our times, and to share it with people from all strata of society. Nevertheless, my doctorate was useful for me both in the East and the West, in that it opened up the possibility for me to share the Dharma. It had played a significant role in enabling me to give talks in universities in the USA. That was how Prof. Yu Chun Fang and Prof. Dan Stevenson, who were students at Columbia University, got to know me and started to practice with me, a monk with a doctorate. I have to emphasize again that I do not see myself as an academician or a scholar specializing in a particular field. Having said that, it is also true that I have authored more than a hundred books, some written by me and others compiled from my lectures. That s quite a large quantity and you may wonder what is it that I have written? Some scholars have commented that I have dabbled into too many things and it is difficult for them to study what I have written. Prof. Yang Pei, the chief organizer of this conference had asked me, Shifu, you have published more than a hundred books, where should we start in studying your works? How do we classify them? What is the appropriate methodology? And with so many materials, how do we go about doing it? Prof. Lin Qixian, the editor of the 70-year chronology of Master Sheng Yen, has probably read all of my works. However, even he may not be very clear withbout the many facets, structures and evolutions of my thoughts. To be honest, I may not be able to provide an answer for these sorts of things myself. When I was young, my only concern is to share the Buddhadharma with others. In the past, many people have written articles on Buddhism that only highly educated intellectuals are able to understand. In contrast, my wish is to share the Buddhadharma with everybody. I wanted to make it so even primary and secondary students are able to understand what I write. In my Dharma talks for TV broadcasts, I seldom touched on Buddhist terminologies. That s because if I pepper my talks 11

with Buddhist terminology, their appeal will be limited. I remember that during a trip to the UK, my first western Dharma heir, John Crook, told me, Shifu, you have a natural talent to turn abstruse terminology and concepts of Buddhism into easily understandable modern language so they appeal to ordinary people. John has truly known me well, as that was precisely what I have been doing. My own assessment of my role: a guiding thinker Although I do not see myself as an academician or scholar, I do see myself as a religious thinker. The job of a thinker is to ponder on things yet to be thought about by others, on unresolved matters, or on new explanations of things. For example, we may ask, what does Taiwanese society really need? and what are the problems it may face in the future? Having seen problems in Taiwanese society, I will offer my thoughts from the perspective of the Buddhadharma. My concepts and thoughts often resonate with others, and are thus able to serve as a guiding force in the social atmosphere and trends of thoughts, thus transforming social norms. That s how I have been able to exert some influence on society. Since 2000, I have participated in many international conferences and have had many dialogues, forums, interactions, and discussions with leaders from across the religious spectrum and from many fields. Before attending these meetings, I will always think about questions such as: What are the objectives of this meeting? Who are the participants? and What are we trying to achieve?. Because I have thought hard about these questions, my speech has often surprised people and helped to consolidate conflicting views. My viewpoints have often been adopted as part of the conclusions of the meetings. In assessing my role in Taiwanese Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, or contemporary world Buddhism, I see myself as a guiding thinker, someone who provides guidance for our way forward. There is no question that we should examine the past. But merely examining the past is not enough, as what s gone is bygone. The important thing is to look forward to the future and blaze a new path a broad way forward that others can t yet think of. How can we open a new path for Chinese Buddhism? I have observed that Chinese Buddhism does not have much exposure internationally, and Chinese monks and nuns are even less exposed. That s why in recent years, we have put in a 12

lot of effort into nurturing young monastics and lay people, in the hope that Chinese Buddhism may receive more international exposure. This is the hope of Chinese Buddhism. In this regard, Dharma Drum Mountain has proactively interacted with people from all over the world, from different fields, and from different strata. We have also been participating in and organizing all sorts of interfaith and international conferences. All these are part of the means to expose Chinese Buddhism to the international community. My concerns: transmitting the lamps of Buddhism Dharma Drum Mountain and the DDM world center of Buddhism were founded when I was 60 years old. Back then, the construction of Dharma Drum Mountain was being rapidly carried out as I was simultaneously conducting all sorts of Dharma activities. In spite of my packed schedule, I published two to three books each year. The purpose to publish so many books is to share the Dharma, so that it can be used to deal with issues in our society. Another purpose is to leave a record of contemporary Buddhist civilization and the development of Buddhism. The thing that concerns me the most has always been the transmission of Buddhism. Therefore, whenever I traveled to give lectures or hold meditation retreats, be it in mainland China, the USA, or other western countries, I have always paid close attention to the local development of Buddhism and tried to understand the traces of Buddhism in that particular time and space. For example, during my six-year stay in Japan, I tried to travel around even though I was very busy. Doing so enabled me to produce quite a lot of articles about Buddhism in Japan. My writing was published into a book titled From Japan to the West. It became a sort of preparatory guide for monks and nuns from Taiwan and mainland China who went to Japan to further their studies. I persisted on writing about Japanese Buddhism and eventually published a book despite my busy schedule because back then, few people in the Taiwanese Buddhist circles paid much attention to the development of Buddhism in Japan. The book talks about Buddhist education, and cultural and religious phenomena of the time in Japan. It provided food for thought for Taiwanese society and prompted more people to study contemporary Japanese Buddhist issues. By studying the issues and cultures of Japanese Buddhism, people realized that there was still much to be done in Taiwanese Buddhist circles. 13

