A Study on Folklore according to Five Village Regulation Books of Yi-An Province in Vietnam Nguyen Duc Toan Researcher, Viet Nam Sino - Nom Institute

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2007 7 207-218 1 1665 2 1806 3 1811 4 1852 5 1911 207

A Study on Folklore according to Five Village Regulation Books of Yi-An Province in Vietnam Nguyen Duc Toan Researcher, Viet Nam Sino - Nom Institute Abstract Folk culture reflects the actual life of inhabitants living in certain areas including thoughts and concepts, customs and manners, beliefs and ceremonies, and the sense of propriety. Relevant records have been handed down in folk customs of villages; family pedigree and customs; epigraphs inscribed on pavilions and temples. Village and customs documents have been categorized with the combination of a specific village name and words such as regulation book, documents book, regulation document, ordinance, village regulation, documents regulation, documents regarding public issues, customs and practices. For example, Jin Yin Ting City Ordinance, Convention Book of each Jia (square measure) at Dung A She, Dung Chu Ji Village Regulation, Jin Ma Village Practice, Dung A She City Tablet and Ping Lie She Stele. Yi-An Province (old Yi-An) is an ancient region in Vietnam where many historic figures and imperial examination talents came from. This location maintains lots of distinguishing Vietnamese customs as well as rural culture and life. Yi-An Province has preserved five Village Regulations which are listed in chronicle order as follow: 1) The Third Year during the Reign of Emperor Jing Jr (1665 A.D.). Yan-Jou County of Yi-An Province, Hou Shan Village Documents Regulation, number A.2763. 2) The Fifth Year during the Reign of Emperor Jia Lung (1806 A.D.). Shing-Yuan Country of Yi-An Province, Yu-Hu Village Practice, number AFb.1/5. 208

3) The Twelfth Year during the Reign of Emperor Jia Lung (1811 A.D.). Shing-Yuan Country of Yi-An Province, Jeng-De Village Practice, number AFb.1/5. 4) The Fifth Year during the Reign of Emperor Sz De (1852 A.D.). Shing-Yuan Country of Yi-An Province, Jin Ma Village Practice, number AFb.1/5. 5) The Fifth Year during the Reign of Emperor Wei Shin (1911 A.D.). Yan-Jou County of Yi-An Province, Story of Yan-Ta Village Entry, number A.2763. This article purports to observe above-mentioned five practices to analyze specific features of folk customs in Yi-An Province located at the middle of Vietnam, in order to further results of study on rural conventions and make a contribution to investigation of Vietnamese village regulations. Keywords: Han Nom Heritage, village and customs documents, association 209


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