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University of Science and Technology of China A dissertation for master s degree Research of e-learning style for public servants under the context of


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Improving the Effectiveness of the Training of Civil Service by Applying Learning Science and Technology: The Case Study of the National Academy of Ci

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1. 前 言 2012 年 2 月 3 號 凌 晨, 於 北 市 街 頭 發 生 計 程 車 司 機 被 歐 事 件, 警 方 據 報 循 線 找 到 一 名 日 籍 男 子 友 寄 隆 輝, 該 男 子 表 示 因 為 酒 醉 和 司 機 有 了 爭 執 且 語 言 不 通, 才 衝 動 傷 人,


第三章 国内外小组合作学习的应用情况


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A study of product messages embedded in television drama and its communication effect Abstract The advertising and marketing practitioner have employed product placement to promote products. By placing product messages in the content of movies, TV programs, or computer games, the marketing practitioner hope to increase brand awareness, influence the consumer s attitude positively toward the product, and increase the willingness for the consumer to purchase the products. Although product placement has been widely utilized by the marketing practitioners, only few researches in Taiwan studied the utilization of this marketing tool and its communication effects. Therefore, this study intends to investigate how product placement is used to promote the product and its communication effect. The researcher employed content analyses to analyze the content of television drama. Some in-depth interviews of the marketing and media practitioners were also utilized to collect research data. Moreover, this study conducted some experiments to test the communication effect of product placement in Taiwan s TV drama. The research findings indicate that product messages are often placed in TV drama with visual forms rather than auditory forms. While product placement utilizing in TV drama, different actors were employed to present the embedded product messages. However, only very few cases showed that product messages were presented by specific actors. The marketing practitioners also did not pay much attention to the connection between the attributions of products and the atmosphere of embedded TV drama. Besides, the study finds that product messages embedded in TV drama with rational or sensational appeal will have different communication effects on audience s recall of placed messages, attitudes toward product, and willingness for purchasing products. Key words: product placement, communication effect, product messages, television drama III

1 2003 Product Placement Gupta & Lord, 1998 Christian Dior Motorola

Product Placement Gupta & Lord, 1998Karrh, 1998Gould, Gupta & Grabner, 2000 Balasubramanian Russell, 2002 Procter Gamble Product Placement Awards, 20031960 Galician Bourdeau, 2004 1980 Hershey Reese s Pieces E.T Reese s Pieces 65 Tom Cruise 1983 Risky Business1986 Top Gun Lomb s Ray-Ban Wayfarer 1996 Mission Impossible Apple 007 Mere Exposure Effect 2

3 Hawkin1970 Karrh, 1998 DeLorme Reid (1999 Weaver Oliver 2000 Rusell2002 2003 2004 hard sell Pardun McKee2000 106

(Vollmers & Mizerski1994) 2002 Russell, 2002 Sapolsky Kinney1994 Gupta & Lord1998 What Women Want NIKE James Bond BMW Matrix Nokia Tuxedo LOGO Gupta Lord1998 (the level of prominence) 4

5 2004 2004 2003 2000 2003 Karrh, 1998DeLorme & Reid, 1999D Astous& Chartier, 2000Russell, 2002

6 DeLorme & Reid, 1999Gould, Gupta & Grabner, 2000 2004 1977 2004

7 2004 hard sell 2003 2003 2003 Home Run

8 2003 Karrh1995 Kotler1991 Kotler Rational Appeal Emotional Appeal Moral Appeal 1998

9 Aaker Norris1982 Gloden Johnson1983

10 叁 content analysis

11 Holsti1969 Wimmer Dominick2003 2M N1+N2 n 1+(n-1) M N1 n N2 Gerbner SPSS 12.01

12 in-depth interview experiment

13 Siemens C62 1







2005 IAICS 2005 20


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