Thereafter, I have been writing about places that I visited. It is not that I am passionate about writing; rather, I feel duty-bound to share the Buddhadharma through my writings and to record the traces of contemporary Buddhism. My only purpose: introducing Buddhadharma to modern society As to the approach in studying what I have done, it is actually quite simple. Since I do not see myself as an academician, it is best not to view me as a scholar monk. Although I have written more than ten academic books, it is not necessary to focus only on my scholastic accomplishments. My suggestion is to look at the ultimate mission or purpose of my life from multiple, pragmatic, and need-driven perspectives. There is an underlying purpose that unifies every single thing that I have done and advocated. For example, although the over hundred books that I have authored touch on different subject matters and times, examine things from different perspectives, and differ in depth and breadth, they all serve one purpose introducing Buddhadharma to modern society through various facets and channels. Another example is my earlier works on the vinaya. They were motivated by the observations that most monastics in Taiwan and mainland China did not know much about the precepts and rules of Buddhism. Moreover, those who lectured on the vinaya often approached it in a pedantic manner, dwelling on the wordings and minor issues without emphasizing the pragmatic applications of the vinaya in daily life. That s why I started studying the vinaya and published A Guideline to the Vinaya my first book on the subject. My subsequent writings were compiled and published as A Vinaya Regulated Life and Essentials of the Bodhisattva Precepts. Later on, as the situation had improved, I stopped focusing on the vinaya. Some three to four decades ago, Buddhism came under severe criticism and attacks from some Christians in Taiwan, who claimed that the end of Buddhism was nigh. In defense of Buddhism, I wrote a few books on religions, including A Study on Christianity and Comparative Religions. As in the case with vinaya, I stopped writing on that subject after the situation changed. Nowadays, I am particularly concerned with interactions and cooperation among the different faiths. I have been involved in interfaith dialogues and conversations with leaders from other religions. We have become friends who work together to address various issues. Years ago, I have also spent time writing a series of books on the history of Buddhism. This was motivated by my observation that many Chinese Buddhists did not know much about the history of Buddhism and its rise and fall. As for books on 14

mediation practice, I have to say that I did not specialize in meditation and I did not think of becoming a Chan master. After I went to the USA, I encountered people who were interested in meditation. I told them, No problem, I know a thing or two about meditation. These people ended up learning meditation from me and I ended up becoming a Chan master, publishing one English book after another on Chan meditation. After I started teaching meditation in the West, by and by, there were people in Taiwan who also asked me to provide guidance in meditation. That s why I ended up traveling between the USA and Taiwan, holding retreats in both countries. Fundamental standpoint: Chan Buddhism in the Chinese Buddhist tradition To study my thought, one can approach it from the theories and methods of Chan meditation, vinaya, religious studies, history, etc. One can also examine my thought from the perspectives of schools such as the Pure Land, Tiantai, and Huayan. It is also possible to do it from my discourses, expositions, and textual studies on Buddhist scriptures and writings of ancestral masters. Another approach is to look at my involvements in charity work, social care, cross-strait relationships, world peace, and Buddhist revival and renaissance campaigns. One can also look at my teachings such as the four aspects of environmental protection, the three types of education, and the fivefold spiritual renaissance campaign. Whatever facet it is regarding my works, Chinese Chan Buddhism is my fundamental standpoint. It is through Chinese Chan Buddhism that I seek to integrate the doctrines of different schools and traditions of Buddhism, as well as secular teachings, with the objective that the universal functions of Buddhadharma is to benefit, embrace, and transform sentient beings being exercised to transcend all limits and boundaries. In founding the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism, I was not trying to reject others and venerate only my own sect. On the contrary, it is an effort to integrate everything, to build a bridge between the world Buddhism of today and that of the future. The only mission or purpose is to realize the vision of Dharma Drum Mountain uplifting the character of human beings and building a pure land on earth. All my efforts to nurture a monastic community and to establish and develop supporting groups are guided by this vision or principle. References in this regard can be found in my speeches. It is for this very reason that I do not see myself as an academician but as a religious thinker. I encourage people to study me from various facets and to find relevant information regarding each facet from the my collected works, the Complete Collection of Dharma Drum. Overall, my studies on Buddhism in the late Ming Dynasty have received some recognition in international Buddhist academic circles; my writings in Chan practices 15

