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李 仲 民 響 之 下, 因 此 比 較 重 視 各 地 方 言 的 記 錄, 並 且 強 調 與 漢 語 的 關 聯 性, 主 要 目 的 在 於 為 歷 史 比 較 語 言 學 的 研 究 服 務 ; 另 外 大 陸 的 閩 南 語 研 究 調 查 的 地 區 大 多 只 到 縣 級, 並 且

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Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 30

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 Based on time geography, this study explored the time-space allocation of the tea-picking women s agricultural activities in Phoenix Village, Lugu Township after changes in the industry. And it also observed the gender space transformation of this tea village based on feminist geography. With the rapid economic growth in Taiwan in the 60s of the Republic of China, Dongding Oolong Tea became famous and the villagers began to plant a large number of tea trees, making tea became the single crop in Phoenix village. In the late 80s, the demand of high mountain tea rise rapidly, and Dongding Oolong Tea began decreasing. The tea gardens in this area were transferred, wasted, or sold. Regardless of the rise and fall of the tea trees in this area, a group of hard-working, contented traditional Taiwanese tea-picking women kept paying their own labor for the tree gardens. Without their efforts, Dongding Oolong Tea wouldn t be so famous. In response to changes in the industry, the tea-picking work had also developed into different tea-picking organizations to adapt to the needs of the tea farmers. The rise of the professional intermediaries (foremen) brought the tea-picking organization into another commercial era. Relying on the foremen's vast personal network, the shortage of tea-picking workers was solved. Led by the foremen, the tea-picking women changed their path of movement, thereby affecting the time-space allocation. After the tea-picking women became the main force of the tea gardens, The entire season s tea-picking approached issues were mostly communicated by the tea-picking women. The community network became more convenient and faster. The phenomenon that the tea-picking women spent more time working outside than staying at home also changed the previous sex space stereotype that men are breadwinners, and women are housekeepers. The traditional notions of male superiority still deeply entrenched in the tea-picking women in this area. However, as the autonomy strengthened by the environment continually, the gender space of the tea village also experienced some subtle changes. 31

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 32

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 33

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 34

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 35

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 36

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 37

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 38

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 39

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 40

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 41

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 42

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 43

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 44

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 45

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 46

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 47

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 48

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 49

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 50

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 51

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 52

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 53

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 54

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 55

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 56

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 57

Path of Movement and Gender Space of the Tea-Picking Women in a Tea Country - A Case Study of Phoenix Village of Lugu Township 58

The Journal of Regional and Social Development Research vol.4 Dyck, I. (1990). Space, Time, and Renegotiating Motherhood: An Exploration of the Domestic Workplace Environment and Planning D. Society and Space 8 (4):459-484. Linda,M.(1999). Gender, Identity and Place: Understanding Feminist Geographies. Cambridge: Polity Press. Rose, G. (1993). Feminism & Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge. Cambridge: Polity Press. 59