J of Radioimmunology Application of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Specific Protein Interferon- Gamma Release Assay in Tuberculosis Di

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203 26 6 J of Radioimmunology203 26 6 76 Application of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Specific Protein Interferon- Gamma Release Assay in Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Therapeutic Monitoring Zhang Lahong Hong Liquan Luo Xian et al Department of Clinical Laboratory The Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University Hangzhou 3005 China Abstract Objective To investigate the applicative value of mycobacterium tuberculosis specific protein interferon gamma release test in early diagnosis of tuberculosis and the evaluation of clinical efficacy. Methods 96 clinical diagnosis of tuberculosis patients were related to the history collection and detected by TB-IGRA simueltaneously tuberculin skin test purified protein derivative of tuberculin 5 units tubercle bacillus culture directly smear tuberculosis antibody detection. Treatment of tuberculosis patients were followed up 2 5 6 months retreatment patients at 2 5 8 months in 6 months and years after the end of treatment followup once. Compared with difference between the IGRA and tuberculin skin test and other traditional laboratory results. Results Confirmed tuberculosis cases in 96 cases including 58 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis 38 cases of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. The sensitivity of TB-IGRA in the pulmonary tuberculosis and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis showed 8% and 86. 8% respectively at the same time TB-IGRA in the diagnosis of tuberculosis the negative predictive value express 86. 3% specificity was 9. 7% and the positive predictive value was 88. 2%. In anti-tuberculosis treatment the positive rate of TB-IGRA and concentration levels before treatment and after treatment 2 5 6months retreatment 2 5 8months decreased significantly P < 0. 0. There is better correlation TB-IGRA concentration level with number of mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is significant difference compared to TB-IGRA with the traditional TST method to the evaluation of clinical treatment P < 0. 0. Conclusion The sensitivity of TB-IGRA in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and the postive predictive value is higher it can be used as a good basis for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. TB-IGRA provides a more reliable diagnosis method in patients with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. Peripheral blood TB-IGRA decreased significantly in anti- tuberculosis treatment process. Coincidence rate between TB-IGRA concentration level and number of mycobacterium tuberculosis is higher. It is an ideal index to evaluate the clinical efficacy. Key Words interferon-gamma release test mycobacterium tuberculosis diagnosis evaluation of clinical treatment mycobacterium tuberculosis MTB /3 MTB 870 3% TB-IGRA HIV 40 00 HIV 2. 2009 7 ~ 200 2 272 90 MTB -6 ESAT-6-0 CFP-0 Th TB-IGRA T INH RFP PZA EMB 6 ~ 6 T T IFN-γ 0. 8 HIV interferon-gamma release assay IGRA 3 4 INH TB-IGRA > 4 2 3 4-6 TB-IGRA TB-IGRA 2 HIV TB-IGRA. 2 TB-IGRA PPD MTB TB-IGRA GNP-9270 ESCO

762 203 26 6 J of Radioimmunology203 26 6. 3 TB-IGRA BD 2. 3 TB-IGRA 58 4ml 2h 40 25. 3% ml N T P 3 37 68 43. 0% 38 22h ± 2h 3000r /min 0min 6 5. 7% 8 4-20 2. 0% TB-IGRA 8. 0% TB-IGRA 86. 8% P < 0. 0 TST. 4 TST P > 0. 05 PPD 5 TST 72h 43. % TB-IGRA 9. 7% TB-IGRA 93. % > 0mm. 5 TB-IGRA 2 3 4 ~ 8 2 TB-IGRA. 6 MTB n TB-IGRA TST IgG 58 28 68 40 25 0 38 33 8 6 30 23. 7 46 2 0 0 83 72 3 TB-IGRA. 8 2 6 2 5 8 79. % 78. 9% TB-IGRA 79. 3% TST % % % % 6 TB-IGRA TST TB-IGRA 82. 9. 7 93. 79. 3 TST 79. 43. 65. 60. 6. 9 SPSS. 5 63. 2 50. 6 63. 2 50. 6 χ 2 23. 5 00 00 49. 3 P < 0. 05 38. 8 00 00 54. 9 2 2. 4 TB-IGRA 2 2. 272 MTB 6 32 /96 67. 3% vs. 48 /96 24. 5% P < 0. 0 TST 96 2 6 47 /96 WHO 75. 0% vs. 9 /96 59. 2% P > 0. 05 58 38 8 TST 98 50. 0% 38 8 TB-IGRA 2 6. % 4 32 2 6 TB-IGRA 4 4. % 3. % PPD 47. 9% 5 7 4 2 46. 9% 4 2 6 4 TB-IGRA 4 2 2 2 46 TB-IGRA TB-IGRA TST TST n % n % 80 5 5 6 82. 55 79. 2. 2 TB-IGRA 58 2 32 67. 3 47 75. 0 28 TB-IGRA 38 5 83 42. 3 23 62. 75 33 TB-IGRA 46 34 6 48 24. 5 6 59. 2 TB-IGRA TB-IGRA 2 8. 0% 86. 8% TB-IGRA 6 82. % 9. 7% 93. % 8 32 20 2 6. 3 0. 2 6. 08 02 98 55. 52. 0 50. 0 79. 3% 6 8 4. 94 47. 9 6 3. 92 46. 9 TB-IGRA TB-IGRA 2. 5 2 TB-IGRA 28 33 2 50. 0% PPD 30 5 34 4. 3% 6 TB-IGRA 58 38 46 8. 6% PPD

203 26 6 J of Radioimmunology203 26 6 763 5 23 22 6 7 73 6 2 07 66 6 2 0 2 9 3 84 38 46 07 77 2 0 9 6 4 86 23 63 02 84 6 8 8 0 6 2 88 2 76 96 92 8 6 6 0 5 90 6 84 93 97 6 4 4 0 2 2 92 4 88 92 00 4 4 0 2 2 92 2 90 90 02 TB-IGRA P < 2. 6 TB-IGRA 0. 0 TST TB-IGRA 480 ± 24vs. 4 ± 2 P < 0. 0 8 P > 0. 05 43. % 6 TB-IGRA 9. 7% P < 0. 0 6 TB-IGRA TB-IGRA ng /ml 480 ± 24 2 20 ± 8 6 60 ± 5 2 30 ± 4 6 20 ± 3 8 4 ± 2 6 0 ± 0 2005 FDA QFT-G T-SPOT. TB TB-IGRA TB-IGRA TB-IGRA T TB-IGRA TB-IGRA MTB TB-IGRA TST TB-IGRA MTB MTB MTB T ESAT-6 CFP-0 γ- γ- MTB TST MTB PPD MTB 44. 4% IFN-γ 6 TB-IGRA TB-IGRA MTB T 95. 0% PPD Th IFNγ IFN-γ MTB 50. 0% 5 5 TB-IGRA 2 ELISA TB-IGRA n TST n n γ 46 45 4 5 ELISpot 50 6 34 4 36 γ T T T-SPOT. 2 38 36 2 35 3 TB TB-IGRA 58 96 62 2 46 MTB BCG 3 BCG T T MTB IFNγ ES- AT-6 CFP-l0 MTB TST PBMC IFN-γ PPD 2 MTB T Harari 3 MTB T TST TST T IL-2 BCG IFN-γ T IFN-γ 2 T MTB Lalvani 7 ELISPOT IFN-γ γ- MTB IGRA T

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