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October 24, 2013 Initiate Your Body s PRC Regenerative Life Dr. Rongxiang Xu Dear Dr. Peter Kasalovsky, Administrator and Executive Chairman of IEF Economic Club, Ambassadors, Honourable Mr. Peter Mihók, the chair of the World Chambers Federation, honourable Mrs. Dagmar Podmaková, the vice-president of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Members of IEF Economic Club, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I would like to talk about the topic of initiate your body s PRC regenerative life. PRC, the acronym of potential regenerative cell, is a type of cell having regenerative function and existing like other somatic cells in the human body. We discovered and invented this cell and named it as PRC, its regenerative function is awakened by us for the first time in history. Only after being awakened, PRC can convert in situ into pluripotent stem cell to regenerate new cells and tissues. Through the regeneration of new cells and tissues, PRC can achieve regenerative restoration of damaged or diseased organs, regenerative rejuvenation of prematurely senescent organs, healthy extension of human life span, etc. [Concept] RNS: Regenerative nutritional substance. A specific combination of nutritional ingredients which can awaken and nourish the PRC in the human body to exert its function, and induce the cancer cell apoptosis. Preface To begin with, let s take a look at the brief development history of cutting-edge life science. Since the mid-twentieth century, human beings have not yet found solutions to cancers and organ diseases. In this situation, two research routes were gradually formed: one was modification of one s own gene and cell, the other was harnessing human body s cell potential. These studies are called cutting-edge life science. Governments of various countries have invested huge research funding into the former so far, but the development of this scientific research route has not brought to the public any effective therapy and solution to longevity. On the other hand, the latter organ regeneration science which harnesses the human body regenerative potential, was founded by us in 1980s. Practical application of organ regeneration science has been accomplished early in its development history, and it has currently developed into a comprehensive applied system which can be accessed by the people of all countries. The human life science has entered the era of organ regeneration science. In the mid-twentieth century when the double-helix structure of DNA (gene) was discovered, 1

then-u.s. President Nixon made a commitment to use gene to conquer cancer. That quest was carried on by successive generations of U.S. presidents and was followed by countries all around the globe until March 21, 2013, when Professor Watson, the father of gene, announced that gene therapy study is of no value. In 1988, Chinese government approved and added my burns regenerative technology and therapy on the list of great national scientific and technological achievements as well as national new drugs to be popularized across the country. In 1990, then-u.s. President George H. W. Bush instructed his office to write a letter requesting to introduce into the U.S. my Burnt Skin Regeneration Technology, i.e. the earliest practical application of Organ Regeneration Science. Originally, it was the U.S. leader who first identified and believed in Organ Regeneration Science. At that time, a great press release conference was held in New Jersey on my Burns Regenerative Therapy and Technology. During the period of 2000-2002, on CHINA and USA several international stem cell and regenerative medicine conferences which representatives of President Bush also attended (2002), I gave keynote presentations and published monographs in the topic of somatic cells regenerate organs. This is the first time in human history to reveal that human somatic cell is able to convert into stem cell and regenerate an organ in situ. At the same time, I filed patent applications around the globe. Till now 29 patents of regenerative science have been granted; Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science was published. In 2008, then-u.s. President George W Bush incorporated our patented basic scientific route converting somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells into the U.S. national development policy in purpose of avoiding the ethical issues of embryonic stem cell study. President Bush made it quite clear that scientists had converted skin cells into embryonic stem cells. Unfortunately, some scientists actually failed to convert skin cells into embryonic pluripotent stem cells; instead, they took fake pluripotent stem cells as genuine pluripotent stem cells. Even surprisingly, the Nobel Assembly awarded the fake pluripotent stem cells in the name of real pluripotent stem cells in 2012. Their fraud conduct destroyed the entire era of stem cell study. In 2010, the Institute of Applied Science for Human Regeneration and Rejuvenation was founded in the University of Southern California (USC), USA, which initiated the higher education of the application of our Organ Regeneration Science. This year, U.S. President Barach Obama oriented the national policy of life science development directly on my patented route of applied science of damaged organ regeneration, bringing the development of cutting-edge life science to a stage of application of Organ Regeneration Science. Accordingly, the current world of life science has entered the era of harnessing human body s innate function of organ regeneration. Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, in order to accelerate benefiting all people around the globe, I would like to release the application results of this new science system, and to get you informed with a new type of cell - PRC that is latent in the tissues and organs of the human body, which could be awakened and 2

cultivated to exert functions of regenerative life, realizing organs own regenerative restoration and regenerative rejuvenation in situ to prevent and spontaneously heal their own diseases, extending the human life span and achieving regenerative life. Now, I would like to start the report which covers five aspects. Part I Application Results of Initiating Human Body s PRC Regenerative Life 1. We carried out the experimental clinical study of initiating PRC functions in mid-age male rats. Result is that, compared to the rats fed with regular food, those fed with regenerative substance could live at least two times longer, and kept in a youthful state with all organs being kept young. In other words, these rats fed with regenerative substance achieved regenerative lives. 2. Regenerative restoration of deep burns PPT: By regeneration of new skin, the patient with extensive deep burn wound healed without disablement. In contrast, the patient treated by skin grafting therapy became disabled. Till now, skin regeneration has been achieved in 40 million burnt patients in 73 countries. 3. Regenerative restoration of wounds and ulcers PPT: Bone tissue, subcutaneous tissue and skin all can achieve regenerative healing. Till now, regenerative tissue healing has been achieved in 5 million patients with wounds or ulcers in 73 countries. 4. Regenerative restoration of severed distal finger PPT:The function of regenerating severed distal finger in situ has never been found in any vertebrate. Now, it can be realized by initiating the regenerative life. Scientific law : the fact of human finger regeneration confirms that all tissues in the human body can realize regeneration. 5. Healed diabetic ulcers PPT:There was previously no way to cure diabetic foot ulcer, and 80% of the affected patients had to receive amputations. Now, by initiating the regenerative life, the ulcer wound could be healed by the body itself, avoiding amputation. 6. Eliminate organ scar PPT:Body surface scar, once formed, will stay permanently, affecting the lifetime quality of life of a person. Now, by initiating the PRC regenerative life, the scar could be replaced in situ by regenerated skin organ. 7. Scarless regenerative healing of gastroduodenal ulcer; As is well-known, all the current routine treatments can only achieve scarred healing of the gastroduodenal ulcer wound, resulting in an incurable state due to easy relapse. Gastroduodenal ulcer therefore is a challenging medical problem. 8. Regenerative healing of chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG); 3