are also quite well received internationally; I have written introductory books on Buddhism, critical works on religions, forewords, eulogies, short critical articles, essays, and talks or speeches on Chan practices in daily living; more than ten newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations have interviewed me or appointed me as a columnist. Through all these writings, one can get a good idea of my efforts to promote Buddhist practices in daily life and to engage modern society. My presence: not focusing on any particular field of study The essential vision of Buddhism encompasses the following aspects: live in the present moment and live well; lessen our vexations and reduce actions with negative karmic consequences; let wisdom and compassion grow. It is with this essential vision in mind that I have talked about emptiness and being alike in my books. For example, I have given discourses on the mainstream traditions of Chinese Buddhism, including Tiantai, Huayan, Chan and Pure Land. All of these schools talk about Buddha nature and tathagatagarbha (thus on being or existence ). The various scriptural sources from which I quoted, for example, the Surangama Sutra, the Sutra of Complete Enlightenment, the Lotus Sutra, the Nirvana Sutra, the Avatamska Sutra, the Virmalakirti Sutra, etc., all talk about being as emptiness. While I have dabbled into Master Taixu s three major Mahayana traditions as well as Master YinshunYinshun s different take on the three major traditions, I did not go in depth studying them. This is because I am not inclined to specializing in academic studies. I only borrow the ideas that I need and do not study what I don t need. Through my life, I have never specialized in any particular field of academic studies. I would not be who I am today if I were to hold on to a lifelong sectarian stance or a standpoint according to a particular sutra or treatise. On the contrary, we can say that Sheng Yen is who he is because he doesn t focus on any particular field of study in Buddhism. 16

以研究 聖嚴 來推動淨化世界 2008 年 5 月 25 日講於台大集思國際會議廳 第二屆 聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 閉幕式 聖嚴法師 本來 聖嚴 這個人是默默無聞的, 但是由於諸位學者的注意 研究, 以及發表論文, 我好像變成有了一點分量 我覺得這次的學術會議辦得非常成功, 因為通常在學術會議上, 學者們發表完自己的論文以後就離開了, 很少會留下來直到最後 而今天, 我看到很多發表論文的學者 教授都還留在現場, 這是非常難得的 這次的學術論文, 一共有 12 篇, 其中有 9 篇是討論我的思想, 這也很難得, 我非常感謝 雖然還有 3 篇並非以我為研究主題, 但是沒有關係 其實, 聖嚴 是一個很難的題目, 因為 聖嚴 不是一個很有名的人, 而諸位可能平常也沒有讀過 聖嚴 的著作, 所以一時之間要研究 聖嚴, 大概不容易 諸位這次來參加了研討會, 聽到一些關於 聖嚴 的議題, 也可以瞭解 聖嚴思想 是怎麼一回事 此外, 剛才在會場外, 我聽到有人問起幾個問題, 譬如 聖嚴對現代社會有什麼貢獻 聖嚴與印順法師的思想有什麼關係 等, 大家不容易回答, 所以等一下就由我自己來說明 研究傳統佛教以為今用 有人把我當成學究型的人, 所謂 學究, 就是專門為研究而研究的學者 能專門為研究某一項學問而花上幾十年的時間, 這沒什麼不好, 像印順長老可以說是這種型態的人, 對於思想和學說很有貢獻 我的學術基礎不夠, 卻走上了學術的路, 在完成了博士學位之後, 反而又變成了 不學無術 學非所用! 當然, 我的老師是國際知名的, 沒有問題 ; 我研究的主題也沒有問題 ; 我的學術論文更沒有問題 然而, 問題是出在哪裡? 就是在完成學位之後, 我沒有專門在學院裡教書, 也沒有專門做研究 我的專長可能只有兩項 : 一是戒律學, 但是這次好像沒有人討論, 只有提到我倡導的菩薩戒 其實我這輩子很重視戒律學, 並且專攻戒律學 ; 我的另外一項專長, 則是明末的佛教 17

