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A Study on Business s Management of Foreign Labors in Kaohsiung City Abstract Since the Employment Service Act was promulgated in 1992, the principle of foreign labor policy of Taiwan Government had changed a few times; unemployment among Taiwanese is very high, but the number of foreign laborers is still increasing. Employers prefer to hire foreign laborers because they will accept low wages and are very willing to work overtime. Because most of these businesses provide accommodations for foreign workers, and they employ more than sixty percent of all foreigners working in Taiwan, it is important to understand the management of foreign workers. This thesis makes use of literature review, statistical analysis of data, and on-site visits. On-site visits enabled discovery of some conditions and problems associated with the management of foreigners employed in business. Further discussion focuses on the related laws and regulations for management of foreign workers, on the actual situation of management, and on the external agency fee of foreign laborers. The Labor Standard Act ensures the basic rights of those foreign laborers employed by business, but the management still encounters some problems related to foreigners working and living in Taiwan during their employment. In conclusion, the difficulties depend on whether the employer carefully supervises their foreign laborers, and on the quality of service from the employment agency. In order to effectively resolve the issue of business s management of foreign laborers, it is necessary for the responsible authorities to revise related laws and regulations, to enhance the foreign workers counseling and services, and to implement inspections. Key Words Foreign Labor, the Management of Foreigners Employed, the Foreign Labors Counseling and Services, Dual Labor Market, Service Charge for Recruiting Foreign Labors, Administration Project for Foreigners Living, Administrator, Bilingual. II

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1991 1991 1996 2001 23 18 19 1989 1987 60.93 1990 1986 75.1519882005 67.62 45.51 48.12 15-1923.07 20-24 14.94 25-44 18 /15 100 19 21

45-64 65 2-1 1986 5,2162005 7,578 2,362 1,161 707 270 2-2 15-24 20 1,317 708725 1987 2,821 3,201 5,298 20 15 15 22

2-1 15-19 20-24 25-44 45-64 65 1986 60.37 75.15 45.51 33.53 68.27 75.55 60.61 10.53 1987 60.93 75.24 46.54 32.09 69.21 76.61 61.18 10.59 1988 60.21 74.43 45.56 28.98 68.31 76.44 60.87 9.64 1989 60.12 74.84 45.35 27.62 67.83 76.51 60.64 10.34 1990 59.24 73.96 44.50 24.68 65.73 76.19 59.65 9.77 1991 59.11 73.80 44.39 22.86 65.42 76.53 59.74 9.93 1992 59.34 73.78 44.83 21.20 65.13 77.39 60.24 9.69 1993 58.82 72.67 44.89 19.44 63.69 77.68 60.09 9.83 1994 58.96 72.44 45.40 20.21 63.88 78.15 60.24 9.68 1995 58.71 72.03 45.34 19.46 62.95 78.21 60.83 9.79 1996 58.44 71.13 45.76 18.71 61.68 78.60 60.87 8.95 1997 58.33 71.09 45.64 17.94 60.91 78.80 61.20 8.76 1998 58.04 70.58 45.60 16.13 60.48 79.17 60.81 8.51 1999 57.93 69.93 46.03 16.09 60.13 79.36 60.35 7.92 2000 57.68 69.42 46.02 15.14 59.41 79.60 59.80 7.71 2001 57.23 68.47 46.10 13.73 58.11 79.71 59.13 7.39 2002 57.34 68.22 46.59 13.03 57.22 79.97 59.04 7.79 2003 57.34 67.69 47.14 11.71 54.83 80.34 59.58 7.78 2004 57.66 67.78 47.71 11.00 54.44 81.25 59.96 7.42 2005 57.78 67.62 48.12 10.46 53.33 81.87 60.24 7.27 http://win.dgbas.gov.tw/dgbas04/bc/manpower/w-labor-a.asp. 2006/10/07 23