As we all know, CAG is the precancerous lesion of gastric cancer, which currently has no solution for cure. I tell you now, CAG has been eradicated by initiating the PRC regenerative life; therefore, the risk of human cancer caused by CAG has been eliminated. 9. Regenerative restoration of coronary heart disease (CHD); CHD is the No. 1 human killer. By initiating your PRC regenerative life, this greatest killer could no longer kill anybody. 10. Regenerative control of hepatic fibrosis; Human hepatic fibrosis is a severe disease damaging human life. Now, by initiating the PRC regenerative life, this risk has been greatly reduced. 11. Regenerative restoration of pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary fibrosis severely threatens 70% of the elderly. Now, by initiating the PRC regenerative life, the seniors will get rid of the harms of pulmonary fibrosis. 12. Regenerative control of lung cancer cell; PPT shows the result of regenerative nourishing cell study: after taking the RNS for lung, normal lung cells regenerated while lung cancer cells underwent suicide. Lung cancer patients also got the same regenerative anti-cancer effect. 13. Regenerative healing of skin cancer; By initiating the nutritional support for skin regenerative life, human will no longer be afraid of skin cancer. 14. Regenerative control of acute lymphoid leukemia; By initiating the PRC regenerative nutritional support for bone marrow regenerative life, human will no longer be afraid of malignant myelogenic disease. 15. Terminal cancer patients survival with tumors By initiating the comprehensive nutritional support for organs regenerative lives, human body obtains additional functions of regenerative life, so that the terminal cancer patients can extend their life length with relieved sufferings. 16. Let s take a look at the appearance of people after regenerative rejuvenation. Case 1: A 62-year-old man, 8 months after initiating his PRC regenerative life, his face, neck, limbs, hand and other surface organs have all been rejuvenated, and he reported he looked much younger than his twin brother. Case 2: A 55-year-old woman, 5 years after initiating her own PRC regenerative life, the appearance of her face, neck and all body surface organs were reversed to 40-year-old state. The comparison between images on PPT slides tells everything. 17. Let s examine the actual status of internal organs regenerative rejuvenation. Let s first take a look at the histological conditions of a senescent small intestine before and after regenerative rejuvenation. The same thing happens to all internal organs. 4

Using an electronic endoscope, we can examine the change of human visceral organs after regenerative rejuvenation. For example, the change of intestinal villi organ. Intestinal villi are key and essential for the human body to absorb nutritional ingredients; without functional villi, all organs in the human body will gradually become malfunctioned due to lack of required nutrients. The aging status of intestinal villi is surprisingly different in various age groups. PPT: dense at 25, comparatively scarce at 30-50, less than 30% of total villi are left at 50-60, short and quite scarce at 70. Next, let s compare the status of a same person before and after regenerative rejuvenation: PPT: Before, villi are scarce and cannot shield the blood vessels in the intestinal wall, representing the aging status of the elderly; After, villi are dense and vigorous and the blood vessels are completely invisible. Now, let s take a look at the intestinal villi regenerative rejuvenation results of 40-year-old and 60-year-old age groups. PPT: 40-year-old group; 60-year-old group. 18. Next, I will report the general results of regenerative rejuvenation in several age groups (calculating formula: regenerative rejuvenation effect (number of years looking younger than the the actual age) = number of years receiving regenerative rejuvenation + number of years looking younger than the initiating age.) 40 50 : 4 years regenerated, 6 years younger; 50 60 : 5 years regenerated, 8 years younger; 60 70 : 6 years regenerated, 10 years younger; 70 80 : 6 years regenerated, 12 years younger; 80 100 : 7 years regenerated, 14 years younger; 19. There are many results of initiating regenerative life, etc. All of the above demonstrated results of initiating humans PRC regenerative life are the first of their kinds in human history. These results reflect the functions of new human PRC regenerative life after its initiation. Part II Invention of the Regenerative Life Entity--PRC 1. Invention of the regenerative life entity---prc 1.1. The earliest regenerated skin organ before 1984. I discovered that, if treated with a method creating a moist, nourishing environment (a therapy I invented for burns treatment), new skin organ could be regenerated in deep burn wounds. 1.2. The earliest histocytological monitoring of regenerated skin in 1984. I established the experimental model of regenerating the skin organ of deep burn wounds, and discovered regenerative cell and the principle of its histocytological changes. The regenerative cell was later confirmed as skin pluripotent stem cell. 1.3. The earliest method design of in situ detection of keratin 19 pluripotent stem cell (Dale BA, et al) in human burn wound. After 1988, I designed an experimental protocol to track human keratin 19 positive pluripotent stem cells. I also established the method of detecting keratin 19 pluripotent stem cell on burn wound using radioimmunoassay of monoclonal antibody. 1.4. The earliest discovery of keratin 19 pluripotent stem cell and PRC in wound in 1996. 5

