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10 30 interview about instance Piaget & Garcia1989

A Study of Alternative Conception and Conceptual Development for Dissolving in Elementary and Secondary School Abstract The purpose of this research was to explore students alternative conception, possible sources, conceptual formulation and development for dissolving. The objects were 6 th graders, second-year students of junior high school, and first-year students of senior high school, 10 students from each different grade. The research method was Interview About Instance (IAI) by using three pictures. It was discovered that both elementary students and secondary students judged whether a substance dissolves in water mainly from the name of subtances in the pictures. Among these three grades, the number of senior high school students who judged it by chemical formulas of subtance was the largest. In the possible sources of alternative conception, personal thought covered the majority. In school learning, teachers played an important role for the formulation of alternative conception. In daily life, actual experience was the major source for the formulation of alternative conception. During the formulation of alternative conception, students tended to over-generalize the relationship of oil, density, and dissolving, as well as all acids can be dissolved in water. This research was based on Piaget & Garcia(1989) s model of the development for science theory, and concluded the features of students conceptual development for dissolving being: Students of lower years tended to judge the solvency of a substance based on its appearance and features. But as school experience increased, students gradually formed concepts for density, and had a higher tendency of reasoning the solvency based on this concept. Even after students formed concepts of acids and chemical formulas in high school, it appeared that both concepts still coexisted in a student s cognitive structure. Finally, some suggestions for teaching and future studies are adverted in this research. Keywords: Alternative Conception, Conceptual Development, Conceptual Formulation, Dissolving

1 1 2 4 5 6 9 9 13 15 24 33 33 35 37 41 44 45 49 50 77

101 154 167 167 172 175 175 177 181 185

2-3-1 16 2-3-2 23 2-4-1 28 3-1-1 35 3-2-1 36 3-3-1 38 3-6-1 45 3-6-2 46 3-6-3 47 4-1-1 51 4-1-2 XX 52 4-1-3 XX 54 4-1-4 XX 57 4-1-5 59 4-1-6 XX 60

4-1-7 XX 62 4-1-8 XX 65 4-1-9 67 4-1-10 XX 68 4-1-11 XX 72 4-1-12 XX 74 4-3-1 XX 102 4-3-2 XX 110 4-3-3 XX 115 4-3-4 XX 121 4-3-5 XX 128 4-3-6 XX 132

4-3-7 XX 138 4-3-8 XX 144 4-3-9 XX 150 2-2-1 13 3-4-1 42 3-4-2 43 4-0-1 49 4-4-1 155 4-4-2 157 4-4-3 160

meaningful learning 90 blank slate conceptions misconception alternative conception alternative framework 1

77 73 90 79 Ausubel1968 2

90 91 two-tire 3

1. 4

2. 3. 4. 1. 2. dissolve 3. alternative conception 4. misconception misconception 5

5. interview about instanceiai instance White & Gunstone1992 6. conceptual development 1. 2. 3. 6



Novak1977 objects events regularity 76 82 Lawson and Abraham 1986 73 9

82 82 Smith & Medin 1981 Symbolic construction categorization Rosch, Mervis, Gray, Johnson and Boyes1976 category system 91 79 Lawson and Renner1975 concrete 10

formal Reif1987 Braund 1991 basic concept superordinate concept subordinate concept 79 Cohen1983 73 11

1. Regularity 2. 3. 12

Osborne 1980 79 80 1. 2. 3. 4. Piaget and Garcia1989 13 2-2-1 Piaget and Garcia1989 domain

abstraction observable reflecting Piaget and Garcia1989 instrument abstraction generalization empirical abstraction extensional generalization reflective abstraction inferior superior mental reflectionpiaget and Garcia1989 Kitchener1986 Piaget epistemic stage subsequent qualitatively change Kitchener Piaget Piaget 14

Piaget and Garcia1989 Levine2000 Kuhn1977 Piaget Piaget justify discovery Levine Kuhn incommensurability paradigm prior knowledge naive conception children's ideas preconception misconception spontaneous conceptions alternative framework declarative knowledge 81 84 2-3-1 15

77 misconception 1.Ausubel, Novak & Hanesian 1978 preconceptions 2.Sutton 1980 private concepts 3.Driver 1981 alternative frameworks 4.Gilbert, et al Osborne, et al 1983 student frameworks 5.Erickson 1983 6.Arnaudin 1982 misconceptions 7.Novak 1983 limited or inappropriate prepositional hierarchies 8.Resnick 1983 naïve theories 9.Waterman 1983 alternative conception 10.Fischer & Lipson 1986 underlying sources of error 84 84 Anderson1990 16