2-2 1986 5,216 90 1,448 2,418 914 346 1987 5,248 80 1,488 2,391 953 336 1988 5,449 75 1,561 2,460 1,015 338 1989 5,565 75 1,588 2,513 1,051 338 1990 5,795 85 1,662 2,597 1,100 351 1991 5,927 85 1,721 2,636 1,155 329 1992 6,006 68 1,778 2,606 1,220 335 1993 6,213 84 1,890 2,596 1,304 338 1994 6,321 86 1,909 2,611 1,368 347 1995 6,478 107 1,951 2,624 1,438 357 1996 6,621 119 2,003 2,595 1,527 376 1997 6,738 107 2,059 2,607 1,592 373 1998 6,902 115 2,089 2,642 1,656 399 1999 7,020 142 2,090 2,639 1,704 444 2000 7,178 147 2,129 2,673 1,766 463 2001 7,347 201 2,156 2,673 1,831 486 2002 7,417 225 2,139 2,672 1,865 517 2003 7,495 229 2,154 2,634 1,921 558 2004 7,520 230 2,147 2,567 1,994 580 2005 7,578 209 2,155 2,523 2,075 616 http://statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/year/32180.htm. 2006/10/10 24

41.37 58.27 1995 2-3 1976 1995 55.71997 29 1998 73 21 1986 1.70 2005 1.74 1992 1994 3 22 23 2000 21 e e 2006 8 22 2006 8 23 2006 8 25

2-3 1986 7,733 1,317 3,215 33 2,635 34 512 3,201 1987 8,022 1,226 3,431 31 2,821 35 544 3,366 1988 8,107 1,113 3,443 28 2,802 35 577 3,551 1989 8,258 1,066 3,476 24 2,796 35 620 3,717 1990 8,283 1,064 3,382 20 2,653 36 673 3,837 1991 8,439 1,093 3,370 19 2,598 37 715 3,977 1992 8,632 1,065 3,419 18 2,585 37 778 4,148 1993 8,745 1,005 3,418 19 2,483 36 879 4,323 1994 8,939 976 3,506 18 2,485 36 967 4,456 1995 9,045 954 3,504 15 2,449 36 1,003 4,587 1996 9,068 918 3,399 14 2,422 35 928 4,751 1997 9,176 878 3,502 13 2,570 35 885 4,795 1998 9,289 822 3,523 12 2,611 35 865 4,944 1999 9,385 776 3,492 11 2,603 35 843 5,116 2000 9,491 740 3,534 11 2,655 36 832 5,218 2001 9,383 708 3,377 10 2,587 35 746 5,298 2002 9,454 709 3,332 9 2,563 35 725 5,413 2003 9,573 696 3,334 8 2,590 35 702 5,543 2004 9,786 642 3,446 7 2,671 35 732 5,698 2005 9,942 591 3,558 7 2,726 34 791 5,793 http://win.dgbas.gov.tw/dgbas04/bc4/manpower/w-69emp-a.asp. 2006/10/07 26

1997 2001 2-4 24 199620025.17515 20054.13 428 216 39 130 2-5 1999 14 1999 19 123 94 105 24 / 100 / 100 / 100 27

2-4 1986 265,604 452,416 1.70 44.78 26.29 1987 208,508 560,547 2.69 53.39 19.86 1988 202,981 583,175 2.87 55.34 19.26 1989 167,696 483,428 2.88 53.74 18.64 1990 185,589 509,393 2.74 49.49 18.03 1991 195,337 563,632 2.89 52.56 18.21 1992 173,974 559,635 3.22 44.36 13.79 1993 144,960 511,388 3.53 48.56 13.76 1994 136,850 410,099 3.00 53.42 17.82 1995 165,034 352,227 2.13 41.54 19.46 1996 174,090 323,150 1.86 43.42 23.39 1997 167,036 413,060 2.47 42.76 17.29 1998 174,262 427,495 2.45 39.03 15.91 1999 248,679 365,629 1.47 28.01 19.05 2000 288,680 470,278 1.63 36.12 22.17 2001 439,489 405,637 0.92 29.17 31.61 2002 442,573 471,888 1.07 28.41. 26.64 2003 450,079 720,746 1.60 28.05 17.51 2004 547,745 949,918 1.73 41.71 34.52 2005 580,020 1,008,307 1.74 45.41 47.49 http://statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/year/39020.htm. 2006/10/09 28

