The Definition and Application of Ling-tzu in Tzu Style Wang Wei-Yung Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Chao

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2 The Definition and Application of Ling-tzu in Tzu Style Wang Wei-Yung Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Chao Fu-Yung Instructor, Center for General Education, Tung Fang Institute of Technology Abstract Tzu is the typical representative in Sung Dynasty literatures. The Tzu style is different from poetry and Chu (a type of verse for singing, which emerged in Southern Sung and Jin dynasties and became popular in Yuan Dynasty). The application of Ling-tzu is characteristic. The book Tzu Yuan written by Chang Yen in Sung Dynasty indicated that empty words are suitable to be used in the sentence structure of Tzu. Shen Yi-fu s Yueh Fu Chih Mi also approved that empty words could be used in Tzu-tiao. That is to say, both of them insisted using the empty words properly. Therefore, later generations called the empty words in the beginning of the sentences Ling-tzu, Ling-tiao or Ling-tiao-tzu to emphasize its function of being the leading word. In this thesis, first, the researchers made a thorough inquiry of Ling-tzu, including differentiating and analyzing some terms such as Chen-tzu, full words, and empty words appearing in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a sentence. Also, the researchers expounded the definition of Ling-tzu and traced to the source of the Ling-tzu in the sentence structure of poetry. Second, by mainly checking Tang Kuei-chang s Chuan Sung Tzu, Tzu Pu, which was edited by the order of Emperor Kang-Hsi in Ching Dynasty, and Wan Shu s Tzu Lu, the researchers enumerated and 106

3 analyzed the real application of Ling-tzu in Sung Tzu and covered different dimensions: the number of words, examples and tones of Ling-tzu ; the number of sentences, the number of words, sentence structures, the skills of arranging words; the different application cases in different Tzu styles; some Tzu-tiao using Ling-tzu in special place; the fluency, coherence and transition of Ling-tzu. Keywords: Sung Tzu, empty word, Ling-chu, Ling-tzu, Ling-tiao-tzu 107

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