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------------------------------------------------------1 -----------------------------------------------------------1 --------------------------------------------6 -----------------------------------------------------------7 ------------------------------------------------9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------9 --------------------------------9 -----------------------------------11 -----------------------------------13 -----------------------------------23 -----------------------------------25 --------------------------------28 ---------------33 i

-------------------------------------------------42 ---------------------------------------------42 ---------------------------------43 ------------------------------------------47 ---------------------------50 ---------------------------54 ------------------------------------------------56 -------------------------------------------59 ~ ------------------------------60 ---------------69 / --------------94 ---------------------------------------------------109 ----------------------------121 ------------------------------------121 ---------------------------------------------------138 ------------------------------------------------------------------144 ii

------------------------------------------------------------------------148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------155 --------------------------------------------------------------158 --------------------------------------------------------------160 -----------------------------------------------------------161 -----------------------------------------------------------162 -----------------------------------------------164 --------------------------------------------------------166 -----------------------------------------168 ---------------------------------------------30 ------------------------------------------------------46 ----------------------------------------------------24 iii

: : : : : : :

Subject: Experience of Life and Process of Maintenance in Marriage Base on Single Earner Family with Working-over-time Husband Keyword: marital maintenance, working-over-time, single-earner family, family resilience Abstract The investigation aims at marriage experiences and maintenance processes in single-earner families that are composed of housewives and working-over-time husbands. The researcher discusses how working-over-time influence on marriage and family, how couples adjust themselves under adversity and pressure, and how couples carry on their marriage. A semi-structural outline is used to interview three couples and three housewives, married for 5-15 years, living in north Taiwan, and with who have been working-over-time husbands. The conclusions are as following: 1. Different viewpoint on working-over-time of couples: husbands regard it as accomplishment, promise, and duty; however, wives are not satisfied with husband s working hours, but financial. 2. Pressure of marriage and family maintenance: on the one hand, wives must suffer all household duties and affairs, and husbands don t have enough time to get along with families to enhance parent-child relationship. On the other hands, couple relationship gets worse and worse and excessive consideration from others make wives pressed. As a result of different expectation on sharing household duties and acting as housewives, frustrations

from no-income wives are going to be transferred to their husbands after becoming full-time housewives. Those situations make marriage relationship strained and unfavorable. 3. Self-adaptability of housewives: in order to diminish influences on marriage and family, housewives not only accommondate themselves to the situation, but also look for others help. On the contrary, husbands compensate wives and families for better life, lay emphasis on coordination in marriage relationship, and adjust work time in accordance with family life cycle. 4. Factors to enhance the marital relationships: job styles of unmarried women affect their viewpoint on job style of husbands. Adequate communication and information about working-over-time with each other make wives considerate. Religious belief offers power to survive adversity and pressure. In addition, extension of social contact, better plan for spare time, more support from others, communication and interaction during trivial time, cultivation of common interest and target, mutual help are the keys to maintain marriage and family. Eventually, specific viewpoints and suggestions are proposed for academic research.

. Mumu 93 12 28 mu 91 2003 CHEERS 62 1

20 4 1/4 2003 Jamieson, 1998/2002 2

Sotile Sotile, 1999/1999 2000 Olson Olson, 2000/2003 2000 Olson & Olson, 2000/2003 3

double-income family 1993 Jamieson, 1998/2002 Burley, 1995; Foley Powell, 1997 Duxbury Higgins, 1991 1994 1990 2001 1987 1999 2000 2002 2000 2000 2001 1996 Burley, 1995 Hass, 1999 Voydanoff, 1987/1998 4

double-income double-career 5

quality research method in-depth-interview 1. 2. 3. 6 12 2003 12 12 7


Greenhaus Beutell Foley Powell, 1997 1994 DuxBury Higgins, 1991 9

1990 1990 Greenhaus Beutall 1 time-based conflict 2 strain based conflict 3 behavior-based conflict 10

spillover theory Zedeck Mosier, 1990 Evans & Bartolome, 1984 Hass, 1999 2001 Frone & Russell, 1992 Frone Russell, 1992; Zedeck Mosier, 1990 11