2-5 1986 2.66 212 73 138 39 59 18 22 1987 1.97 161 58 103 22 55 10 16 1988 1.69 139 51 88 17 50 8 13 1989 1.57 132 46 86 18 49 6 13 1990 1.67 140 47 93 24 50 6 13 1991 1.51 130 43 87 21 46 8 12 1992 1.51 132 46 87 16 49 8 14 1993 1.45 128 41 87 18 50 7 19 1994 1.56 142 43 99 19 57 9 14 1995 1.79 165 47 118 29 66 10 13 1996 2.60 242 56 186 68 79 19 20 1997 2.72 256 57 199 71 84 22 22 1998 2.69 257 59 198 71 82 25 20 1999 2.92 283 60 222 91 86 26 19 2000 2.99 293 58 235 90 95 29 21 2001 4.57 450 75 375 206 88 52 29 2002 5.17 515 81 435 248 110 47 30 2003 4.99 503 85 418 228 111 50 29 2004 4.44 454 85 369 158 131 49 31 2005 4.13 428 82 346 130 140 49 27 http://win.dgbas.gov.tw/dgbas04/bc4/manpower/w-uemr-a.asp. 2006/10/07 http://win.dgbas.gov.tw/dgbas04/bc4/manpower/w-uem-a.asp. 2006/10/07 29

2-6 1998 84 1988 1991 72 1990 1991 1995 1991 81 30

2-6 1986 212 136 75 82 36 45 91 25 66 39 23 16 1987 161 100 61 57 24 34 72 18 54 31 19 12 1988 139 87 52 48 19 29 62 15 47 29 18 11 1989 132 82 49 44 17 27 60 17 43 27 17 11 1990 140 88 52 45 16 28 64 17 46 31 19 12 1991 130 80 49 43 16 28 57 16 41 29 18 11 1992 132 81 52 40 13 27 59 16 43 34 19 15 1993 128 75 54 36 12 24 55 14 41 37 22 15 1994 142 84 58 43 15 28 59 14 45 40 22 18 1995 165 101 64 50 16 33 69 17 52 46 26 21 1996 242 154 88 81 31 50 96 23 73 65 38 28 1997 256 169 88 97 38 59 97 24 73 62 37 25 1998 257 169 88 88 33 54 102 25 77 67 39 28 1999 283 188 95 98 37 61 111 26 85 74 45 29 2000 293 197 95 101 36 65 117 27 90 75 44 31 2001 450 302 148 164 59 105 182 44 138 104 64 40 2002 515 348 167 172 62 110 215 50 165 128 76 51 2003 503 326 177 167 63 105 207 48 159 129 73 55 2004 454 288 166 134 47 86 184 42 142 136 70 66 2005 428 259 169 113 36 76 171 41 131 144 68 77 http://win.dgbas.gov.tw/dgbas04/bc4/manpower/year/year-sr-t8.asp?ym=1&yearb=82&yeare. 2006/10/07 31

2002 103 D 1997 114 1998 561970 Held et al.,2001 376 Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Stalker,2002,66-68 D D Stalker 2002 95 1998 196 1987 10 1998 78 32

1992 21 30 25 26 27 1992 50-51 25 26 2001c 33 27 1 50 2001c 2003/02/10 2003 10 1 5 1 4 1http //sg.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/zhengt/200309/20030900129768.html 2006/11/032 200 450 2001c 33

2004 20-24 1995 2000 2001 2005 1991 4,060 2000 414,601 2001 30 2005 1992 1993 5 6 2000 326,515 2002 65 2005 2000 142,665 200510 19992003 2005 95,703 200513 2003 200293,212 2005 49,0941999132 34

2005 84,1852004 2005 79 2-7 50 1996 15 2000181,998 2005166,928 28 1995 11,0892005 79,569 8.36 47.66 29 2003 2001 5 16 2005 3,147 3062005 141,752 1996 13,947 28 1994/10/08 8389100 29 1993/09/03 8254160 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 35

2-7 1991 4,060 2,999 1992 35,864 15,924 1993 124,900 97,565 1994 212,254 151,989 6,020 2,344 38,473 105,152 1995 257,226 189,051 5,430 2,071 54,647 126,903 1996 270,131 236,555 10,206 1,489 83,630 141,230 1997 302,014 248,396 14,648 736 100,295 132,717 1998 337,430 270,620 22,058 940 114,255 133,367 1999 356,129 294,967 41,224 158 113,928 139,526 131 2000 414,601 326,515 77,830 113 98,161 142,665 7,746 2001 380,632 304,605 91,132 46 72,779 127,732 12,916 2002 352,907 303,684 93,212 35 69,426 111,538 29,473 2003 343,889 300,150 56,437 27 81,355 104,728 57,603 2004 359,665 314,034 27,281 22 91,150 105,281 90,241 59 2005 374,022 327,396 49,094 13 95,703 98,322 84,185 79 1995 2000 2001 2005 36

