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11 Journal of Theater Studies 2013 1 113-136 女 性 與 國 族 : 人 間 條 件 二 : 她 與 她 生 命 中 的 男 人 們 之 國 族 寓 言 與 歷 史 再 現 前 言 Yuki 1 2 dramatic narrative national narrative * 2012 10 1 2006 1 11 2012 7 17 2 2007 2 15 tw/2007/new/feb/15/today-article1.htm 2012 7 17-113-

Fredric Jameson national allegory Three Worlds Theory 3 4 the poetic the political 5 6 7 3 Fredric Jameson, Third-World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism, Social Text 15 (Autumn, 1986): 69. 4 67 5 86 6 Aijaz Ahmad, Jameson s Rhetoric of Otherness and the National Allegory, Social Text 17 (Autumn, 1987): 3-25. collectivity 7 1987 Margaret Hillenbrand -114-

Yuki Yuki 一 文 化 敘 事 與 國 族 建 構 nationalism state country nation state nation the United Nations 8 NATO ASEAN Margaret Hillenbrand, The National Allegory Revisited: Writing Private and Public in Contemporary Taiwan, positions: east asia cultures critique 14.3 (2006): 637. 8 States -115-

nation-state Ernest Gellner 9 state nation civic nationalism ethnic nationalism nation representation reiteration 10 11 Eric Hobsbawm 9 primarily a political principle, which holds that the political and the national unit should be congruent. Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983), p. 1. 10 Nationalism is not the awakening of nations to self-conscious; it invents nations where they do not exist. Ernest Gellner, Thought and Change (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1964), p. 169. 11 revives, or invents, a local high culture (literate, specialist-transmitted) of its own. Gellner, Nations and Nationalism, p. 57. -116-

12 Benedict Anderson an imagined political community 13 14 cultural artefacts of a particular kind 15 16 Homi K. Bhabha 17 18 12 Eric Hobsbawm, Introduction to The Invention of Traditions, ed. Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), p. 1. 13 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism (New York: Verso, 1983), p. 6. 14 6 15 13 16 Hsiau A-chin, Contemporary Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism (London: Routledge, 2000), p. 18. 17 a system of cultural signification, a form of cultural elaboration, a form of narrative, and to study nation is to study its narrative address. Homi K. Bhabha, Introduction: narrating the nation, Nation and Narration, ed. Homi Bhabha (London: Routledge, 1990), p.1-3. 18-117-

二 國 族 與 Yuki 故 事 的 濫 觴 : 從 再 現 二 二 八 事 件 說 起 Yuki 19 Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 19-118-

20 21 22 23 24 20 June Yip, Envisioning Taiwan: Fiction, Cinema, and the Nation in the Cultural Imaginary (Durham: Duke University Press, 2004), pp. 106-107. 21 Hsiau A-chin, Contemporary Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism, p.5. 22 Mark Harrison, Legitimacy, Meaning and Knowledge in the Making of Taiwanese Identity (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), p. 164. 23 1989 Sylvia Li-chun Lin, Representing Atrocity in Taiwan: The 2/28 Incident and White Terror in Fiction and Film (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007) 24 1989 8 1992 5 1999 52 55-56 -119-

Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 25 25 2007 38-120-

26 27 28 Yuki Yuki 29 26 Robert Edmondson, The February 28 Incident and National Identity in Memories of the Future: National Identity Issues and the Search for a New Nation, ed. Stéphane Corcuff ( New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2002), p. 29. 27 38 28 38-39 29 2006 2 21 http://forums. 2012 7 17-121-

30 31 Yuki 32 Yuki 33 Yuki 三 女 性 做 為 國 族 與 文 化 的 文 學 比 喻 1883-1950 Yuki woman as-nation 30 44 31 45 32 45 33 Anderson, p. 131. In everything natural there is always something unchosen precisely because such ties are not chosen, they have about them a halo of disinterestedness. -122-

Elleke Boehmer 34 35 nationhood 36 34 the bearers of national culture. Boehmer, p. 4. Yuval-Davis cultural and biological reproducers of the nation Nira Yuval-Davis, Gender & Nation (London: SAGE, 1997), p. 3. 35 Boehmer, p. 90. 36 1910-1945 2004 271-123-

Yuki Yuki ( 一 ) 道 義 與 溫 柔 敦 厚 為 臺 灣 人 的 美 德 特 質 Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 37 Yuki Tony 37 102-103 -124-

Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 38 Yuki Tony Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 38 129-125-

( 二 ) 多 音 與 臺 灣 文 化 的 多 元 開 放 特 質 39 Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 40 Yuki Yuki gau 41 Yuki 39 40 70 41 76-126-

Yuki Tony Yuki 42 Yuki 43 Yuki Yuki Yuki 42 117 43 1990 1996 1990 2000 2008 Performing Nation, Imagining Taiwaneseness in Twentyfirst Century Theatre in Taiwan (Ph.D. diss., Tufts University, 2010), pp. 123-126. -127-

44 Yuki Yuki Those Men in Her Life 45 46 Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 44 Boehmer, p. 32. if men occupied the dimension of time linear, future-directed, associated with change and progress women presided over the static dimension of space the past, tradition, nature. 45 2012 11 19 46 Graham Day and Andrew Thompson, Theorizing Nationalism (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), p. 116. -128-