I tracked the whole process of skin organ regeneration at deep burn wounds using keratin 19 pluripotent stem cell marker. This experiment confirmed that keratin 19 pluripotent stem cell originated from viable wound tissue, i.e. tissue cells (somatic cells), and eventually verified that PRC was the precursor to keratin 19 pluripotent stem cell. 1.5. The origin of PRC, PRCs originate in the procedure of pluripotent stem cell s proliferation and differentiation during human embryonic development, as well as the procedure of organ regeneration by PRC after birth. PPT:Based on the complete in situ regeneration of a severed distal finger at the surgical wound created on its initially regenerated defective finger body, we confirmed PRCs could also be generated along with organ regeneration. 2. In vitro validation of the role of PRC 2.1. Validation of cloning a tissue in vitro from a cell; and in situ regeneration of villi on tissue explants: We cultured small intestinal tissue of a 17-day fetus mouse to harvest tissue cells. Cultured the tissue cells in a regenerative medium to awaken and harvest PRCs ; then PRCs were further cultured in the regenerative medium to form intestinal villi tissue organ. Validation of in situ regeneration of villi on tissue explants. We harvested small intestinal tissue explants and surgically excised the villi organ. Then the intestinal explant was cultured in regenerative nutritional medium and new small intestinal villi organ could be regenerated in situ. 2.2. Second, we sought to verify the process of organ regeneration by the experimental model study to clone a hair follicle organ in vitro from a single hair follicle cell. 3. In vivo verification of the role of PRC in organ regeneration We tracked the whole process of skin organ regeneration in situ by marking keratin 19 expressing cells (pluripotent skin stem cells). After the treatment of deep burn wounds with RNS, PRCs in the residual viable tissue of the wound converted into pluripotent skin stem cells during the time between 12-24 hours; On day 4, pluripotent skin stem cells began to actively proliferate and differentiate, forming the rudiment of the regenerated tissues; On day 7, a remarkable increase in proliferation and differentiation was observed in pluripotent skin stem cells; On day 14, pluripotent skin stem cells proliferated and differentiated to the maximum, with apparent new types of tissue structures observed. On day 21, skin and appendages including hair follicles were formed; new skin tissues and appendage tissues were gradually formed along with the decrease of the cells expressing Keratin 19. On day 28, new skin organ was completely regenerated in situ with no cell expressing Keratin 19 anymore. On day 35, accomplished is the whole process of PRC regenerating skin organ in situ, as well as the first time in human history to achieve full-thickness skin regeneration on burn wound. This is the general route of innate PRC regenerative life of human organs, the second life of humans. We are endowed with this inherent life by God. Thanks God that we humans can begin benefitting from our regenerative lives. 6

Part III Mechanism and Effect of PRC Regenerative Life In order to initiate and harness the human body s PRC regenerative life and its functions, we studied and invented the mechanism and effect of regenerative life. 1. Regenerative mechanism: Intracellular mechanism: RNS used for awakening PRC going through free fatty acid channel of cells entering PRC further entering the mitochondria and being burned releasing the regenerative potential-awakening ingredients awakening PRC PRC exerting the role of pluripotent stem cell. Regenerative mechanism in tissues: After the intake of RNS, some dying cells in tissues and organs send out death signals to the tissue some of the signals are received by surrounding PRCs some of the signals are received by the brain through blood circulation under the regulation of the brain and the supply and nourishment of regenerative potential-awakening ingredients PRC exerts the role of pluripotent stem cells to regenerate new cells replacing the dying cells so that the organs and tissues can maintain their physiological structure and function. 2. Regenerative effect: The previous research of human life science concluded that there are four ways to prematurely terminate our lives: premature senescence, malignant mutation, damaging diseases and excessive premature apoptosis. Current medicine can do only a little to help manage organ damage and disease among these conditions. Therefore, humans are in a helpless situation unable to enjoy the full life span given to us by Nature. However, If the regenerative function of PRC in the human body is initiated, human regenerative life would be developed and enable humans to step out of that helpless situation. The human life span may be extended to 2-3 times of the current length, as the result of rat regeneration experiment. The effects of initiating PRC regenerative life functions are explained as below: 2.1. PRC regenerates new cells to replace prematurely fibrotic cells. After self-renewal for 50-60 times, cells in human organs will gradually become fibroblasts and lose their original functions, resulting in the termination of organs lives. This process is defined as natural aging or natural death in previous life science. However, in our Organ Regeneration Science, we define it as: According to the human life length given by Nature, the current natural deaths are all due to premature aging. After initiating the function of PRCs in the human body, the prematurely fibrotic cells will be replaced by the newly regenerated ones in situ, so as to realize the regenerative life relay of organ cells. The prematurely aging process of organ cells can thereby be blocked and interrupted eventually, and human life length extends towards its due natural length. 2.2. RNS plays the role of enabling cancer cell s apoptosis and preventing canceration. After intake of the RNS, cancerous cells undergo apoptosis while PRCs are awakened into regenerative function state, which has been primarily verified by the clinical result of curing skin cancer and the practical application in terminal cancer patients. In addition, we have verified the effect of cancer prevention using the international standard 7