2005 2,263 2-8 1998 116 2004 2002 2006 84 50 2001 31,664 2005 10,748 90 2001 46,465 2005 57,896 200281,490 200541,906 1999 20051,238 63,956 2004 200530 49 2-9 37

2-8 1992 15,924 70 8,722 6,463 6,463 306 363 1993 97,565 426 72,327 17,287 17,287 1,320 6,205 1994 151,989 1,044 109,170 28,317 28,241 4,257 9,201 1995 189,051 1,454 132,636 11,089 37,554 35,117 8,902 8,505 1996 236,555 1,384 162,482 28,891 42,434 39,696 16,308 13,947 1997 248,396 1,144 165,534 36,160 42,606 40,138 26,233 12,879 1998 270,620 1,109 168,197 49,718 47,946 44,702 41,844 11,524 1999 294,967 993 173,735 67,369 45,446 41,588 67,063 7,730 2000 326,515 1,185 181,998 71,624 37,001 32,572 98,508 7,823 2001 304,605 1,249 157,055 61,258 33,367 29,619 103,780 9,154 2002 303,684 2,935 156,697 64,183 23,341 21,191 113,755 6,956 2003 300,150 3,396 162,039 70,354 14,117 12,747 115,724 4,874 2004 314,034 3,089 167,694 76,125 12,184 7,763 128,223 2,844 2005 327,396 3,147 166,928 79,569 13,306 6,193 141,752 2,263 http://statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/mon/2110201.jpg. 2006/10/30 38

2-9 2001 1,249 548 490 14 197 157,055 11,637 34 46,465 91,896 7,023 33,367 269 10 949 31,664 475 112,934 78,678 2 24,875 4,158 5,221 2002 2935 830 586 12 1,507 156,697 10,820 28 47,325 86,132 12,392 23,341 72 5 292 22,661 311 120,711 81,490 2 21,223 2,733 15,263 2003 3,396 546 597 12 2,241 162,039 7,957 20 51,265 88,094 14,703 14,117 43 5 146 13,661 262 120,598 47,891 2 29,347 2,961 40,397 2004 3,089 330 692 13 2,054 167,694 5,469 19 55,555 90,743 15,895 13 12,184 25 1 457 11,192 509 131,067 21,457 2 34,446 3,333 71,783 46 2005 3,147 1,038 864 7 1,238 166,928 6,107 12 57,896 84,510 18,373 30 13,306 43 1 1,896 10,748 618 144,015 41,906 35,047 3,057 63,956 49 2002 2006 39

1966 12 1971 4 2002 120 122 2002 126 2000 2002 144 40

2001 2003 5 2005 200520 6 31.912003 200543 4 67.27 2002 1,944 2005 1,690 2541,552 2002 24,588 2005 27,209 20.25 2-10 2002 160 2002 171 1998 2000 2001 2005 2 12000 14,798 2005 14,271 2003 2006 9 2,608 41

2-10 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 623 647 666 668 674 1,181 10,371 5.0 5.5 5.2 4.6 4.2 3.9 4.1 8 7 6 6 5 1.30 1.16 1.03 0.93 0.82 178 183 185 199 206 30.13 29.87 29.24 31.29 31.91 406 422 440 432 434 68.57 68.98 69.73 67.78 67.27 1,944 1,954 1,700 1,690 1,552 24,588 25,872 27,557 27,209 134,396 17.89 19.56 20.57 20.25 100.00 4,260 4,787 5,236 240 42

2,451 2001 12002 2005 3 2005 4.35 6.693.79 3.70 3.62 2.39 2-11 2006 9 2006 9 13,639 6,3572,608 2,451 2,222 1 1,93291.35 1,892 70.99 1,440 52.75 1,925 41.47 179 53.12 985 99.70 72 100 1,734 37.35 173 35 47.95 2-12 43

2-11 1997 17,988 12,743 1998 16,163 12,159 1999 16,096 11,613 2000 18,629 14,798 2001 14,479 10,936 2,818 1 4,677 3,020 420 2002 12,552 10,337 2,387 4,479 2,444 1,027 2003 12,168 10,302 1,219 5,273 1,734 2,076 2004 19,187 12,977 586 6,032 3,133 3,225 1 2005 16,247 14,271 1,175 6,407 3,563 3,123 3 2005 374,022 327,396 49,094 13 95,703 98,322 84,185 79 4.34 4.35 2.39 0 6.69 3.62 3.70 3.79 2002 10,496 2004 15,206 1998 2000 2001 2005 44

