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1 1 Nira Yuval-Davis (University of East London) (the Research Centre on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, CMRB) (gender and nation) (intersectionality) (politics of belonging) (nationalism) ( ) 2005 Palgrave MacMillan (UNDP) Yuval-Davis Yuval-Davis Yuval-Davis, N Human/Women's Rights and Feminist Transversal Politics. Global Feminism: Transnational Women's Activism, Organizing and Human Rights. Ed. Myra Ferree and Aili Mari Tripp. NY: New York UP,

2 Yuval-Davis (transversal politics) Yuval-Davis (identity politics) (dialogue) Yuval-Davis (rooting) (shifting) (top down) Yuval-Davis

3 (UN) (CEDAW) 1985 (Global Feminism Transnational Women s Activism, Organizing, and Human Rights) Yuval-Davis Yuval-Davis (feminist transversal politics) Yuval-Davis Yuval-Davis Yuval-Davis (intersectionality) Yuval-Davis 1948 Yuval-Davis (Gender and Nation, 1997) 2 Yuval-Davis (triple 2

4 oppression) Floya Anthias Racialized Boundaries) Yuval-Davis, 2005) Intersection Crenshaw, 2001) Yuval-Davis, 2005) (Collins, 2000) Yuval-Davis, 2005) Yuval-Davis Yuval-Davis (Identity Politics) / / 3 + A 4 Transversal Transversal Politics Transversal Intersection Transversal Politics Transversal Politics Yuval-Davis Transversal politics Intersectionality v.s. Transversal Politics Intersectionality

5 1970 (Consciousness-Raising) (The Personal Is Political) (individual) (collective) B (categorical identity) (social identity) (values)( p.277) 6 (subject) (proliferation) 5 primary one look I m a black woman

6 Scott, 1992; Butler, 1992, p. 278) Collins, 1990 Benhabib, 1992 p.278) (Transversal Politics) Yuval-Davis Yuval-Davis 1993 (Transversalism, Guattari, 1977) Yuval-Davis Gender and Nation(1997) Yuval- Davis p.280) Yuval-Davis (universalism) p281) Yuval-Davis (essentialism) (boundaries) 7 ( ) (p.281) (construction) 7

7 Yuval-Davis (Rooting and Shifting) (standing) (the truth)(p.281) (pp ) (2002) 2008) (epistemological communities)

8 (the encompassment of difference by equality) (surround enclose or circumscribe) (p.281) (p ) Yuval-Davis Homi Bhabha (1994) (hybridity) Gloria Anzaldua (1987) living on the border Donna Haraway (2000) companion species p. 285) p. 286) Yuval- Davis Jo Freeman(1970) (p.286) Yuval-Davis (egalitarian)

9 (positioning) (identity) (p.281) ( ) T T T T

10 Yuval-Davis (advocator)(p.282) 1970 ( ) (the authentic voice) (message) (messenger)(p.282) Yuval-Davis ( )

11 ( ) Yuval-Davis

12 Yuval-Davis

13 ( )

14 Bibliography Anthias, Floya., and Nira Yuval-Davis. Contextualizing Feminism: Gender, Ethnic and Class Divisions. Feminist Review 15 (1983): Racialized Boundaries: Race, Nation, Gender, Colour and Class and the Anti-Racist Struggle. London: Routledge, Collins, P. H. Black Feminist Thought. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, Crenshaw, K. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence against Women of Color. Paper presented at the World Conference Against Racism, ( Ferree, M., and Aili Mari Tripp, eds. Global Feminism: Transnational Women's Activism, Organizing and Human Rights. NY: New York University Press (2006). Yuval-Davis, N. Gender and Nation. London: Sage, Intersectionality and Feminist Politics. European Journal of Women s Studies 13. 3(2005): Human/Women's Rights and Feminist Transversal Politics. Global Feminism: Transnational Women's Activism, Organizing and Human Rights. Ed. Myra Ferree and Aili Mari Tripp. NY: New York University Press, (Intersectionality) (Transversal Politics)

15 (Identity Politics) 1970 (Rooting) (Shifting) II Anthias, Floya. Beyond Feminism and Multiculturalism: Locating Difference and the Politics of Location. Women s Studies International Forum 25. 3(2002): Brah, Avtar., and Ann Phoenix. Ain t I a Woman? Revisiting Intersectionality. Journal of International Women s Studies 5. 3(2004): Yuval-Davis, Nira. Belonging and the Politics of Belonging. Patterns of Prejudice 40. 3(2006):

16 2005 G

17 Gay Bar (2008) 2. t-bar MSN ( ) 350

18 baby ( ) G ( ) 4. ( )

19 show gay 2007


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