在明末這段期間, 中國佛教出現了很多思想家, 特別是四位大師 : 包括于君方教授研究的蓮池大師 我研究的蕅益大師, 現在也有人研究憨山大師和紫柏大師 可是, 明末這段時期並不僅僅只有這四個人, 還有許多居士也非常傑出, 在稍微晚一點的清初時期, 中國佛教也出了不少人才 所以, 明末的唯識 淨土和禪, 我都研究了, 而且我也準備研究明末的天臺 華嚴, 因為當時有許多這類的人才和著作留傳下來 以上的說明, 我想可以讓大家瞭解我的研究範圍和廣度 除了戒律學和明末佛教外, 中觀 唯識 天臺和華嚴, 我都曾經講過, 也出版了相關的著作 : 在天臺方面, 我寫了一本 天臺心鑰 教觀綱宗貫註, 內容是研究蕅益智旭撰述的 教觀綱宗, 從中可以看出我的天臺思想 ; 此外, 在華嚴方面, 則出版了一本 華嚴心詮 原人論考釋, 研究的是圭峯宗密的 原人論, 從這裡也可看出我的華嚴思想 大體來說, 我的思想屬於漢傳佛教, 因此, 不管是哪一種學說, 只要經過我, 就變成了漢傳佛教的學說, 譬如唯識 中觀, 它是屬於印度佛教的學說, 但是經過我的詮釋以後, 就融入了漢傳佛教的內涵 ; 當然也有根本就是屬於漢傳佛教的禪, 可是我又把它與印度的中觀 唯識思想結合起來 所以, 我並非僅僅只是研究某種思想或學說而已 尤其我並非學究型的人, 不是為了研究而研究, 我主要是為了讓傳統佛教與現代社會結合而研究 如果佛學只是擺在圖書館, 對學者來說雖然有用, 可是對整個社會而言, 用處不多 影響不大 為了讓現代社會的人能夠理解 能夠運用印度或中國古代大德祖師及大居士所留下來的著作, 我才研究它們, 然後把它們帶回到現代社會上 因此, 我們中華佛學研究所也辦了許多場國際學術會議, 皆以 傳統佛教與現代社會 為主題, 目的就是希望將傳統佛教的思想 理論與方法, 運用在現代的社會 我有一個學生, 也是一位學者, 對我說 : 師父, 您演講的時候, 經常有成千上萬的人聽, 很有魅力 我說 : 其實不是, 我只是把小眾的佛法, 解釋得讓大眾都能聽懂 都可以運用到生活裡去, 這樣佛法淨化社會的功能就產生了 當然我也會對小眾演講, 像今天的學術會議, 主要就是為了小眾而舉辦 我想請問, 學術論文發表的時候, 諸位能夠聽懂多少? 每一篇都聽得懂? 或者是只能抓住重點? 每一篇論文都很長, 在十五到二十分鐘之間要念完, 很不容易 要是有人說他全部聽懂了, 我不太相信 因為我聽學術論文發表的時候, 也都很用心聽, 但是有的學者念得很快, 當我想要知道他究竟講什麼時, 就已經念過去了 可是, 如果在幾百 幾千, 甚至上萬人的場合, 也用念論文的方式來說法, 我想大家一定會 頻頻點頭, 為什麼? 都睡著了! 因為我對大眾演講的機會比較多, 所以慢慢練習, 讓佛教從小眾的發展成為大眾的 18