2-12 2006 9 13,639 2,222 6,357 2,451 2,608 1 988 3 985 4,642 1,925 915 67 1,734 1 73 23 35 1 14 337 179 134 24 4 1 3 1 1 2 2 6 4 2 4 2 2 K 2,115 5 1,932 124 54 72 72 2,730 54 1,440 940 296 2,665 34 1,892 253 486 2006 9 http//:www.evta.gov.tw/stat/9510/210800.pdf. 2006/11/01 45

Held, et al.,2001 353 1990 2003 272 time/space compression Bauman,2003 2 2000 Friedman,2005 13 Held, et al.,2001 373 Woodin, et al.,2005 991950 1960 1980 90 postindustrial Held., et al.,2001 381 2003 280 D K 46

Stalker 2002 34-35 1919 International Labour Organization ILO Unemployment Convention,1919 no.2 national treatment 2004 100 Conventions recommendations 2002 206 1990 12 18 2004 106 2005 90 1911 Frederick Winslow Taylor 30 30 1. 2.3. 4. Robbins,1995 41 47

Robbins,1995 38-39 1980 303 bureaucracy Robbins,1995 45-52McGregor X Y X Y X Y 1990 312 1992 1996 4 1998 92 1995 70 48

Panopticon Bauman 2003 35 1994 7 1991 2,999 2005 327,396 1996 1999 34 1998 101999 35 2000 2001 30 1994 8-9 XY 49

Bauman 2003 56 Y 1998 2 1 2 3 31 4 5 6 1999 8 1999 157-158 31 2001/11/07 2004/02 50

1998 14-15 2005 8 32 33 1997 409-423 1 2 3 1998 20-23 1994 127 32 2006/10/24 0951180085 No.12 203 33 2005 51

1998 6 1 2000 2005 2000 76.6 2005 85.96 1997 192004 2005 3-1 3-2 1996 21 1999 266 2 2001 1998 1,4152005 1,249 3-3 2003 70 52

53 3-1 2000 8 20,959 21,083 20,372 16,470 16,586 15,918 76.6 79.5 59.5 3,736 3,661 4,092 754 836 362 21,505 20,858 26,775 2001 8 19,502 19,496 19,743 16,353 16,354 16,315 73.6 76.0 62.1 2,600 2,586 3,262 549 556 166 22,227 21,521 26,290 2002 8 20,536 20,561 20,385 16,353 1,6332 16,478 73.9 75.8 71.9 3,830 3,878 3,545 353 352 362 22,119 21,536 22,918 2004 6 21,275 21,305 20,685 16,221 16,224 16,154 85.21 86.72 80.62 4,383 4,388 4,293 671 693 238 19,063 18,762 20,221 2005 6 21,507 21,577 20,504 16,525 16,506 1,6797 85.96 87.39 79.26 4,395 4,446 3,667 587 625 40 19,225 18,887 21,191 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2000 2002 2005

3-2 / 2000 8 249.3 200.9 48.4 205.3 190.2 15.1 251.1 201.7 49.4 207.6 191.1 16.5 240.4 197.5 42.9 194.5 186.0 8.5 2001 8 225.0 196.6 28.4 194.0 182.5 11.5 224.8 196.5 28.3 195.5 183.0 12.5 233.9 199.8 34.1 185.9 179.7 6.2 2002 8 232.2 189.9 42.3 192.1 178.6 13.5 232.1 189.7 42.4 194.5 179.7 14.8 232.5 190.7 41.8 179.1 172.1 7.0 2004 6 225.26 180.84 44.42 189.5 174.4 15.1 225.25 180.48 44.77 191.9 175.1 16.8 225.69 188.13 37.56 176.3 171.0 5.3 2005 6 230.40 184.19 46.21 192.7 177.8 14.9 231.16 184.59 46.57 194.7 178.1 16.6 219.55 178.54 41.01 181.8 176.4 5.4 2000 2002 2005 54