study of inducing 3T3 cell into cancer cell by carcinogenic agent: 3T3 cells cultured without RNS (the control group) were induced into cancer cells; those cultured in medium added with RNS (study group) were not induced into cancer cells. Look at the PPT slides for the results. I hope that the anti-cancer forces around the world can unite together to exploit the regenerative anti-cancer method for blocking and interrupting the organ canceration. 2.3. PRC regenerates new cells to replenish damaged defective organ and replace diseased nonfunctional cells. Through the development of modern medicine over 2500 years, human beings have progressed in effectively controlling the organ injuries and diseases to some extent, especially in the fields of surgery and control of foreign microorganism infection. But endogenous organ diseases have not been conquered radically. Medicine can help a little to prevent death due to organ diseases. However, initiating PRC function in human cardiovascular system can effectively control and even reverse the progression of coronary heart disease. If the PRC function in all organs are initiated, organ diseases will be prevented, controlled and eliminated, thereby the death pathway of cell damage and disease will be effectively blocked and interrupted. 2.4. PRC regenerates new cells to replenish an organ undergoing excessive cell apoptosis. Human cell apoptosis is programmed cell death or suicide (Kerr, et al., 1972). This theory says there are always some cells undergoing programmed suicide in human organs. Such cell suicide will not disappear until end of the life. The number of suicidal cells per day increases with age. Based on our study, we think that during the developmental stage of the human body, the growth-related hormones promote cells to proliferate in such a high speed that the amount of apoptotic cells is comparably small and negligible, therefore cell apoptosis at this stage does not affect the overall development of the human body. But after 24, a person stops producing growth-related hormones and the total number of cells in the human body will no longer increase. Since then, the influence of cell apoptosis takes effect; the total number of cells in organs decreases day by day and eventually the organs die prematurely due to lack of functional cells supporting their functions. For instance, the gradual functional degeneration of lymph and brain are caused by the apoptosis and decrease of their cells. Our experiments have confirmed that if the regenerative potential of lymph and brain can be initiated, their degeneration can be prevented and thus the premature death caused by their apoptosis mechanism can be blocked and interrupted effectively. With the PRC regenerative function and RNS s effect on cancer cell apoptosis, the four major premature death pathways of human will be effectively blocked and interrupted, thus saving the entire humans. Part IV How to Access Your Own Regenerative Life Everybody expects to initiate and benefit from the PRC regenerative function of our body as soon as possible. In fact, the initiation method is quite simple. That is, select proper RNS for awakening and nourishing certain PRCs, and then provide the substance to the PRCs in organs by external, oral or interventional methods. In this way, PRCs can play the regenerative function in situ and 8

the organs will obtain the function of regenerative life. In short, as long as our PRCs can take RNS every day, the organs will continuously present the function of regenerative life. The detailed methods for applying RNS are as follows: 1. RNS for topical use Application of RNS has now achieved regenerative rejuvenation of aging skin, which is bringing on a technological and market revolution for skin anti-aging industry. Applying RNS for skin organ regeneration to treat open injuries of surface organs has become a routine therapy. Wound treatment by skin organ regeneration has been applied in over 70 countries for 25 years; since 2002, skin regenerative substance (MEBO burn ointment) has been identified by WHO as the essential first-aid medication for burns; and in 2012, on the 16th Congress of International Society for Burn injuries held in UK, skin regeneration turned out to be the academic mainstream of burns treatment. All doctors around the world can apply it in clinic following the guidance and instructions of the standard procedures described in books Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy and Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science. 2. Oral administration of RNS-GI If you want to initiate the regenerative life of internal organs by RNS, you must first orally take RNS for GI organ to achieve gastrointestinal regenerative restoration and rejuvenation. Since its premature senescence occurs 20 years ahead of the other organs, GI organ must achieve regenerative restoration and rejuvenation in the first place in order to make sure all the other internal organs can get sufficient RNS. By orally taking RNS-GI continuously, GI villi regeneration can be observed in 3 months; the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation of GI villi organs can be observed in one year; and the regenerative rejuvenation of the whole GI organ can be achieved in three years. 3. Oral administration of RNS for all internal organs Three months after the initiation of GI organ regeneration, orally take the RNS for all internal organs. If there is organ disease, the amount of RNS for the affected organ shall be increased. Generally, administration of RNS three times per day with meals can realize the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation of organs. Based on the available data, organ regenerative restoration can be achieved by oral administration of RNS for two years; and with continuous administration for two more years after that, human body can enter the stage of organ regenerative rejuvenation. For those diseased organs, the demonstration of their regenerative effects may be delayed accordingly. As long as RNS is taken as our regular daily diet, our body will always maintain a functional state of regenerative life. Part V The World of Regenerative Life If all human beings begin to take the food added with RNS, we will all begin to initiate the function of PRC regenerative life and the human world will undergo a tremendous transformation: With the initiation of PRC regenerative life, human organ diseases will decrease and human beings will enjoy unprecedented health! 9

human organ functions will increase and human life activity will have the unprecedented vitality! human lifespan will be extended and the fortune created by human beings will be unprecedentedly immeasurable! To initiate and enjoy the PRC regenerative life potential, we humans must take the food essential for PRCs, namely RNS. Therefore, according to the demand of regenerative nutritional food by human beings, the orders of the current world including the human life orders, economic orders, social orders and the like will change so as to adapt to the new orders of the human regenerative life world! Ladies and Gentlemen, As the inventor of Organ Regeneration Science, I have basically fulfilled the scientific mission and will continue with the development of scientific research. Using the applied technologies of Organ Regeneration Science to benefit the people is the responsibility of leaders in political, economic, and social fields in all countries, as well as all human beings. In the meantime, following the principle of the international law to popularize life-saving therapies and technologies, and for sake of the world of human regenerative life, I decided to contribute my inventive creation of Organ Regenerative Science to countries around the globe by signing confidential agreements with the United Nations and all countries simultaneously to protect the core technologies. I hope the leaders of all countries could also follow the principle of the international law to promote the application of my invention of science and technologies, so as to benefit their nations as soon as possible. In closing, I would like to give my thanks to the IEF Economic Club for this honorable award, to the leaders and people of Slovak Republic for their trust and expectation, and to the leaders and people of the pan-european and all countries across the world for their expectation. I hereby thank the government and peoples of my motherland China, and the governments of U.S. California state and Los Angeles county for their support and protection in terms of circumstance for science. I wish all human beings initiate our PRC regenerative lives and step into the world of regenerative life, enjoying the lives for regenerative life and realizing our due regenerative life span. Long live the human! (Appendages: glossary & ppt. slides) 10