( 84) 81 Fisher1985 1. 2. 3. 4. (alternative belief system) 5. 6. 17

82 82 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mintzes, Wandersee and Novak1998 91 1. 2. 18

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Driver1985 1. 2. 3. 19

4. 5. 6. Head1986 1. from everyday experience and observation 2. from confusion about the analogies Ausubel misleading 3. from the peer culture 20

4. innate origin of some ideas Reif and Larkin1991 84 83 1. 2. 3. 4. 84 1. awareness 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Driver and Erickson1983 21

Driver and Erickson interview about instances interview about events or phenomena Stewart1980 Stewart thinking aloud protocals 79 2-3-2 79 22

2-3-2 1. 1 2 Waern 3 4 Venn 5 6 A. B. C. 2. 1 2 3 3. 1 2 3 79 23

83 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2-4-4-3 2-2-3-1 110 131 224 Driver and Russell 24

1982 814 Andersson1984 15 (1) (2) (3) Driver1985 15 dissolving melt "" "" 81 90 Longden, Black and Solomon1991 11-12 13-14 macro micro 91 Nakhleh and Samarapungavan1999 7-10 explanatory frameworks macrocontinuous macroparticulate microparticulate 25

particle Garnett, Garnett & Hackling1995 particles granules particles moleculesebenezer & Gaskell 1995 models Abraham, Williamson & Westbrook1994, p.148 Brosnan and Reynolds2001 11-17 melting dissolving Ebenezer and Erickson1996 11 suger-water Nieswandt2001 11-14 Johnson2000 Andersson1990 7-9 Boo and Watson 2001 sodium chlorine Ebenezer and Fraser2001 26

78 Prieto, Blanco and Rodriguez 1989 91 two-tire 91 82 83 90 90 2-4-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 27

28 82 83 90 90 326 352 1. 3-6 2. 1. 2. P<.05 P<.05 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 91

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 91 activation 1. attribute mode expilicit 29

impilicit 2. process mode 3. outcome mode 4. empirical mode 5. structural mode 6. intuitive mode conceptual ecology 30



91 interview about instance Piaget White and Gunstone1992 33

91 91 two-tier interview about instance 3-1-1 34

two-tier 3-2-1 35

A 16 17 33 B 17 16 33 A 17 17 34 B 14 20 34 A 17 15 32 B 16 17 33 97 102 199 interview about instance purposeful sampling information-rich cases 84 5 10 30 36

91 two-tier 92a 92b A4 3-3-1 37

OOH 1 2 3 CO 3 H 2 O 2 ph=7 ph=5 ph=12 0.98g/ 3 0.75 g/ 3 1.42g/ 3 180 103 65 1. 2. 3. 38

4. 5. 39

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. what why & how 40

91 6 199 20 30 41

3-4-13-4-2 ID Task Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2002 2003 2004 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 42


92 9 25 40 44

84 3-6-1 1a1,1b2,2a2,2b2,3a1,3b4, 3a2,3b1 5a1,5b4 1a2,2a1,3a3,4b3 3a4,4a3 1a3,2a3,4a2 3b3 1a4,1b3,3a4 4a1 1a4,2a4,2b4,5a3 2b3,4a4 1b1,2b1,3b2,4b2,5a2,5b1 4b4 1b4,4b1 5a4 1b3 5b2 2b4,5b3 45

06 08 10 0606 3-6-2 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 0610 1 H B H B H H B B A F 2 F I F A I A B A F 4 C C C M F N N L N B 0801 0802 0803 0804 0805 0806 0807 0808 0809 0810 1 F D F F A F F G F D 2 F I N A N I 3 J A J I J J I J J A 5 A Q I P I Q F A P 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1 F F F F C F D F F F 2 E E E N F F 3 F J J I A J J J A I 4 C C C C C O C O C C 5 I I I I I Q I I A I 46

3-6-3 47


xx xx xx 4-0-1 49

10 xx xx xx 4-1-1 50

06010602060306040605 0607060806090610 9 06010603060406080609 0610 6 06010602060306040605 0608 6 0605 1 06020610 2 06010602060306080609 0610 6 06030604060806090610 5 060206040607 3 06020603060406050607 5 060106020604 3 0601060606070608 4 06060607 2 06060607 2 0607 1 06010605 2 0601 1 06010605 2 xx 4-1-2 xx 51