3-3 1998 1,415 953 808 125 20 418 359 49 10 44 16 28 1999 1,495 1,026 850 141 35 424 348 68 8 45 24 19 2 2000 1,515 1,090 888 174 28 381 319 52 10 44 17 23 4 2001 1,396 1,013 847 140 26 346 291 47 8 37 17 19 1 2002 1,396 1,019 846 122 51 353 287 46 20 24 10 11 3 2003 1,286 944 825 61 58 311 263 30 18 31 16 12 3 2004 1,367 1,036 938 39 59 317 282 17 18 14 7 5 2 2005 1,249 980 873 27 80 250 231 12 7 19 9 6 4 2006/1-8 848 656 559 30 67 182 156 9 17 10 10 http://statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/mon/211080.htm 2006/08/02 1. 2. 55

1992 43 1996 49 1998 153 1998 177 34 1995 137-138 1999 268 1999 104 34 1995 137 56

35 36 37 35 1992 5 8 1997/05/21 49 2000/01/26 43 51 2002/01/2183 2003/05/13 464851 53 2003/05/16 52 2006/05/30 6483 36 1992/07/27 2004/01/13 2004/01/1348 2005/12/3012 14 16 19 24 43 48 12-1 23 2006/10/037 8 11 13 16 17 25 27 28 40 41 45 4811-1 11-2 16-1 27-1 40-1 46-1 2006/11/01 37 57

1 46 2 47 3 48 4 52 5 59 58

2005 3.26 2006 2006 12 19 38 1 2005 12 30 38 2006/12/19 10 6 1 45 http://www.cla.gov.tw/cgi-bin/message/mm-msg-control?mode=vuewnews&ts=4587b439.. 2006/12/20 59

1 44 2 54 3 55 4 56 5 57 6 60 60

7 61 8 62 919 10 27 39 11 40 40 12 41 13 42 14 43 1545 41 39 2006/10/030950509595 2006/11/01 40 41 61

3 2006 10 3 2006 11 1 1 2 62

1 43 2 53 3 73 4 27 5 44 63

2004 1 13 1 40 2 45 64

3 40 42 4 21 5 29 2005 42 65

43 44 2001a 46 1998 125 1992 1998 7 1 2000 6 2004 1 15 2005 3 2002 99-102 1995 43 1 AS, administrative system2os, operational system 3 SS, supporting system 1996 7 44 1996a 63 1996 62-63 66

2000 23 2006 10 24 2001 10 23 13 1999a 6 1996 7 2001a 43 67

Woodin., et al., 2005 99 Held., et al., 2001 409 1992 51 1992 43 74-80 1994 8 1996 1999 28 68

2002 2622002 5.17 Woodin., et al., 2005 99 1999 15-16 1997 751999 2682005 21 1998 75 1999 13 2001b 7 2004 1998 51 1996 4 Held 2001 392 2004 1999 16 69

2002 271 2006 695 21 Decent Work 2006 115 45 1 2 3 4 5 2004 2 Guest Workers1 45 70

2 3 1 46 47 48 2005 8 2005 187 49 50 2005 46 2004/01/13 1. 2. 47 2006/10/23 2006/11/01 48 2002/11/07 2002/11/09 49 2002/08/23 50 2005/08/31 71

2 2005 2005 6 11,386171,165 11,079 158,174307 12,991 74.742005 1-2 30 51 2005 52 56.75 28.19 7.82 97.72 79.8317.89 2005 8-33 3-1 3-2 3-32005 53 5.785D 2002 217-218 51 1998/06/30 2001/11/07 52 2005 2004 6 62.44 2005 6 71.29 53 /1000 72

2006 2006 3 2005 96.95 96.87 43.93 75.64 45.21 26.6520.24 18.91 4.82 92.83 75.1617.67 68 54 36.4498.27 84.68 41.6932.2124 7.32 54 73

24.36 45.21 2005 0.61 0.51 4.232005 6-31 1992 46-49 57-73 73.0 1999 104 1996 49 1998 321 74

30 2005 2005 6 16.46 15.90 36.48 7.58 6.08 3.43 1994 2005 55 1995 4.56 2005 12,938 55 75

2005 7,363 200521,679 12,0793,749 3,225 2609 161 3-4 1998 199 2005 192 1999 1,267 1996 2842005 242 2005 120 139 1998 64 1999 1,1512002 3-5 2001 0.841 7.8 2001 245 76