启动自身的再生生命 尊敬的 IEF 经济俱乐部执行主席兼行政长官 Peter Kasalovsky 医生, 各位大使, 尊敬的世界商会联合会主席 Peter Mihok 先生, 尊敬的斯洛伐克科学院副主席 Dagmar Podmakova 女士, IEF 经济俱乐部的各位成员, 世界各国的网络朋友们, 女士们, 先生们 : 今天我讨论的话题是 启动身体 PRC 再生生命 PRC 是 潜能再生细胞 对应英文的首字母缩写, 是一种在人体内以体细胞形式存在却拥有再生功能的细胞 我们发现并发明了这种细胞, 将之命名为 PRC ; 并在历史上首次唤醒了该细胞的再生功能 PRC 只有被唤醒才能原位转化为多能干细胞, 再生新的细胞和组织 通过再生新的细胞和组织,PRC 能够实现损失或疾病器官的再生复原 提前衰老器官的再生还童和人类生命的健康长寿等 概念 RNS: 再生营养物质 可唤醒和营养人体内 PRC 发挥其功能的一种特殊的营养成分组合物 前言 首先, 让我们简单回顾一下尖端生命科学的发展历史 从 20 世纪中叶至今, 人类都还没有找到治疗癌症和器官疾病的方法 但在这种情况下, 却逐渐形成了两条研究路线 : 一种是对基因和细胞进行修饰 ; 另一种是利用人体的细胞潜能 这两种路线的研究属于尖端生命科学的范畴 到目前为止, 各国政府都为第一条研究路线注入了巨额研究基金, 但是该科学研究路线的发展却未能带给公众任何有效的疗法和治疗方案以延长人类的寿命 而利用人体再生潜能的第二条科学路线 器官再生科学 是我们在 80 年代发现的 在器官再生科学发展的早期, 我们就实现了该科学的实践应用, 目前该科学已经发展成了一个全面的应用体系, 世界各国人民都能利用 人类生命科学步入了 器官再生科学 时代 在 20 世纪中期, 发现 DNA 的双螺旋结构后, 当时的美国总统尼克松发誓要用基因攻克癌症 ; 以后届届总统继承, 各国效仿跟进 ; 直到 2013 年 3 月 21 日, 基因之父沃森教授宣布 基因疗法研究没有价值, 该研究探索才被划上句号 1988 年, 中国政府批准了我的烧伤再生技术和疗法并把其列入国家重大科技成果, 作为国家的新药在全国范围推广 1990 年, 当时的美国总统乔治 W 布什命令其办公室写信请求引进我的烧伤皮肤再生技术, 也就是, 器官再生科学 的最早实践应用技术 最初, 首先认可并相信 器官再生科学 的是美国领导人 ; 当时就烧伤再生疗法和技术我们还在新泽西州举办了一场大型新闻发布会 2000 年至 2002 年, 在中国和美国召开的几场国际干细胞和再生医学会议上, 布什总统的代表参加了 2002 年会议, 我都做了主题演讲, 并就 体细胞再生器官 发表了专著 这

是人类历史上首次揭示人体体细胞能够转化成干细胞 原位再生器官的著作 同时, 我还在全球申请了应用专利 到目前为止, 已经获得了 29 项再生科学专利, 并出版了 人体再生复原科学 一书 2008 年, 当时的美国总统乔治 W 布什, 为了避免干细胞研究的伦理问题, 把我们的基础科学专利路线 体细胞转多能干细胞 纳入了美国的发展国策 布什总统明确指出已有科学家把皮肤细胞转化成了胚胎干细胞 不幸的是, 一些科学家事实上并没有成功将皮肤细胞转化成多能干细胞 更让人吃惊的是, 诺奖委在 2012 年竟然以真实多能干细胞的名义将诺贝尔奖颁发给了 伪造的多能干细胞 他们的欺骗行为对整个干细胞研究时代都造成了破坏 2010 年, 人体再生还童应用科学研究所在美国南加州大学建立, 开启了 器官再生科学 应用的高等教育时代 今年, 美国总统巴拉克 奥巴马把生命科学发展国策直接调整到我发明的 受损器官再生 的应用科学专利路线上来, 把尖端生命科学的发展引领到了 器官再生科学 的应用阶段 相应地, 当前的生命科学世界也步入了利用人体自身 器官再生 功能的时代 女士们, 先生们 : 今天, 为了使世界各国人民尽早受益, 我将公布一些新科学体系的应用结果, 让你们了解一种新细胞 PRC, 其是我们人体组织和器官中的一种潜在细胞, 可被唤醒和培养发挥再生生命的功能, 实现器官自身的原位再生复原和再生还童, 预防并同时治愈器官疾病, 延长人类寿命, 实现再生生命 现在, 我开始报告, 共包含 5 个部分 第一部分启动人体 PRC 再生生命的应用结果 1. 我们进行了中年雄性大白鼠启动 PRC 功能的实验性临床研究 ; 研究的结果显示, 与常规食物喂养的大白鼠相比, 再生喂养的大白鼠实现了两倍寿命不衰老的结果, 且全部器官都处在年轻状态 换句话说, 再生物质喂养的大白鼠产生了再生生命 2. 深度烧伤的再生复原 : 通过再生新皮肤, 大面积深度烧伤患者实现了无残疾愈合 而采用植皮疗法治疗的患者却发生了残疾 到目前为止, 皮肤再生已经治疗了 73 个国家的四千万名烧伤患者 3. 创疡的再生复原 : 骨组织 皮下组织和皮肤都能实现再生愈合 至今,73 个国家的五百万名创疡患者都已经实现了再生组织愈合 4. 末节断指的再生复原 :PPT: 末节断指原位再生的功能在任何脊椎动物中都未曾被发现过 可现在, 通过启动再生生命, 末节断指原位再生可以实现了 科学定律 : 人类手指再生的事实表明人体的所有组织都能实现再生 5. 治愈糖尿病溃疡 :PPT: 之前还没有任何方法可治愈糖尿病足溃疡,80% 的此类患者都必须进行截肢 可是现在, 通过启动再生生命, 身体自身就能愈合溃疡创面, 避免截肢

