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1 : 15, ( ),, 1994, 5,,, 2003, 13,,,,,, The Development and Innovation of Women s Higher Education Pen Conversation of Professors and Scholars Editor s Words : Since China has adopted the reform and opening - up policy, higher education in China has made great progress in scale, quantity and quality. Women s higher education, especially women universities and colleg2 es established purposely have acquired vigorous development, too. The number of female students amounts to 46 % of the whole number of university students. Because of the great demand for creative and scientific women talents in the 21st century, the problem of improving the training quality of women talents seems more important. Further2 more, some problems such as equal opportunity, resource disposal, gender equality etc., which are concerned by the society and higher education circle, should also be resolved urgently. On the 3rd annual meeting of Women Ed2 ucation Committee of China Women s Study Seminar, women s higher education was a major topic. On the meet2 ing, experts and scholars made a heated discussion on how to promote the development and innovation of women s higher education, as well as the cultivation of independent and creative women talents. At the same time, they gave valuable suggestions on how to carry forward the all - round and deep development of women s higher education. By the chance, editorial office of Journal of China Women s University organizes and invites 8 scholars who are engaged in the study of women s higher education, composes some articles on this subject. These articles are compiled and published hereby in the expection to call forth the interests and attentions of the society and scholars. Key words : women s higher education ; development ; innovation ; quality : 2005 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( Π )