3-4 1994 5,922 5,411 1995 11,424 9,764 1996 7,424 9,647 1997 5,508 8,080 1998 4,677 6,646 1999 4,057 5,504 2000 4,268 5,514 2001 5,089 6,220 2002 7,079 8,143 3,531 8 1,826 1,388 1,390 2003 9,688 11,125 3,706 6 1,955 1,475 3,983 2004 12,062 16,593 3,584 1 2,432 1,928 8,647 1 2005 12,938 21,679 3,749 1 3,225 2,609 12,079 16 http://statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/mon/211070.htm 2006/10/30. 77

3-5 1994 73 107 32 44 21 35 20 28 1995 169 241 112 151 37 67 20 23 1996 183 284 127 207 40 57 16 20 1997 137 222 74 103 43 96 20 23 1998 199 231 120 140 64 77 15 14 1999 147 1,267 94 99 37 1,151 16 17 2000 126 147 84 100 31 36 11 11 2001 158 224 96 128 49 69 13 27 2002 146 180 95 112 34 44 17 24 2003 148 197 107 125 30 41 11 31 2004 137 163 91 115 31 33 15 15 2005 192 242 120 139 16 26 56 77 2006/1-7 107 116 59 60 6 6 42 50 http://statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/mon/2110801.jpg 2006/09/02. 78

2005 28-302001 40,887 1,2753.1 587 46.0 294 23.1 1,11387.3 302002 619,969 2005 402,807 2003 5 2004 1 13 2001 13,302 2.55 2005 10,010 2.49 3-6 79

3-6 1994 306,770 4,520 1.47 1995 384,377 5,215 1.36 1996 439,346 5,217 1.19 1997 463,803 7,930 1.71 1998 534,250 8,053 1.51 1999 591,340 10,754 1.82 2000 600,443 13,149 1.99 2001 520,724 13,302 2.55 2002 619,969 12,202 1.97 2003 586,929 10,275 1.75 2004 404,989 7,699 1.90 2005 402,807 10,010 2.49 http://statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/year/311060.htm 2006/10/07 80

1966 121971 2002 126-145 2006 8 2005 674 645 29 4.2 206 31.47 2006 13 20042004 1,700 169 17.5014.89 10.71 109 64.5 53,095 19,046 35.87 9,374 17.66 6,779 12.77 2004 146135 51 81

2001 2005 6 17,540 2.6 9.7 2006 9 176 56 13,639 165 7,517 47 6,556 55.11 11 1,060 7.77 57 2,730 2,665 2,115 K 58 59 60 56 57 58 http://www.evta.gov.tw/book/des/safety09.html 2006/11/06. 59 http://www.evta.gov.tw/book/des/safety09.html 2006/11/06. 60 2000/09/300220312 82

D 2006 9 6,556 87.21 5,260 376 4,884 1,189 89 1,100 107 5,376 679501 1,900 1,000 2,700 2006 9 83

129 2,021988 61 62 2006 11 1 63 64 61 62 63 64 2006/10/03 0950509595 84

19962006 1 8 73 86 1 2 2006 9 10 661 9 330 10 331 85

278 63 2005 65 65 2005 www2.evta.gov.tw/news-web/detail.asp?news-id=332 2006/07/05 86

2006 12 13 15 50 70 87

2,500 88

DVD 89

206 12 8 12 25 30 60 22 43 4-1 90

4-1 28 22 26 34 43 29 27 30 34 91

2,500 92

66 66 93

1,800 1,700 1,500 67 00 X 67 6500 8000 3000 94

2005 12 11 2005d 3,500 35 2006 95

2001 11 9 2001 5 96

2006 97

3.26 20062006 9 336,864 2006 1 1 2006 12 19 2005 11 68 2006 11 69 68 2005/11/180940506400 http://www.evta.gov.tw/lawevta/206048.htm 2007/01/26 69 2006/10/03 0950509595 2006/11/01 98

2006 10 3 70 70 1 1423 99

71 72 71 2001/11/091800 1700 1500 2001/11/08 1000 72 46 1 1711 2000 100

2005 7.32 1 2 73 2,500 73 NT$200 NT$50 NT$200 NT$500 NT$2000NT$500. 101

2005 45.21 2001 11 9 102

unfree labour1998 319 2006 2.3 32.3 7 2006 103

1 2 104

2006 11 1 3 2006 11 1 4 5 105

6 1 D 106

2 3 107

1994 2006 http://www.stat.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=4 2002 No.79 64-68 1997 2005/11/01 A3 1991 42 1992 No.10 5 6-9 1995 No.14 4 6-17 1996a No.98 61-74 1996b No.15 7 6-11 1999a~ No.17 2 3-9 1999b No.52 2-6 2001aNo.19 2 42-46 2001bNo.20 2 6-16 2001c No.20 8 32-40 1998 2002 2003 271-297 2005 No.4 2 14-23 108