四 族 群 他 者 及 外 省 和 本 省 人 的 族 群 通 婚 Sylvia Li-chun Lin 47 48 Yuki Yuki 49 47 Sylavia Li-chun Lin, Representing Atrocity in Taiwan: The 2/28 Incident and White Terror in Fiction and Film (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), p. 46. 48 2008 49 76-129-

Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 50 Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 51 Yuki Yuki 52 Yuki Yuki Yuki 50 62 51 1995 193-196 2012 7 15 52 50-130-

結 語 : 一 個 臺 灣 中 心 的 國 族 敘 述 與 挪 用 女 性 符 號 為 國 族 服 務 Yuki Yuki 53 Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Tony Tony Yuki 54 Tony Yuki Yuki Yuki Tony I m not American, I was just born in America. Tony made in USA 55 Tony Yuki Ernest Renan 53 17 54 27 55 107-131-

What Is a Nation? 56 57 Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki 56 Ernest Renan, What is a nation? in Nation and Narration, ed. Homi K. Bhabha (New York: Routledge, 1990), p. 19. 57-132-

女 性 與 國 族 : 人 間 條 件 二 : 她 與 她 生 命 中 的 男 人 們 之 國 族 寓 言 與 歷 史 再 現 Yuki Yuki Fredric Jameson Yuki Yuki 關 鍵 字 : 國 族 寓 言 歷 史 再 現 國 族 敘 事 國 族 建 構 派 理 論 人 間 條 件 二 : 她 與 她 生 命 中 的 男 人 們 -133-

Women and Nation: Human Conditions II: Those Men in Her Life as National Allegory and Its Representation of History Wen-ling LIN Assistant Professor, Department of Drama Creation and Application, National University of Tainan Human Conditions II: Those Men in Her Life, staged by the Greenray Theatre Company in 2006, dramatizes the life of its female protagonist, Yuki. This epic production, spanning over sixty years from the 1940s to the present day, swept Taiwan with its humor and warm sentiments. According to playwright and director Wu Nianzhen, the play is intended to pay homage to all Taiwanese grandmothers, or an older generation of Taiwanese females, who are strong, accommodating, and resilient in encountering changes of various kinds. On the surface, this play offers a view of the life story of the female protagonist growing up in the Japanese colonial period through her relations with the men who play a decisive role in her life. At a deeper level, the play weaves a national narrative through its representation of important historical moments. It is what Fredric Jameson calls national allegory. This paper first briefly examines important constructivist theories of nationalism and revisits Jameson s concept of national allegory in the Taiwanese political context. Then it investigates how this work presents Taiwan, focusing on the selection and representation of historical events, the dramatization of ethnic relations, and the construction of Taiwaneseness or Taiwan spirit, all of which are critical elements of narrating a nation. More importantly, this paper compares the tropes of women-as-nation in this play with other post-colonial cultural imagery. Yuki embodies the trinity of history, culture and the moral values of the people, completing a Taiwanese national narrative. However, this construction follows the traditional postcolonial nation-building model in which the male intellectuals privilege resistance against foreign oppression over resistance against other types of internal oppression arising from class, gender, and sexual differences. Only at the cost of the female subjectivity in a patriarchal society is Yuki able to re-present the nation. Keywords: national allegory historical representation national narrative constructivist theories of nationalism Human Conditions II: Those Men in Her Life -134-

徵 引 書 目 2006 2012 7 15 2007 1995 1910-1945 2004 2006 2 21 http://forums. 2012 7 17 2007 2 15 new/feb/15/today-article1.htm 2012 7 17 1999 45-66 2006 1 11 htm 2012 7 17 Ahmad, Ajaz. Jameson s Rhetoric of Otherness and the National Allegory. Social Text 17 (Autumn, 1987): 3-25. Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. New York: Verso, 1983. Bhabha, Homi ed.. Nation and Narration. London: Routledge, 1990. Boehmer, Elleke. Stories of Women: Gender and Narrative in the Postcolonial Nation. New York: Manchester University Press, 2005. Day, Graham and Andrew Thompson. Theorizing Nationalism. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Edmondson, Robert. The February 28 Incident and National Identity. In Memories of the Future: National Identity Issues and the Search for a New Nation. Ed. Stéphane Corcuff. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2002. Gellner, Ernest. Nations and Nationalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983.. Thought and Change. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1964. Jameson, Fredric. Third-World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism. Social Text 15 (Autumn, 1986): 65-88. Harrison, Mark. Legitimacy, Meaning and Knowledge in the Making of Taiwanese Identity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Hillenbrand, Margaret. The National Allegory Revisited: Writing Private and Public in Contemporary Taiwan. positions: east Asia cultures critique 14.3 (2006): 633-662. -135-

Hobsbawm, Eric and Terence Ranger eds. The Invention of Traditions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Hsiau, A-chin. Contemporary Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism. London: Routledge, 2000. Lin, Sylavia Li-chun. Representing Atrocity in Taiwan: The 2/28 Incident and White Terror in Fiction and Film. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007. Renan, Ernest. What is a nation? Nation and Narration. Ed. Homi K. Bhabha. New York: Routledge, 1990. Yip, June. Envisioning Taiwan: Fiction, Cinema, and the Nation in the Cultural Imaginary. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004. Yuval-Davis, Nira. Gender & Nation. London: SAGE, 1997. -136-