(Staphylococcus aureus) Oxacillin 2g q6h IVD a n t e r i o r d i s c e c t o m y, p a r t i a l corpectomy, and anterior fusion M R S A ( m e t h i c

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(Staphylococcus aureus) Oxacillin 2g q6h IVD a n t e r i o r d i s c e c t o m y, p a r t i a l corpectomy, and anterior fusion M R S A ( m e t h i c i l l i n - r e s i s t a n t S t a p h y l o c o c c u s a u r e u s Vancomycin 1g q12h IVD (posterior instrumented fusion) Vancomycin 1g q12h IVD 病例二 : 51 HIV HIV CD4 術後 H A A R T ( H i g h l y a c t i v e antiretroviral treatment) 9,260/ul X MRI (infectious spondylitis) ( s p i n a l stenosis) Oxacillin 2g q6h IVD Case1 術前 病例三 : 75 37.4~37.8 家庭醫學與基層醫療第二十四卷第十二期 417

(E.coli) q u i n o l o n e Ciproxin(ciprofloxacin) 200mg q12h IVD C- (C-reactive protein, CRP) (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR) Case2 術前 Case3 術前 術後 6,390/ul X 術後 418 家庭醫學與基層醫療第二十四卷第十二期

感染性脊椎炎及椎間盤炎 (infectious spondylitis and discitis) ( p y o g e n i c ) (nonpyogenic) (granulomatous) (hematogenous) ( d i r e c t ) ( p o s t - operative) (hematogenous pyogenic infection) (seeding) (disc) (avascular) (vertebral body) (vertebral endplate ) ESR CRP (immunocompromised state) L-spine(50~60%) T-spine(30~40%) C-spine(10%) 60~80% 60 MRSA G(-) 20 H I V ( + ) HIV(+) HIV ESR CRP (debridement) (decompression) (instrumented fusion) 家庭醫學與基層醫療第二十四卷第十二期 419

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