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379 市 分 别 建 立 执 业 药 师 协 会 这 一 目 标 还 有 相 当 一 段 路 要 走 门 户 网 站 作 为 展 示 协 会 建 设 风 采 的 窗 口, 是 搭 建 执 业 药 师 与 群 众 联 系 的 桥 梁 为 群 众 了 解 并 监 督 执 业 药 师 工 作 为 执 业



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肺 擴 張 不 全 導 致 缺 氧, 需 緊 急 放 置 氣 管 內 管 合 併 人 工 呼 吸 器 使 用 (Panayiotis et al., 2002) 二 ( ) 呼 吸 照 : 準 備 脫 離 呼 吸 器 時, 呼 吸 生 指 數 需 達 下 列 標 準 : 最 大 吸 氣 壓 >25c

Liao Mei-Yu Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Yao Ying was a government official in Taiwan for more

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发热 肺部感染 ARDS 首都医科大学急诊医学系 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院急诊科 何新华 2011-08-28

一般情况 男性,27 岁 发热 10 天, 咳嗽 咳痰伴左侧胸痛咳痰伴左侧胸痛 5 天 血气 :PH H 7.531,PCO, 2 23.3mmHg,PO 2 54.5mmHg( 文丘里吸氧 10l/min,FiO 2 50%) 血常规 WBC 4 39 10 9 /L N 80 1% 血常规 :WBC 4.39 10 9 /L,N 80.1%, HGB 134g/L,PLT254 10 9 /L

2011-05-03HRCT 入院第1天

2011-05-03HRCT( 入院第 1 天 )

诊治经过 肺部 CT 和化验检查, 考虑患者重症肺炎 泰能 + 斯沃 + 利福平 + 希舒美 初期治疗, 症状进一步加重 气管插管接呼吸机辅助通气 FiO 2 100%,SpO 2 82%,PaO 2 55mmHg

诊治经过 PCT 0.26 ng/ml

诊治经过 临床考虑 : 非细菌感染 痰病毒核酸检验 : 腺病毒 (+) 血清病毒核酸 : 腺病毒 (+) 血清 G 试验 (-) 腺病毒肺炎诊断 :

诊治经过 给予更昔洛韦抗病毒治疗 应用丙种球蛋白 胸腺肽免疫调节 联合应用中药抗病毒治疗

诊治经过 入院 2 天 入院 6 天

诊治经过 入院 8 天 入院 11 天

2011-05-18HRCT 入院第16天

2011-05-18HRCT( 入院第 16 天 )

2011-05-28HRCT 入院第26天

2011-05-28HRCT( 入院第 26 天 )


From Canada

方式与方法 时间 :2004-2006 地点 :55 家医院, 前瞻性临床研究 方法 : 细菌学培养 血清学检查 咽试子实验 流感病毒 人变性肺病毒 呼吸道合孢病毒 流感病毒 人变性肺病毒 呼吸道合孢病毒 鼻病毒 副流感病毒 冠状病毒和腺病毒

结果 193 人入选, 平均 71 岁,51% 男性,47%SCAP 75(39%) 病源学 其中病毒 29 例 (15%), 细菌 38 例 (20%),8 例混合感染 (4%) 流感 7, 人变性肺病毒 7, 呼吸道合孢 3, 腺病毒 2 肺链 37% 与细菌感染相比, 病毒感染者年龄更大 (76 vs 64,p=0.01), 同时合并基础疾病 (66% vs 32%,p=0.02) 02) 细菌和病毒感染在临床表现和预后方面没有差异

结论 在 CAP 住院病人中呼吸道病毒感染是常见的 病源学明确的患者中占 39%, 在所有观察病人中占 15% 流感病毒 人变性肺病毒和呼吸道合孢病毒最为常见 鉴别是否感染病毒仍然很困难 建议此类病人常规行病毒学检查

Thorax 2008; 63: 42-48 From New Zealand

Methods Adults admitted to Christchurch Hospital over a 1-year period with CAP were included in the study. Blood and sputum cultures, urinary antigen testing for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila, antibody detection in paired sera and detection of respiratory viruses in nasopharyngeal swabs by immunofluorescence, culture and PCR.

Results 304 patients with CAP, a viral diagnosis was made in 88 (29%), with rhinoviruses and influenza A being the most common. Two or more pathogens were detected in 49 (16%) patients, 45 of whom had mixed viral and bacterial infections. There were no reliable clinical predictors of viral pneumonia, although several variables were independently associated with some aetiologies. The presence of myalgia was associated with pneumonia caused by any respiratory virus (OR 3.62, 95% CI 1.29 to 10.12) and influenza pneumonia (OR 190.72, 95% CI 3.68 to 9891.91). Mixed rhinovirus/pneumococcal infection was associated with severe disease.

Conclusions Virus-associated CAP is common in adults. Polymicrobial infections involving bacterial and viral pathogens are frequent and may be associated with severe pneumonia.

From China

Conclusion M. pneumoniae and respiratory viruses (IFVA, PIV, AdV, hmpv) were the most frequent pathogens found in ambulatory adult CAP patients. Quinolones were better than β-lactams, macrolides, or β-lactams + macrolides in the resolution of fever of M. pneumoniae n pneumonia.

Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2009; 22: 143-147 From Spain

Recent Finding Better quality diagnostic tests, such as nucleic acid amplification techniques, have markedly improved our ability to detect multiple viral pathogens. With these diagnostic tools, a viral cause can be established in more than half of patients with CAP. Influenza A and RSVs are the most frequent causes of viral pneumonia followed by adenovirus, parainfluenza virus types 1, 2, and 3, and influenza.

Although some clinical findings have been more frequent with viral infection,no clear-cut clinical signs have been shown to be predictive of specific cause. Of more interest is the association of mixed virus bacteria infection with poorer severity scores found in some studies. Unfortunately, there are no other licensed antivirals or vaccines against the large variety of clinically important respiratory viruses with the notable exception of influenza.

Summary Given the high rate of viral infection in CAP and its probable association with poorer prognosis in mixed virus bacteria infection, an extensive evaluation for virus in some populations seems appropriate. These findings can be useful for a more appropriate management of these patients.

小结 病毒感染在 CAP 占有较高的发病率 临床症状 体征 X 线无特异性 特异性病毒学检查可明确诊断 无特异性治疗药物 混合感染预后差 老年人更易合并病毒感染

发热 肺部感染 病毒感染 ARDS