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A Study of Applying Theme Based Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme in kindergarten curriculum Fu Chih Sun Chun Sheng Wu Abstract The aim of this study was to use the theme based Taiwanese nursery rhyme in kindergarten curriculum. The research objectives were: 1. Developing culturally and otherwise appropriate thematic curricula for teaching Taiwanese nursery rhymes in early childhood education activities and lesson plans. 2. Realizing multiple intelligences theory in the Taiwanese nursery rhyme educational curriculum. This study focused on a third year kindergarten class of 30 students in Taichung City, Taiwan, with class activities scheduled for once a week, for 40 minutes, over 16 consecutive weeks. The lesson plan contents included eight focal areas with a welcoming song, Taiwanese nursery rhymes, themed stories, traditional games, traditional culture, traditional handicrafts and arts, student evaluations, and a song of gratitude, all of which were deployed in direct contextual relation to Taiwanese nursery rhymes as the center point of the activities. The research study relied on the kid watching techniques of quantitative participation-based observation, with quantitative analysis to supplement, along with a variety of data collated from sources including a reflective teacher s diary, educational games, multiple assessment, student evaluations, questionnaires, and interviews. The results of the study were the following: First, this study s curriculum conforms to the principles of culturally appropriate construction and content for Taiwanese nursery rhyme themed lessons for learning. Second, this study found that it is important to consider four primary factors in successful implementation of multiple intelligences theory in the design of Taiwanese nursery rhyme themed educational units and curricula. Based on the above findings, the study provides few valuable suggestions for the future reference to the early childhood education personnel, government agencies. Keywords: Taiwanese nursey rhymes, traditional learning, Music themed education

97 2 27 97 6 12 1-3 - - -

5 6 9

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