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* ** 1. 2. 96.4% 92.9% 96.4% 3. 4. t 9.031, p.05 * ** 93

94 2000 2001 2000 2000 2001Morrow, 1997 2000 2000 2000 1998 1. 2. 3. 1995 91 8 26 1994

Ramsey Hungerford1989 1.Hungerford Hungerford1992 95

2.Pennoktgdi Pennocktgdi1994 56 13 4 3.Stapp Stapp1986 1998 4.Johnson Johnson1991 96

97 picture books Kiefer1982 1991 2001-1998

- 1. 1996 757 Monhardt Monhardt2000 multiple-baseline subjects 35 There s an Owl in the 1999 1999 across Shower 2. 2000 1997 98

2000 2000 Morrow et al.,1997 2000 82 2000 20 Liston1994 Lauritzen and Jaeger 1997 Butzow & Butzow1994 1996 1. 2. 99

100 3. 4. 1998 1992De Young, Monroe Martha1996 narratives story Butzow & Butzow, 1994 Monroe 1991 Down1991 Moser, 1994 1999 1992 1987 1973 Daisey Dabney1997 1987 1992 2000

101 17

102 20 28 7 1.

2. 10 1. 1816 4 1993 18-3511 5 1315 Helen and Acott 2000 NEPDSP 5 4710 41017 1417 5 26912 19 Likert 21 62 19 20 Likert 54321 12345 116 35 103

Cronbach questionnaire coefficient alpha. 19 62 SPSS 8.0 Cronbach 0.72. semi-structured interviews 2. 5 24 7 10 23 25 6 104

28 Likert Scale 27 8 1 1 28 8 28 4 4 8 4 T-test 6 6 1 SPSS 8.01 105


107 1. 2.

108 3. story mapping

109 I 1. 2. 3. 160 I II - 1. 2. 3. 120 II 1. 2. 3. 120 III 1. 2. 3. 4. 120 III 1. 2. 3. 4. 160 IV 1. 2. 160

110 910913 T S17 S12 900911 S13 130101 1998 900914 S20 200101

111-900928 S19 190201 190202 T S28 28901002 T 7 1. 2. 3.

112 S27 S27 S29 900928 S3 901004 S10 901004

113 Butzow & Butzow, 1994 901011 T S7 T S T 901011 T.. S10 T S28 901015 S21 210502 S18 180601 S01 010601 S19

114 190601 S27 270101 S25 25901002 S3 S10 901004 S2 020102 S17 900928 S12 120103 120103

t-test M SD Df t-test 28 73.32 6.91 27 9.031* 28 86.57 5.03 27 *P.05 S10 901026 901004 S27 270601 20 (28 ) 7 1 0 0 71.4% 25.0% 3.6% 0% 0% 115

96.4% 92.9% 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 18 (28 ) 8 1 1 0 64.3% 28.6% 3.6% 3.6% 0% 96.4% 900928 96.4% 2. 3. - 116

117 4. 5. 6. t9.031, p.05 92.9% 1. 2. 3.

118 1. 2. 1994 38-45 1992 2002.08.26 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2002/ne w/aug/26/today-int3.htm 1991 245-250 1999 33 2000 1996 1993 p1-32

2000 1996 326-31 1998 173-199 2001 1999 2001 13-15 2000 2000 89.9.30 (89) 89122368 1991 2000 20-33 2000 1973 1997 33-4 1987 68-77 1999 1992 1995 2000 20-33 1991 1998 Butzow, C. M. & Butzow, J. W. (1994). 2001 Intermediate Science Through Children s Literature- over land and sea. Daisey, P., and Dabney J. (1997). Learning from others-using biographies can increase student interest in plant science. 119

Science and Children, 40-42. De Young, Raymond; Monroe, Martha C. (1996). Some fundamentals of engaging stories. Environmental Education Research, 2(2), 171-187. Dowd, F. S. (1991). Storybooks: Stimulating science starters. School Library Media Quarterly, 19, 105-108. Helen and Acott (2000). A Modified NEP/ DSP Environmental Attitudes Scale. The journal of Environment Education, 32:1, p12-20. Kiefer, B. Z (1982). The response of Primary children to Picture Books. The Ohio State University. Lauritzen, C. & Jaeger, M. (1997). Integrating learning through story-the narrative curriculum. Albany, N. Y.: Delmar Publishers. Liston, D. D. (1994). Story-Telling and narrative: A Neuro-philosophical perspective. ED372092. Monhardt, R & Monhardt, L. (2000). Children s literature and environment issue: Heart over mind. Reading Horizons, 40(3), 175-184. Monroe, M. (1991). The effect of interesting environmental stories on knowledge and action-taking attitudes, unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Morrow, L. M., Pressley, M., Smith, J. & literature-based program integrated into literacy and science instruction with children from diverse backgrounds. Reading Research Quarterly, 32(1), 54-76. Moser, S. (1994). Using storybooks to teach science themes. Reading Horizons, 35, 139-150. Smith, J. L. & Johnson, H. (1994). Models for implementing literature in cotent studies. The Reading Teacher, 48(3), 198-209. 1996 1987 2000 1987 1988 1987 2001 2000 1998 Smith, M. (1997). The effect of a 120

A Research on Using Picture books as the Medium to Teach Environmental Issues Mei-Ling Liu*Pei-Lian Wang** Abstract This research uses mainly qualitative methods, and quantitative methods for assistance. The goal is to design and conduct a teaching of environmental issues using picture books as the medium, and to analyze and inquire into the result of the teaching by means of classroom observation, worksheets, questionnaires, and journal entries. The important findings are as follows: 1.Based on suggestions and reviews of environmental education experts, workers, experienced teachers, and teachers who have experience in using picture books as the medium, "the relation between the human development and natural environment" is designed to be the subject of teaching activit ies. We choos e nine picture books and design related activities to help students understand the relation between the human development and natural environment and the influence of human development upon environment. We hope that students will realize the importance of the environmental protection and consequently take action to protect environment. 2.Research objects have positive attitude to picture books and related teaching activit ies and methods. There are 96.4 %students who like reading picture books. 92.9%of students like the teaching activit ies using picture books as the medium. In addition, 96.4%of students hope to participate again in the similar activity. 3.Research objects like picture books that are both interesting and functional. Judging upon the content and language, they like the vivid realistic picture books and books that can increase their knowledge and help them to learn. Judging upon the pictures and illustration, student like books with many fine-designed pictures/illustration; books with pictures through which students can construct story on their own are most favorable. * Student Teacher of Taoyuan Sin-Wu Elementary School ** Professor of Taipei Municipal Teachers College and Chief of Graduate School of Environmental 121

4.Using picture books as the medium to teach environmental issues us can raise the environmental awareness of students and increase their environmental knowledge. It also can obviously promote students environmental attitude (t=9.031, p<.05). Through storybook teaching activities students can identity environmental issues, come up with concrete solutions, and commit themselves to protecting the environment. Keyword: picture books, teaching of environmental issues 122