我也重視實用, 我們中華佛研所的所訓裡, 就有 專精佛學, 實用為先 兩句話 對於佛學要專精, 這是第一步, 然後要能夠實用 可是研究所辦的每一屆學術會議, 大致上都達不成這個目標, 雖然我們希望能結合傳統佛教和現代社會, 但是大家發表的 提供的論文都還是傳統佛學 但是沒有關係, 我們還是把主題定位在 傳統佛教和現代社會, 若是有人注意到這個主題, 而且能夠配合, 那很好 ; 即使不能配合, 也可以把傳統佛學複習一遍, 讓我們瞭解傳統佛教, 然後再慢慢將它與現代社會結合 相容小眾佛教與大眾佛教 所以, 我個人重視實用, 重視佛法與現代社會的結合 接軌 因此, 我雖然也是一個擁有博士頭銜的學者 法師, 然而我在美國不是到大學裡教書, 而是教禪修 這是一個很有趣的身分, 身為一個學者, 卻以一位禪師的身分出現, 而且做得還不錯, 也寫了十幾本禪修的書 我在美國雖然不是做研究 做學者, 但在歐美還是有一些影響力 在臺灣呢? 我的身分也是多重的 : 我在研究所 大學裡教書, 指導博士 碩士論文, 但是我也住持寺院 後來由於跟我學習的人愈來愈多, 寺院也愈來愈大, 所以漸漸地推廣成為大眾佛教 但是我並沒有放棄小眾, 因為佛教還是應該要有研究學問的人, 一代一代地發掘其中的好處, 否則佛教會變成落伍的 低級的宗教, 而沒有高層知識分子願意再去接觸 因此, 法鼓山的信眾中, 有許多高層知識分子, 所以應該要提供他們研究的環境 我回到臺灣以後, 首先創辦了中華佛研所, 到現在為止, 已經培養了 26 屆的研究生 雖然往後不再招生, 但是仍然持續提供老師們, 也就是研究員們研究的環境 為了鼓勵國際上各地學者研究漢傳佛教, 中華佛研所也投入了許多經費, 推出研究漢傳佛教的計畫 ; 同時, 我們也與美國哥倫比亞大學合作, 共同籌辦了 聖嚴漢傳佛教講座教授 此外, 我在法鼓山還創辦了一所單一宗教的法鼓佛教研修學院, 其中包含碩士班和博士班 所以, 在國內, 我看起來好像是在經營大眾佛教, 其實, 我不但重視大眾佛教在社會上的淨化功能, 也很重視小眾佛教在高層次人才上的培養 但是, 如果我只專門做研究, 那麼這些事業可能全都不存在, 研究所 研修學院也都辦不起來了 現在, 我正在籌辦法鼓大學, 可是有人覺得臺灣的大學已經有一百五十多所了, 而隨著臺灣的出生率愈來愈低, 學生的人口數也愈來愈少, 為什麼還要辦大學? 其實我們要辦的大學, 跟其他大學不一樣, 除了學院設定 課程內容不一樣, 培養出來的人才也不一樣, 全是根據心靈環保 根據漢傳佛教裡最重要的核心價值而規畫的 19

因此, 要研究我的話, 僅僅根據我的幾本著作是不會清楚的, 還要根據我的其他文章 談話, 包括我在各種國際會議 宗教領袖會議上所發表的言論, 否則是無法瞭解我這個人的 而我對社會的貢獻與影響是什麼? 俞永峯 (Jimmy Yu) 在他的論文裡提到, 我是臺灣 天下 雜誌評選出來, 四百年來對臺灣最有影響力的五十人之一, 這是不容易的, 為什麼能得到這項殊榮? 不是因為我有一個博士學位, 而是因為我對臺灣社會的貢獻 今年 (2008 年 ) 發生四川大地震時, 中國大陸是不開放讓外國人去救援的, 但是只准許臺灣的兩個宗教團體 : 慈濟功德會 法鼓山, 以及日本的一個救援團進入災區, 從這裡就可以看出法鼓山的影響力 直到今天, 我們還是一梯 一梯地派員到四川為災區的民眾服務, 以後仍然會繼續為災區的重建, 提供經費與人力 因此, 諸位學者可能也要仔細地看關於我們的新聞報導, 才能知道法鼓山對於臺灣 大陸, 以及國際上的影響 我聖嚴這個人, 雖然沒有變成一個非常專精於學問的人, 但是也有一些好處 ; 如果我變成專精於學問的人, 有沒有用呢? 還是有用哦! 人間佛教 與 人間淨土 的差異 我想在這裡回答一個問題 : 我與印順法師不同的地方在哪裡? 印順長老主張的是 人間佛教, 而我主張的是 人間淨土, 兩者聽起來好像差不多, 但是內涵並不相同 印順長老認為釋迦牟尼佛說法是為了人, 佛教的中心是人, 教化的對像是人, 而不是死人, 也不是對鬼 對天說, 所以是 人間佛教, 因此他不講鬼 神, 只講佛, 而佛是指釋迦牟尼佛 他不太願意說有十方三世的佛 不念阿彌陀佛, 更不想到西方極樂世界去, 因為他認為阿彌陀佛大概不是釋迦牟尼佛講的, 這在他的 淨土新論 中, 可以看到他對於淨土的想法 所以, 如果有信徒過世了, 印順長老的關懷不是念阿彌陀佛, 而是默默向釋迦牟尼佛祈禱 有一次, 我講 十方, 他就問我 : 聖嚴法師, 你講講看十方是哪裡? 我說 : 上下四維, 也就是東 西 南 北 東南 東北 西南 西北 上 下, 總稱 十方 他又問我 : 你是站在什麼立場講有上 下? 地球在轉, 哪一個方向是上? 哪一個方向是下? 如果說十方有諸佛, 那你的腳底下有佛嗎? 你的頭頂上有佛嗎? 因此, 他不相信有 十方, 只相信有 八方, 而 八方 則是根據地球來講的, 所以他是一種很科學的態度 20