2001 2003 2004 http://www.evta.gov.tw/labor/design/home3.htm. 2006/08/16 2006 2006 No.12 203 29745-29755 1995 2000 2001 2005 1996 1998 95 12 19 1 2006/12/19 2006/11/01 2002 2005 2005/08/31 www2.evta.gov.tw/news-web/detail.asp?news-id=332 2006/07/05 2006 95 11 1 2006/10/23 http://www.evta.gov.tw 1995 1998 1999 No.52 12-18 2001 No.20 2 30-37 109

1998 1991 2002 2002 1995 http://www.moea.gov.tw/~ecobook/season/sa//6.htm 2006/01/02 2000 1999 No.52 19-22 2005 No.4 2 3-7 1995 1997 2005 No.126 187-196 2005 2005/11/22 A2 2001 No.2 243-272 1996 No.14 2 3-8 1992No.10 5 3-5 800 2005/08/23a 2005/08/23b 2005/11/01c A3 2005/12/12d A9 2002 No.1 2 102-105 1995 No.10 1 10 21 2006 No.240 13 30-31 20062004 http://kcgdg.kcg.gov.tw/doc/ 2006/10/26 2005 110

No.48 5 27-31 2002 No.12 257-294 1999 No.22 11 32-36 1,3002006/03/14A9 1992 No.138 46-54 1990 1997 No.15 12 16-27 2005 No.4 1 88-93 2005/11/22A4 1997 No.5 105-121 1998 No.16 5 3-6 2003 No.3 2 57-74 2000 2006/10/03 A10 2001 No. 24 3 17 23 1999 No. 29 140-160 No.23 255-270 2006/10/03 A9 2004No.32 1-58 2002 No.90 205-221 2004 No.34 1 95-141 1997No.112 28-35 1998 No.48 51-57 A 111

www.ncu.edu.tw/~hr/new/conference/6th/pdf/2-b-4.pdf- 2000 No.18 5 3-11 2006/12/20 B2 2006/03/15 C2 1999 No.12 1 93-107 2000 No.18 5 20-26 2002 No.1 1 99-102 2006 95 No.3 108-117 2006 9 1999 No.52 7-11 1998 No.16 5 13-15 1998 1992No.138 56 1994 No.73 6-9 2006 HiNethttp //times.hinet.net/news/20060310/polity/5af06b57ad22.htm 2006/07/05 2000 No.19 8 48-52 2001 No.19 9 35-44 1999 No.52 30-34 1992 1998 1998 No.7 153-186 2000 1980 1996 1983 112

1998 2001 http://www.npf.org.tw/monthly/00105/theme-173.htm. 2006/07/05 2004 http://www.npf.org.tw/monthly/0401/theme-212.htm. 2006/07/05 1991 2003 1999 No.52 27-29 Bauman, Zygmunt. 2001. Globalization : The Human Consequences. Friedman, Thomas L.2005. The World Is Flat. Held, David. et al., 2001. Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. Jary, David. Julia, Jary. 1998. Harper Collins Dictionary of Sociology. Robbins, Stephen P.1995. Management. Stalker, Peter. 2002. The No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration. Woodin, Michael, Caroline Lucas.2005. Green Alternatives to Globalisation A Manifesto. 113

1992/08/05 1993/08/06 1993/09/03 1994/10/08 30 50 1995/02/23 1996/12/02 30 1999/07/29 2000/07/06 30 5 15 30 114

2000/09/11 89 7 6890214826 89 7 6 89 0214826 1 2 2001/05/02 2001/05/10 900516 2001/06/26 2001/05/16 2002/01/22 91 2 1 000 00 00 000 000 2003/06/26 BOT 2004/01/19 93 1 19 115

116 2004/03/10 200 16 20~19937 19 76 2004/11/04 93 11 4 30 50 2005/05/06 1 1 6 10 1 6 2005/12/30 30 1 2 89/09/01 50 89/09/02 30 30 95 1 1


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 118

1 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10 11 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 119