0604 1 06010603060506090610 5 0602 1 0608 1 06060607 2 xx 9 0606 6 52

4 3 53

xx 4-1-3 xx 06010604060806090610 5 0603 1 060206050607 3 0606 1 54

6 5 2 6 55

5 3 56

xx 4-1-4 xx 060306050608 3 0602 1 06090610 2 0601 1 0604 1 0606 1 0607 1 4 57

5 3 2 58

10 xx xx xx 4-1-5 08010802080308040805 08060807080808090810 10 08010802080308040805 08060807080808090810 10 08010802080308040805 08060807080808090810 10 59

08010809 2 080108050809 3 0805080708090810 4 0802080408050806 4 08060810 2 08050809 2 08050809 2 08050809 2 0801 1 0801080508070810 4 08010805 2 080708080810 3 xx 4-1-6 xx 08010802080308040805 10 08060807080808090810 10 7 60


080108050809 xx 4-1-7 xx 08010802080308060807 0808 6 62

0804 1 0809 1 0810 1 0805 1 10 6 63

3 64

xx 4-1-8 xx 08010802080308040806 8 080708080809 0805 1 0810 1 10 9 65


10 xx xx xx 4-1-9 10021003100410061007 100810091010 8 10011002100410061007 10091010 7 10011002100410061007 10081010 7 10011003 2 10011003100610071009 5 10011002100310061007 1009 6 100610071008 3 67

1005 1 1005 1 10011002100510081009 5 100210051010 3 1005 1 10011003100510061008 5 1001100310051008 4 100310051008 3 1005 1 1005 1 1008 1 xx 4-1-10 xx 10041006100710081010 5 1003 1 10011005 2 10021009 2 8 8 5 68

8 5 69

5 5 4 70

xx 4-1-11 xx 71

1001100410061007 4 1002 1 1009 1 1003 1 10051010 2 1008 1 10041008 7 5 72

5 1003 1009 3 1005 73

1010 1008 xx 4-1-12 xx 10041007 2 1010 1 10011002100310061009 5 1005 1 1008 1 74

7 6 75

3 5 10011003 1009 H 2 O 76

Taber2001 form pseudo-explanation 77

xx xx xx 91 Fisher1985 06010603 060506080609 0610 0607 0602 78

0607 06010606 0608 0601 xx 0606 xx 0608 xx 0604 0607 xx 79

0802 08040805080708080809 0810 7 0806 80

0806 0805 0809 xx 0805 0809 0801 xx 0803 81

10041006 1010 3 1002 1005 1008 1001 1003 1006 82

10011003 1006 1005 1008 xx xx xx 3 1005 1008 10011008 1009 xx ph ph 1002 1005 xx 83

xx 1007 1008 xx 1005 xx 10011002100510071008 1009 6 1001 1003 OOH xx 1003 1007 xx 84

xx xx xx 06010607 0610 3 0601 0607 0610 0608 xx 0609 85

0604 0609 0610 4 0605 0601 0605 86

0606 xx xx 0607 0.75 0603 0604 0607 3 xx 0608 xx 87

xx Driver1985 0802080308040805 0806080708080809 0810 9 xx 0803 0804 0810 0805 0809 0806 0807 0808 xx 88

xx 0809 89

0810 08040808 0809 0804 0808 0809 3 0805 xx 0.25 0.1 0809 xx 10% 0805 0809 0805 0809 xx xx 0806 xx 90

1001100310061007 1009 5 100110061007 1009 4 1001 1006 1007 1009 xx 1003 CO 2 CO 3 xx CO 3 1001 1004 1006 91

1007 1009 1010 1001 xx 1003 xx 1005 xx 1008 xx 0.3 82 92

1005 xx xx xx xx 93

xx 0605 H 2 O xx 0603 0605 0601 0605 xx 0605 06040609 0610 xx 94

0606 0607 0606 xx 1 0607 0601 xx 0604 xx 0602 xx 95

xx 0801 0802 08060807 0808 0806 0807 0808 0810 96

0807 0804 0809 xx xx 97

0805 0809 xx 0805 0809 10% 0810 0809 0806 xx 10011002100310061007 1009 98

6 H 2 O xx 10011008 1010 3 1001 1010 1008 xx 1002 1006 1007 1002 xx 1006 99

1007 xx 1004 xx 100110031005 1008 4 1001 xx 1003 xx 1005 1008 xx 100

101 xx 4-3-1 xx

10 9 0606 0607 13 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 0610 5 3 3 2 1 2 6 3 4 1 8/6 8/7 14/9 1. 10 6 102

