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2 表 一 消 化 不 良 的 鑑 別 診 斷 類 別 盛 行 率 80% 10-15% 5-10% <2% (gastroparesis) (lactose, fructose) (Crohn's disease, sarcoidosis) ( ) ( ) 3 表 二 Rome III 功 能 性

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% % 43.13% % % % %



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432 重度憂鬱症的最新治療策略文 / 郭約瑟林式榖 * 唐子俊 ** 陳紹祖 *** 賴建翰 **** 洪曜 ***** 羅東聖母醫院精神科台北市立聯合醫院松德院區一般精神科 * 高雄市唐子俊診所 ** 慈濟醫學大學暨花蓮慈濟醫院一般精神科 *** 台北振興醫院身心內科 **** 花蓮門諾醫院身心科 ***** (major depressive disorder) 16.1%(4.4-18%) 5-10% 10% 25% 30% (1) 20 366 (2) (disability adjusted life years, DALY) 1990 2004 2030 (2) 2006 (remission rate) 36.8% 30.6% 13.7% 13.0% 67% (3) (repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation, r-tms) (dialectical behavior therapy, DBT) 重度憂鬱症的治療目標 (remission) 1 2 20% 20% 2-4 8-10 (hippocampus) (4) functional recovery (response) Greer TL (5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2014, Vol.57, No.9 9

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434 quetiapine olanzapine aripiprazole (2-5mg) (5-10mg) quetiapine 300mg 作用機轉 1. (mesocortical pathway) (cingulate gyrus) (10) 5HT1A (partial agonist) 5HT2A 5HT2C 5HT6 (antagonist) Adrenergic -2 aripiprazole quetiapine norquetiapine 5HT1A (brainderived neurotrophic growth factor, BDNF) cortisol 2. (reward system) (11) (12) (rumination) (13) (repetitive thoughts) (14) (15) 3. ( 1 6 ) (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, DLPFC) (anterior cingulate cortex, ACC) (17) DLPFC ACC executive function ACC DLPFC ACC ACC (frontocingulate dysfunction) (18) default mode 2014, Vol.57, No.9 11

435 network, DMN DLPFC ACC DLPFC ACC (aripiprazole quetiapine) 重複穿顱磁刺激 (r-tms) DLPFC (19) DLPFC ACC (hypercortisolemia) DLPFC ACC (neurodegeneration) DLPFC DLPFC BDNF 30-40 3-6 20-30 30-40% 辯證行為治療 Serenity Prayer 16 mindfulness (20) 1. (mindfulness) 2. 12 2014, Vol.57, No.9

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