我和他不一樣, 我念阿彌陀佛, 也承認有十方的佛, 為什麼? 大乘佛法 漢傳佛教就是這樣說的 印順長老是不是漢傳佛教的? 不是, 他所研究 傳播的, 他的信仰 信心是中觀, 他批判瑜伽 唯識, 只肯定中觀思想, 他的一生是這樣 因此, 簡單來說, 印順長老不是漢傳佛教的, 而我是非常重視漢傳佛教 雖然如此, 我受印順長老的影響還是非常深刻, 他把我從迷信的漢傳佛教拉出來, 而我因此看到了有智慧 正信的漢傳佛教 所以我講的漢傳佛教 我講的禪宗和淨土, 都與歷史上的漢傳佛教有所不同, 這一點諸位學者如果用心研究的話, 可以看得出來 佛教同一味 成熟眾生, 莊嚴國土 我認為佛教是一味的, 之所以會分派, 主要是因為各宗各派的宗師們, 其各自的思想立場不同, 而我希望能夠透過我, 來重新認識 介紹佛教 其實不管是站在哪一部經 哪一部論, 都有其共同的目標 解脫 度眾生, 就像是 般若經 不斷強調的 成熟眾生, 莊嚴國土 我歸納佛教的任何一派, 最後都是同樣的一個目標 莊嚴國土, 也就是莊嚴淨土, 亦即我們要將現在的國土莊嚴起來, 因此, 我的 人間淨土 理念, 就有了立足點 此外, 我們要練自己的心, 就要練眾生的心, 因為不僅我的心要清淨, 眾生的心也要清淨, 國土才能夠清淨 ; 如果眾生不清淨, 國土是無法清淨的 因此, 建設人間淨土必須先提倡心靈環保, 而心靈環保就是 成熟眾生, 莊嚴國土, 這是佛教的兩大目標, 而且是分不開的 這就是我的思想, 所以我看任何一宗一派, 都是一樣的 以研究 聖嚴 來推動淨化社會 淨化人心 中國讀書人有兩句話 : 路逢劍客須呈劍, 不是詩人莫獻詩 當你見到偉大的劍客 武士, 要把自己收藏的寶劍呈現出來 ; 若非見到偉大的詩人, 則不需將自己的詩獻出來 而我今天見到諸位行家, 所以將這些沒有人知道的事介紹出來, 也可以說, 我是看到了諸位的論文, 覺得很感動, 因為竟然有這麼多人在研究我 願意瞭解我, 關於我的資料蒐集得滿豐富的, 而且有些人對我也瞭解得滿深刻的 以上所講的, 或許諸位已經知道了, 也或許不知道, 但是用講的畢竟很有限, 所以下一屆研討會還請諸位再刻意研究一下, 看看聖嚴跟印順之間有什麼不一樣? 聖嚴對現代社會有什麼貢獻? 聖嚴的思想究竟是以什麼為中心? 21

諸位今天發表的論文, 主要是針對一個主題來發表, 下次也可以擬定不同的主題來研究 如果僅是根據我的著作 論文裡提到的某些觀念來寫也可以, 任何一點都能夠把 聖嚴 這個人的一生串連起來 有的人不敢寫我, 實際上寫我是最容易的, 因為我沒有什麼高深的大道理, 而且是一個現在正活著的人 也有人覺得寫活著的人比較難, 因為顧慮到如果讚歎太多了, 會被認為是阿諛 ; 如果批評太多了, 又會覺得不好意思 其實諸位元不需要全部都是批評或者都是讚歎, 而是應該讚歎的地方讚歎, 應該批評的地方還是要批評, 這樣學問才可以成長, 對我而言才有幫助 這一次的論文裡, 讚歎我的很多, 批評的不多, 我覺得不好意思, 謝謝大家對我的包容 事實上, 舉辦這個研討會的目的, 是要將我這個人所做的 所想的, 向社會與學術界介紹, 而這就是在幫我推廣淨化社會 淨化人心的目標 今天與會的有很多人是學者, 或是未來的學者, 因此諸位的功德很大, 這並非對我個人有什麼好處, 而是對我們這個世界 這個社會有很多的利益, 非常感恩諸位在百忙之中來出席及參與研討會 22

