ment group was more effective than that of the control group OR = % CI = Conclusion The clinical efficacy of Chinese medic

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33 243 HAART Meta * 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1. 530001 2. 538000 3. 530011 highly active anti-retroviral therapy HAART Pubmed HAART randomized controlled trials RCT Jadad RevMan5. 3 Meta 5 RCT 761 Meta HAART CD + 4 T MD = 31. 61 95% CI = 16. 73 46. 49 OR = 2. 07 95% CI = 1. 51 2. 85 HAART HAART. HAART Meta J. 2018 33 8 1375-1379. HIV Meta DOI 10. 16368 /j. issn. 1674-8999. 2018. 08. 326 R259. 129. 1 A 1674-8999 2018 08-1375 - 05 Meta-analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with HAART Intervention for Poor Immune Reconstitution in AIDS Patients TANG Beibei 1 LI Zimu 1 GAO Haibin 1 LUO Longjiang 1 WU Xixi 1 LUO Xiangqun 2 CEN Fengxian 3 JIANG Feng 3 TANG Youming 3 1. Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine Nanning Guangxi China 530001 2. TCM Hospital of Fangchenggang City Fangchenggang Guangxi China 538000 3. Ruikang Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi University of Nanning Guangxi China 530011 Abstract Objective To systematically evaluate the effects of high-level Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy HAART on AIDS patients with poor immune reconstitution. Methods CNKI VIP Wanfang and PubMed databases were searched and the literature on drug preparations combined with HAART were used to treat randomized controlled trials RCT of AIDS patients with immune reconstitution was obtained. According to the improved version of Jadad the quality of the included literature was evaluated. Meta-analysis of the included literature was performed using RevMan 5. 3 software. Results A total of 5 RCTs were included in 761 patients. Meta-analysis showed that the changes of CD + 4 T cells in patients with AIDS treated with traditional Chinese medicine and HAART were significantly better than those in the control group MD = 31. 61 95% CI = 16. 73 46. 49 and that of the treat- * 81460716 81660771 GZLC16-75 S201308-02 2016 133 1375

33 243 ment group was more effective than that of the control group OR = 2. 07 95% CI = 1. 51 2. 85. Conclusion The clinical efficacy of Chinese medicine combined with HAART is significantly better than that of HAART alone in treatment of AIDS patients with poor immune reconstitution. Reference citation TANG Beibei Li Zimu GAO Haibin et al. Meta-analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with HAART Intervention for Poor Immune Reconstitution in AIDS Patients J. Acta Chinese Medicine 2018 33 8 1375-1379. Key words AIDS HIV poor immune reconstitution highly effective antiretroviral therapy traditional Chinese medicine therapy Meta-analysis acquired im- HIV /AIDS 3 HAART mune deficiency syndrome AIDS 12 ~ 24 CD + 4 T 100 ~ 200 human immunodeficiency virus HIV 300 ~ 350 μl - 1 < 20% HAART 36 highly active anti-retroviral therapy HAART CD + 4 T 80 ~ 250 μl - 1 4 HAART HIV /AIDS HIV HIV < 50 ml - 1 1 5 1-3 HAART 20% HIV /AIDS HAART HAART 3-5 6 6 CD + 4 T AIDS 7 8 1. 3 HIV /AIDS HIV /AIDS HAART HAART HAART 9 HAART 1. 4 CD + 4 T 1 30% 50 μl - 1 CD + 4 T 1. 1 < 30% 50 μl - 1 Pubmed CD + 4 T 30% 50 μl - 1 2 HIV AIDS 2. 1 2 EndNoteX7 acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS HIV immune reconstitution immune response traditional Chinese medicine μl - 1 HAART > 24 CD + 4 T 1. 2 3 randomized controlled trials RCT HIV /AIDS 2. 2 1 18 ~ 75 2 1376

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