6. 消除器官瘢痕 :PPT: 体表瘢痕一旦形成, 就会永久存在, 影响患者一生的生活质量 可现在, 通过启动 PRC 的再生生命, 瘢痕可通过再生的皮肤器官取代 7. 胃十二指肠溃疡的无瘢痕再生愈合 : 众所周知, 目前所有的治疗胃十二指肠溃疡的疗法都仅能实现瘢痕愈合, 因容易复发, 该病目前其实无法治愈的 因此, 胃十二指肠溃疡是一大医学难题 8. 慢性萎缩性胃炎 (CAG) 的再生愈合 : 我们都知道,CAG 是胃溃疡的癌前病变, 目前还没有治愈方案 但是现在, 我要告诉你, 通过启动 PRC 再生生命,CAG 已可以被消除 因而, 由 CAG 引起的人类癌症风险也可被消除了 9. 冠心病 (CHD) 的再生复原 :CHD 是人类的一号杀手 通过启动人体内 PRC 再生生命, 人类的一号杀手将放下屠刀, 不再杀人 10. 肝纤维化的再生控制 : 肝纤维化是一种严重的疾病, 损伤人类生命 如今, 通过启动 PRC 再生生命, 该风险可大大降低 11. 肺纤维化的再生复原 : 肺纤维化对 70% 的老年人构成了严重威胁 如今, 通过启动 PRC 再生生命, 老年人将可以规避肺纤维化的危害 12. 肺癌细胞的再生控制 :PPT 展示再生营养细胞研究的结果 : 肺吸收 RNS 后再生正常肺细胞, 同时肺癌细胞自杀死亡 肺癌患者获得了同样的再生抗癌效果 13. 皮肤癌的再生愈合 : 通过启动皮肤再生生命的营养支持, 人类将不再害怕皮肤癌 14. 急性淋巴性白血病的再生控制 : 通过启动骨髓再生生命的 PRC 再生营养支持, 人类将不再害怕恶性骨髓性疾病 15. 临终癌症患者的带肿瘤生存 : 通过启动各器官再生生命的综合营养支持, 人体可以获得再生生命的额外功能, 因此, 临终癌症患者可实现痛苦减少, 寿命延长的效果 16. 我们来看人们再生还童后的表现 案例 1:62 岁男性, 启动 PRC 再生生命 8 个月后, 他的面 颈 肢体 手和其它体表器官都还童了 ; 他说他看起来比他的双胞胎兄弟年轻多了 案例 2: 55 岁女性, 启动 PRC 再生生命 5 年后, 她的面 颈和所有体表器官都回到了 40 岁的状态 幻灯中的照片对比可以说明一切 17. 我们来看一下内部器官再生还童的现实状况 : 首先看一下衰老小肠再生还童前 后的组织学状况 所有内部器官发生了相同的变化 使用电子内窥镜, 我们可以观察到人类内脏器官再生还童后的变化 比如, 小肠绒毛器官的变化 肠绒毛在人体吸收营养成分中发挥着至关重要的作用 ; 在没有功能性绒毛存在的情况下, 人体的所有器官都将因为缺乏必需营养而逐渐发生功能障碍 肠绒毛的衰老状态在不同的年龄组存在显著差异

PPT:25 岁很茂密,30-50 岁相对稀疏,50-60 岁时还剩不足 30% 的绒毛,70 岁时绒毛既短又很稀疏 接下来, 我们来对比同一个人再生还童前 后的状态变化 PPT: 还童前, 毛绒稀疏, 都不能覆盖肠壁的血管, 这代表着老年人的衰老状态 ; 还童后, 绒毛茂密 生长旺盛, 完全看不到血管 现在来看 40 岁年龄组和 60 岁年龄组小肠绒毛再生还童的结果 PPT:40 岁年龄组 ;60 岁年龄组 18. 现在我给大家报告一下各个年龄组再生还童的一般结果 :( 计算公式 : 再生还童效果 ( 比实际年龄看起来年轻的年数 )= 接受再生还童的年数 + 比再生还童开始时看起来年轻的年数 ): 40-50: 再生了 4 年, 年轻了 6 岁 ; 50-60: 再生了 5 年, 年轻了 8 岁 ; 60-70: 再生了 6 岁, 年轻了 10 岁 ; 70-80: 再生了 6 年, 年轻了 12 岁 ; 80-100: 再生了 7 年, 年轻了 14 岁 ; 这位是最伟大的人, 他是 人体器官再生科学 的第一位志愿者, 同时也是 人体器官 再生科学 的支持者和保护者 没有他的支持和保护, 就没有今天这样的科学 19. 还有很多启动再生生命的结果 : 这些结果都反映了 PRC 启动后人体 PRC 再生新生命的各 种功能 第二部分 : 再生生命体的发明 PRC 1. 再生生命体的发明过程 PRC 1.1 1984 年之前, 最早的再生皮肤器官 :(PPT: 我发现使用可创造湿润营养环境的方法 ( 我发明的烧伤疗法 ) 治疗深度烧伤, 可再生出新皮肤器官 ) 1.2 1984 年, 进行了最早的再生皮肤的组织细胞学检测 :(PPT: 我在深度烧伤创面建立了再生皮肤器官的实验模型, 发现了再生细胞及其组织细胞学变化的规律 后来, 再生细胞被确认为是皮肤多能干细胞 ) 1.3 在人类烧伤创面上原位检测角蛋白 19 型多能干细胞的最早方法设计 (Dale BA,et al) 1988 年以后 ( 我设计了一个可跟踪人类角蛋白 19 型阳性多能干细胞的实验性方案, 并建立了一种使用单克隆抗体放射免疫测定法在烧伤创面跟踪角蛋白 19 型多能干细胞的方法 1.4 1996 年, 最早在创面中发现角蛋白 19 型多能干细胞和 PRC:( 我使用角蛋白 19 型多能干细胞标记对深度烧伤创面的皮肤器官再生的全过程进行了跟踪, 结果确定角蛋白 19 型多能干细胞来源于活性创面组织, 即, 组织细胞 ( 体细胞 ); 并最终证明 PRC 是角蛋白 19 型多能细胞的前体细胞 )

