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Investigation and Analysis of education performance of Primary and secondary school website take Nanjing City as example

- I

Abstract Abstract With the further development of education information, the construction of campus network has become an important education expenditure of primary and secondary schools at all levels. The development of campus network requires itself to heighten its operating efficiency so as to achieve higher cost-benefit ratio. This requirement mentioned is coincided with the core idea of performance technology precisely. In this paper, the author applies the theory of firm performance, the research findings of pedagogy and psychology into investigation and study. On the basis of analyzing the results of previous studies, the author also proposes the notion of campus network performance, namely, network education performance is displayed as the effective output at different levels in the realization process of the whole education group as well as the individual learners when achieving their own expectations. The quality of campus network performance not only reflects the efficient construction level of school education information, but also acts as a vital platform for improving school education achievements. Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu province, owning the advantages of education resources, is top-ranked in education information construction over the province. Campus network construction of primary and secondary schools in Nanjing are plunged into too much fund and are earlier built, cause many prominent contradictions in the course of its construction and management. Under this circumstance, the author takes a sample of six representative primary and secondary schools in Nanjing in the performance research of network. The author actually proceed the visit and survey on the aspect of planning position, property investment, setting up functions, service quality, management efficiency and operation of the campus network to carry out all aspects of the performance outputs. According to the actual survey data, as well as the feedback analysis from teachers and students in all campus network, the author finds the reasons for the gap between performance and achievement of education campus network, and proposes the strategy to improve the campus network performance from the educational point of view, thus campus network of primary and secondary schools can be sustained healthy development. The main reasons for the inefficiency of campus network education achievement are lacking of educational value to attract the attention of teachers and students, and campus network are out of touch with the school first-line teaching education campus network performance. It is known to all that primary and secondary school period is the crucial period for students to develop cognitive skills, also is an important stage to pave the way of the development of life as the cornerstone. In the whole research paper, the author tightly grasps the concept of education "people-oriented" and the idea of giving priority to efficiency performance. Keeping all-round development and self-expectations of students as an entry point, it aims at designing user-friendly campus network which is conformed to the cognition psychological features of elementary and middle school teachers and students,on the basis of resource platform, network teaching platform and interactive platform, from the aspect of campus design, function set, service management, feedback and the actual education demands II

Abstract of primary and secondary school teachers and students. This research tries to reflect the value of "people-oriented, gets rid of traditional education models in which it only emphasizes on the systematical and logic methodology of external interventions and neglect to build self-understanding process for primary and secondary school students, encourages the elementary and middle schools students to carry on educational value exploration research activity in the campus net under teacher's guidance. Campus network performance relay on the efficiency usage of campus network as well as self development of teachers and students, thereby acts as core evaluation criteria on campus network performance. Keywords: Primary and secondary school Campus Network Education Performance III



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