Evans & Bartolome, 1984; Voydanoff, 1987/1998 12

compensation theory 2001 Zedeck Mosier 1990 13

Burley, 1995; Grzywacz & Bass, 2003 Duxbury & Higgins, 1991 2000 1993 2001 14

Hass, 1999 Duxbury Higgins 1991 Guelow et al.; Burley, 1995 Eagle, Icenogle, Maes, & Miles, 1998 15

2000 1993 11 1-10 2000 Hass, 1999 16

1993 temporal dimension to work 2003 17

2003 1993 1975 Voydanoff, 18

1987/1998 1992 Voydanoff, 1987/1998 12 Burley 1995 Burley 19

2000 2000 1990 Foley Powell, 1997 Kopelman, Greenhaus Connolly Foley Powell 1997 1975 20

1998 1996 Barling, 1986, 1990; 21

Bartolome Evans; Burley, 1995 Grzywacz Bass, 2003 1990 Voydanoff, 1987/1998 22

Boss(1994/1994) 23

5c 1 2 5b 5a 4 3 Hil Koss Pauline Boss(1994/1994) 1. 3. 5. 5a. 5b 5c 2. 4. Boss 24

Patterson, 2002 1980 Coleman & Ganong, 2002a Walsh, 2003; Coleman & Ganong, 2002b family resilience Walsh Patterson, 2002 Levy, 2003 Patterson, 2002 25

/ / 1995 26

Hinchliffe 1995 1991 1. 2. 3. 4. 27

Patterson Coleman Ganong, 2002a; Patterson, 2002 Walsh 2003 1. Family Belief Systems 28

2. Organizational Patterns Flexibility (Bouncing back) 3. Communication Processes / 29

transcendence (and spirituality connectedness Walsh 2003 30

McCubbin 1980 1.. 2. 3. 4. Coleman & Ganong, 2002b 31

Coleman Ganong, 2002a Walsh, 2003 32

Olson & Olson, 2000/2003 1995 1999 33

1 2 3 1995 34

2002 1995 2002 35

2002 2001 1997 1998 1996 2001 36

1991 2001 1987 1992 37

2001 38

1996 2001 39

2000 Olson & Olson, 2000/2003 1993 1987 1992 1991 1997 1 2 3 4 5 6 40

1995 41

1996 42

2002 2001 (purposeful sampling) snowball sampling 43

on call 1. 44

2. Kovacs 1988 Rock 3. 45


2001 Patton, 1990/1995 47

semi-structural 48

mail 49

in-depth-interview interview 2002 2001 50

Tesch 1994 e-mail 1994 51

e-mail 52


1994 2001 R 1/3 54

1215-01-10 12 15 10 55

2002 reliability Patton, 1990/1995 validity Maxwell, 1994/2002 Maxwell 56


90 100 58

/ 59

~ 12 on call 60

& 61






12 67


/ / 69

.. 0414-01-04 take ~ 0302-01-01 ~ 0228-01-02 70

0228-01-12 0228-01-13 0422-02-03 0225-01-17 ~.... 0414-01-03 ~ ~ 0228-01-10 71

~ 0302-01-01 ~ ~ 0228-01-01 0228-01-04 OK Fine 0228-01-10 ~ 0228-01-04. 0415-02-01 72

0415-02-03 ~.. ~ ~ 0225-01-10 0211-01-19 0414-01-04 0414-01-04 OK 40 50 0225-01-17 73

complain enjoy enjoy 0228-01-14 ~ 0418-02-02 point ~ 0219-01-02.. 0219-01-08.. 0414-01-02 74