1.5 PRC 的来源 :PRC 源自人体胚胎发育过程中多能干细胞的增殖和分化程序, 也来自成体后 PRC 自身再生器官的程序 ( 基于初次再生的末节断指组织的再次完全原位再生指体的治疗结果, 我们确认 潜能再生细胞 也可随器官的再生而继续产生 ) 2. 体外验证 PRC 的功能 2.1 利用体外细胞克隆组织和组织贴块上绒毛原位再生进行验证 : 通过对 17 天胚胎鼠的小肠组织进行培养, 获取组织细胞 :( 在再生培养基中培养组织细胞以唤醒和获取 PRCs ; 然后再对 PRC 进行再生培养以形成小肠绒毛组织器官 ) 通过组织贴块上绒毛的原位再生进行验证 :( 获取小肠组织贴块, 手术切除绒毛器官, 然后在再生培养基中对小肠贴块进行培养, 新小肠绒毛器官可原位再生 ) 2.2 其次, 我们还试图通过单个毛囊细胞体外克隆毛囊器官的实验模型研究来对器官再生的过程进行验证 3. 体内验证 PRC 在器官再生中的功能我们通过标记角蛋白 19 型的表达细胞 ( 皮肤多能干细胞 ) 对皮肤器官原位再生的全过程进行跟踪 深度烧伤在再生营养物质治疗后,12-24 小时左右创面基底残留的活组织中的 PRCs 将转化成皮肤多能干细胞 ; 第四天, 皮肤多能干细胞增开始增殖分化明显 ; 第七天, 皮肤多能干细胞增殖分化明显增多, 开始形成雏形再生组织 ; 第 14 天, 皮肤多能干细胞增殖分化数量达高峰, 出现明显的新型组织结构 ; 第 21 天, 可见皮肤及皮肤附件如毛囊逐步的形成, 新皮肤组织和附件组织逐渐的形成的同时表达角蛋白 19 型的细胞却在逐渐减少 ; 第 28 天, 新的皮肤器官全部原位再生, 不再有表达角蛋白 19 型的细胞存在 ; 第 35 天, PRC 原位再生皮肤器官的全过程完成 这是人类历史上首次实现烧伤创面的全层皮再生 这是人体自身器官 PRC 的再生生命也是人类的二次生命的一般实现途径 是上帝赋予了我们这个内在生命 感谢上帝, 我们人类可以开始享受我们的再生生命了! 第三部分 PRC 再生生命的机制和功效 为了启动和利用人体 PRC 再生生命及其功能, 我们研究并发现了再生生命的机制和功效 1. 再生机制 : 细胞内机制 :: 唤醒 PRC 的 RNS 通过细胞游离脂肪酸通道 进入 PRC 内 再进入其细胞内的线粒体燃烧 产生 ATP 能量释放再生唤醒成分 唤醒 PRC 使其呈现多能干细胞功能 组织中的再生机制 : 人体食入 RNS 后, 器官组织中的某些濒临死亡的细胞 发出死亡信号到组织中 一部分被周围 PRC 接收 一部分通过血液被大脑接收 PRC 在大脑的调控下和在再生唤醒营养成分的营养下 PRC 呈现多能干细胞功能 再生新细胞取代要死亡的细胞 使器官组织继续保持生理结构和功能

2. 再生效果 : 人类生命科学以往的研究总结出四种可提前终结我们生命的途径 : 提前衰老 恶性突变 疾病损伤和提前过多凋亡 可当前人类医学几乎对器官损伤和器官疾病是束手无策的, 因而人类是处在无法享受上天赋予的全部生命长度的无奈局面中 但是, 如果人类启动了自身的 PRC 的再生功能, 人类再生生命就可产生, 人类就可以打破这种局面 依据大白鼠再生试验的结果, 人类的寿命应该是目前寿命的 2-3 倍 启动自身 PRC 再生生命功能的功效具体体现在以下几个方面 : 2.1 PRCs 再生新细胞取代提前纤维化的细胞人类器官的细胞经过自身更新 50-60 次后, 就逐渐变成纤维细胞而失去功能, 导致器官生命的终结, 这一过程在之前生命科学的定义中称为自然衰老或自然死亡 而我们 器官再生科学 的新定义是 : 按照人类生命属性长度, 现在人类的自然死亡都属于提前衰老的范畴 启动人体器官自身的 PRC 的功能后, 提前衰老的纤维化细胞被原位再生的新细胞取代, 实现器官细胞的再生接力, 最终阻断和阻挠器官细胞提前衰老, 使人类生命长度向着人类属性应有的生命长度方向延长 2.2 RNS 具有促使癌细胞凋亡和阻止细胞癌变的作用吸收 RNS 后, 癌变细胞发生凋亡, 而同时 PRCs 也被唤醒, 开始具有再生功能, 此已被治愈皮肤癌的临床结果和临终癌症患者的实践应用结果所验证 此外, 我们还使用致癌因子诱导 3T3 细胞 成为癌细胞的国际标准研究对 RNS 的癌症预防效果进行了验证 : 未经 RNS 培养的 3T3 细胞 ( 对照组 ) 被诱导成了癌细胞, 而那些在添加了 RNS 的培养基中培养的 3T3 细胞 ( 研究组 ) 却没有被诱导成癌细胞 看幻灯片演示结果 我希望世界的抗癌力量能够团结起来, 利用再生抗癌方法来阻止和阻断器官癌变 2.3 PRC 再生新细胞补充损伤缺损器官和取代病变无功能的细胞经过现代医学 2500 多年的发展, 人类在一定程度上可以有效控制自身器官的损伤和疾病, 尤其是在外科学和控制外来微生物感染学方面取得了很大成就 但人类器官内源性疾病仍没有被彻底消除, 人类医学在预防生命因器官疾病而走向生命终结的作用仍是微小的 然而, 现在通过启动人体心血管系统的 PRC 功能, 人类可有效控制冠心病, 甚至逆转冠心病的发展 如果启动各器官的 PRC 功能就能预防 控制和消除各种器官的疾病, 就能有效地阻止和阻断器官因细胞损伤和疾病走向提前死亡的路线 2.4 PRC 再生新细胞对正在发生过度细胞凋亡的器官进行补充人类细胞凋亡是程序性细胞死亡或自杀 (Kerr, et al., 1972) 细胞凋亡理论认为人体器官中每时每刻都有一些细胞在进行程序性自杀, 并会一直持续到生命的终结, 且自杀细胞的数量随着年龄的增长而增加 从我们的研究来看, 我们认为在人体发育阶段, 生长相关的激素会促进细胞快速增值,( 这样 ) 凋亡的细胞数量就相对较小, 可以忽略不计 因此, 这个时期的细胞凋亡不会对人体的整体发展造成影响 但是 24 岁以后, 人体不再产生生长相关激素, 人体中细胞的总体数量也就不再增加 至此, 细胞凋亡的影响就会有所表现 器官中的细胞总数量逐日减少, 器官最终因为缺乏支持其功能的功能性细胞而提前死亡 比如, 淋巴和大脑就会因其细胞的凋亡和减少而逐渐功能退化 我们的实验已经证实, 如果激活淋巴和大脑的再生潜能, 它们的功能退化就可以被预防, 因而由凋亡机制所致的提前死亡也可以被有效地阻止和阻断