Promoting World Purification through the Study of Sheng Yen Closing remarks by Master Sheng Yen at the Second International Conference on Sheng Yen's Thoughts, GIS National Taiwan University Convention Hall, May 25, 2008 Sheng Yen was a name originally unbeknown to most. Due to the interest of my fellow scholars and through their research and published theses, I started to receive some recognition. I feel this academic conference was very successful. It is common for scholars to leave soon after they presented their papers. However, today, I see many of them stayed until the end. This is rare. A total of twelve papers were presented today, nine of which were discussions about my thinking. This is also rare, and I am most grateful. The fact is, Sheng Yen is a difficult subject because Sheng Yen is not famous. Many of you probably have never read Sheng Yen's works, so it can be challenging to analyze him. By attending this seminar and listening to the various topics about Sheng Yen, perhaps some of you will become more acquainted with "Sheng Yen's Thought". Also, earlier outside the hall, I heard people asked questions such as, What contribution has Sheng Yen made to modern society, How are the thoughts of Master Yinshun and Sheng Yen related, etc. These questions are not apt for the presenters to answer, so I will clarify them myself in a short while. Study traditional Buddhism for modern day practice Some people see me as a pedantic academician. A pedant by definition is a scholar who researches for the purpose of research. He can spend decades studying a particular subject. Certainly there is nothing wrong with that. Master Yinshun can be considered such type of person, and he had made significant contribution to Buddhism ideas and doctrines. As for me, I started without a solid foundation in academia, yet ended up embarking on a path towards academia. After receiving my doctorate degree, I was viewed by many as someone who was ignorant in various topics and who failed to properly apply his specialty. Of course, there was no issue with my advisor, who is internationally renowned. My research topic also had no problem, and my dissertation was exemplary. So what was the problem? It was simply that after completing my PhD, I did not pursue a career in academic teaching, nor did I focus solely on research. 23

I may have only possessed two specialties. The first one is Vinaya, which apparently no one discussed today. Only the bodhisattva precepts which I propounded were mentioned. The truth is, I have placed great emphasis on Vinaya my entire life, and have made it my core study. My other specialty is late Ming Buddhism. During the late Ming Dynasty, Chinese Buddhism witnessed many great thinkers, and the most notable four were Master Lianchi, whom Professor Yu Jun Fang studied; Master Ouyi, whom I studied; and Masters Hanshan and Zibo. In addition to these prominent masters, a myriad of exceptional laypeople also flourished in that era. We were further blessed with numerous talented practitioners in the early Qing period. Therefore, I tried to study all of the Consciousness-Only, Pure Land, and Chan thought from the late Ming. I am also prepared to study Tiantai and Huayan in the late Ming Dynasty, for there were many such distinguished thinkers and their works have been passed down through generations. I hope the above details can provide the audience with a better understanding of the scope and breadth of my research. In addition to Vinaya and late Ming Buddhism, I have also given discourses on Madhyamaka, Consciousness-Only, Tiantai, and Huayan doctrines, and published works relating to those subjects. For Tiantai, I wrote a book named "Tiantai Keys to the Mind - A Vernacular Translation of and Commentary on the 'Jiaoguan gangzong'", which analyzed Master Ouyi Zhixu's "Jiaoguan gangzong". It offers insight into my Tiantai thinking. Regarding Huayan, I published "Mind Interpretation of Huayan: the Evidential Explanation of On the Origin of Men'", which examined Guifeng Zongmi's "On the Origin of Men". Through that book, one can also grasp my thinking on Huayan. In general, my thinking belongs to Chinese Buddhism; therefore, no matter what kind of doctrine, I merge them with Chinese Buddhist doctrines. For example, conscious construction and Mādhyamaka-kārikā belong to the Indian Buddhist doctrine. After my interpretation, they are then incorporated as part of Chinese Buddhism. Chan is part of Chinese Buddhism, yet I have connected it with conscious construction and Mādhyamaka-kārikā, originally part of the Indian Buddhist doctrine. Having said that, I do not just study some thought or doctrine. In particular, I am no pedant, so I did not do research just for the sake of research; my main purpose of doing research is to connect traditional Buddhism with the modern society. If Buddhism is just placed in the library, while useful for a few scholars, it will have little use for the entire society. In order for people in the modern society to understand and apply the literature left behind by exemplary practitioners from ancient India or China, I study them, and then bring them back to our modern society. Therefore, the 24

Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies has hosted many international conferences on "Traditional Buddhism and Modern Society" to achieve the goal of applying traditional Buddhist thought, theories and methods to the modern society. A student of mine, who is also a scholar, told me: "Master, your speech often attracted audiences of thousands; you are charismatic. I said: "Not really, I only explain the Dharma in such a way that the majority of the people can understand and apply to their lives. The Dharma can then fulfill its function to purify society. "I also lecture to smaller audiences (as opposed to the public), for example, the conference we have today is primarily hosted for a minority. I would like to ask you, then, how much can you understand the papers presented here today? Do you understand every paper? Or do you just catch the highlights of the presented papers? Each paper is lengthy, and has to be read within the range of 15-20 minutes. I listened to the presented papers very attentively. Some scholars read their papers too quickly, when I tried to catch what s/he was talking about, the presentation was over and I missed out. However, if I explained Buddhism the same way the scholars read their papers to hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of people, all the people would have "nodded" frequently. Why? They all would fall asleep! I have had many opportunities to lecture Buddhism to the public, so I have practiced teaching Buddhism to make Buddhism accessible for the public. I also pay attention to application of Buddhism to life. The motto of the Chung- Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies includes these two lines: "Specializing in Buddhism, Prioritizing its Practice". To specialize in Buddhism is the first step, which should be followed by its practice. However, rarely did the conference hosted by the Institute achieve this goal. Even though we hope to connect the traditional Buddhism with modern society, a majority of the papers presented here still focus on traditional Buddhism. And yet, we still focus the theme of the conference on "Traditional Buddhism and Modern Society". If someone noticed the theme and is able to address it, that's fine; if not, you can still help us understand traditional Buddhism by reviewing it and then slowly connect it with modern society. Integration of specialized Buddhism with Buddhism for the broader public I put great emphasis on practical applications, particularly on the integration of Buddhism into modern society. Therefore, albeit as a scholar and a Buddhist master with a doctorate degree, I did not teach at colleges when I was in the United States. I taught Chan meditation practice instead. This is a rather interesting identity. As a scholar, I appeared as a Chan master, and have done pretty well. I have also written more than ten books about Chan practice. 25

I was neither a researcher nor a scholar in the United States; however, I have received some recognition in Western society. In Taiwan, I also have several identities: I teach at graduate schools and colleges, as well as supervise doctoral and master thesis. In addition, I have also established Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association. Later on, as the number of people who studied with me increases, the association grows. Buddhism for the broader public, or the Dharma teachings, has begun to spread to ordinary people who are also able to practice Chan meditation intensively. Yet, it does not mean that I disregard specialized Buddhism. After all, Buddhism still needs scholars to conduct research and to spread benefits of the Dharma to future generations. Without such effort, Buddhism would become an outdated and less prestigious religion in which no intellectuals are interested in studying. Many devotees of Dharma Drum Mountain are intellectuals. Hence, there is a need to provide a place for them to study Buddhism. After I came back to Taiwan, I first established the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies. So far, the school has celebrated the 26th graduation since its inception. Though the school no longer recruits students, it continues to offer teachers and researchers a place to conduct research. In order to encourage international scholars to study Chinese Buddhism, the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies has funded many projects about Chinese Buddhism. Meanwhile, through the collaboration with Columbia University, we established a Sheng Yen professorship in Chinese Buddhism. Moreover, we have also founded the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, a single-religion school that includes masters and doctoral programs. It might appear that I only focus on the spread of the Dharma to ordinary people in Taiwan. In fact, not only do I put great emphasis on purification of individuals through Buddhism in the society, I also nurture top talents for Buddhist academics. However, if I were to focus only on the academic side, all the other businesses might not exist at all. As a result, there would not be any graduate schools and institutions. Now I am in the process of setting up Dharma Drum University. Taiwan currently has more than 150 universities. With dropping birth rates, the student population is decreasing. Do we really need another university? As a matter of fact, the university we would like to establish is very different from others. In addition to different school management and curriculum, the talent we aim to nurture also differs. Our curriculum is designed based on the movement of protecting the spiritual environment and the core values of Chinese Buddhism. Therefore, it would not be sufficient to study my thinking simply based on a few books that I wrote. It would be better to analyze my other articles and public 26