Han-Nan Textual Research on the Vietnam Goddess, Princess Liou-shing Chen Yi-Yuan Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung Uni

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2 Han-Nan Textual Research on the Vietnam Goddess, Princess Liou-shing Chen Yi-Yuan Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract The belief of Dao-Mo is largely increasing in Vietnam. Into this aspect, Princess Liou-shing is the most celebrated Goddess with its incense brought by the pilgrim's joss sticks. The study in turn investigates this Vietnamese Goddess all sorts of sources in Vietnam s Han-Nan bibliography about Princess Liou-shing (including essay, novel, tale of god, commendation of god, miracles, god's merit, Revelation of Spiritual Writings, couplet posts, inscribed poetry, transliteration, chao-wen, tales of making-presence, folktales, and so forth), seeking into the development of Princess Liou-shing s stories, presenting the diversity and variety of Dao-Mo belief in Vietnam, and enacting one of the evidences to the relationship between Vietnamese Chinese fiction (such as Chuan-Chi Shin-Pu) and Vietnamese folk beliefs. In addition, the study also noticed that, with the spread of Chinese Dao religion, the belief in Princess Liou-shing was brought back to Guang-Shi Jing Tribe. This provides obvious evidence to the interrelationship between Chinese and Vietnamese Dao Religion culture. Keywords: Vietnam, Dao Religion, Princess Liou-shing, Han-Nan bilbiography 200


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