在 PRC 的再生功能和 RNS 促进癌细胞凋亡的作用下, 提前终结人体生命的四大途径可 被有效地阻止和阻断, 全人类的生命也就得到了拯救! 第四部如何享受到自身的再生生命 每个人都希望能尽快启动和享受到人体自身的 PRC 再生功能 事实上,PRC 再生功能的启动方法是很简单的 即, 选择对 PRCs 具有唤醒和营养作用的合适 RNS, 将其以外用 口服或介入的方式提供给器官中的 PRC 这样,PRCs 就可以原位发挥再生功能, 器官就具有了再生生命的功能 简而言之, 只要我们的 PRCs 每天食用 RNS, 器官就可以持续呈现再生生命的功能 RNS 具体的应用方法如下 : 1. RNS 局部应用 RNS 的应用已经实现了衰老皮肤的再生还童, 引发了皮肤抗衰老产业的一场技术和市场革命 用再生营养物质对体表开放性损伤器官进行再生皮肤器官治疗已经成为一种常规疗法 创面的皮肤器官再生疗法已在全球 70 多个国家应用了 25 年 自从 2002 年, 皮肤再生物质 (MEBO 烧伤膏 ) 就被 WHO 确定为烧伤治疗的基本急救药物 在 2012 年英国举行的第 16 届世界烧伤大会上, 皮肤再生成为了烧伤治疗的学术主流 世界各国医生可按 烧伤再生医学与疗法 和 人体再生复原科学 专著中的标准程序指导临床治疗应用 2. RNS-GI 的口服应用要想用 PNS 启动体内器官的再生生命, 必须首先口服 RNS-GI( 胃肠器官再生营养物质 ) 将胃肠再生复原和再生还童 因胃肠器官比其他器官提前衰老 20 年, 为了让体内器官能获得足量的再生营养物质, 必须先让胃肠器官实现再生复原和还童 只要持续不断地口服 RNS-GI, 三个月就可见胃肠绒毛的再生, 一年可见胃肠绒毛器官的再生复原与还童, 三年实现整个胃肠器官的再生还童 3. 体内各器官的 RNS 的口服应用在完成胃肠器官的再生启动三个月后, 再口服体内各器官的 RNS, 如果有器官自身疾病, 可增加患病器官 RNS 的量 一般情况下, 随一日三餐服用, 即能实现器官的再生复原与还童 根据已获得的应用实践资料, 器官再生复原需要口服 RNS 两年的时间, 继续再口服 RNS 两年后, 人体则进入器官再生还童阶段 但对患有自身疾病的器官而言, 其再生效果出现会有相应的延后 只要如人的一日三餐一样一直服用 RNS, 我们的身体就会一直处于再生生命功能状态 第五部分再生生命世界 如果全人类都开始食用添加有 RNS 的食物, 全人类就都可以启动 PRC 的再生生命功能, 人类世界将发生巨大的变化 : 由于启动了 PRC 的再生生命, 人类器官疾病减少了, 人类的健康就呈现出前所未有的状态! 人类器官功能增多了, 人类的生命活动就呈现出前所未有的活力! 人类生命长度延长了, 人类所发明创造出的财富也是前所未有的! 人类要想启动和享受 PRC 的再生生命潜能, 就必须食用自身 PRC 所需的食物 再生

营养物质 因此, 随着人类对再生营养性食品的需求的改变, 现有世界的各种秩序如人类生 活秩序 经济秩序 社会秩序等等也将发生改变, 以与人类再生生命世界的新秩序相适应! 女士们, 先生们 : 作为器官再生科学的发明人, 我已经初步完成了我的科学使命, 但我依然会继续致力于科学研究的发展 使用器官再生科学的应用技术去造福人民即是各国政治 经济和社会领袖的责任, 同时也是全人类的责任! 同时, 依据国际法普及拯救生命疗法和技术的原则, 出于人类再生生命世界的利益考虑, 我已经决定通过同时与联合国和各国签署保护核心技术的保密协议把我的发明创造 器官再生科学 贡献给世界各国 我相信各国的领导人也会依据国际法的原则, 推广我发明的科学和技术应用, 尽快造福他们的国民 最后, 感谢 IEF 经济俱乐部颁发的这份殊荣! 感谢斯洛伐克共和国领袖和人民给予的信任和期望! 感谢欧洲和世界各国领袖和人民给予的期望! 在此, 我还要对我的祖国 中国的政府和人民以及美国加利福尼亚州和洛杉矶县的政府所给予的科学环境支持和保护表示感谢! 祝愿全人类都启动 PRC 再生生命, 步入再生生命世界, 享受再生生命生活, 实现我们人类应有的再生生命长度 人类万岁!