~ 0211-01-13 OK.. 0225-01-05 on call 76

~ 40.. ~.. 0228-01-02 ~ ~ 0228-01-04... ~.... 0228-01-05 77

family day 0415-02-04 ~ 0219-01-03 ~ 0414-01-03 0302-01-06 ~ 0415-02-04 78

0225-01-03 ~ 0225-01-09 2001 ~.. ~ ~.. 0228-01-05.. ~ 79

0228-01-07.. 0228-01-07 0302-01-02.... ~.. complain 0302-01-03 80

1995 81

0425-02-03 0425-02-04 ~ ~ bye-bye lose 0418-02-01 wave 0418-02-02 Linda & Priscilla, 1993 ~ ~ ~ ~ 12 1 0219-01-10 0415-02-05 82

0211-01-12 ~ ~ 0225-01-20 83

~ 0225-01-08 ~ ~ ~.. 0211-01-20 2001 84

2003 1997 1998 85

0414-01-07.. 0513-02-04 86

0414-01-05 87

suffer. 0228-01-13 ~ 0228-01-03 ~ 0228-01-04 88

0228-01-14 ~ 0219-01-02 ~ ~ 0211-01-18 ~ 0219-01-03 0219-01-05.. 0225-01-05 89

0228-01-02 ~ 0228-01-04.. image.. 0228-01-08 2003 90

~ ~ ~ 0219-01-06.. 0219-01-07 91

~ income 0225-01-04.. 0211-01-06 0513-02-03 2001 2003 92

1999 1999 0219-01-16 0211-01-03 93

/ 94

1998 ~ complain 95

family.. 0420-02-02 ~ 0211-01-13 0425-02-05 0211-01-02 96

... 0225-01-08.. ~ 0225-01-09.... ~ ~ 0219-01-10.. 0219-01-13 0228-01-13 97

0414-01-08. 0513-02-04 / 98

0219-01-13.. take care 0418-02-03 0228-01-12...... 0228-01-07 0414-01-04 99

~.. 0228-01-03 career interesting 0302-01-02 100

0228-01-08 10.. 0422-02-04 ~... 0422-02-02 0422-02-02 0228-01-01 101

0219-01-03 0211-01-04 102

OK 0219-01-06.. 0211-01-04.. 0211-01-06 103

~ ~ ~ 0211-01-10 ~ ~ 0211-01-15 ~ ~ 0211-01-16 104

~ ~ 0225-01-17 1998 105

.. 0422-02-01 0422-02-01 Linda & Priscilla, 1993 106

0228-01-07 0228-01-07 0225-01-15 ~.. 0425-02-02 0219-01-17 107

0228-01-07.. 0425-02-05 2001 108


e-mail e-mail e-mail e-mail 0302-01-06 e-mail 0425-02-03 mail 110

0414-01-06 0414-01-06 0425-02-02 0211-01-10.. 0211-01-11 ~ 0219-01-11 e-mail 0302-01-07 0302-01-03 111

~ 0225-01-12 0219-01-11 ~.. 0228-01-08 112

.. 0414-01-07 0414-01-07 113

0225-01-11.. 0422-02-01 114

~ 0422-02-01 0414-01-02 0414-01-06 0414-01-06.. 0422-02-02 115

1997 116

.. 0414-01-08.. 0415-02-05 0418-02-08 0414-01-08 117

~ 0415-02-05 0414-01-09 0302-01-08 118

0414-01-08 0414-01-07 0425-01-02 0415-02-06 119

0422-02-05 0425-01-02 1975 Kopelman et al.; Foley & Powell,1997 120



Voydanoff, 1987/1998 1992 1997 1998 123

.. 0418-02-06 124



1999 127

/ 2001 1992 2001 128

0228-01-14 129

1995 1 2 3 4 5 1996 130


on call 132

Walsh 2003 1. 1 2 133

3 2. 3. 1. 134

2. 3. 135

1. 2. 3. 136

Walsh 137




couple 141


0219-01-18 ~ ~ 0418-02-08 143




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mail ~ 162

數 不 易 句 數 落 不 錄 留 錄 句 163



/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 1. 1-2 2. 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 166

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1-1 1-2 1-3 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 167

/ 95 90 95 90 9 98 95-98 168

1. 100 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 95-98 2. 3. 169