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324 (6) 20 25 " " " ". " " 2001 2002 ------ Alberto Manguel Project Gutenberg Alberto

325 Manguel199996 Alberto Manguel Alberto Manguel19998 1935 Allen Lane Alberto Manguel1999222 Michael Korda2002162 2 2

326 (6) Alberto Manguel1999308 / PDA / ------ Ezequiel Martinez Estrada Alberto Manguel 199926 Alberto Manguel1999296 Alberto Manguel1999 325. Alberto Manguel1999

327 10 Alberto Manguel1999135 / / The Playful World Mark Pesce 21 Nelson World Enough Mark Pesce 2000 AI ------ Sherry Turkle Sherry Turkle1995

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338 (6) 1992517 PDA 21 Alder, Montimer J. (1976) Hanff, Helene (2002) 84 (84CHARING CROSS ROAD) Korda, Michael (2002) (Another LifeA Memoir of Other People)

339 Manguel, Alberto (1999) (A HISTORY OF READING) Pesce, Mark (2000) (The Playful World) Petroski, Henry (2000) (THE BOOK ON THE BOOKSHELF) SAUNDERS, REBECCA (1999) Soyinka, Wole (2003) ---- Turkle, Sherry (1995) Life on the screenidentity in the age of the Internet. Visser, Margaret (2003) (The Geometry of Love) Wertheim,Margaret (1999) (THE PEARLY GATES OF CYBERSPACE) (2001) (1993) (1992) --- (1976) (2002) (2002) 2002 1 2 (2001) 2001 12 31 13 (2001) 2001 5 16 10 (2002) 00 /

340 (6) The Application of Reading Format in the Digital Media-- The blueprint of constructing Chinese reading platform from the examples of web book stores and electronic books Hsin-Ping Lee Department of Journalism National Chengchi University Abstract Why is it so difficult to manage a web bookstore? Has it not yet developed a popular trend for reading electronic books? Where are the obstacles? How can we solve them? I would like to explore such issues from the viewpoint of a book-fan and reader and try to find out a new technical solution, which is both imaginative and creative. This paper reviews the oriental reading styles and western reading format respectively, to find out the new digital reading format and the possibilities to build new reading interfaces. Finally, this paper also provides a new reading blueprint for Chinese format. Keywords: web, reading, book, bookstore, reading format, electronic book