060106020603 0606 1 103

2 104

2. 0603 0604 0607 060606090610 1 105

2 106

3 4 107

3. 0608 0601 1 108

2 3 4 109

xx 4-3-2 xx 10 9 06010606 0607 0607 13 0601 0602 110

0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 0610 1 5 2 4 8 1 2 6/6 6/5 11/9 1. 0601 1 111

2 2. 112

1 2 113

3. 9 1 2 3 114

xx 4-3-3 xx 10 9 06060607 0608 0606 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 0610 1 3 1 3 8 2 3 4/3 4/4 13/9 115

1. 06010604 0609 1 2 2. xx 4 1 116

2 3. 4 10 8 1 117

2 3 1. 0606 0602 0609 118

2. Driver(1985) Driver xx 3. 4. 06050607 0608 3 5. 119

xx 4-3-4 xx 10 8 13 0801 08040805 0809 120

0801 0802 0803 0804 0805 0806 0807 0808 0809 0810 6 1 2 2 5 1 2 5 8 2 11/8 13/7 10/8 1. 0801 0802 8 6 1 121

2 3 122

4 2. 08010804 0806 1 123

2 3 124

4 125

3. 10 8 0802 0810 1 2 126

xx 4-3-5 xx 10 13 5 08010805 0807 0804 6 127

0801 0802 0803 0804 0805 0806 0807 0808 0809 0810 1 2 2 1 6 9 4 1 5/3 7/6 14/9 1. 0808 xx 08040806 0808 1 128

2 3 2. 10 6 0802 129

1 2 3. 10 0802 9 130

1 2 3 131

xx 4-3-6 xx 10 13 8 7 6 0802 0805 0808 5 0801 0802 0803 0804 0805 0806 0807 0808 0809 0810 2 2 1 4 8 7 1 4/4 5/5 16/9 132

1. 1 2 133

2. 0802 1 2 134

3. 7 10 0802 1 135

2 3 1. 136

0801 0802 2. xx 3. 84 4. 0802 0809 2 5. 137

xx 4-3-7 xx 10 10 13 0 0808 7 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 138

1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 9 5 2 1 1 6 10 3 1 17/10 7/6 14/10 1. 10 1 139

2 3 140

4 2. 6 1 141

2 3. 1 142

2 3 143

xx 4-3-8 xx 10 13 4 1004 1008 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 7 3 1 2 1 1 9 2 1 13/8 2/2 12/10 144

1. 10 8 1 2 145

3 4 146

2. 1002 1007 1 2 147

3. 9 1 2 148

3 xx 4-3-9 xx 10 10 13 9 7 5 149

1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1 1 1 9 2 1 2/2 1/1 12/10 1. 0 1005 1006 1 150

2 2. 1 1010 1 3. 9 1 151

2 152

3 1. 10011005 1009 2. 3. 4. Head1986 153

1008 1002 2 5. 0 Driver1985 context dependency 82 xx xx xx 154

/ 4-4-1 155


4-4-2 157


Piaget and Garcia1989 4-4-3 159

Piaget and Garcia 1989 intra-object inter-object trans-object 1. 9 6 4 xx 3 2 3 xx 7 6 1 xx 6 5 2 160

(92b)POE 24.4%7.1%0.9% 30.8%19.8%10.7% 91 26.2%15.5%2.8% 2.0% 161

2. 8 3 7 xx 8 3 7 xx 4 2 4 xx 2 2 3 xx (92b) 10 10 9 POE 61.1%59.2%54.1% 91 48.1%44.4%63.6% 31.1% 162

3. 6 5 6 ph xx 3 0 5 xx 5 4 3 xx 3 2 1 (92b) 1 3 7 91 61.0%62.9% 80.4 82.2% 163

4. 1 0 6 xx 0 0 2 xx 0 0 5 xx 1 0 6 xx CO 3 xx H 2 O xx xx (92b) 0 164

1 9 -OOH 165

xx 166

Piaget and Garcia1989 1. 167

2. 3. 90 4. 5. 1. xx xx 2. 168

3. xx xx 4. H 2 O 5. xx xx 6. 7. 1. 2. 169

170 3. 4. 5. 0 6.

1. 4-4-1 4-4-2 2. Piaget and Garcia1989 4-4-3 Piaget and Garcia1989 Thagard1992 Chi1991 Keil1989 Thagard1992 171

1. 2. 3. 4. Thagard1992 172

Piaget and Garcia1989 173


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